I have a filter-class which includes ActiveModel and consists of two dates:
class MealFilter
include ActiveModel::Model
attribute :day_from, Date
attribute :day_to, Date
That model is rendered into a form as following:
<%= form_for(#filter) do |f| %>
<div class="form-group form-group--date">
<%= f.label :day_from %>
<%= f.date_select :day_from %>
<div class="form-group form-group--date">
<%= f.label :day_to %>
<%= f.date_select :day_to %>
<% end %>
The problem is now, when the form gets submitted, it sends this parameters to the controller:
{"utf8"=>"✓", "meal_filter"=>{"day_from(1i)"=>"2016", "day_from(2i)"=>"1", "day_from(3i)"=>"29", "day_to(1i)"=>"2016", "day_to(2i)"=>"1", "day_to(3i)"=>"30"}, "commit"=>"Filter"}
I extract the values via Controller parameters:
def meal_filter_params
if params.has_key? :meal_filter
params.require(:meal_filter).permit(:day_from, :day_to)
if I now assign the params[:meal_filter] to my MealFilter class with #filter = MealFilter.new(meal_filter_params), my date fields are not updated correctly. It seams that the 1i, 2i, 3i parts are not correctly assigned to the dates.
However, this works fine if used an ActiveRecord class.
Do I miss some include? Does anyone know, where this magic mapping is implemented if not in ActiveModel::Model?
I came across this issue while upgrading an app from Rails 3.2 to 5.0
How I sorted it out is as follows:
For Rails 5
class MealFilter
include ActiveRecord::AttributeAssignment
attr_reader :day_from
def initialize(attributes = {})
self.attributes = attributes || {}
def day_from=(value)
#day_from = ActiveRecord::Type::Date.new.cast(value)
For Rails 4.2
class MealFilter
include ActiveRecord::AttributeAssignment
attr_accessor :day_from
def initialize(attributes = {})
self.attributes = attributes || {}
def type_for_attribute(name)
case name
when "day_from" then ActiveRecord::Type::Date.new
Then you can do:
attributes = { "day_from(3i)" => "1", "day_from(2i)" => "9", "day_from(1i)" => "2020" }
meal_filter = MealFilter.new(attributes)
# => Tue, 01 Sep 2020
Ok, found a solution.
What I needed was the MultiparameterAssignment which is actually implemented in ActiveRecord but not in ActiveModel.
As far as I can see, there is an open pull request (https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/8189) that should resolve this issue.
But in the meantime, some clever guy wrote a module that can be included into the model: https://gist.github.com/mhuggins/6c3d343fd800cf88f28e
All you need to do is to include the concern and define a class_for_attribute method that returns the class where your attribute should be mapped to - in my case Date.
You can simply access the 1i, 2i and 3i parameters from the date_select helper and combine them to make new Date in a before_validation callback:
class DateOfBirth
include ActiveModel::Model
include ActiveModel::Attributes
include ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks
attribute :date_of_birth, :date
attribute "date_of_birth(3i)", :string
attribute "date_of_birth(2i)", :string
attribute "date_of_birth(1i)", :string
before_validation :make_a_date
validates :date_of_birth, presence: { message: "You need to enter a valid date of birth" }
def make_a_date
year = self.send("date_of_birth(1i)").to_i
month = self.send("date_of_birth(2i)").to_i
day = self.send("date_of_birth(3i)").to_i
begin # catch invalid dates, e.g. 31 Feb
self.date_of_birth = Date.new(year, month, day)
rescue ArgumentError
I am building and Rails 5 API where I am trying to send money amount and store it in PostgresQL database. I am sending amount 2.4 but I see in database only 2 is stored. what I am doing wrong?
my migration:
class CreateTransactions < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
def change
create_table :transactions do |t|
t.monetize :transaction_price, amount: { null: true, default: nil }
my model is:
class Transaction < ApplicationRecord
monetize :transaction_price_cents
my controller:
class TransactionsController < ApiController
def create
transaction = Transaction.new(transaction_param)
if transaction.save
render json: { status: 'SUCCESS', data:transaction }, status: :ok
def transaction_param
I am sending this json with postman:
"transaction_price_cents": 345.23
What I am getting in response:
"status": "SUCCESS",
"data": {
"id": 1,
"transaction_price_cents": 345,
"transaction_price_currency": "USD",
I either want 345.23 or 34523 but its giving me only 345!
Your price in cents! And that's ok!
Handling money in cents is a common pattern. It will also save your life when it comes to rounding errors with taxes or currency exchange. Like in their docs mentioned you should use a helper to output the price in a human readable form:
humanized_money #money_object # => 6.50
humanized_money_with_symbol #money_object # => $6.50
money_without_cents_and_with_symbol #money_object # => $6
If you accessing the data via an API you could add a human_readable field in your api
def transaction_price_human_readable
return humanized_money_with_symbol(#money_object) # or self or...
Save/Create model: If you get a floating number you could change the floating point into cents before_save
before_save :convert_transaction_price
def convert_transaction_price
self.transaction_price = (self.transaction_price * 100).to_i
I had the same problem.
All I had to do was to use the provided attribute from the money-rails gem. In my case I had an amount_cents attribute, and I had to use the provided :amount attribute in the form.
<%= f.label :amount %>
<%= f.text_field :amount %>
NOTE: I converted the value of :amount_cents to a float string in the edit.html.erb as followed:
<%= f.label :amount %>
<%= f.text_field :amount, value: number_with_precision(f.object.amount_cents / 100, precision: 2).gsub(/\./, ',') %>
(also note that I had configured money-rails to use EUROs which use "," as delimiter, thats why i have to use .gsbu(/\./, ','))
And here ist the IMPORTANT PART, I had to update my strong_parameters in the controller to permit :amount, and not :amount_cents
def invoice_params
params.require(:invoice).permit(…, :amount, …)
I came to the conclusion that it is best to change the input value directly in the Frontend to cents. And then send the cents to the backend.
Here is a nice Stimulus Controller which does exactly that: https://gist.github.com/psergi/72f99b792a967525ffe2e319cf746101
(You may need to update that gist to your liking, and also it expects that you use Stimulus in your rails project)
(I leave the old answer in here, because I think it is a good practice to send _cents from the frontend to the backend, but in the moment it is not necessary [for me]. If you want to support more than one currency, you probably want to do it like that and use a .js framework to handle the input conversion -> s.th. like http://autonumeric.org/)
I am creating a non-model object that will be used with a Rails form builder by using ActiveModel. This is a Rails 3 project. Here's an example of what I have so far:
class SalesReport
include ActiveModel::Validations
include ActiveModel::Conversion
extend ActiveModel::Naming
attr_accessor :promotion_code, :start_date, :end_date
def initialize(attributes = {})
attributes.each do |name, value|
send("#{name}=", value)
def persisted?
I happen to be using HAML and simple_form, but that's not important. Ultimately, I'm just using standard Rails date select fields:
= simple_form_for [:admin, #report], as: :report, url: admin_reports_path do |f|
= f.input :promotion_code, label: 'Promo Code'
= f.input :start_date, as: :date
= f.input :end_date, as: :date
= f.button :submit
Rails splits up the date fields into individual fields, so when the form is submitted, there are actually 3 date fields that are submitted:
"report" => {
"start_date(1i)" => "2014",
"start_date(2i)" => "4",
"start_date(3i)" => "1"
In my SalesReport object, I'm assigning the params to my attr methods, but I'm getting an error that I don't have a start_date(1i)= method, which I obviously haven't defined. Ultimately, I'd like to end up with a Date object that I can use instead of 3 separate fields.
How should I handle these date fields in my non-model object?
In your initialization you could manually assign the values from attributes to the class methods and down below override you start_date and end_date setter methods.
class SalesReport
include ActiveModel::Validations
include ActiveModel::Conversion
extend ActiveModel::Naming
attr_accessor :promotion_code, :start_date, :end_date
def initialize(attributes = {})
#promotion_code = attributes['promotion_code']
year = attributes['start_date(1i)']
month = attributes['start_date(2i)']
day = attributes['start_date(3i)']
self.start_date = [year, month, day]
def start_date=(value)
if value.is_a?(Array)
#start_date = Date.new(value[0].to_i, value[1].to_i, value[2].to_i)
#start_date = value
def persisted?
This should allow you to give the setter a Date instance or an Array with the separate date elements and the setter will assign the correct date to #start_date.
Just do the same for #end_date.
Hope this can help you.
I would like to generate rails form runtime based on the fields defined in database.
Current Structure of database
**fields table**
- id
- field_name
- field_value
- field_type (text field, date, dropdown)
- field_values (Basically for list of values to be shown for dropdown field_type)
- field_validation
Eg: If my database fields table stores following data
1 | employee_name | text_field | | {blank => false, :length => 3..50}
2 | gender | dropdown | male, female | {blank => false}
Now based on above data I want to generate form as shown below
<%= simple_form_for(#field, url: eval(url)) do |f| %>
<%= f.input_text :employee_name %>
<%= f.collection :gender %>
<% end %>
I'm using ActiveModel for solving pretty much the same problem.
# somewhere in metainfo model
def class_from_meta
klass = Class.new do
include ActiveModel::Model
def self.name
[:id, :email, :age].each do |attr|
klass.instance_eval do
attr_accessor attr
validates_presence_of attr
# in controller
def create
#person = MetaInfo.find(params[:meta_info_id]).class_from_meta.new
respond_with #person
With class_eval and instance_eval you can generate a class which will behave prettly much like ActiveRecord
My application has a model "Appointments" which have a start and end attribute both which are datetimes. I am trying to set the date and time parts separately from my form so I can use a separate date and time picker. I thought I should be able to do it like this. From what I ahve read rails should combine the two parts and then parse the combined field as a datetime like it usually would
The error I am getting:
2 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes [error on assignment ["2013-09-16", "15:30"] to start (Missing Parameter - start(3)),error on assignment ["2013-09-16", "16:30"] to end (Missing Parameter - end(3))]
These are the request parameters:
{"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"OtFaIqpHQFnnphmBmDAcannq5Q9GizwqvvwyJffG6Nk=", "appointment"=>{"patient_id"=>"1", "provider_id"=>"1", "start(1s)"=>"2013-09-16", "start(2s)"=>"15:30", "end(1s)"=>"2013-09-16", "end(2s)"=>"16:30", "status"=>"Confirmed"}, "commit"=>"Create Appointment", "action"=>"create", "controller"=>"appointments"}
My Model
class Appointment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :patient
belongs_to :practice
belongs_to :provider
validates_associated :patient, :practice, :provider
And the relevant part of the view: (its a simple form)
<%= f.input :"start(1s)", :as => :string, :input_html => { :class => 'date_time_picker' , :value => Date.parse(params[:start]) }%>
<%= f.input :"start(2s)", :as => :string, :input_html => { :class => 'date_time_picker' , :value => Time.parse(params[:start]).strftime('%R') }%>
<%= f.input :"end(1s)", :as => :string, :input_html => { :class => 'date_time_picker' , :value => Date.parse(params[:end]) }%>
<%= f.input :"end(2s)", :as => :string, :input_html => { :class => 'date_time_picker' , :value => Time.parse(params[:end]).strftime('%R') }%>
THis is now how my model looks like, Ive been trying to do getter/setter methods but I am stuck because start-dat, start_time etc are nil in the model and the parameters aren't sent through
class Appointment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :patient
belongs_to :practice
belongs_to :provider
validates_associated :patient, :practice, :provider
before_validation :make_start, :make_end
############ Getter Methods for start/end date/time
def start_time
return start.strftime("%X") if start
def end_time
return self.end.strftime("%X") if self.end
def start_date
return start.strftime("%x") if start
def end_date
return self.end.strftime("%x") if self.end
def start_time=(time)
def end_time=(time)
def start_date=(date)
def end_date=(date)
def make_start
if defined?(start_date)
self.start = DateTime.parse( self.start_date + " " + self.start_time)
def make_end
if defined?(end_date)
self.start = DateTime.parse( end_date + " " + end_time)
Are you trying to emulate #date_select ? If yes, see second part of answer.
Date database typecast
If you want to assign a DateTime to database, it has to be a DateTime object. Here you use an array of strings, ["2013-09-16", "15:30"].
You can easily compute a datetime from those strings using regexps :
/(?<year>\d+)-(?<month>\d+)-(?<day>\d+)/ =~ params[ 'start(1s)' ]
/(?<hours>\d+):(?<minutes>\d+)/ =~ params[ 'start(2s)' ]
datetime = DateTime.new( year.to_i, month.to_i, day.to_i, hours.to_i, minutes.to_i )
This will store year, month, day, hours and minutes in local variables and create a new datatime based on it, which you can then assign to your model.
Yet, databases can't store ruby DateTime instances as is, so behind the hood, a conversion is made by rails when saving a date or datetime field to convert it as string. The method used is #to_s(:db), which gives, for example :
DateTime.now.to_s(:db) # => "2013-09-17 09:41:04"
Time.now.to_date.to_s(:db) # => "2013-09-17"
So you could theoretically simply join your strings to have proper date representation, but that wouldn't be a good idea, because :
that's implementation details, nothing say this date format won't change in next rails version
if you try to use the datetime after assigning it and before saving (like, in a before_save), it will be a string and not a datetime
Using active_record datetime helpers
As this would be a pain to do that all the time, rails has helpers to create and use datetime form inputs.
FormBuilder#datetime_select will take only the attribute you want and build all needed inputs :
<%= f.datetime_select :start %>
This will actually create 5 inputs, named respectively "start(1i)" (year), "start(2i)" (month), "start(3i)" (day), "start(4i)" (hours) and "start(5i)" (minutes).
If it feels familiar, it's because it's the exact data we retrieved for building a datetime in first part of this answer. When you assign a hash to a datatime field with those exact keys, it will build a datetime object using their values, like we did in first part.
The problem in your own code is that you've just provided "start(1i)" and "start(2i)". Rails doesn't understand, since you only passed it the year and month, a lot less than what is required to compute a datetime.
See How do ruby on rails multi parameter attributes *really* work (datetime_select)
According to this question, the multiparameter attribute method works for Date but not DateTime objects. In the case of a Date, you would pass year, month and day as separate values, hence the Missing Parameter - start(3), as the expected third parameter is not there.
DateTime, however, requires at least five params for instantiation DateTime.new(2013, 09, 16, 15, 30), so you cannot rely on the automated parsing in your case. You would have to split your params first and in that case, you could easily parse it yourself before saving the object using a before_filter or similar methods.
See the constructor:
and the multiparam description:
Rails 3.0.3 application. . .
I'm using a virtual attribute in a model to convert a value stored in the database for display based on a user's preference (U.S. or metric units). I'm doing the conversion in the reader method, but when I test my presence validation I get a NoMethodError because the real attribute is nil. Here's the code:
class Weight < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
validates :converted_weight, :numericality => {:greater_than_or_equal_to => 0.1}
before_save :convert_weight
attr_accessor :converted_weight
def converted_weight(attr)
self.weight_entry = attr
def converted_weight
unless self.user.nil?
if self.user.miles?
return (self.weight_entry * 2.2).round(1)
return self.weight_entry
return nil
This is the line that's causing the problem:
return (self.weight_entry * 2.2).round(1)
I understand why self.weight_entry is nil, but what's the best way to handle this? Should I just throw in an unless self.weight_entry.nil? check in the reader? Or should I perform this conversion somewhere else? (if yes, where?)
Here's what I've done:
validates :weight_entry, :numericality => {:greater_than_or_equal_to => 0.1}
before_save :convert_weight
attr_reader :converted_weight
def converted_weight
unless self.user.nil?
unless self.weight_entry.nil?
if self.user.miles?
return (self.weight_entry * 2.2).round(1)
return self.weight_entry
return nil
<%= f.label :weight_entry, 'Weight' %><br />
<%= f.text_field :weight_entry, :size => 8, :value => #weight.converted_weight %> <strong><%= weight_units %></strong> (<em>Is this not right? Go to your <%= link_to 'profile', edit_user_registration_path %> to change it</em>)
The unless.self.weight_entry.nil? check allows the validation to do it's job. If anyone knows of a better way to do this I'm open to suggestion.
P.S. The before_save convert_weight method converts U.S. units to metric. I want to store values in the same units consistently so if a user changes her preference later previously stored values don't become invalid.