Groovy: passing PermSize to groovy compiler from IntellijIdea - grails

I have big grails project (five modules + 2 custom no pre-compiled plugins).
At first – compilation was failed with out of memory in javac. I added as params:
-J-Xmx1024m -J-Xms512m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=2048m
great, first OOM – fixed.
At second – I have OOM in groovy compiler. How to pass memory params from Idea to groovyc? Also my application should work in NOT forking mode

You don't set the groovyc memory directly.
You should set/increase your memory settings directly in the IntelliJ settings.
The documentation can be found here:
In general, in your IntelliJ installation's bin folder, there will be 2 files of interest: idea.exe.vmoptions and idea64.exe.vmoptions. You would adjust the settings for the file that matches the idea.exe or idea64.exe you use to launch IntelliJ
Within the file, you can adjust your heap memory for IntelliJ as a whole. My guess is you are running out of perm gen space and should increase your MaxPermGenSize. The settings would looks similar to this (I have 16gb memory on my PC):


Rascal MPL how to increase heap size?

I just stumbled upon this old post that mentions Java heap space and how to change its parameters in Eclipse (in the eclipse.ini file). How do I do set these in the new VSCode environment?
The Eclipse environment is quite different from the VScode environment. Everything runs in a single JVM there, and so it was difficult for plugin writers to programmatically increase the heap size. This led to writing manual pages on the topic.
In VScode we have a JVM for every Rascal process:
for every terminal REPL there is one JVM
for the Rascal LSP server there is one JVM
for the generic DSL-parametrized LSP server there is one JVM
there is one JVM for every deployed DSL server written in Rascal
And the extension code starts these JVMs, so we can control how much memory they receive. The latest release does this by assessing the total available memory on your machine and allocating a sumptuous amount for every process.
And so there is no configuration option for the user anymore, as we had to add for the Eclipse situation.

related to out of memory in netbeans java

I am using Netbeans Ide and doing project related to Natural Language Processing.When Iam running my project it is showing error "out of memory".My training data(input file) size is 34 MB.I increased by heap size in netbeans.conf and project->properties->run VM arguments to 1024M.But it is showing same error.My RAM size is 1GB.I tried by setting vm arguments size differently like 1024m,768m etc....but not worked.
In my project JNI code is used.From java programs C functions are called.Please give suggestion how to solve this problem....
Netbeans comes with a profiler that can help you find memory leaks in your application. Here is an article about how to use it.

How should I maintain JDK7 projects, so that they automatically could be downgraded for JDK6?

I have few own APIs with around 2000 classes overall. Some of them use the new Path API from JDK7. Most other classes, however, do not rely on any new JDK APIs or new language features. So most classes could be used in a JDK6 environment (which I plan to do). Let's assume, I've annotated all JDK7-only classes with #Java7Only.
What I need now, is a way to create a JDK6-only subset of all my projects more-or-less automatically, without introducing new version branching or product lines (would be too complicated to maintain).
All projects are created using Netbeans, thus using Ant. Many projects depend on others.
Please help me evaluate, which ideas according to my problem is most appropriate. Which problems could occur with each idea?
Common first step for all ideas
Let an annotation processor search for #Java7Only-annotated classes and store the list to a properties file.
Idea 1 (specific)
Write a tool which would use the properties file to recursively copy the whole project, except JDK7-only files.
Build the copied project using JDK6 by invoking ant, thus getting a JDK6-compliant jar.
Idea 2 (specific)
Write a second annotation processor which would use the properties file to pass everything except JDK7-only files to a JavaCompiler instance.
Either build a jar using Java APIs or use Ant API for that.
(This would be a Java-only idea, but probably too complicated)
Idea X (abstract)
Somehow influence the Ant build process (by overwriting some targets?) and for each JDK6-compliant class: let Ant compile two versions of it (one time with JDK6 compiler, another time with JDK7 compiler).
(JDK7-only classes would be compiled only once, using the JDK7 compiler, of course)
Package each bunch to a separate jar.
Possible common problems to the ideas
Some projects dependent on others, so some actions (such as packaging) should consider this.
Remember: the JDK7 compiler generates downward incompatible class files, that's why every possible idea has to happen on sources-level (before or during the build process, not afterwards).
My thoughts on Idea 2:
Essentially this is invoking a compiler within a compiler. Annotation processors are run as part of compilation. Can this be done safely? Is there any static state in Sun's javac that would cause problems. (I don't know the answer but from memory there might be some static state that could cause problems in this scenario).
Idea 1 seems simpler and better to me.
But taking a step back, is it possible to separate out all the JDK 7 specific stuff into a separate module and compile it separately, into a different JAR?
Have the 'main' project, compiled using JDK 6 (which JDK 7 would have no problems reading because it is backwards compatible)
The JDK 7 specific module(s), with source in a different directory, which includes the 'main' JAR on the compilation classpath, could be built separately, with a different build.xml if necessary.
This only partially applies but I'd thought I'd mention it anyway.
The problem with just using -source 1.6 -target 1.6 options for validation is that you can still use Java 7 API when compiled using JDK 7.
I've used the Animal Sniffer Maven Plugin for a few projects now and it has proved quite useful. This plugin scans byte-code of your classes for JDK API usage. That is, you can tell it to fail the build if you attempt to use JDK 7 API when you are targeting JDK 6. This wont help much for separating out classes as you need but it could be useful as a final validation step combined with -source 1.6 -target 1.6 compiler options.
There is also an animal sniffer Ant plugin, as mentioned from the Animal Sniffer main page.

PermGen problems with Lift and Jetty

I'm developing on the standard Lift platform (maven and jetty). I'm repeatedly (once every couple of days) getting this:
Exception in thread "7048009#qtp-3179125-12" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
2009-09-15 19:41:38.629::WARN: handle failed
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
This is in my dev environment. It's not a problem because I can keep restarting the server. In deployment I'm not having these problems so it's not a real issue. I'm just curious.
I don't know too much about the JVM. I think I'm correct in thinking that permanent generation memory is for things like classes and interned strings? What I remember is a bit mixed up with the .NET memory model...
Any reason why this is happening? Are the defaults just crazily low? Is it to do with all the auxiliary objects that Scala has to create for Function objects and similar FP things? Every time I restart Jetty with newly written code (every few minutes) I imagine it re-loads classes etc. But even so, it cant' be that many can it? And shouldn't the JVM be able to deal with a large number of classes?
From this post:
This exception occurred for one simple reason :
the permgenspace is where class properties, such as methods, fields, annotations, and also static variables, etc. are stored in the Java VM, but this space has the particularity to not being cleaned by the garbage collector.
So if your webapp uses or creates a lot of classes (I’m thinking dynamic generations of classes), chances are you met this problem.
Here are some solutions that helped me get rid of this exception :
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled : this setting enables garbage collection in the permgenspace
-XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled : allows the garbage collector to remove even classes from the memory
-XX:PermSize=64M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M : raises the amount of memory allocated to the permgenspace
May be this could help.
Edit July 2012 (almost 3 years later):
Ondra Žižka comments (and I have updated the answer above):
JVM 1.6.0_27 says: Please use:
CMSClassUnloadingEnabled (Whether class unloading enabled when using CMS GC)
in place of CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled in the future
See the full Hotspot JVM Options - The complete reference for mroe.
If you see this when running mvn jetty:run,
set the MAVEN_OPTS.
For Linux:
export MAVEN_OPTS="-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:PermSize=256M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M"
mvn jetty:run
For Windows:
set "MAVEN_OPTS=-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:PermSize=256M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M"
mvn jetty:run
Should be fine now. If not, increase -XX:MaxPermSize.
You can also put these permanently to your environment.
For Linux, append the export line to ~/.bashrc
For Windows, press Win-key + PrintScreen, and go Advanced > Environment.
See also
This is because of the reloading of classes as you suggested. If you are using lots of libraries etc. the sum of classes will rapidly grow for each restart. Try monitoring your jetty instance with VisualVM to get an overview of memory consumption when reloading.
The mailing list ( is the official support forum for Lift, and where you'll be able to get a better answer. I don't know the particulars of your dev setup (you don't go into much detail), but I assume you're reloading your war in Jetty without actually restarting it. Lift doesn't perform dynamic class generation (as suggested by VonC above), but Scala compiles each closure as a separate class. If you're adding and removing closures to your code over the course of several days, it's possible that too many classes are being loaded and never unloaded and taking up perm space. I'd suggest you enable the options JVM options mentioned by VonC above and see if they help.
The permanent generation is where the JVM puts stuff that will probably not be (garbage) collected like custom classloaders.
Depending on what you are deploying, the perm gen setting can be low. Some applications and/or containers combination do contain some memory leaks, so when an app gets undeployed sometimes some stuff like class loaders are not collected, resulting in filling the Perm Space thus generating the error you are having.
Unfortunately, currently the best option in this case is to max up the perm space with the following jvm flag (example for 192m perm size):
-XX:MaxPermSize=192M (or 256M)
The other option is to make sure that either the container or the framework do not leak memory.

Why is the executable produced by Delphi 2009 IDE different to that produced on the command line?

I'm producing builds using MSBuild, and build configurations set up in the dproj on the command line. It's slightly disconcerting that the size of the executables thus produced are different (not by much, but still!) to what an IDE build produces. Any ideas why? I would have thought the same compiler is used?
The main power of building from the Delphi command-line compiler is standardization - you explicitly identify the options (on the command line, in the .cfg files, etc), and the compiler follows the options provided exclusively. In contrast, the IDE has many other behaviors that are not clear and explicit - for example, it may search library paths not specified in the Project Options. My guess is that something's happening in the IDE build of which you're not entirely aware - and this is why standardized builds are done from the command line.
To see what IDE is doind, check
Tools | Options | Environment Options | Compiling and Running | Show Command Line
And you can check the compiler messages.
The first answer on using the command line for build consistency is right on and it is probably something you needn't worry about if you are relying on a build system where production files are always sourced from the console builds.
On the other hand, if you really do want to figure out what is going on you should turn on map files (at the full detail level) and compare/diff them. If there are differences between the two they will show up there. Any other differences that may exist are likely a result of a commmand line option being different (such as a conditional flag that may be set in the IDE settings).
This behavior has existed in every version of Delphi I've used. (5 - 2006). I wouldn't worry to much about it. When I first discovered it I spent a lot of time trying to resolve the difference. Did I miss a compiler flag? Is there a discrepancy between the IDE and the command line compiler's supported options?
In the end I decided it wasn't that big of an issue. Both consistently produced functionally equivalent executables.
If you supply exactly the same params to the command line compiler the produced executables will virtually be identical.
In fact the IDE just calls the commandline compiler. Compile your project in the IDE and look at the messages window. you will see the full dcc32.exe call ...
