Orleans: "Running in a Stand Alone Silo" example does not run - orleans

I have just started to get myself familiar with Orleans for a project. I have some questions regarding that. I am currently using the Step by Step Tutorial. Unfortunately when I try to run the example with "Running in a Stand-Alone Silo" in my laptop, the Grains collection fails with lots of exceptions. I am not sure how to troubleshoot that?
The document mentions "OrleansHost.exe is a ready-made host executable intended for running Orleans code on Windows Server (Azure has a different host)". I am not sure what this means? Is this the reason why it does not work on my laptop which has Windows 10 running?

From your logs, it looks like you're still connecting to the gateway by port 4000, the default one. Have you tried specifying your client to use the same port as your server? The example uses port 3000:
var config = Orleans.Runtime.Configuration.ClientConfiguration.LocalhostSilo(30000);


Boot-clj connection refused

When attempting to run Boot inside Docker, using the adzerk/boot-clj image, I receive connection refused errors.
Specifically, when the container starts up, boot is started, and then a stack trace is output. The trace (which is not easy to copy and paste between computers with no connectivity) essentially is to do with downloading - https://github.com/boot-clj/boot/releases/download/2.7.2/boot.jar - and receiving "Connection refused" errors.
I’m asking, and answering this, question in the hope that it might help someone else.
Where to start?
My main problem was with a Docker + Clojure + Boot setup, specifically when running “boot” from inside the container. Doing this spewed out a stack trace. This is where my journey begins.
I’m using the adzerk/boot-clj image. I’ve used it locally (OSX) without issue, the problem I experienced was in using a VM (CentOS 7) hosted within a corporate data center.
docker run -ti adzerk/boot-clj
Issuing this starts up the container, the entry point is Boot, and it starts pulling down some jars, specifically boot.jar from Github. The resulting stack trace details several problems, but the crux of it was
“java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused” (connecting to Clojars.org:443)
So instead of running Boot straight away in the container, I specified the container entry point as “—-entrypoint bash” so I can prod around a little.
So, wget - connection refused.
What about without Docker in the way. Same thing. Connection refused.
After a little wrangling with the network team, I found that the “https_proxy” env variable needs to be set on CentOS to route traffic out to the internet. A very specific issue to me in the situation.
wget is now fine, both on the host, and inside the adzerk/boot-clj container. Boot however was not.
In an effort to simplify things even more, I took Docker out of the equation entirely, and used boot locally.
Installed java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64, installed Boot. Same problem.
So dug around a little, and found this - https ://github.com/boot-clj/boot-bin/issues/2
This was a start. It mentions setting the BOOT_JVM_OPTIONS, specifically https.proxyHost and https.proxyPort.
It still didn’t work… Arrrg.
OK, let’s take Boot out of the equation.
I wrote a test harness in Java, very simple that connects to https ://clojars.org and attempts to read the index page. Copied from https ://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/networking/urls/readingWriting.html, and setting the JVM_OPTS.
It still fails. “Connection refused”
…. Weird beard.
I finally stumbled on this SO - https ://stackoverflow.com/questions/43695299/java-httpurlconnection-works-on-windows-and-fails-on-linux - specifically the answer from Stephen C
“Java doesn't necessarily respect your system's default proxy settings. Since you are able to "curl" the URL on the Linux machine, the most likely explanation is that Java is not using the proxy that you have configured. The following links explains various ways to configure the proxies for Java:”
So taking the first link - https ://stackoverflow.com/questions/120797/how-do-i-set-the-proxy-to-be-used-by-the-jvm - and the answer from Leonel
I issued “java -Dhttps.proxyHost=xxx -Dhttps.proxyPort=80 HelloWorld”
I get an error, but a different one. This is progress. “Unable to tunnel through proxy”
A quick Google of this led me here: http ://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/8u111-relnotes-3124969.html - “Disable Basic authentication for HTTPS tunneling”
So updated to “java -Dhttps.proxyHost=xxx -Dhttps.proxyPort=80 -Djdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes=“” HelloWorld
java -v
openjdk version 1.8.0_144
Openjdk Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_144-b01)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.144-b01, mixed mode)
Sorry for all my profanity Boot.

How to run Grails application so that other computers on network can access it?

I've developed a Grails application and I want my coworkers to be able to test it. They are on my network so I figure they can access it by using my IP address and the port number (8080). I've tried running it according to the steps laid out here and here to no avail.
I noticed that whenever I run the program, even when I follow those instructions, it says:
Grails application running at http://localhost:8080 in environment: development
Basic networking stuff here.
When something starts on interface port something
Usually that port is then available for all the interfaces on the machine
if you run netstat -plant you will see running ports open on the machine.
Basically what ever ipconfig or ifconfig tells under Linux as your internal interface something like 192.168.1.x
The app is then available on http://192.168.1.x:8080
If you can't access it from other machines on network start by trying to ping {your machine ip}
It sounds like network security stopping local access from 1 machine accessing another.
Or even better still your good old MS firewall try stopping your security stuff on your desktop
It's not clear if you can access the app yourself on your own machine? It should be available at:
Your co-workers should be able to access the app by changing localhost to your computer name:

Wildfly error: Could not start http listener

I'm new to Wildfly and I hope you guys can help me with this problem:
I'm following this tutorial on how to Install Wildfly 8 and when I'm trying to execute step 4 I get the following errors:
I've been googling for a while now and I can't find an answer. I've tryed with JDK 7 and 8, no changes, I'm using admin permissions, I've even tried to download Wildfly again and still no changes.
More experienced co-workers have seen this and don't have a clue about what's going on.
Can you help me? Thanks
The tutorial you linked to, has Wildfly configured to use the default port 8080. Most likely, you have another process or service running which is already using port 8080. Try to find out what process it is and stop it, or try configuring Wildfly to use a different port.
try restart the machine or enable IPV6 in the machine, this error will be resolved
Those having the same problem should check who else uses the port 9990 in your Windows system. TCPView is a good tool to find out the guilty of charge. One of possible common causes in this case is NVIDIA Network Service (NvNetworkService.exe).
If that's the case just find it in your Windows services list and stop/disable it. The service itself is responsible for checking for Nvidia drivers updates, so any time you want it back just turn it on manually.
In my case, I inadvertedly added an AJP socket binding while using standalone jboss_cli utility:
[standalone#localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/ajp-listener=ajp:add(socket-binding=ajp)
This led to an 'already in use' error that doesn't let any app to start and signaled 503 error through an Apache web server.
I deleted the binding:
And then everything worked normally.
I too had the same issue.After analysis it was found that the SSL port(443 in my case) was creating this issue. I just terminated the processes that were running on 443 and restarted the wildfly and everything worked fine after that.
I had faced same issue with wildfly_8.2.1
Port 8080 was also free, so that solution doesn't worked for me.
Try below procedure as it helped to resolve my issue.
add below lines to your server's /etc/sysctl.conf file
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
No restart is required for this solution.

Python Flask server add another port to domain

Initial Condition:
I have a Python Flask server running on a remote machine that I am accessing via Linux(OpenSuse) command line. The server works perfect. It renders the html for xyz.com:5000.
I am a new user added. I want the server to read my .py files.
What do I do? Do I need a new port number?
Or will it be xyz.myusername.com:5000?
What configurations do I have to change?
Does the superuser need to intervene?
Flask's built-in server is not intended for production use - or at least, the documentation refers to it as a "local development server".
For production, something like Tornado, gunicorn, or even Apache is what you'll need to be using.
See also: Flask documentation covering the Flask.run() method.
That said - it's just a Python program. There's no reason you couldn't run your own on a different port via app.run(port=5001).
Can you be a bit more specific about your issue? What do you mean by 'you are a new user added' - what user, where added? What do you mean by 'the server to read your .py files' - server as the remote machine you're referring to, or server as Flask http dev server, or something else? Without precise description of your environment (OS type for example), what you want to achieve (instead asking should you do X or Y) and what problem you're ecountering (not knowing how your software, like Flask works is not actual problem) we wont be able to help you.

Error when trying to open my localhost

Hello guys
i have installed wamp server Version 2.0 .. and i have tried some things and every thing ok ..
i have reboot my Desktop then some thing goes wrong when i am trying to open my local host
HTTP/1.1 404 , Not Found
should i consider re-installation ??
Reboot desktop? Open your local host? If you want to do web development you should get familiar with basic computer terminology, at least to a point when you are able to make questions that make a minimum sense.
I'll assume you have installed a bundle that includes the Apache web server and you want to configure a virtual host that's served when you load http://emdaemon in your web browser. The exact details to do so vary slightly depending on your platform. Being a newbie, I suggest you reuse the main site that's already configured and can be loaded through http://localhost. It's roughly explained at http://www.wampserver.com/en/presentation.php. Leave multiples sites for the future :)
Solved .... it seems that we have conflicts in ports ..change port in apache make it works
