Storing log-in details for Xamarin iOS app - ios

I am getting started with Xamarin iOS and writing an app that requires the user to log in, using their phone number (which can hopefully be pulled from the phone via API). What I would like is the first time they use the app, to see log in and sign up buttons. Sign up takes them through a storyboard to enter information which ends up saving their details in my server database so their account is now open. Log in will check if their phone number is registered and if so, sign them in to the app based on their phone number.
However if the app closes or the phone restarts, I would like them to be automatically logged in the next time they open the app, if they have previously created an account.
I am reading a lot of tutorials on sign up/login screens but none talk about how to have an "automatic" log-in option once they have authenticated, at least until they manually click the log out button. Lots of apps do this so Im sure it should be trivial, can anyone point me in the right direction? Do I have to store a value in the iOS file system or preferences folder structure? Maintain a local iOS DB with these settings?

iOS has a NSUserDefaults class that let's you store small bits of user configuration data in a persistent manner.
You can also use the iOS Keychain to securely store user credentials.


IOS: App rejected because of App Tracking Transparency on WebView

I'm working on an app made in React Native with Expo.
It uses a web view to show the site in the app.
Everything worked well, but when I submitted my app to the App Store, it got rejected.
The mail said:
We noticed you collect data to track after the user selects "Ask App
Not to Track" on the App Tracking Transparency permission request.
Specifically, we noticed your app accesses web content you own and
collects cookies for tracking after the user asked you not to track
After that, using the expo tracking transparency library, I added a permission request to track data.
If the user doesn't accept it, I disable third party cookies on the web view.
After submitting again to the App Store, I got the exact same message.
I don't know what to do, because I can't control the site, and I'm limited to the React Native web view props
Maybe, I could enable incognito mode if the user doesn't want the app to track, but I'm not sure if this will be accepted too.
i had the same issue i solved it like this:
change the privacy of the app on apple store, go to app privacy and in data types section click edit and select Identifiers (Device ID) and set this one as used for tracking purposes. and make sure that this is the only one selected as used for tracking.
also make sure that the permission is showing on real device (so test it first on TestFlight).
another thing is you need to tell them where you show this permission send them video to tell them where you show the permission.

iPhone app crashes when it automatically tries to login to a deleted account

I built an app using Firebase, and I have persistenceEnabled turned on for caching data and auth sessions, etc.
I have a user who, every time he opens the app, it tries to login and load using the saved auth session, but his account was deleted, so it crashes.
He tried deleting the app, turning off the phone, even doing a hard reset by holding down the power and home button at the same time. But every time he opens the app, it still crashes on trying to load the persisted session data.
Is there any way to clear this data out short of restoring the phone back to its factory default settings or releasing a new version of the app?
Unfortunately, Firebase stores account credentials in the keychain and there appears to be no way for the end user to remove them (see this other question).
(If you're looking for a way to programmatically remove them, you should be able to call [ref unauth] or similar and Firebase will clear them.)

iOS migration from Website to app

iOS. I have a mobile web site and a mobile app for the same. i want the user to be able to navigate from web to my app through a link. Is it possible for this feature to be feasible when the app is not installed. I know i can use smart app banners when the app is already installed and this feature can be implemented then. But the main problem i am facing is when the user is asked to install the app (from smart app banners) for a particular page of my website. How can i automatically redirect the user to same page on my app from where he clicked the app banner on first launch of app ?
This is a problem that Branch, the company I'm working for, solves. It's actually fairly simple to explain, but quite a bit more tricky to implement yourself.
Apple doesn't currently allow you to persist information like that through an install (through the App Store), so you'll need an intermediate server. Now, depending on what devices you want to support, this gets more and more tricky. You mentioned you're only on iOS now, but if you expand to Android, this becomes even more complicated (with the fragmentation of Android devices and browsers, etc). For now, I'll just explain for iOS though. It's basically a two step process, starting with the smart banner on your mobile web page.
The smart banner, when clicked, will try to
* Launch the app if possible. We do this by trying to load via the app's URI scheme.
* If the URI Scheme fails (not installed), we send a device fingerprint to our servers based on IP, model, etc. and then send the user to the app store.
The second part is then within the app:
* When it launches, it needs to ask the server if it was launched via a link click. (whether directly into the app or through the app store and now into the app).
* It sends along a similar fingerprint, and then the server (if the device matches) will send back the relevant info (the page id, or whatever you use).
* If the page id is present, you need to present the view controller with that content to the user (you may need to persist this info in your app through a login, if it's behind an auth wall).

Putting information into a newly installed app

I have to create an iOS app, which needs to know a referral code right after the installation. The code comes from an email or from a link in the browser. The goal is to make the app have the referral code no matter it is already installed on the user's device or it is being installed by the clicking of the link.
What I know already:
I have to register an URL scheme with my app, for example myapp://
I have to handle opening by this URL, recognizing the referrer code from it (myapp://refcode=123)
I have to have a web service, which detects (with JavaScript) if the user's device can handle my URL scheme or not (like this:
If the app is not installed, I can send the user to the App Store to download it, otherwise I can open the app by this URL and transfer the information into it
What I miss: How can I immediately call this URL after installation?
I was sure this is impossible to do until this morning, when I've found that Apple's TestFlight is doing exactly the same. I've got an email containing an invite to some app, clicked on the link, and because I did not have TestFlight installed on that device so far, it brought me to the App Store, where I clicked install. The device installed TestFlight app. After this I've clicked the Open button in the Store, which immediately showed the invite for me.
I think the solution can't be that it recognized me, and picket up the invite from the server based on my user account, because I might have multiple invites, so it had to know which exact one to show.
EDIT: Video of this happening:
So the question is: How can I transfer information into an app which is being installed after a link is clicked without reclicking the link?
I'm a developer at Branch and we recently built this system for others to use. If you want to build a similar system from scratch, here is an example of what you'll have to do:
The web service you described above must capture some information from the user, such as IP address, OS, OS version, screen size, etc., before redirecting to the App Store. It should associate this with the link that was clicked, or at least the refcode from the link (
After your app is downloaded, the first time it opens, send up the same info (IP Address, OS, etc.) up to your server. If your server sees these params and that they're the same as what you grabbed in step 1, it should pass back refcode=123 to your app.
Your app should then handle the 123 refcode however you see fit (e.g. open to the appropriate view controller, apply the referral code, etc.).
Hopefully that helps. It's definitely harder than it sounds to build from scratch..

Facebook App Requests aren't shown on iOS devices?

I've sent an app invitation from an iPad app to a test Facebook account via Facebook's API. When I login to the test account on my PC, the app request is there.
When I login to the test account on my iPad (either via Safari or via the Facebook App), I can see the number "1" next to the App Centre tab, but when I click it and go to the App Centre, there's no request. In fact, I can't see any App Centre areas dedicated to requests on Facebook for iOS - there's only Social Picks and Top Apps. Any explanation for this?
This is caused by an incorrect configuration on the Facebook app setting page. When you are setting up the app, you need to make sure the following is set correctly.
Go to then select "Apps". Edit your app and fill in the following..
iOS App Bundle (dont think it's essential but fill it in, this the bundle id from Xcode (com.companyname.appname))
iPhone/iPad App Store ID - This is ESSENTIAL, one of these must be filled in with a valid app store ID. You get this when you create an app with iTunes Connect. If you create an app, and fill in the details right up to the point where it asks you to submit the binary, it will generate what Apple refers to as an Apple ID (or iTunes Id?). It's just a long integer value. It doesn't have to be for the corresponding app, if you already have apps in the app store just log in to iTunes connect and use an existing one for testing.
Configured for iOS SSO - Enabled
Configured for Deep Linking - Enabled
The only functionality you get from Facebook when a user clicks an app notification on iOS is the user being redirected to the app, if installed, or to the App Store if not. Also if you want your app notifications to show up on desktop, you'll need a Canvas URL under the "App On Facebook" section.
In my tests I had to have a canvas URL to get iOS notifications working, but I'm not sure if this is a bug with Facebook or intended behaviour, so if it doesn't work with just iOS enabled, enable app on Facebook too and stick in a random url if you don't have one.
I just figured there can be another reason for this symptom: if your app has location restriction (only available in certain countries), the user who receives the request has to be in that country (e.g. I had to connect with mine via GeoEdge).
