Place Autocomplete in iOS (swift) on Signup (address) form - ios

I am a signup form which has bunch of text fields like name, phone, address 1st line, city, state etc.
Can I use googles's Place Autocomplete on this form in such a way that when I start typing address 1st line in one of the fields it suggests/auto completes and fills the city and state
1st question, is it possible, if yes are there any examples or tutorials?
There are examples out there but they use autocomplete UI, I want to be able to use my own edit text fields.

So Yes I was able to do exactly what I wanted.
I had two dependencies for this.
1. AutoComplete Text Field
2. Google's Place AutoComplete


ios/xcode/coredata: How to mimic ajax call in objective c

For a tag system, when entering a new item, I'd like the user to start typing a letter or two and see possible tags...similar to how SO tags work on the website i.e. Ajax.
Is there a way to do this on IOS?
Basically the Add Item screen has some empty text fields where you put the name etc.
I'd like to have an additional empty field where as you enter letters you see possible tags appear below and can then select one to tag the item.
The tags would be served from an entity or table so there would have to be a call to core data to supply them based on the letters typed.
Do I have to implement a full blown tableview to do this? Or is there a way to make the possible tags show up below the textfield box.
Thanks for any suggestions.
You could try a third party development in order to make what you want. In a recent project I have used this one:

Select or input

In my app I have a form for creating new trip. Model Trip has field finish_address. For setup the finish_address in I use select in simple form to select address from user's addressbook. But I want to make a better form: if there isn't necessary address, user can add it using input field.
So I need to make form with to types of setup finish_address. How can I make it?
You have 2 basic options.
You can use autocomplete on a text input, populating a dynamic crop-down with know values.
There are several gems available to get you started in this direction, like
Alternatively, you can add an "other" option to a select input, populated with your known values. When the "other" item is selected, display a previously hidden text input with the same name below the select input. The "lowest" element will take precedence, for what gets sent to the controller.
In the controller, just do a find_or_create_by, using your provided value.
These options both require javascript, but you can eliminate the need for javascript if you make your select a non-db-backed attribute, and manipulate your params accordingly, as they come in to the model. This might help with validations, as well.

How to force a user to select values only from autocomplete popup

I am using jquery UI autocomplete for zipcode text field.I want to force user to select only zipcode that are coming in autocomplete options.
Before Asking this questions I have searched a lot on above question But I didnt get any solution for my scenario.
Actually I am using Ajax call to get json response from site
which has responses with zipcode ,state ,city & some other values.
My problem is that I am unable to implement functionality which will force user to select values only from autocomplete.
How to do it any hints and answer are helpful for me
You might want to think of the UX implications of using an autocomplete to restrict a user's input on a field. More often than not, these types of controls are used to help suggest possibilities, not restrict. Think of goggle suggest as an example.
However, to answer the question. You could check the value of the input against the returned results from the autocomplete on blur to make sure that it matches at least one of them. I found a working example of this here.
The other popular way to do it is to populate a hidden form element that is only populated by the autocomplete result event:

Auto Search functionality for Schools/Universities using Asp.Net MVC

I am building a website where the user should have the capability of adding their School/University. I have noticed in LinkedIn, when i tried to type in my school name , it showed up a auto search box with all the schools, beginning with the letter i typed. How can i achieve the same functionality?
Do they save all the Universities in their database ? Or is there any Open webservices i can use that will show all the Schools/Universities ?
Thanks !
This feature is called "Auto Complete" and the text boxes are enabled with that. These allow you to filter the data required according to the characters you type in.
Please see this post for auto-complete feature implemented using jQuery.
Razor: Auto-complete text box inside jqGrid, How to bind values?
The example shown in that page lists all from the database. However, as a next phase, you can as well extend this feature to look for a WCF exposed service for universe of schools/colleges.
FYI" "GetSkillNameAutocomplete" is a method in the controller that takes a string parameter as an input (the search string) and gets the value(s).
Hope this helps!

Delphi: Multiple tokens edit component

I'm looking for an enchanced edit component that allow users to input multiple tokens (items) manually separated by some symbol, or to select them from another source.
It's something like "TO" field in outlook or facebook that allow you to input multiple recipients.
Can anyone suggest any solution?
The way we sort of do it is to use an normal button edit box and when the user clicks the button we present a separate form (which can be made to look like a drop down box if you like) with a checklist or listview with checkboxes enabled or similar. The user selects any number of the items then when the form closes we take the list of selected items and present them in the edit as a comma or semi-colon separated list. The edit itself is read-only so all interaction goes through the separate form.
But - I really don't like the whole approach (for our app) as it doesn't look good when you have many selected items and I'm looking to find a better way of showing the selection! I suppose one option is to use a read-only memo with scrollbars to show the items.
TMS has some nice components, one of which is the TCheckListEdit which might be of use.
