Get Chat History From Zopim iOS Chat SDK - ios

How do i get chat history for Zoipm chat iOS SDKs, i am logging using anonymous user using default controller, is there any pre-config to be set to get this.

From an end-user's perspective, there is no way of seeing a chat history. Each chat is treated more like a ticket as it creates a ticket with the transcript upon completion. A chat transcript can be sent to the end-user.
I suppose the end-user could look through their ticket history and effectively see the chats alongside their other submitted tickets.


Sending multilanguage notifications to MS Teams user from a LogicApp

I have a LogicApp that, in some cases, can decide to send a notification to a user via Teams (provided that the target user has installed the associated Teams App).
I was successful in doing so by using the approach presented here.
However, I got stucked when it comes to localize the message.
My first idea was to retrieve somehow the user language settings, but it seems that this info is not available through the Graph API.
Any other idea on how to implement this feature?

How to send user identification when a user interacts with an adaptive card in a Teams Message

We are using the graph API to send a message to the General channel of a Microsoft Team, which has a number of members.
We would like to allow any members to interact with the message via an adaptive card.
This is doable using say Action.OpenUrl or .Submit, however we need to know which user it is which is interacting. I imagine this must be a fairly common thing to do.
What solutions and options are available to do this?
For example, is it possible to obtain the user's Team id at the time an action is invoked ?
Every activity sent to the bot has a from property that identifies the user that sent the activity. You can see the full activity schema here. I advise you to run your bot in debug mode so that you can see all the data your bot receives. If you want to run your bot in debug mode and talk to the bot using Teams instead of Emulator, you can use tunneling:

How to send a simple data message from one user to another and bring up a page loading the data?

I was wondering how mobile news apps send messages where if you click on the push notification, the app takes you to the specific article. I am trying to perform a similar task but have the user generate a message and send it to another user. When the user on the other end receives the message, they should be taken to another view that displays the message data.
Would I use the Firebase In-App Messaging or would I need an external server with the Firebase Admin SDK implemented?
You need to make use of userNotificationCenter(_:didReceive:withCompletionHandler:), firing the appropriate logic based on the contents of your notifications, or the action selected by the user.
See this blog post for an overview of how you can open a specific view controller from the background. As an example, this project on GitHub uses Firebase and seems to do what you're trying to do.

Detecting a new user in sendbird Open channel

I am creating a chat system using sendbird and want to online users in an open chat room on my view. The problem is whenever a new user "joins" an "open channel", sendbird sends me System Message without the user's object.
The only way currently is to call the MemberListQuery to find all online users.
SendBird SDK V3 now triggers "userDidEnter" callback with SendBird user object.
Please take a look at our SDK documentation!

Creating private messages

I'm writing a simple mini-chat with custom User model and authentication via omniauth. The chat uses web-socket faye-rails to send and display messages instantly without refreshing the page. The matter is that I'd like to add private messages - I mean, that I can choose an user and start our own dialog in a secondary chat window. I've looked for the solutions, but everything I found was about e-mailing - with inbox messages, trash cans and so on. So I wonder if there's any solution easy to implement.
The source code of my chat is here
Welcome to push technology and active web design!
When someone logs in, present them with a list of friended accounts and logged in state. For logged in friends, they can select a friend from the list and start a chat session in a new window. For logged out friends, they can send a message that's delivered the next time the recipient logs in.
You'll then have to create a friending mechanism that allows a user to request a connection to a prospective friend, be notified of pending connection requests, approve friend requests, and an unfriend feature. Hopefully that one won't be used too often.
I've worked with Faye & I like Faye but also take a quick look at the beta release of Rails 5. Action Cable will do the same thing and the framework support is better.
