How can I make UIViewController pop Swift SWRevealViewController? - ios

I have this app, which has profile page. I have mainview in storyboard, tableview, and profile view.
When I go to profile view I want to be able to go back to mainview so I try something like this
class ProfileViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate, UINavigationBarDelegate{
var bar: UINavigationBar!
override func viewDidLoad(){
bar = createBar();
func createBar() -> UINavigationBar{
let bar = UINavigationBar(frame: CGRectMake(0,0,self.view.frame.size.width,60))
bar.barTintColor = UIColor(red: 26/255, green: 53/255, blue: 72/255, alpha: 1.0)
bar.delegate = self
let navigationItem = UINavigationItem()
navigationItem.title = "Profile"
let leftButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Back", style: UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, target: self, action: "goBack:")
let rightButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Edit", style: UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain,target: self, action: nil)
leftButton.tintColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
rightButton.tintColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
//bar.tittleTextAttributes = [UITextAttributeTextColor: UIColor.whiteColor()]
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = leftButton
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = rightButton
bar.items = [navigationItem]
return bar;
func goBack(sender: UIBarButtonItem!){
if let navController = self.navigationController{
I'm using SWRevealViewController.

Embed your Reveal View Controller in the UINavigationController.
Right now, the BackTable View Controller and the ProfileView Controller are not in Navigation Controller's hierarchy. Also, your segues should be push segues for this to work. Don't use modal segues.
Follow this simple tutorial for more clarity:

First Embed RevealViewController in the UINavigation
navigationController!.popToViewController(navigationController!.viewControllers[0], animated: false)


Navigation Bar, not displaying on second ViewController

I have created a navigation controller. I added a plus button to the top right of the navigation controller which opens up a new view controller. However, I want the navigation bar to show up on the new screen as well. But it's not showing. What am I doing wrong, or what am I missing? Here is my code:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var toDoListTextView: UITableView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
//Setting the Title for the nav bar
title = "To Do List"
private func configureNavigationItems(){
/* Adding a button on the top right of the screen
* in the navigation bar/controller.
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(
barButtonSystemItem: .add,
target: self,
action: #selector(didTapPlus)
#objc func didTapPlus(){
let vc = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(identifier: "makeTask") as! makeTaskViewController
vc.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
vc.title = "Create a Task"
vc.view.backgroundColor = .black
vc.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(
title: "Back",
style: .done,
target: self,
action: nil)
present(vc, animated: true)
Click Here To See Picture
Demo of App
enter image description here
Each modally-presented view controller gets a brand-new view hierarchy. This means that if you want your MakeTaskViewController to have a navigation bar, you'll need to manually add a navigation controller.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
// ... your code ...
#objc func didTapPlus() {
let vc = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(identifier: "makeTask") as! MakeTaskViewController
vc.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
vc.title = "Create a Task"
vc.view.backgroundColor = .black
vc.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(
title: "Back",
style: .done,
target: vc, /// make sure to set `target` as the new view controller
action: #selector(vc.dismissMe))
/// wrap the new view controller in a navigation controller (this adds the top bar)
let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: vc)
/// so you can actually see the `Create a Task` text,
navigationController.navigationBar.barStyle = .black
present(navigationController, animated: true)
/// side note: `MakeTaskViewController` and other classes should be Capitalized
class MakeTaskViewController: UIViewController {
#objc func dismissMe() {
self.dismiss(animated: true)
Try this!
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var toDoListTextView: UITableView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
//Setting the Title for the nav bar
title = "To Do List"
private func configureNavigationItems(){
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(
barButtonSystemItem: .add,
target: self,
action: #selector(didTapPlus)
#objc func didTapPlus(){
let vc = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(identifier: "makeTask") as! makeTaskViewController
vc.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
vc.title = "Create a Task"
vc.view.backgroundColor = .black
vc.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(
title: "Back",
style: .done,
target: self,
action: nil)
navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
//present(vc, animated: true)

Add UIBarButtomItem as Child of UITabBarController

I have a UIViewController with a UITableView embedded in a UINavigationController, that starts a UITabBarController. The navigation bar is displayed including the back button and I can change the title of the navigation item programmatically from the UITabBarController.
But I can't add a UIBarButtonItem to the child controllers of the UITabBarController. Neither in the storyboard, nor programmatically.
I also tried to embed the child controller in a UINavigationController, but that just added a second navigation bar. How do I add UIBarButtonItems from a child of a UITabBarController?
In your storyboard, your view controller is inside navigation controller. And your child view controller is INSIDE tab bar controller of your view controller. You're not able to add bar button because you're not able to access navigationController property (which is nil in your child controller case.)
Debug this by accessing navigationController and tabBarController. In your case it should be tabBarController?.navigationController most probably.
This is how I maintain navigation bar in code:
final class MyVC: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
setupNavigationBar(withTitle: "MyVC")
extension UIViewController {
func setupNavigationBar(withTitle title: String? = nil) {
let backButton = UIBarButtonItem(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: back), style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(popVC(animated:)))
backButton.tintColor = .white
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = backButton
navigationItem.title = title
func popVC(animated: Bool = true) {
navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
Try the following code for set the left and right BarButton programatically.You can add the given code in viewDidload your child TabBarController.
let cancelBtn = UIButton(type: .custom)
cancelBtn.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 40, height: 15)
cancelBtn.setTitle("Cancel", for: .normal)
cancelBtn.setTitleColor(UIColor.init(red: 240/255, green: 36/255, blue: 70/255, alpha: 1.0), for: .normal)
cancelBtn.addTarget(self, action: #selector(cancelTapped), for: .touchUpInside)
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: cancelBtn)
let resetBtn = UIButton(type: .custom)
resetBtn.setTitle("Reset", for: .normal)
resetBtn.setTitleColor(UIColor.init(red: 240/255, green: 36/255, blue: 70/255, alpha: 1.0), for: .normal)
resetBtn.addTarget(self, action: #selector(resetTapped), for: .touchUpInside)
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: resetBtn)
and also add the following codes to make it sure the property of navigation bar is true..
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool)
// Hide the navigation bar on the this view controller
self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: animated)
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool)
// Show the navigation bar on other view controllers
self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: animated)
I have one suggestion for you. Please just remove the Show Segue Between the Person List ViewController to the Person Detail ViewController. and then you embed In Navigation to Person Detail ViewController.
And on the didselect tableview method set the 'Person Detail ViewController` as RootViewController Then You can add the NavigationBar Item in the childViewController also.

How to change UINavigationController Title & backButton programming?

I have two viewControllers.
vc1 -> presentVC -> vc2
vc2 inherit UINavigationController
I want to set title & backButton in vc2,but it doesn't work.
class vc2: UINavigationController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// set title!!!
//self.navigationItem.title = "123"
//self.navigationController?.navigationBar.topItem?.title = "123"
//self.title = "123"
//self.navigationBar.topItem?.title = "123"
//self.navigationItem.title = "123"
// set backButton!!!
let navButtonWidth:CGFloat = 44
let backButton:UIButton = UIButton()
backButton.setImage(backImage, for: .normal)
backButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(back), for: .touchUpInside)
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItems = [UIBarButtonItem(customView: backButton)]
Place the code below in perform(segue) or viewWillDissappear depended on how do you do your presentation - via Storyboard segue or manually from code.
let backButton = UIBarButtonItem()
backButton.title = "whatever_you_want"
navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = backButton
And in viewDidLoad of your vc2 simply put
navigationItem.title = "Controller title"
I can change it in storyboard Or change it in code.
I usually do this.
First hide navigation bar from default navigation controller.
navigationController?.navigationBar.hidden = true
Create navigation bar in storyboard and outlet it.
#IBOutlet weak var navigationBar: UINavigationBar!
Create custom navigation item.
private lazy var customNavigationItem: UINavigationItem = {
let navigationItem = UINavigationItem()
let backButton = UIBarButtonItem(image: UIImage(named: "cancel_icon"), style: .Plain, target: self, action: #selector(cancelTapped))
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = backButton
navigationItem.title = "Your Title"
return navigationItem
Add custom navigation item to navigation bar
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
navigationController?.navigationBar.hidden = true
navigationBar.setItems([customNavigationItem], animated: false)
Hope it help.

Add UINavigationBar inside view and show buttons

I have viewController. Inside is I have UIView
lazy var cView : UIView = {
var view = UIView()
view.backgroundColor = .red
return view
Inside this view I have UINavigationBar
lazy var navigationBar : UINavigationBar = {
let bar = UINavigationBar()
let leftButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Cancel", style: UIBarButtonItemStyle.done, target: self, action: #selector(cancel))
bar.topItem?.setLeftBarButton(leftButton, animated: true)
let rightButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Done", style: UIBarButtonItemStyle.done, target: self, action: #selector(done))
bar.topItem?.setRightBarButton(rightButton, animated: true)
bar.barTintColor = .green
bar.tintColor =
bar.barStyle = .default
bar.isTranslucent = false
return bar
The problem is that in viewController I see only red view with green bar and without any buttons.
What am I doing wrong ? How to make buttons visible ?
bar.topItem UINavigationItem is nil when UINavigationBar is initialized. You can use bar.setItems(items: [UINavigationItem]?, animated: Bool) method to set bar.topItem

How to add title/button to a UINavigationController added inside a UIViewController?

For some reason, I have to add a UINavagationController() inside a UIViewController(), so I did the following in the view controller class:
class someViewController: UIViewController {
private let myNav = UINavigationController()
override func viewDidLoad() {
myNav.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
myNav.view.topAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(self.topLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor).active = true
myNav.view.leftAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(view.leftAnchor).active = true
myNav.view.rightAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(view.rightAnchor).active = true
myNav.view.heightAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(nil, constant: 44).active = true
The navigation controller is added & showing up correctly. Then I try to add a title (or Done button) to the navigation bar, however the items just don't show up. I tried a few things like this:
self.navigationItem.title = "some title"
myNav.navigationItem.title = "some title"
myNav.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = btnDone
What's the right way to do it in this case?
Why don't you use this simple code to add a navigation bar :
let navigationBar = UINavigationBar(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, 66)) // Offset by 20 pixels vertically to take the status bar into account
// Create a navigation item with a title
let navigationItem = UINavigationItem()
navigationItem.title = "Title"
// Create left and right button for navigation item
let leftButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Save", style: UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, target: self, action: "btn_clicked:")
let rightButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Right", style: UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, target: self, action: nil)
// Create two buttons for the navigation item
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = leftButton
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = rightButton
// Assign the navigation item to the navigation bar
navigationBar.items = [navigationItem]
// Make the navigation bar a subview of the current view controller
