Uniform discretization of Bezier curve - path

I need to discretise a 3rd order Bezier curve with points equally distributed along the curve. The curve is defined by four points p0, p1, p2, p3 and a generic point p(t) with 0 < t < 1 is given by:
point_t = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * p0 + 3 * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * p1 + 3 * (1 - t) * t * t * p2 + t * t * t * p3;
My first idea was to discretise t = 0, t_1, ... t_n, ..., 1
This doesn't work as, in general, we don't end up with a uniform distance between the discretised points.
To sum up, what I need is an algorithm to discretise the parametric curve so that:
|| p(t_n) - p(t_n_+_1) || = d
I thought about recursively halving the Bezier curve with the Casteljau algorithm up to required resolution, but this would require a lot of distance calculations.
Any idea on how to solve this problem analytically?

What you are looking for is also called "arc-length parametrisation".
In general, if you subdivide a bezier curve at fixed interval of the default parametrisation, the resulting curve segments will not have the same arc-length. Here is one way to do it http://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#tracing.
A while ago, I was playing around with a bit of code (curvature flow) that needed the points to be as uniformly separated as possible. Here is a comparison (without proper labeling on axes! ;)) using linear interpolation and monotone cubic interpolation from the same set of quadrature samples (I used 20 samples per curve, each evaluated using a 24 point gauss-legendre Quadrature) to reparametrise a cubic curve.
[Please note that, this is compared with another run of the algorithm using a lot more nodes and samples taken as ground truth.]
Here is a demo using monotone cubic interpolation to reparametrise a curve. The function Curve.getLength is the quadrature function.


Gradient descent on linear regression not converging

I have implemented a very simple linear regression with gradient descent algorithm in JavaScript, but after consulting multiple sources and trying several things, I cannot get it to converge.
The data is absolutely linear, it's just the numbers 0 to 30 as inputs with x*3 as their correct outputs to learn.
This is the logic behind the gradient descent:
train(input, output) {
const predictedOutput = this.predict(input);
const delta = output - predictedOutput;
this.m += this.learningRate * delta * input;
this.b += this.learningRate * delta;
predict(x) {
return x * this.m + this.b;
I took the formulas from different places, including:
Exercises from Udacity's Deep Learning Foundations Nanodegree
Andrew Ng's course on Gradient Descent for Linear Regression (also here)
Stanford's CS229 Lecture Notes
this other PDF slides I found from Carnegie Mellon
I have already tried:
normalizing input and output values to the [-1, 1] range
normalizing input and output values to the [0, 1] range
normalizing input and output values to have mean = 0 and stddev = 1
reducing the learning rate (1e-7 is as low as I went)
having a linear data set with no bias at all (y = x * 3)
having a linear data set with non-zero bias (y = x * 3 + 2)
initializing the weights with random non-zero values between -1 and 1
Still, the weights (this.b and this.m) do not approach any of the data values, and they diverge into infinity.
I'm obviously doing something wrong, but I cannot figure out what it is.
Update: Here's a little bit more context that may help figure out what my problem is exactly:
I'm trying to model a simple approximation to a linear function, with online learning by a linear regression pseudo-neuron. With that, my parameters are:
weights: [this.m, this.b]
inputs: [x, 1]
activation function: identity function z(x) = x
As such, my net will be expressed by y = this.m * x + this.b * 1, simulating the data-driven function that I want to approximate (y = 3 * x).
What I want is for my network to "learn" the parameters this.m = 3 and this.b = 0, but it seems I get stuck at a local minima.
My error function is the mean-squared error:
error(allInputs, allOutputs) {
let error = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < allInputs.length; i++) {
const x = allInputs[i];
const y = allOutputs[i];
const predictedOutput = this.predict(x);
const delta = y - predictedOutput;
error += delta * delta;
return error / allInputs.length;
My logic for updating my weights will be (according to the sources I've checked so far) wi -= alpha * dError/dwi
For the sake of simplicity, I'll call my weights this.m and this.b, so we can relate it back to my JavaScript code. I'll also call y^ the predicted value.
From here:
error = y - y^
= y - this.m * x + this.b
dError/dm = -x
dError/db = 1
And so, applying that to the weight correction logic:
this.m += alpha * x
this.b -= alpha * 1
But this doesn't seem correct at all.
I finally found what's wrong, and I'm answering my own question in hopes it will help beginners in this area too.
First, as Sascha said, I had some theoretical misunderstandings. It may be correct that your adjustment includes the input value verbatim, but as he said, it should already be part of the gradient. This all depends on your choice of the error function.
Your error function will be the measure of what you use to measure how off you were from the real value, and that measurement needs to be consistent. I was using mean-squared-error as a measurement tool (as you can see in my error method), but I was using a pure-absolute error (y^ - y) inside of the training method to measure the error. Your gradient will depend on the choice of this error function. So choose only one and stick with it.
Second, simplify your assumptions in order to test what's wrong. In this case, I had a very good idea what the function to approximate was (y = x * 3) so I manually set the weights (this.b and this.m) to the right values and I still saw the error diverge. This means that weight initialization was not the problem in this case.
After searching some more, my error was somewhere else: the function that was feeding data into the network was mistakenly passing a 3 hardcoded value into the predicted output (it was using a wrong index in an array), so the oscillation I saw was because of the network trying to approximate to y = 0 * x + 3 (this.b = 3 and this.m = 0), but because of the small learning rate and the error in the error function derivative, this.b wasn't going to get near to the right value, making this.m making wild jumps to adjust to it.
Finally, keep track of the error measurement as your network trains, so you can have some insight into what's going on. This helps a lot to identify a difference between simple overfitting, big learning rates and plain simple mistakes.

FFT - Calculating exact frequency between frequency bins

I am using a nice FFT library I found online to see if I can write a pitch-detection program. So far, I have been able to successfully let the library do FFT calculation on a test audio signal containing a few sine waves including one at 440Hz (I'm using 16384 samples as the size and the sample rate at 44100Hz).
The FFT output looks like:
433.356Hz - Real: 590.644 - Imag: -27.9856 - MAG: 16529.5
436.047Hz - Real: 683.921 - Imag: 51.2798 - MAG: 35071.4
438.739Hz - Real: 4615.24 - Imag: 1170.8 - MAG: 5.40352e+006
441.431Hz - Real: -3861.97 - Imag: 2111.13 - MAG: 8.15315e+006
444.122Hz - Real: -653.75 - Imag: 341.107 - MAG: 222999
446.814Hz - Real: -564.629 - Imag: 186.592 - MAG: 105355
As you can see, the 441.431Hz and 438.739Hz bins both show equally high magnitude outputs (the right-most numbers following "MAG:"), so it's obvious that the target frequency 440Hz falls somewhere between. Increasing the resolution might be one way to close in, but that would add to the calculation time.
How do I calculate the exact frequency that falls between two frequency bins?
I tried out Barry Quinn's "Second Estimator" discussed on the DSPGuru website and got excellent results. The following shows the result for 440Hz square wave - now I'm only off by 0.003Hz!
Here is the code I used. I simply adapted this example I found, which was for Swift. Thank you everyone for your very valuable input, this has been a great learning journey :)
To calculate the "true" frequency, once I used parabola fit algorithm. It worked very well for my use case.
This is the way I followed in order to find the fundamental frequency:
Calculate DFT (WOLA).
Find peaks in your DFT bins.
Find Harmonic Product Spectrum. Not the most reliable nor precise, but this is a very easy way of finding your fundamental frequency candidates.
Based on peaks and HPS, use parabola fit algorithm to find fundamental pitch frequency (and amplitude if needed).
For example, HPS says the fundamental (strongest) pitch is concentrated in bin x of your DFT; if bin x belongs to the peak y, then parabola fit frequency is taken from the peak y and that is the pitch you were looking for.
If you are not looking for fundamental pitch, but exact frequency in any bin, just apply parabola fit for that bin.
Some code to get you started:
struct Peak
float freq ; // Peak frequency calculated by parabola fit algorithm.
float amplitude; // True amplitude.
float strength ; // Peak strength when compared to neighbouring bins.
uint16_t startPos ; // Peak starting position (DFT bin).
uint16_t maxPos ; // Peak location (DFT bin).
uint16_t stopPos ; // Peak stop position (DFT bin).
void calculateTrueFrequency( Peak & peak, float const bins, uint32_t const fs, DFT_Magnitudes mags )
// Parabola fit:
float a = mags[ peak.maxPos - 1 ];
float b = mags[ peak.maxPos ];
float c = mags[ peak.maxPos + 1 ];
float p = 0.5f * ( a - c ) / ( a - 2.0f * b + c );
float bin = convert<float>( peak.maxPos ) + p;
peak.freq = convert<float>( fs ) * bin / bins / 2;
peak.amplitude = b - 0.25f + ( a - c ) * p;
Sinc interpolation can be used to accurately interpolate (or reconstruct) the spectrum between FFT result bins. A zero-padded FFT will produce a similar interpolated spectrum. You can use a high quality interpolator (such as a windowed Sinc kernel) with successive approximation to estimate the actual spectral peak to whatever resolution the S/N allows. This reconstruction might not work near the DC or Fs/2 FFT result bins unless you include the effects of the the spectrum's conjugate image in the interpolation kernel.
See: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/Interpolation/Ideal_Bandlimited_Sinc_Interpolation.html and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whittaker%E2%80%93Shannon_interpolation_formula for details about time domain reconstruction, but the same interpolation method works in either domain, frequency or time, for bandlimited or time limited signals respectively.
If you require a less accurate estimator with far less computational overhead, parabolic interpolation (and other similar curve fitting estimators) might work. See: https://www.dsprelated.com/freebooks/sasp/Quadratic_Interpolation_Spectral_Peaks.html and https://mgasior.web.cern.ch/mgasior/pap/FFT_resol_note.pdf for details for parabolic, and http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= for other curve fitting peak estimators.

Simple registration algorithm for small sets of 2D points

I am trying to find a simple algorithm to find the correspondence between two sets of 2D points (registration). One set contains the template of an object I'd like to find and the second set mostly contains points that belong to the object of interest, but it can be noisy (missing points as well as additional points that do not belong to the object). Both sets contain roughly 40 points in 2D. The second set is a homography of the first set (translation, rotation and perspective transform).
I am interested in finding an algorithm for registration in order to get the point-correspondence. I will be using this information to find the transform between the two sets (all of this in OpenCV).
Can anyone suggest an algorithm, library or small bit of code that could do the job? As I'm dealing with small sets, it does not have to be super optimized. Currently, my approach is a RANSAC-like algorithm:
Choose 4 random points from set 1 and from set 2.
Compute transform matrix H (using openCV getPerspective())
Warp 1st set of points using H and test how they aligned to the 2nd set of points
Repeat 1-3 N times and choose best transform according to some metric (e.g. sum of squares).
Any ideas? Thanks for your input.
With python you can use Open3D librarry, wich is very easy to install in Anaconda. To your purpose ICP should work fine, so we'll use the classical ICP, wich minimizes point-to-point distances between closest points in every iteration. Here is the code to register 2 clouds:
import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
# Parameters:
initial_T = np.identity(4) # Initial transformation for ICP
distance = 0.1 # The threshold distance used for searching correspondences
(closest points between clouds). I'm setting it to 10 cm.
# Read your point clouds:
source = o3d.io.read_point_cloud("point_cloud_1.xyz")
target = o3d.io.read_point_cloud("point_cloud_0.xyz")
# Define the type of registration:
type = o3d.pipelines.registration.TransformationEstimationPointToPoint(False)
# "False" means rigid transformation, scale = 1
# Define the number of iterations (I'll use 100):
iterations = o3d.pipelines.registration.ICPConvergenceCriteria(max_iteration = 100)
# Do the registration:
result = o3d.pipelines.registration.registration_icp(source, target, distance, initial_T, type, iterations)
result is a class with 4 things: the transformation T(4x4), 2 metrict (rmse and fitness) and the set of correspondences.
To acess the transformation:
I used it a lot with 3D clouds obteined from Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLS) and from robots (Velodiny LIDAR).
We'll use the point-to-point ICP again, because your data is 2D. Here is a minimum example with two point clouds random generated inside a triangle shape:
% Triangle vértices:
V1 = [-20, 0; -10, 10; 0, 0];
V2 = [-10, 0; 0, 10; 10, 0];
% Create clouds and show pair:
points = 5000
N1 = criar_nuvem_triangulo(V1,points);
N2 = criar_nuvem_triangulo(V2,points);
% Registrate pair N1->N2 and show:
"criar_nuvem_triangulo" is a function to generate random point clouds inside a triangle:
function [cloud] = criar_nuvem_triangulo(V,N)
% Function wich creates 2D point clouds in triangle format using random
% points
% Parameters: V = Triangle vertices (3x2 Matrix)| N = Number of points
t = sqrt(rand(N, 1));
s = rand(N, 1);
P = (1 - t) * V(1, :) + bsxfun(#times, ((1 - s) * V(2, :) + s * V(3, :)), t);
points = [P,zeros(N,1)];
cloud = pointCloud(points)
You may just use cv::findHomography. It is a RANSAC-based approach around cv::getPerspectiveTransform.
auto H = cv::findHomography(srcPoints, dstPoints, CV_RANSAC,3);
Where 3 is the reprojection threshold.
One traditional approach to solve your problem is by using point-set registration method when you don't have matching pair information. Point set registration is similar to method you are talking about.You can find matlab implementation here.

Backpropagation algorithm through cross-channel local response normalization (LRN) layer

I am working on replicating a neural network. I'm trying to get an understanding of how the standard layer types work. In particular, I'm having trouble finding a description anywhere of how cross-channel normalisation layers behave on the backward-pass.
Since the normalization layer has no parameters, I could guess two possible options:
The error gradients from the next (i.e. later) layer are passed backwards without doing anything to them.
The error gradients are normalized in the same way the activations are normalized across channels in the forward pass.
I can't think of a reason why you'd do one over the other based on any intuition, hence why I'd like some help on this.
The layer is a standard layer in caffe, as described here http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/tutorial/layers.html (see 'Local Response Normalization (LRN)').
The layer's implementation in the forward pass is described in section 3.3 of the alexNet paper: http://papers.nips.cc/paper/4824-imagenet-classification-with-deep-convolutional-neural-networks.pdf
I believe the forward and backward pass algorithms are described in both the Torch library here: https://github.com/soumith/cudnn.torch/blob/master/SpatialCrossMapLRN.lua
and in the Caffe library here: https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/blob/master/src/caffe/layers/lrn_layer.cpp
Please could anyone who is familiar with either/both of these translate the method for the backward pass stage into plain english?
It uses the chain rule to propagate the gradient backwards through the local response normalization layer. It is somewhat similar to a nonlinearity layer in this sense (which also doesn't have trainable parameters on its own, but does affect gradients going backwards).
From the code in Caffe that you linked to I see that they take the error in each neuron as a parameter, and compute the error for the previous layer by doing following:
First, on the forward pass they cache a so-called scale, that is computed (in terms of AlexNet paper, see the formula from section 3.3) as:
scale_i = k + alpha / n * sum(a_j ^ 2)
Here and below sum is sum indexed by j and goes from max(0, i - n/2) to min(N, i + n/2)
(note that in the paper they do not normalize by n, so I assume this is something that Caffe does differently than AlexNet). Forward pass is then computed as b_i = a_i + scale_i ^ -beta.
To backward propagate the error, let's say that the error coming from the next layer is be_i, and the error that we need to compute is ae_i. Then ae_i is computed as:
ae_i = scale_i ^ -b * be_i - (2 * alpha * beta / n) * a_i * sum(be_j * b_j / scale_j)
Since you are planning to implement it manually, I will also share two tricks that Caffe uses in their code that makes the implementation simpler:
When you compute the addends for the sum, allocate an array of size N + n - 1, and pad it with n/2 zeros on each end. This way you can compute the sum from i - n/2 to i + n/2, without caring about going below zero and beyond N.
You don't need to recompute the sum on each iteration, instead compute the the addends in advance (a_j^2 for the front pass, be_j * b_j / scale_j for the backward pass), then compute the sum for i = 0, and then for each consecutive i just add addend[i + n/2] and subtract addend[i - n/2 - 1], it will give you the value of the sum for the new value of i in constant time.
Of cause,you can either print the variables to observe the changes with them or use the debug model to see how errors change during passing the net.
I have an alternative formulation of the backward and I don't know if it is equivalent to caffe's:
So caffe's is :
ae_i = scale_i ^ -b * be_i - (2 * alpha * beta / n) * a_i * sum(be_j * b_j / scale_j)
by differentiating the original expression
b_i = a_i/(scale_i^-b)
I get
ae_i = scale_i ^ -b * be_i - (2 * alpha * beta / n) * a_i * be_i*sum(ae_j)/scale_i^(-b-1)

Logistic Regression using Gradient Descent with OCTAVE

I've gone through few courses of Professor Andrew for machine Learning and viewed the transcript for Logistic Regression using Newton's method. However when implementing the logistic regression using gradient descent I face certain issue.
The graph generated is not convex.
My code goes as follows:
I am using the vectorized implementation of the equation.
%1. The below code would load the data present in your desktop to the octave memory
%2. Now we want to add a column x0 with all the rows as value 1 into the matrix.
%First take the length
g=inline('1.0 ./ (1.0 + exp(-z))');
theta = zeros(size(x(1,:)))'; % the theta has to be a 3*1 matrix so that it can multiply by x that is m*3 matrix
j=zeros(max_iter,1); % j is a zero matrix that is used to store the theta cost function j(theta)
for num_iter=1:max_iter
% Now we calculate the hx or hypothetis, It is calculated here inside no. of iteration because the hupothesis has to be calculated for new theta for every iteration
h=g(z); % Here the effect of inline function we used earlier will reflect
j(num_iter)=(1/m)*(-y'* log(h) - (1 - y)'*log(1-h)) ; % This formula is the vectorized form of the cost function J(theta) This calculates the cost function
grad=(1/m) * x' * (h-y); % This formula is the gradient descent formula that calculates the theta value.
theta=theta - alpha .* grad; % Actual Calculation for theta
The code per say doesn't give any error but does not produce proper convex graph.
I shall be glad if any body could point out the mistake or share insight on what's causing the problem.
2 things you need to look into:
Machine Learning involves learning patterns from data. If your files ex4x.dat and ex4y.dat are randomly generated, it won't have patterns that you can learn.
You have used variables like g, h, i, j which make debugging difficult. Since it's a very small program, it might be a better idea to rewrite it.
Here's my code that gives the convex plot
clc; clear; close all;
load q1x.dat;
load q1y.dat;
X = [ones(size(q1x, 1),1) q1x];
Y = q1y;
m = size(X,1);
n = size(X,2)-1;
theta = zeros(n+1,1);
thetaold = ones(n+1,1);
while ( ((theta-thetaold)'*(theta-thetaold)) > 0.0000001 )
%calculate dellltheta
dellltheta = zeros(n+1,1);
for j=1:n+1,
for i=1:m,
dellltheta(j,1) = dellltheta(j,1) + [Y(i,1) - (1/(1 + exp(-theta'*X(i,:)')))]*X(i,j);
%calculate hessian
H = zeros(n+1, n+1);
for j=1:n+1,
for k=1:n+1,
for i=1:m,
H(j,k) = H(j,k) -[1/(1 + exp(-theta'*X(i,:)'))]*[1-(1/(1 + exp(-theta'*X(i,:)')))]*[X(i,j)]*[X(i,k)];
thetaold = theta;
theta = theta - inv(H)*dellltheta;
I get the following values of error after iterations:
Which when plotted looks like:
