Grunt integration with Jenkins on windows issue - jenkins

I am running Jenkins on Tomcat7 - Windows 7. I have provided the node bin path in my jenkins configuration. Then running a shell script as follows:
echo $PATH
node --version
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
grunt cssmin
As suggested in other post Jenkins integration with Grunt, I have restarted my jenkins several times, and tried to work on all the answers written in that post, but still it shows error, grunt: command not found.
Error stack trace from jenkins console output:
/c/apache-maven-3.2.5/bin:/c/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_79/bin:/c/Program Files/nodejs/bin:/c/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_79/bin:/c/Program Files/nodejs/:
+ node --version
+ npm install -g grunt-cli
C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\npm\grunt -> C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\grunt-cli\bin\grunt
grunt-cli#0.1.13 C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\grunt-cli
├── resolve#0.3.1
├── nopt#1.0.10 (abbrev#1.0.7)
└── findup-sync#0.1.3 (lodash#2.4.2, glob#3.2.11)
+ npm install
npm WARN package.json Trademust#1.0.0 No repository field.
+ grunt cssmin
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\temp\ line 6: grunt: command not found
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
I have also followed the steps mentioned on this site grunt-on-jenkins
package.json and Gruntfile.js are in root directory the very first time when I executed the jenkins build, grunt installed all modules from my gruntfile.js, and after that in all other build's its showing the above output.
Can anyone please check what's going on wrong here.

After searching a lot, I found where my grunt is installed. As far as jenkins build is concerned it installs in drive:/.jenkins....../workspace/node_modules/.bin.
After providing this path in jenkins using shell script export path=$PATH:drive:/.jenkins....../workspace/node_modules/.bin, grunt started executing.
Also what I learnt in this process was checking where the executable's are available on system path or which path jenkins refers to is using which "executable_name" without qoutes. you can use this command both on windows as well as linux. Ex: which grunt will show the path where grunt executable file is present.

From the error message it seems, sheel is not able to find grunt. Could you please check if it is present in the $PATH variable. On which node this shell script is running? You cab check the $PATH of the particular node. You can also add grunt installation path to $PATH variable during the shell script.
export PATH=${PATH}:${grunt_path}


I can't build and install a project with Cmake on Jenkins

I really need some help to build a simple project with Cmake with Jenkins.
I downloaded the Cmake plugin on Jenkins.
I configured it in the job :
and in Global Tool Configuration :
But then it doesn't work. Here are the end of the logs before the Jenkins build fails :
+ ls
[build] $ cmake /var/jenkins_home/workspace/Project
ERROR: Cannot run program "cmake" (in directory "/var/jenkins_home/workspace/Project/build"): error=2, No such file or directory
Build step 'CMake Build' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
I don't understand why there is no proper step-by-step tutorial to create something that common as a Cmake build with Jenkins.
In the end, I managed to pull it off.
I uninstalled the Cmake plugin which seems to be useless apparently...
And I simply installed Cmake manually on the Jenkins container.

Build/deploy Vue.js project through Jenkins

I am new to Jenkins but have done a few builds/deployment jobs of .net project successfully.
Now I am trying to build/deploy Vue.js project through Jenkins but just cannot get through...
I can build the project directly on a server using command prompt. It builds and creates files for deployment in a right directory.
When I am trying to do it in Jenkins job (using the same npm commands) it does not give any error messages, says it built successfully but it does NOT create any files for deployment.
Does anybody encounter this problem? Did anybody build Vue js project through Jenkins? Any help appreciated. Thanks!
In execute windows batch command I run:
cd myworkdirectory
npm install
npm run build
Not too complex, as I found.
Create freestyle project.
In section Source Code Management please define your repository.
In section Build Triggers please define triggers
In section Build define either Execute Windows batch command or Execute shell within sections like (my choice in the moment - windows):
git checkout develop
npm -g install
npm run build
del /s /f /q c:\applications\frontend-app-build\*.*
for /f %%f in ('dir /ad /b c:\applications\frontend-app-build\') do rd /s /q c:\applications\frontend-app-build\%%f
robocopy dist c:\applications\frontend-app-build\ /E

Jenkins Slave (service) , cannot detect protractor

We are using slave as service and we r trying to run protractor with simple batch file after calling to npm install , but from some reason protractor was not detected, do u know what could be the reason/problem?
if i use web option (slave) for running job - everything went fine,
BTW - I try to set the service with user that allowed to run the test, and also set node in PATH, but nothing help
Appreciate your comments,
because you install protractor as a global package, So you should use webdriver-manager from global package install folder. The current folder where you execute npm install -g protractor has no webdriver-manager this cmd/binary. So jenkins report can't find webdriver-manager in current folder or PATH.
For best practice, you should add protractor as your nodejs project's dependency through npm install -S protractor before you write script, after do that, you will found 'protractor' will be add into package.json.
When others who get your source code, he only need to execute npm install under folder where package.json insides to get all dependencies installed.
After npm install done, the webdriver-manager will be found <package.json file inside folder>\node_modules\.bin\webriver-manager
So your cmd should write down as following:
ls -l "${WORKSPACE}"
cd /d <package.json file inside folder>
npm install
node_modules\.bin\webdriver-manager update
node_modules\.bin\protractor conf.js

How to resolve grunt not recognizable error on jenkins whereas Grunt is running in command prompt?

How to resolve grunt not recognizable error on jenkins whereas Grunt is running in command prompt?
Jenkins output:
test cases will be executed
'grunt' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
Most probably if the grunt-cli package is installed globally, you do not have the executable path added to system's PATH variable.
Or in the case when you do not have the package installed, npm install -g grunt-cli in windows shell.
Issue was related to path,basically my user's path variable had npm and grunt paths but was missing from system path variable.So i added npm path to system path variable and it worked for jenkins!
In my case the path was defined correctly. It worked when I execute it on CMD, but not from Jenkins. Turns out it was due to Jenkins using its own managed path, as defined in Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Global Properties.
Define Environment variable named "Path" there, and add the location of your npm directory to it, such as: "C:\Users\your-user-name\AppData\Roaming\npm;"

command not found when executed from jenkins, but runs on mac agent

I have Jenkins set up on a Windows machine, with a mac slave configured.
When I run the command nuget directly from terminal, it works. However when I try running the nuget command from Jenkins as a executable shell, I get command not found
[iOS Build] $ /bin/sh -xe /var/folders/hr/b_p9skp53178b45895w2htw80000gn/T/
+ nuget restore '/Users/a/Jenkins/workspace/iOS Build/App/Acquaint.Native.sln'
/var/folders/hr/b_p9skp53178b45895w2htw80000gn/T/ line 2: nuget: command not found
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
I already have the directory where nuget resides configured in the PATH environment variable
echo $PATH within your job to ensure it's configured as you expect when the job runs.
try including the full path to nuget. run /usr/local/bin/nuget restore... (or wherever nuget is found) instead of nuget restore... to determine if it's really a PATH issue.
