Writing a list of objects to realm - ios

I just start thinking about implementing Realm and have some newbie doubts.
For example I receive a list of objects which I transform into realm objects. How can I write the whole list directly to Realm, without writing each object separately?
A typical workaround comes into my mind, which would be defining a bigger object which contains this list as a property and writing that bigger object to the DB. But is it possible to write directly the obtained list of objects to DB without something that encapsulates them?
And also when preparing this list of Realm objects, I basically have a list of dictionaries. What's the best approach into transforming all of them directly into a list of Realm objects?

Just to confirm. When you mention your list of objects at the top and then mention that you have a list of dictionaries, are they the same thing?
If they are, and your data is coming down as a set of dictionaries, as long as the key names match the properties in your Realm Object models, then you can simply loop through each dictionary and pass each one to Realm to create it as a new entry in the database:
let realm = try! Realm()
try! realm.write {
for dictionary in dictionaries {
realm.create(MyObject.self, value: dictionary, update: false)
More information on that API can be found on Realm Swift's documentation page.
If your objects don't map directly to the properties in your Realm file, then you're going to need to manually reformat the structure of your list of objects until either could be inserted as a dictionary, or you can manually create your own Realm Object instances off them.


How to unlink/clone object from RealmDB in Swift

RealmDB is magically linked with objects it adds, reads. But that overhead is not always needed.
I can manually read all fields and assign them to new object but what is canonical way to get data unbinded from RealmDB?

Is there a way to access properties of an x-coredata:// object returned from an NSFetchRequest?

TL;DR: Is there a way to programmatically read/recall (NOT write!) an instance of a Core Data entity using the p-numbered "serial number" that's tacked on to the instance's x-coredata:// identifier? Is this a good/bad idea?
I'm using a method similar to the following to retrieve the instances of an Entity called from a Core Data data store:
var managedContext: NSManagedObjectContext!
let fetchRequest : NSFetchRequest<TrackInfo> = TrackInfo.fetchRequest()
fetchResults = try! managedContext.fetch(fetchRequest)
for (i, _) in Global.Vars.numberOfTrackButtons! {
let workingTrackInfo = fetchResults.randomElement()!
print("current track is: \(workingTrackInfo)")
The list of tracks comes back in fetchResults as an array, and I can select one of them at random (fetchResults.randomElement()). From there, I can examine the details of that one item by coercing it to a string and displaying it in the console (the print statement). I don't list the code below, but using workingTrackInfo I am able to see that instance, read its properties into other variables, etc.
In the console, iOS/Xcode lists the selected item as follows:
current track is: <MyProjectName.TrackInfo: 0x60000374c2d0> (entity:
TrackInfo; id: 0xa7dc809ab862d89d
data: <fault>)
The line beginning with x-coredata: got my attention. It's formatted like a URL, consisting of what I assume is a UUID for the specific Core Data store associated with the current build of the app (i.e. not a stable address that you could hardcode; you'd need to programmatically look up the Core Data store, similar to the functions we use for programmatically locating the Documents Folder, App Bundle, etc.) The third item is the name of the Entity in my Core Data model -- easy enough.
But that last number is what I'm curious about. From examining the SQLite database associated with this data store, it appears to be a sort of "instance serial number" associated with the Z_PK field in the data model.
I AM NOT interested in trying to circumvent Core Data's normal mechanisms to modify the contents of a managed object. Apple is very clear about that being a bad idea.
What I AM interested in is whether it's possible to address a particular Core Data instance using this "serial number".**
In my application, where I'm randomly selecting one track out of what might be hundreds or even thousands of tracks, I'd be interested in, among other things, the ability to select a single track on the basis of that p-number serial, where I simply ask for an individual instance by generating a random p-number, tack it on to a x-coredata:// statement formatted like the one listed above, and loading the result (on a read-only basis!) into a variable for further use elsewhere in the app.
For testing purposes, I've tried simply hardcoding x-coredata://2B5DDCDB-0F2C-4CDF-A7B9-D4C43785FDE7/TrackInfo/p22 as a URL, but XCode doesn't seem to like it. Is there some other data Type (e.g. an NSManagedObject?) that allows you to set an x-coredata:// "URL" as its contents?
QUESTIONS: Has anyone done anything like this; are there any memory/threading considerations why grabbing instance names in this manner is a bad idea (I'm an iOS/Core Data noob, so I don't know what I don't know; please humor me!); what would the syntax/method for these types of statements be?
You are quite close.
is the uriRepresentation() of the NSManagedObjectID of the record.
You get this URL from an NSManagedObject with
let workingTrackInfo = fetchResults.randomElement()!
let objectIDURL = workingTrackInfo.objectID.uriRepresentation()
With this URL you can get the managed Object ID from the NSPersistentStoreCoordinator and the coordinator from the managed object context.
Then call object(with: on the context to get the object.
let persistentStoreCoordinator = managedContext.persistentStoreCoordinator!
if let objectID = persistentStoreCoordinator.managedObjectID(forURIRepresentation: objectIDURL) {
let object = managedContext.object(with: objectID) as! TrackInfo

Best way to save a dictionary containing bunch of Core Data objects?

I wish to save a dictionary containing some Core Data objects (bunch of different entities). The objects also have quite a few relationships (and inverse relationships) defined. What would be the best way to go about it?
I tried using NSKeyedArchiver and writing to a file. While that works great, when trying to read from the file using NSKeyedUnarchiver, it fails on one of the classes with the error
-[SomeEntity initWithCoder:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
EDIT - More details
I have a bunch of objects, each having properties based on which they can be filtered. The properties are in themselves Core Data entity objects since they have a complex structure.
I wish to save the filters the user has selected so that the next time they view the objects, the objects can be filtered as per their previous selection.
Say there are 3 filters, Filter A, B and C and each can have 5 different values. Now the user might select Filter A1, A2, B1 and C3 (or a different combination). My question, how do I save these selected filters (A1, A2, B1 and C3 in this case) using Core Data?
Let me see if I understand your question: You have a collection of managedObjects that are already saved in a context. They may already be persisted in the SQL database. You want to save that collection ALSO to another file for other purposes. You have already considered saving the information of this collection inside core-data in some way and have already rejected it. You have also considered simply saving the query generation tokens to save the state of the database as it currently is, but that also is not what you want. The point is to have a file that contains a copy of some of the managedObjects organized in a way that you can get the data back without using the SQL database that was already designed exactly for that purpose.
Solution 1: Turn each managed object in a dictionary.
You can get every attribute and every property of every object by getting a managed object's entity and then accessing the attributesByName and
relationshipsByName property of the entity. From there you make a simple loop to put each property into a dictionary. I also suggest you store the objectID and point to the objectID when encoding the relationships. Then replace the managedObject in your dictionary with dictionary that contains all the attributes and relationship. This new dictionary should be easy to archive and unarchive.
This make sure that the data when you unarchive is exactly how you left it. When you unarchive you will get a COPY of data and if the managed objects have changed in your database since then, you will get the OLD values. Also these copies are not core-data object because they are unconnected to a managed Object Context.
Solution 2: Just save the Managed Object's ObjectId.
Replace every managed object in your collection with the object's objectId. This dictionary can be easily archived. When you unarchive it replace every objectId with a core data object (if found) using existingObjectWithID: on the context. If entities have been deleted then you won't get them back. If entities have changed then you will get the NEW values.
Solution 3: Don't do any of this
It seems to me that you may not be aware core-data are already saved in a database. If you have some collection of managedObjects, you should be able to recreated it from your database. If you aren't able to, then you should add properties and/or relationships that will allow you to so.
Try like this :
NSDictionary *yourDictData = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:json forKey:#"key"]; // This is for example. Here you have to replace ur dictionary
NSData *myData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:yourDictData];
NSDictionary *myData = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:yourDictData];

IOS: store a json with array and object nested

I have a question about creating a database with core data.
In my app at first start I should parse some json to obtain some data to insert in core data db.
my json files are structured in this way: (I show only an element of my json)
"n":"Name hotel",
I understand that I can consider this as an entity in coredata and consider all element as attribute, it's clear.
Now you can see that inside my json there is an array "id_loc" and an object (or dictionary) "obj".
In core data what's the way to manage these two elements?
I suppose that "obj" can be managed as a new entity, and "id_loc", what's the way to set it in my core data DB?
Can you help me?
For obj, it's as you suggest: create a new entity, and set up a relationship between the two entities.
For id_loc it depends on how you need to use the data.
If you just want to have that data available when you look up an instance (that is, you maybe display this data but don't ned to search for it), you can store the strings in an NSArray. Make the attribute transformable in the Core Data model editor, and Core Data will read/write the complete array.
If you need to look up data based on id_loc values (for example: Find every object where id_loc contains l3), the best approach is to create another entity to hold values of id_loc, and set up a to-many relationship to that new entity.

NSDictionary Vs. NSArray

I am reading on objective-c (a nerd ranch book), and I can't help thinking about this question: How do I decide which collection type, NSArray or NSDictionary (both with or w/o their mutable subclasses), to use when reading content from URL?
Let's say am reading JSON data from a PHP script (a scenario am dealing with), which to use? I know it is stated in many references that it depends on structure of data (i.e. JSON), but could a clear outline of the two structures be outlined?
Thank you all for helping :)
NSArray is basically just an ordered collection of objects, which can be accessed by index.
NSDictionary provides access to its objects by key(typically NSStrings, but could be any object type like hash table).
To generate an object graph from a JSON string loaded via a URL, you use NSJSONSerialization, which generates an Objective-C object structure. The resulting object depends on the JSON string. If the top-level element in your JSON is an array (starts with "["), you'll get an NSArray. If the top-level element is a JSON object (starts with "{"), you'll get an NSDictionary.
You want to use NSArray when ever you have a collection of the same type of objects, and NSDictionary when you have attributes on an object.
If you have, lets say a person object containing a name, a phone number and an email you would put it in a dictionary.
Doing so allows the order of the values to be random, and gives you a more reliable code.
If you want to have more then one person you can then put the person objects in an array.
Doing so allow you to iterate the user objects.
"withContentOfURL" or "withContentOfFile" requires the data in the URL or the file to be in a specific format as it is required by Cocoa. JSON is not that format. You can only use these methods if you wrote the data to the file or the URL yourself in the first place, with the same data. If you write an NSArray, you can read an NSArray. If you write an NSDictionary, you can read an NSDictionary. Everything else will fail.
