Creating transparent UIView with subtle blur effect - ios

So I'm trying to replicate a UIView with a subtle transparent blur effect as shown in the wires above. I feel like I've tried everything...UIBlurEffectViews are too intense, I've tried a few 3rd party library's such as ILTranslucentView and FXBlurView that don't do the trick, I feel a bit hopeless. The idea is that the blurry transparent view will act as a slider view on top of another view. When the user pulls the slider view on top of it's parent view, the parent view will blur. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.

To change the "subtlety" of the blur, you should change the blur radius, see this answer.


Multi-colored Shadow Swift

In the iOS music app, I've noticed the shadow underneath album artwork changes based on the color of the artwork. This shadow can also be multi-colored based on how the color at the edge of the artwork changes.
Does anyone know how to recreate this effect programmatically?
Thanks to #Josh Homann for pointing me in the right direction, but the answer was actually much more complex.
The first (bottom) UIView in the hierarchy should have a plain white background and be pinned to the edges of the screen.
The next view should be a UIImageView with an alpha of 0.75.
Then you should add a UIVisualEffectView with the same dimensions as the first view.
Finally, add another UIImageView that is the same size as the first UIImageView.
Your IB hierarchy should look similar to this:
The final result is this:
Its not a shadow its a UIVisualEffectView with a blur. Add a second image view under your image view with a larger size and add a blurring visualEffectView to it.
Sorry to revive an old question, but this library nailed it: ShadowImageView.
It uses CIFilter which gives you more control over the blur effect and better results.

iOS - blurred view with moving colors (like siri on iOS 9)

I'm writing an iOS application, and I would like to use a view that has randomized moving colors in the background, much like the view that is brought up when you use siri. The view used for siri seems to be slightly darker than a standard dark UIBlurEffect and there are random colors added that move slowly around the view whenever queries are made.
Below is an example of the background I'd like to create. There's some red in the top right of the blur and some green in the top left. Plus some light purple or something at the bottom.
siri query view
The colors fade and new colors are added every queries, I honestly have no idea how to accomplish this, so any help that anyone has would be great.
Also, I'd like the answer to be in Objective-C if at all possible.
You refer to UIBlurEffect and it is key here. It provides a blur over a background, but doesn't specify what that background is. So, create that background to be a set of coloured views which appear (fade in perhaps), move around and then disappear. How you control the start and end location and the path the views follow is up to you. The effects view will apply the blurring for you and you can add whatever content you want in the foreground to the content of the effects view.

Fading CAShapeLayer path appearance

I have an issue with showing a CAShapeLayer onto a CALayer.
Here is what I try to achieve:
I have an overlay over my view, I make a hole in the overlay so I can reveal what's behind. This works fine.
Now I want to be able to animate the creation of the hole. I'd like to have the hole part fading from the overlay color to transparent.
I already tried drawing another shape over the hole and make it disappear, it works, but this is not perfect as you can see in the last image (I can make it less visible, but still, it is not enough), and I don't think this is the correct way to do it.
If you have any idea or advice!

Disable the shadow on UIPopoverViewController's content view

I'm creating a custom popover for a UIPopoverController by subclassing UIViewController to manage the content view and UIPopoverBackgroundView for a custom background. Everything works great, except the UIPopoverController is applying a shadow to the content view, making the content appear bordered with shadow. I can't seem to find which view's layer is shadowed. How can I disable this shadow? Has anyone else ran into this problem?
As this is still standing months later, I'll close this by saying I implemented my own popup controller. It's a shame, though, one would think there would be a better way...

IOS - How to draw a border and a shadow that rotates with view but doesn't scale with it

I am developing an ios app.
In my app I have got a view, the view is has got a border and a shadow.
The view can be scaled and rotated.
When a user scaled my view it causes my border and shadow to scale as well.
I don't want my shadow or border to scale at all.
On the other hand I do want my shadow and border to rotate when I rotate the view.
Is there any built in mechanism to prevent border \ shadow scale?
Thank you
As far as I know there isn't such a built in mechanism.
The only way I see for you to solve your problem is to simply use two different views, with different management in case of rotation.
Have one view as a sort of background and add your border and shadow to it, and then place the content on top of it (or in it, depends on your case).
