Flex SDK: how to assign tabs to a Spark RichtText with TextLayoutFramework - actionscript

I'm experimenting with the TextLayoutFramework to try to use tabs. Based on some examples this should work, but doesn't...
Any ideas why the txt is shown as follows with spaces instead of linebreaks or tabs?
111111 222222 33333 44444 55555 66666 77777
This is the code used:
import flash.text.engine.TabAlignment;
import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TabStopFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat;
private function setText() : void
// Test content
var txt : String = "<p><span>111111\n222222\t33333\t44444\t55555\n66666\t77777</span></p>";
var xml : XML = new XML("<TextFlow xmlns='http://ns.adobe.com/textLayout/2008'>" + txt + "</TextFlow>");
// Define three tab positions
var tabStop1:TabStopFormat = new TabStopFormat();
tabStop1.alignment = TabAlignment.START;
tabStop1.position = 50;
var tabStop2:TabStopFormat = new TabStopFormat();
tabStop2.alignment = TabAlignment.CENTER;
tabStop2.position = 150;
var tabStop3:TabStopFormat = new TabStopFormat();
tabStop3.alignment = TabAlignment.END;
tabStop3.position = 250;
// Define the formatter
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
format.tabStops = new Array(tabStop1, tabStop2, tabStop3);
// Put the text in the textbox
txtBox.textFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(xml, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
// Assign the formatter to the textbox
txtBox.textFlow.format = format;
<s:RichText id="txtBox" top="25" left="25" width="400" height="200" />

With help from the Apache Flex user group, this is the easiest way to achieve this, with a lot less code!!!
var txt : String = "11111\n222222222222222\t333\t44444444\t555555\n66666\t77777777\t88\t99999\naaaa\tbbbbbbbb\tcccccccc\tddd";
txtBox.text = txt;
txtBox.setStyle("tabStops", "e200 c250 s300");
<s:RichText id="txtBox" top="25" left="25" width="600" height="200" />
See: http://apache-flex-users.2333346.n4.nabble.com/How-to-assign-tabs-to-a-Spark-RichtText-with-TextLayoutFramework-td11883.html


Parse XML Feed via Google Apps Script (Cannot read property 'getChildren' of undefined")

I need to parse a Google Alert RSS Feed with Google Apps Script.
Google Alerts RSS-Feed
I found a script which should do the job but I cant get it working with Google's RSS Feed:
The feed looks like this:
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:idx="urn:atom-extension:indexing">
<title>Google Alert – garbe industrial real estate</title>
<link href="https://www.google.com/alerts/feeds/06807031914929345698/10604166159629661594" rel="self"/>
<title type="html"><b>Garbe Industrial</b> plant Multi-User-Immobilie in Ludwigsfelde - <b>Property</b> Magazine</title>
<link href="https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.property-magazine.de/garbe-industrial-plant-multi-user-immobilie-in-ludwigsfelde-117551.html&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGWRmNjU0ZGNkMzJiZTRkOWY6ZGU6ZGU6REU&usg=AFQjCNENveXYlfrPc7pZTltgXY8lEAPe4A"/>
<content type="html">Die <b>Garbe Industrial Real Estate</b> GmbH startet ihr drittes Neubauprojekt in der Metropolregion Berlin/Brandenburg. Der Projektentwickler hat sich ...</content>
I want to extract entry -> id, title, link, updated, content.
I used this script:
function ImportFeed(url, n) {
var res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
var xml = XmlService.parse(res);
//var item = xml.getRootElement().getChild("channel").getChildren("item")[n - 1].getChildren();
var item = xml.getRootElement().getChildren("entry")[n - 1].getChildren();
var values = item.reduce(function(obj, e) {
obj[e.getName()] = e.getValue();
return obj;
}, {});
return [[values.id, values.title, values.link, values.updated, values.content]];
I modified this part, but all i got was "TypeError: Cannot read property 'getChildren' of undefined"
//var item = xml.getRootElement().getChild("channel").getChildren("item")[n - 1].getChildren();
var item = xml.getRootElement().getChildren("entry")[n - 1].getChildren();
Any idea is welcome!
In your situation, how about the following modified script?
Modified script:
function SAMPLE(url, n = 1) {
var res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
var root = XmlService.parse(res.replace(/&/g, "&")).getRootElement();
var ns = root.getNamespace();
var entries = root.getChildren("entry", ns);
if (!entries || entries.length == 0) return "No values";
var header = ["id", "title", "link", "updated", "content"];
var values = header.map(f => f == "link" ? entries[n - 1].getChild(f, ns).getAttribute("href").getValue().trim() : entries[n - 1].getChild(f, ns).getValue().trim());
return [values];
In this case, when you use getChild and getChildren, please use the name space. I thought that this might be the reason of your issue.
From your script, I guessed that you might use your script as the custom function. In that case, please modify the function name from ImportFeed to others, because IMPORTFEED is a built-in function of Google Spreadsheet. In this sample, SAMPLE is used.
If you want to change the columns, please modify header.
In this sample, the default value of n is 1. In this case, the 1st entry is retrieved.
In this script, for example, you can put =SAMPLE("URL", 1) to a cell as the custom function. By this, the result value is returned.
If the above-modified script was not the direct solution of your issue, can you provide the sample value of res? By this, I would like to modify the script.
As the additional information, when you want to put all values by executing the script with the script editor, you can also use the following script.
function myFunction() {
var url = "###"; // Please set URL.
var res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
var root = XmlService.parse(res.replace(/&/g, "&")).getRootElement();
var ns = root.getNamespace();
var entries = root.getChildren("entry", ns);
if (!entries || entries.length == 0) return "No values";
var header = ["id", "title", "link", "updated", "content"];
var values = entries.map(e => header.map(f => f == "link" ? e.getChild(f, ns).getAttribute("href").getValue().trim() : e.getChild(f, ns).getValue().trim()));
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Sheet1"); // Please set the sheet name.
sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1, values.length, values[0].length).setValues(values);
XML Service

Swift - Split text based on arabic combined characters

I have arabic sentence like this stentence
أكل الولد التفاحة
how can i split the sentence based on UNCONNECTED characters to be like this :
I put - to explain what i mean.
I just need to split the text into array based on that
How can i do that using swift code for ios ?
I dont care for the spaces.
"أكل" for example is one word and doesn't contain spaces.I want to split based on UNCONNECTED characters.
So "أكل" consist from two objects : "أ" and "كل"
الولد : three objects "ا" and "لو" and "لد"
Use the below code:
let a = "أكل الولد التفاحة".split(separator: " ")
You can replace spaces with "-" using replacing occurences function.
let text = "أكل الولد التفاحة".replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "-", options: NSString.CompareOptions.literal, range: nil) ?? ""
I don't know how accepted answer helps to fix the issue.
Apple already provided Natural Language Framework to handle such a things which more trustworthy
When you work with natural language text, it’s often useful to tokenize the text into individual words. Using NLTokenizer to enumerate words, rather than simply splitting components by whitespace, ensures correct behavior in multiple scripts and languages. For example, neither Chinese nor Japanese uses spaces to delimit words.
Here is example
let text = """
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
let tokenizer = NLTokenizer(unit: .word)
tokenizer.string = text
tokenizer.enumerateTokens(in: text.startIndex..<text.endIndex) { tokenRange, _ in
return true
Here is link of Apple docs
Hope it is helpful
There is two box you can just click in first. Content automatically paste click convert. Output data automatically copied with spaces I used for this quran
<textarea id="field" onclick="paste(this)" style="font-size: xxx-large;min-width: 90%; min-height: 200px;"> </textarea>
<textarea id="field2" style="font-size: xxx-large;min-width: 95%; min-height: 200px;"> </textarea>
<button onclick="myFunction()" style="font-size: xx-large;min-width: 20%;">Convert</button>
<script >
function myFunction(){
var string = document.getElementById("field").value;
// Option 1
// Option 2
// Option 3
// Option 4
var bb = Object.assign([], string);
cleanArray = bb.filter(function () { return true });
var filtered = bb.filter(function (el) {
return el != null; });
var bb = bb.toString();
bb = bb.replace(",","");
var stringWithoutCommas = bb.replace(/,/g, ' ');
document.getElementById("field2").value = stringWithoutCommas;
var copyTextarea = document.querySelector('#field2');
try {
var successful = document.execCommand('copy');
var msg = successful ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful';
console.log('Copying text command was ' + msg);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Oops, unable to copy');
var copyTextareaBtn = document.querySelector('#newr');
copyTextareaBtn.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var copyTextarea = document.querySelector('#field2');
try {
var successful = document.execCommand('copy');
var msg = successful ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful';
console.log('Copying text command was ' + msg);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Oops, unable to copy');
async function paste(input) {
document.getElementById("field2").value = "";
const text = await navigator.clipboard.readText();
input.value = text;
Try this:
"أكل الولد التفاحة".map {String($0)}

using katex, '&' alignment symbol displays as 'amp;'

I am using katex to render math.
Generally, to get this to work I link to the files katex.min.js and katex.min.css from a cdn, which is one of the ways the directions suggest.
I wrap what needs to be rendered in tags and give all the same class. For example:
<span class='math'>\begin{bmatrix}a & b \\c & d\end{bmatrix}</span>
And inside a script tag I apply the following:
var math = document.getElementsByClassName('math');
for (var i = 0; i < math.length; i++) {
katex.render(math[i].innerHTML, math[i]);
So, my implementation works but there is a problem in what katex returns. The output of the above gives me:
This exact same question is asked here:
But I can't understand any of it.
The solution is to use element.textContent, not element.innerHTML.
If I use a form like what follows, the matrix will be rendered properly.
var math = document.getElementsByClassName('math');
for (var i = 0; i < math.length; i++) {
katex.render(math[i].textContent, math[i]); // <--element.textContent
A solution that works for me is the following (it is more of a hack rather than a fix):
<script type="text/javascript">
//first we define a function
function replaceAmp(str,replaceWhat,replaceTo){
replaceWhat = replaceWhat.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
var re = new RegExp(replaceWhat, 'g');
return str.replace(re,replaceTo);
//next we use this function to replace all occurences of 'amp;' with ""
var katexText = $(this).html();
var html = katex.renderToString(String.raw``+katexText+``, {
throwOnError: false
//hack to fix amp; error
var amp = '<span class="mord mathdefault">a</span><span class="mord mathdefault">m</span><span class="mord mathdefault">p</span><span class="mpunct">;</span>';
var html = replaceAmp(html, amp, "");
function convert(input) {
var input = input.replace(/amp;/g, '&'); //Find all 'amp;' and replace with '&'
input=input.replace(/&&/g, '&'); //Find all '&&' and replace with '&'. For leveling 10&x+ &3&y+&125&z = 34232
var html = katex.renderToString(input, {
throwOnError: false});
return html
Which version are you using?
Edit the src/utils.js and comment line number 51 to 55 after updated run in terminal npm run build command.

YQL two requests for paging/limit

I'm playing around with a XML API where the search doesn't support paging/limit. The recommended way is to just request all the IDs and then in a second request get the data and handle paging on your own.
First request:
Second request:
<item><id>1</id><title>foobar</title><description /></item>
<item><id>2</id><title>foobar</title><description /></item>
<item><id>3</id><title>foobar</title><description /></item>
<item><id>4</id><title>foobar</title><description /></item>
<item><id>5</id><title>foobar</title><description /></item>
Is it possible with YQL to combine this into a single request with a search result count and paging support?
I don't have a straight forward way from the documentation but you could do this:
1) Create a YQL table A which queries http://example.com?search=foobar&columns=ID
2) Create a YQL table B which queries http://example.com?search=1,2,3,4,5&columns=ID,title,description
3) Now, create a YQL table C which does a y.query on join of A and B like so:
select * from B where search in (select ids from A where search="foobar")
Ofcourse the query syntax will change based on table name and keys defined in it. For more information on YQL join refer here
Hope this is clear and if you find something better in this case, do let me know :)
Create a YQL table with paging:
<paging model="offset" matrix="true">
<start id="internalIndex" default="0" />
<pagesize id="internalPerPage" max="250" />
Use Javascript to handle the two fetches and the paging:
var internalIndex = parseInt( request.matrixParams['internalIndex'] );
var internalPerPage = parseInt( request.matrixParams['internalPerPage'] );
var interimURL = 'http://example.com?columns=ID';
interimURL += '&search=' + request.queryParams['search'];
var interimQueryParameter = {url:interimURL};
var interimQuery = y.query("SELECT * FROM xml WHERE url=#url", interimQueryParameter);
var rows = interimQuery.results.*;
// get subset
var xml = rows;//this.copy(); // clone XML
var from = internalIndex;
var to = ((from + internalPerPage) < xml.length()) ? (from + internalPerPage) : xml.length();
var sliced = [];
for (; from < to; from++) {
var finalURL = 'http://example.com?';
finalURL += '&search=' + sliced.join(",");
finalURL += "&columns=ID,title,description"
var finalQueryParameter = {url:finalURL};
var finalQuery = y.query("SELECT * FROM xml WHERE url=#url", finalQueryParameter);
var finalResults = finalQuery.results.response;
finalResults.node += <internalCurserPositon>{internalIndex}</internalCurserPositon>
finalResults.node += <internalCount>{rows.length()}</internalCount>
response.object = finalResults;

cannot preserve space between runs

i want to generate a word document
as an input i have this string "open packaging conventions" and each word will have a different style
the result should be open packaging conventions
WordprocessingDocument document = WordprocessingDocument.Create(
#"C:\test PFE.docx",
MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart = document.AddMainDocumentPart();
mainDocumentPart.Document = new Document();
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("ve", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/math");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/wordprocessingDrawing");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wne", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2006/wordml");
Body documentBody = new Body();
StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart =
FileStream stylesTemplate =
new FileStream("styles.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
#region Titre du document
Paragraph titleParagraphe = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00AF4948", RsidParagraphProperties = "00625634", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00625634" }; ;
Run run = new Run();
RunProperties rpr = new RunProperties();
RunStyle rstylr = new RunStyle { Val = "style1" };
Text t = new Text("open");
run = new Run();
rpr = new RunProperties();
rstylr = new RunStyle { Val = "style2" };
t = new Text("packaging")
Space = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.EnumValue<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SpaceProcessingModeValues> { InnerText = "preserve" }
run = new Run();
rpr = new RunProperties();
rstylr = new RunStyle { Val = "style1" };
t = new Text("conventions")
Space = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.EnumValue<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SpaceProcessingModeValues> { InnerText = "preserve" }
and the result is open*packaging*conventions without space between words
can some one help me please?!
You're on good way by handling the Space property, but you need to do it like this:
t = new Text()
Text = "your text with spaces ",
Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve
Here is another way to set the attribute Space that can be used to specify SpaceProcessingMode.
t = new Text("This is some text");
t.Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve;
The default of the attribute is SpaceProcessingModeValues.Default.
From API Documentation:
<w:t> significant whitespace </w:t>
Although there are three spaces on each side of the text content in the run, that whitespace has not been specifically marked as significant, therefore it is subject to the space preservation rules currently specified in that run's scope. end example]
The possible values for this attribute are defined by §2.10 of the XML 1.0 specification.
