Detect tap on / off AVPlayerViewController controls - ios

Based on the answer from this question, I have implemented an event handler that detects when an AVPlayerItem finishes 'naturally'(through AVPlayerItem.DidPlayToEndTimeNotification) and when it finishes because the user has used the seek bar to reach the end of the video (through AVPlayerItem.TimeJumpedNotification).
I would like to extend this further by checking, in the event handler for the second case, whether the user has stopped seeking - i.e their finger has been lifted from the screen) or whether they're still actively seeking.
Is there any way to detect events on the AVPlayerViewController controls so I can perform this check and react accordingly?


Pause/Unpause Jump Effect

I am making a game were the player sprite must jump over incoming obstacles.I have implemented a pause button and have set the un-pause function to occur when the user taps anywhere on the screen. My problem is that when the user tries to un-pause the game, he both un-pauses and makes the player jump. I have included all player movement in a tap gesture while all the button functions (pause, restart etc.) in the touchesEnded function. I also tried putting both in the touchesEnded but I saw no better result. Thank you all in advance.

Pause Screen Design iOS game

My game has a pause screen which doubles as the main title screen with high scores. It is semi-transparent so the user can see what state the game-round was in. They can see the last message such as "Win" or "Loss". In the case of an interruption or pause they see "Redo". My game already handles interruptions gracefully, saving state and restoring last round so that the user can try again.
Question; when the user closes the app (hits home button) or if the app is interrupted with an incoming phone call during game-play, when the app comes back into the foreground should I show the pause screen or should I take them back to the game? Another way to phrase this question would be, should the home button and the pause button behave virtually the same for game-play interruption? (I presume that if the user were in a sub-screen, non-game-play, they would be taken back to that sub-screen).
Question 2; What does it mean to pause? I believe all sounds should cease but can I get away with keeping some minimal animation going? I do know that if the app were to go into the background that the OpenGL ES 2 animation would have to cease. Do you think users would prefer to have no animations during pause? I question the extent to which battery life should influence the answer.
I think this is a very subjective question. I'll try to give you some input.
I would say the good rule of thumb is: Will it affect your game play if you don't pause the game? For example, if your game is a chess or sudoku game, it wouldn't really matter if you pause the game when the user exit to home screen. However if your game is an action game that each mili second is very important and will decide whether the user will win, then in that case you would need to pause the game.
What does it mean to pause: It depends on your implementation. It can be anything you want. You can even continue the animation in the background if you want. This is all up to you.

Hide next/previous track controls on iOS

I am using AVPlayer to playback a continuous internet radio stream. I set up an AVAudioSession and my Info.plist to continue playback while the app is in background, and handle the remote control events to play, pause and stop.
On iOS there are controls for next and previous track in the multitasking bar, in the lock screen, on connected Bluetooth devices and so on. With these controls available and not "grayed out" the user assumes he could skip to another "track". But this is not possible in my scenario. There are no single "tracks". The app can only consume what is played by the icecast server.
Question: Is it possible to hide or disable these controls, so the user understands that it is not possible to skip to another "track"? (And if yes, how?)
No. Just don't respond to those controls. Respond only to the controls you do respond to (e.g. playpause button).
In this example from one of my apps:
The "next" and "previous" buttons do nothing; they are meaningless. But I've never gotten a complaint from a user.

How to prevent Nuance's DragonMobile from turning off VoiceOver?

Nuance's DragonMobile component apparently turns off VoiceOver announcements between the initial call to SKRecognizer's initWithType:detection:language:delegate and the component's call to recognizerDidFinishRecording:. It makes some sense that they do this, since they don't want the VoiceOver announcements to be picked up by the mic and transcribed.
The problem is that there's usually a 1-2 second gap between the initialization of the recognizer and the initial call to recognizerDidBeginRecording:. In order to prevent the user's first few words from getting cut out of the transcription, it's necessary to use recognizerDidBeginRecording: to indicate to the user that they should start speaking (i.e. you can't just have them hit the mic button and start speaking immediately).
My problem is that since DragonMobile turns off VoiceOver as soon as initWithType: is called, I have no way of indicating to a VoiceOver user that they should begin talking at the appropriate time.
Found something of a workaround: DragonMobile allows you to specify SKEarcons, which are audio files that play whenever recording is started, stopped or canceled. I'm going to record VoiceOver making the announcements that I need and then use these recordings as the earcons, so that it will sound like the rest of VoiceOver.
According to a Nuance technical rep I just spoke to, DragonMobile does indeed take over the audio layer and suppress any output during recording, and they don't expose any way around this other than the earcons.

Trouble toggling the userInteractionEnabled property in iOS

I am developing a tic tac toe game for iOS and I am using a combination of UIButtons and UIImageViews to allow for user interaction and to display the moves made. My problem is that the buttons continue to accept user input before the cpu makes it's move, which breaks my game logic. I have made several attempts to toggle the userInteractionEnabled property, but I have only been able to turn it off. The engine that gets everything started in the game is my buttonPressed method. I also toggle the userInteractionEnabled property within this method and therein lies my problem: How do I re-enable the property after disabling user interaction? Is there a method that is called in between events that I can overwrite?
I have searched the web and I have searched through the developer documentation provided by Apple and I found information on the touchesBegan and touchesEnded methods. However, from what I understand, those methods need to be explicitly called which brings me back to my original problem of not being able to call those functions without the user's interaction.
If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it! I have been racking my brain over this for the past couple of weeks and I am just not seeing a solution.
I'd think that for a game like tic-tac-toe, calculating the countermove should be so fast that it can be done immediately in response to the first button press. If you're doing something complicated to calculate the next move, like kicking off a thread, you might want to reconsider that.
Let's say, though, that your game is something like chess or go, where coming up with a countermove might take a bit longer. Your view controller should have a method to make a move for the current player, let's call it -makeMove:. Your -buttonPressed action should call that method to make a move for the user. In response, -makeMove: should update the state of the game, switch the current player to the next player. If the new current player is the computer, it should then disable the controls and start the process of calculating the next move. Let's imagine that's done by invoking some NSOperation, so that coming up with the next move is an asynchronous task. Once the operation has come up with a move, it should again invoke -makeMove: (by calling -performSelectorOnMainThread:), which will again update the game state and the current player. This time, though, it should see that the new current player is not the computer, and so it should re-enable the controls.
