Gerrit Authentication required - gerrit

I'm working on some automation for Gerrit. I have used following API to check access
curl -X POST --digest -k --user username:password https://gitAccess/access/
But returns authentication required. Can you please help me

3 things to note as I was also getting an "unauthorized" when trying to access Gerrit APIs
Make sure you have your HTTP password. This is different from the
password you use to login to Gerrit. To get it, go to gerrit ->
click on your username -> Settings -> HTTP Password -> Click on
generate password. Use this password when making HTTP requests
Prefix /a to the endpoint URL as mentioned here. For example /changes becomes /a/changes when using authentication
Use the --digest option if you are using curl as mentioned here
curl --digest -u <USERNAME> -i -H "Accept: application/json" "https://<GERRIT SERVER>/a/changes"
# curl will prompt you for the password. You can also do it as below
curl --digest --user <USERNAME:PASSWORD> -i -H "Accept: application/json" "https://<GERRIT SERVER>/a/changes"


Set time limit to a Dockerhub authentication token

In my script, my goal is to get a list of tags associated with an image from dockerhub. Currently, I do that by getting an authentication token by doing the following
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"username\": \"$USERNAME\", \"password\": \"$PASSWORD\"}"
I store the token in my Jenkins credentials and use it in my Groovy script as follows
curl -s -XGET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: JWT $auth'<REPO>/<IMAGE>/tags?page_size=1000 | jq -r '.results[].name'
The problem is that the token expires after one month (I didn't find any expiry related information in the offical docs) and I need to update the token in the Jenkins credentials after it expires.
The solution I think should work is to get the token at run time inside my script itself and use it directly. But because it will obtained every time at run time, I want the token to be alive for not more than 120 seconds.
Is there a way to set the time limit to the authentication token on dockerhub?

Masking Basic Auth header when using CURL to trigger remote jenkins job

I want to trigger remote Jenkins job from my container(k8s).
Currently, I'm using:
curl -k -X POST -u $USER:$JENKINS_TOKEN "${JENKINS_URL}/job/{$JOB_NAME}/buildWithParameters?token=12345"
But this information($USER,$JENKINS_TOKEN) is displayed in ArgoUI, is there any secure/other way to save credentials for remote trigger?
You can try one of the following.
Save the password in a file called password-file and read from that
curl -k -X POST -u $USER:$(cat .password-file)"${JENKINS_URL}/job/{$JOB_NAME}/buildWithParameters?token=12345"
Accept credentials from the STDIN.
curl -k -X POST "${JENKINS_URL}/job/{$JOB_NAME}/buildWithParameters?token=12345" -K- <<< "--user $USER:$JENKINS_TOKEN"
You can also try using --netrc-file option with curl where you can store the username and password in a file itself.
Curl Command
curl -k -X POST --netrc-file my-password-file "${JENKINS_URL}/job/{$JOB_NAME}/buildWithParameters?token=12345"

Docker Hub Remtoe Build Triggers
Docker hub now has a build system in place. One of the ways to trigger a container to be built is using Remote build triggers. COmmands such as the following:
$ curl --data build=true -X POST
Their website shows a few paramters that can be passed in. But does not explain their meaning, nor do they provide a list all possible parameters.
What are all the possible parameters and what are their meanings?
it works for branches for sure, not sure about tags:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"source_type": "Branch", "source_name": "develop"}' \
Try source_type = Tag

In Apache Ranger, how to create service in hdfs-plugin with Rest Api call?

I am trying to create a service in hdfs-plugin. I am refering this link.
I have tried below curl command:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"configs": {"password": "*****","username": "admin"},"description":"hdfsservice","isEnabled": true,"name": "hadoopdev","type": "test","version": 1}' http://localhost:6080/service/public/v2/api/service
When I ran this it didn't give any response, not even any error.
Can someone help me to know if this is the correct curl or not?

Trigger jenkins job with parameters from shell

I am trying to trigger a trigger jenkins job from shell but as of now no sucess.I tried both these methods
curl -u ceadmin:ceadmin -X POST http://abc-lnx:8080/job/ci_demo/build --data token=ci_build -data-urlencode json='{"parameter": [{"name":"Branch", "value":"master"}, {"name":"verbosity", "value":"high"}]}'
curl -X POST http://abc-lnx:8080/job/ci_demo/buildWithParameters?token=ci_build&Branch=master
I have defined ce_admin as token in my job. also ce_admin is a admin user in Jenkins.Anonymous user do not have any permission other then read on jobs and views.
What am i missing?
This works for me:
curl -u $username:$password -X POST https://$jenkins_url/job/$job_name/build\?token\=$some_token
So this should work for your example (I escaped "?", and "&"):
curl -u ceadmin:ceadmin -X POST http://abc-lnx:8080/job/ci_demo/buildWithParameters\?token=ci_build\&Branch=master
