Zabbix JMX Item key syntax for CompositeData With List<Object> - jmx

I have created jmx agent which generates custom data as attribute and returned as composite data type when viewed in jconsole.
The original datatype is ArrayList. How would I construct the jmx item key in zabbix.
How would I do if I need to access an array of objects.
Any ideas or suggestions is appreciated.

Unfortunately, accessing array or lists is currently not supported in Zabbix, but there is a feature request for that: ZBXNEXT-1570.


Find picklist values in Dynamics via the Web API

I'm trying to determine how I can find the integer values for picklist fields in Dynamics via the web api. I can access the basic metadata by using:
GET https://[COMPANY]'lead')/Attributes/
but for picklist values I don't see the mapping of the integer value to the displayed string.
Is there a table that holds all of this or a way to expand this information on the above call?
You can use this to retrieve.
https://[COMPANY]'{Entity Name}')/Attributes(LogicalName='{OptionSet Name}')/Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.PicklistAttributeMetadata?$select=LogicalName&$expand=GlobalOptionSet($select=Options)

Writable OData V2 service from "Products" from an expanded Entity not visible

Using this writable OData v2 sample service (not Northwind), I'm binding a single Category entity to a container control while expanding to the entity set Products. Inside the container control, I have a list which has an aggregation binding to the items with the products coming from the expand.
<Page binding="{
path: 'odataModel>/Categories(1)',
parameters: {
expand: 'Products'
<List items="{odataModel>Products}">
<StandardListItem title="{odataModel>Name}" />
The problem is that the list doesn't show the names of the products, although I get the correct length of the collection. And there are no error messages either.
Here is the example implementing the sample OData service:
Weirdly, the binding path of each item is reported as "/[object Object]" instead of something like "/Products(1)".
The properties of the products are visible if...
I do the same with the Northwind service instead, which is readable only (But what I need is a writable service)
I bind the products directly to the list without the parent's element binding.
I delete a single product (e.g. manually "/Products(0)" as it can be seen in the plunker example). After that, the product names are visible.
What's wrong with this sample service? Do I have to configure my ODataModel according to that service specifically? Is it just the service that is not working properly?
Also I wanted to replace Products with a different entity set but all the other entity sets (Suppliers and Categories) navigate to Products only.
Is there any other free writable sample OData V2 service I can test?
I see that the resulting structure on odata.svc is not as expected in the service. The resulting structure is missing the 'results' parameter.
If you see the northwind service, it has the 'results' parameter.
As of version 1.52.1, the ODataModel (v2) can handle broken service implementation as well:
E.g. the above service is missing the results parameter as indicated by krisho.

APIs not returning custom field

for our scopes we need to use unique ID generated by us for the answers submitted by users. This is possible by adding "?c=" at the end of the survey link followed by the ID number.
Example Format:
The terrific problem is that the custom value is not returned anyway via API. It is not added as a property of the Answer object neither its value replaces somehow the respondant_id property.
We see that you are able to expose that data from your internal endpoints that you use for your proprietary web interface but how to get this data from he outside via API?
When you call 'get_respondent_list', ensure you pass through 'custom_id' in the list of strings in the 'fields' parameter. This will then be returned in the output with the custom value you entered.

Struts2 Bulk Data display using ModelDriven

I know the basic Concept of Model Driven process.
How ever i would like to know whether the same ModelDriven Interface process can be used to display bulk data on the action tagged response page ?
To explain this with example
Request page is normal has an argument which is action controlled.
On validate of request page an Intermediate process returns with the Array List Object
Response success page has an Array List of buckets 100
Each bucket of the Array List holds a JavaBean Object of 10 values.
Question : By ModelDriven Interface process need to display data by looping thru Array List buckets and casting of the Java Bean on the Response page to extract the original data ??
with regards
I am not able to understand your question properly.
Request page is normal has an argument which is action controlled.
not sure what the above line actually mean
ModelDriven Actions provide a model object to be pushed onto the ValueStack in addition to the Action itself.
It provides more convenient than object back java bean.When you have implemented the model driven interface all that mean that framework will place that object on the top of valuestack.
That means say i have an object person with properties name and age,in normal approach i have to use java bean type accessor to access name property like
<s:textfield name="name" value="%{}"/>
but when i have model driven interface all i need to do is
<s:textfield name="name" value="%{name}"/>
since now person is already on top of value stack so i need not to go traverse inside the person object

Can I filter OData resources by last updated date?

Is it possible to query an OData collection filtering by the updated metadata field? The case for that would be to get a list of updates since the last check.
I've tried$filter=updated%20eq%202011-05-15T21:45:31Z, but it gives me "No property 'updated' exists in type 'Netflix.Catalog.Person' at position 0". Is there another way I can do this or reference the updated property in a filter statement?
The updated element in the ATOM feed/entry representation may or may not contain actual data. Some services actually do store the real updated timestamp there, but some don't. Since the element is required to be present in all entries by the ATOM format, services which don't have the data to use there usually put some arbitrary timestamp as the value (by default WCF Data Services uses DateTime.Now for the updated field, which is what netflix service does as well).
The $filter can only reference real properties on a given entity. So if the service does have a property which contains the data backing the updated element you would need to find out the name of such property (in the $metadata for example) and then use that. If the service does not have a property like that (for example the netflix service doesn't), then there's no way to filter based on last updated timestamp, as there's no such thing in the underlying data store (the updated element is effectively a fake).
Also note that if you ask for JSON payload the updated element doesn't exist there and so only the real properties are present. Any query operators in the URL work only on the real properties.
