Content offset stays constant - ios

I've got a UIPageViewController in my app, set up like this:
self.pageViewController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"MainPageViewController"];
self.pageViewController.dataSource = self;
self.pageViewController.delegate = self;
self.pageViewController.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height);
[self addChildViewController:self.pageViewController];
[self.view addSubview:self.pageViewController.view];
[self.pageViewController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
I've made my UIViewController conform to the UIScrollViewDelegate and added this code to set the scrollView delegate to self:
for (UIView *currentView in self.pageViewController.view.subviews) {
if ([currentView isKindOfClass:[UIScrollView class]]) {
UIScrollView *scrollView = (UIScrollView *)currentView;
scrollView.delegate = self;
Then I'm trying to use this method to find the current page, though the contentOffset stays the same whenever I scroll the UIPageViewController:
-(void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
CGFloat pageWidth = scrollView.frame.size.width;
NSInteger page = scrollView.contentOffset.x / pageWidth;
NSLog(#"Content offset.x: %.f", scrollView.contentOffset.x);
Why is this?

I made it work using a delegate method of the UIPageViewController rather than the scrollView. This is my solution:
-(void)pageViewController:(UIPageViewController *)pageViewController didFinishAnimating:(BOOL)finished previousViewControllers:(NSArray<UIViewController *> *)previousViewControllers transitionCompleted:(BOOL)completed
if (completed) {
NSInteger currentIndex = [self.navViewControllers indexOfObject:pageViewController.viewControllers[0]];


UiScrollView not working the way i want to

I have been trying for a while to get UIScrollView to get working. Ive come so far that it does indeed scroll but not to the ViewController i want to. And i have no idea how to do it so some help from here would be nice.
This is how the code looks like for ViewController.m
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
NSMutableArray *controllers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[controllers addObject:[NSNull null]];
[controllers addObject:[NSNull null]];
self.viewControllers = controllers;
self.scrollView.pagingEnabled = YES;
self.scrollView.contentSize =
CGSizeMake(CGRectGetWidth(self.scrollView.frame) * 2, CGRectGetHeight(self.scrollView.frame));
self.scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = YES;
self.scrollView.delegate = self;
self.pageControl.numberOfPages = 2;
self.pageControl.currentPage = 0;
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:0];
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:1];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
- (void)loadScrollViewWithPage:(NSUInteger)page
if (page >= 2)
// replace the placeholder if necessary
ViewController2 *controller = [self.viewControllers objectAtIndex:page];
if ((NSNull *)controller == [NSNull null])
controller = [[ViewController2 alloc] init];
[self.viewControllers replaceObjectAtIndex:page withObject:controller];
// add the controller's view to the scroll view
if (controller.view.superview == nil)
CGRect frame = self.scrollView.frame;
frame.origin.x = CGRectGetWidth(frame) * page;
frame.origin.y = 0;
controller.view.frame = frame;
[self addChildViewController:controller];
[self.scrollView addSubview:controller.view];
[controller didMoveToParentViewController:self];
// at the end of scroll animation, reset the boolean used when scrolls originate from the UIPageControl
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
// switch the indicator when more than 50% of the previous/next page is visible
CGFloat pageWidth = CGRectGetWidth(self.scrollView.frame);
NSUInteger page = floor((self.scrollView.contentOffset.x - pageWidth / 2) / pageWidth) + 1;
self.pageControl.currentPage = page;
// load the visible page and the page on either side of it (to avoid flashes when the user starts scrolling)
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:page - 1];
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:page];
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:page + 1];
// a possible optimization would be to unload the views+controllers which are no longer visible
- (void)gotoPage:(BOOL)animated
NSInteger page = self.pageControl.currentPage;
// load the visible page and the page on either side of it (to avoid flashes when the user starts scrolling)
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:page - 1];
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:page];
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:page + 1];
// update the scroll view to the appropriate page
CGRect bounds = self.scrollView.bounds;
bounds.origin.x = CGRectGetWidth(bounds) * page;
bounds.origin.y = 0;
[self.scrollView scrollRectToVisible:bounds animated:animated];
- (IBAction)changePage:(id)sender
[self gotoPage:YES]; // YES = animate
So what happens is the first view gets loaded. And i can scroll but it scrolls to an empty view. What i would like to do is that it scrolls to ViewController2
How can i implement for it to do so? (horizontally)
EDIT1, trying to implement what matt suggested
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.vcIdentifiers = #[#"PageContentViewController", #"PageContentViewController1"];
// Create page view controller
self.pageViewController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"PageViewController"];
self.pageViewController.dataSource = self;
UIViewController *startingViewController = [self viewControllerAtIndex:0];
NSArray *viewControllers = #[startingViewController];
[self.pageViewController setViewControllers:viewControllers direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward animated:NO completion:nil];
self.pageViewController.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height - 30);
[self addChildViewController:_pageViewController];
[self.view addSubview:_pageViewController.view];
[self.pageViewController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
- (PageContentViewController *)viewControllerAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
if (([self.vcIdentifiers count] == 0) || (index >= self.vcIdentifiers.count)) {
return nil;
// Create a new view controller and pass suitable data.
PageContentViewController *pageContentViewController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"PageContentViewController"];
pageContentViewController.titleText = self.pageTitles[index];
pageContentViewController.pageIndex = index;
return pageContentViewController;
- (UIViewController *)pageViewController:(UIPageViewController *)pageViewController viewControllerBeforeViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
NSUInteger index = ((PageContentViewController*) viewController).pageIndex;
if ((index == 0) || (index == NSNotFound)) {
return nil;
return [self viewControllerAtIndex:index];
- (UIViewController *)pageViewController:(UIPageViewController *)pageViewController viewControllerAfterViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
NSUInteger index = ((PageContentViewController*) viewController).pageIndex;
if (index == NSNotFound) {
return nil;
if (index == [self.pageTitles count]) {
return nil;
return [self viewControllerAtIndex:index];
- (NSInteger)presentationCountForPageViewController:(UIPageViewController *)pageViewController
//return [self.pageTitles count];
return 2;
- (NSInteger)presentationIndexForPageViewController:(UIPageViewController *)pageViewController
return 0;
I am thinking of using the storyboard id's that my viewcontrollers have, svaed in VCidentifiers.
What i dont get is how to instantiate the viewcontrollers in the method viewControllerAtIndex. The way it is written now, it will only create PageContentViewController, when it should for index 0 create PageContentViewController and for index 1 PageContent2Controller.
What am i missing?
A scroll view is for scrolling between existing views, not for dynamically loading views from view controllers. You can use view controllers in this way, and we used to have to do it sometimes, but (as you've discovered) it is difficult.
I recommend that you drop your scroll view and use UIPageViewController in a scroll style instead. It solves all the problem for you when what you want you to do is scroll between view controllers' views.

How to handle subviews of UITabBarController when interactivePopGesture (like Flipboard)

I'd like to have an underline that indicates which item was selected. It slides to any other items whenever the item was tapped. Therefore, I added a subview to the custom UITabBarController and set the animation. Then I use hidesBottomBarWhenPushed to hide the tab bar when pushed. However, the underline seems not combined with the custom UITabBarController.
How to handle the subview so it is always on top even when using the back gesture? This Flipboard app capture is what I want to do.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// create underline view
CGRect tabBarFrame = self.tabBar.frame;
CGFloat itemWidth = (CGFloat)CGRectGetWidth(tabBarFrame) / MIN(5, self.tabBar.items.count);
CGFloat originX = (CGFloat)itemWidth * self.selectedIndex;
CGRect underlineFrame = CGRectMake(originX, CGRectGetMaxY(tabBarFrame) - 3.0f, itemWidth, 3.0f);
self.underlineView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:underlineFrame];
self.underlineView.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
[self.view addSubview:self.underlineView];
#pragma mark - UITabBarDelegate
- (void)tabBar:(UITabBar *)tabBar didSelectItem:(UITabBarItem *)item
NSUInteger itemIndex = [tabBar.items indexOfObject:item];
CGRect underlineFrame = self.underlineView.frame;
CGFloat originX = (CGFloat)CGRectGetWidth(self.underlineView.frame) * itemIndex;
// underline shifting animation
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.25
self.underlineView.frame = CGRectMake(originX, underlineFrame.origin.y, CGRectGetWidth(underlineFrame), CGRectGetHeight(underlineFrame));
- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
UIViewController *detailViewController = segue.destinationViewController;
detailViewController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES;
hidesBottomBarWhenPushed hides the tab bar but its subview (the underline view).
If I hide it by myself and show it in viewWillAppear, the underline view does not look like on top of the tab bar.
I finally found a workaround. To override the method hidesBottomBarWhenPushed, then you can add an alternative view for tab bar's subviews.
- (BOOL)hidesBottomBarWhenPushed
[super hidesBottomBarWhenPushed];
CustomTabBarController *tabBarController = (CustomTabBarController *)self.tabBarController;
if (tabBarController.underlineView.isHidden) {
CGRect tabBarBounds = tabBarController.tabBar.bounds;
CGFloat underlineHeight = CGRectGetHeight(tabBarController.underlineView.frame);
CGFloat itemWidth = (CGFloat)CGRectGetWidth(tabBarBounds) / MIN(5, tabBarController.tabBar.items.count);
CGFloat originX = (CGFloat)itemWidth * tabBarController.selectedIndex;
UIView *alternativeView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(originX,
CGRectGetMaxY(tabBarBounds) - underlineHeight,
alternativeView.tag = tabBarController.underlineViewTag;
alternativeView.backgroundColor = tabBarController.underlineView.backgroundColor;
[tabBarController.tabBar addSubview:alternativeView];
return NO;
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
CustomTabBarController *tabBarController = (CustomTabBarController *)self.tabBarController;
if (tabBarController.underlineView.isHidden) {
tabBarController.underlineView.hidden = NO;
NSInteger underlineViewTag = tabBarController.underlineViewTag;
UIView *alternativeView = [tabBarController.tabBar viewWithTag:underlineViewTag];
[alternativeView removeFromSuperview];
Don't forget the case that interactivePopGesture failure to popover view controller, the alternative view still be added to tab bar. So remove it at destination view controller if needed.
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
CustomTabBarController *tabBarController = (CustomTabBarController *)self.tabBarController;
NSInteger underlineViewTag = tabBarController.underlineViewTag;
UIView *alternativeView = [tabBarController.tabBar viewWithTag:underlineViewTag];
if (alternativeView) [alternativeView removeFromSuperview];

How to change text label when scroll view goes to view 2?

I'm making a select level with 3 levels that get scrolled horizontally - the scroll controls three views "View 1" "view 2" and "View 3", I need to make an illusion to the user, Ive placed 3 buttons on each view and half a button on each side of the UIview with 2 labels one writes "lev" the other "el 2"...
When the user moves to View 2 I'd like the label to be set to "el 2" and as soon as the scroll has settled on level 2 i'd like the label to write "el 1" - This would make an illusion and it would be so fast that the user wouldn't notice.
heres the code:
[_elone setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Level 2"]];
But I don't know where to put it,
Should I make an outlet, an action a statement?
#interface PagerViewController ()
#property (assign) BOOL pageControlUsed;
#property (assign) NSUInteger page;
#property (assign) BOOL rotating;
- (void)loadScrollViewWithPage:(int)page;
#implementation PagerViewController
#synthesize scrollViewTwo;
#synthesize pageControlTwo;
#synthesize pageControlUsed = _pageControlUsed;
#synthesize page = _page;
#synthesize rotating = _rotating;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
[self.scrollViewTwo setPagingEnabled:YES];
[self.scrollViewTwo setScrollEnabled:YES];
[self.scrollViewTwo setShowsHorizontalScrollIndicator:NO];
[self.scrollViewTwo setShowsVerticalScrollIndicator:NO];
[self.scrollViewTwo setDelegate:self];
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
for (NSUInteger i =0; i < [self.childViewControllers count]; i++) {
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:i];
self.pageControlTwo.currentPage = 0;
_page = 0;
[self.pageControlTwo setNumberOfPages:[self.childViewControllers count]];
UIViewController *viewController = [self.childViewControllers objectAtIndex:self.pageControlTwo.currentPage];
if (viewController.view.superview != nil) {
[viewController viewWillAppear:animated];
self.scrollViewTwo.contentSize = CGSizeMake(scrollViewTwo.frame.size.width * [self.childViewControllers count], scrollViewTwo.frame.size.height);
- (void)loadScrollViewWithPage:(int)page {
if (page < 0)
if (page >= [self.childViewControllers count])
// replace the placeholder if necessary
UIViewController *controller = [self.childViewControllers objectAtIndex:page];
if (controller == nil) {
// add the controller's view to the scroll view
if (controller.view.superview == nil) {
CGRect frame = self.scrollViewTwo.frame;
frame.origin.x = frame.size.width * page;
frame.origin.y = 0;
controller.view.frame = frame;
[self.scrollViewTwo addSubview:controller.view];
- (void)scrollViewWillBeginDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
_pageControlUsed = NO;
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
_pageControlUsed = NO;
- (IBAction) changePage :(id) sender {
How is this done?
// Implement the UIScrollview Delegate method
-(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)sender
CGFloat pageWidth = yourScrollView.frame.size.width;
int currentPage = floor((yourScrollView.contentOffset.x - pageWidth / 2) / pageWidth) + 1;
if (currentPage != featureVenPageControll.currentPage)
[_elone setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Level 2"]];

Sliding Between UISegmentedControl Views

Currently I am wanting to create a slide animation when the user selects on a segmented button of a UISegmentedControl instantiated on top of a navigationbar. Currently I have a UISegmentedControl with 6 buttons the user is allowed to press and select to go to different views.
Everything works accordingly but I am having an issue with implementing the slide transition, if it is even possible.
I am able to implement a slide transition between UITabBar views using this method:
- (BOOL)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController shouldSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
int controllerIndex = [[tabBarController viewControllers] indexOfObject:viewController];
if(controllerIndex == self.selectedIndex || self.isAnimating){
return NO;
// Get the views.
UIView * fromView = tabBarController.selectedViewController.view;
UIView * toView = [viewController view];
// Get the size of the view area.
CGRect viewSize = fromView.frame;
BOOL scrollRight = controllerIndex > tabBarController.selectedIndex;
// Add the to view to the tab bar view.
[fromView.superview addSubview:toView];
// Position it off screen.
toView.frame = CGRectMake((scrollRight ? 320 : -320), viewSize.origin.y, 320, viewSize.size.height);
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.2 animations: ^{
// Animate the views on and off the screen. This will appear to slide.
fromView.frame =CGRectMake((scrollRight ? -320 : 320), viewSize.origin.y, 320, viewSize.size.height);
toView.frame =CGRectMake(0, viewSize.origin.y, 320, viewSize.size.height);
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
if (finished) {
// Remove the old view from the tabbar view.
[fromView removeFromSuperview];
tabBarController.selectedIndex = controllerIndex;
return NO;
Not so sure if the same rules apply for a UISegmentedControl of several viewcontrollers. Is this possible to do? I figure it should be but anyone have any ideas on how to get started?
Heres the code I use within my segmentedcontroller...
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
/* This bunch of code creates the segmentedControllerButtons in the nav bar */
self.segmentedViewControllers = [self segmentedViewControllerContent];
NSArray * segmentTitles = #[#"Plant", #"Net", #"Wiz", #"Date", #"Clone", #"GF/E"];
self.segmentedControl = [[UISegmentedControl alloc]initWithItems:segmentTitles];
self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex = 0;
self.segmentedControl.segmentedControlStyle = UISegmentedControlStyleBar;
[self.segmentedControl addTarget:self action:#selector(didChangeSegmentControl:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
self.navigationItem.titleView = self.segmentedControl;
self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = [UIColor blackColor];
self.segmentedControl.tintColor = [UIColor redColor];
[self didChangeSegmentControl:self.segmentedControl]; // kick everything off
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
- (NSArray *)segmentedViewControllerContent {
CDDConfigPlantViewController *plant = [[CDDConfigPlantViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CDDConfigPlantViewController" bundle:nil];
plant->ipAddress = ipAddress;
plant->encode = encodedInfo;
CDDConfigNetworkViewController *network = [[CDDConfigNetworkViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CDDConfigNetworkViewController" bundle:nil];
network->ipAddress = ipAddress;
network->encode = encodedInfo;
CDDConfigAcquisitionWizardViewController *acquisition_wizard = [[CDDConfigAcquisitionWizardViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CDDConfigAcquisitionWizardViewController" bundle:nil];
acquisition_wizard->ipAddress = ipAddress;
acquisition_wizard->encode = encodedInfo;
CDDConfigDateTimeViewController *date_time = [[CDDConfigDateTimeViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CDDConfigDateTimeViewController" bundle:nil];
date_time->ipAddress = ipAddress;
date_time->encode = encodedInfo;
CDDConfigCDDCloneViewController *cdd_clone = [[CDDConfigCDDCloneViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CDDConfigCDDCloneViewController" bundle:nil];
cdd_clone->ipAddress = ipAddress;
cdd_clone->encode = encodedInfo;
CDDConfigGroundfaultEnergyViewController *groundfault_energy = [[CDDConfigGroundfaultEnergyViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CDDConfigGroundfaultEnergyViewController" bundle:nil];
groundfault_energy->ipAddress = ipAddress;
groundfault_energy->encode = encodedInfo;
NSArray * controllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:plant, network, acquisition_wizard, date_time, cdd_clone, groundfault_energy, nil];
return controllers;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Segment control
- (void)didChangeSegmentControl:(UISegmentedControl *)control {
if (self.activeViewController) {
[self.activeViewController viewWillDisappear:NO];
[self.activeViewController.view removeFromSuperview];
[self.activeViewController viewDidDisappear:NO];
self.activeViewController = [self.segmentedViewControllers objectAtIndex:control.selectedSegmentIndex];
[self.activeViewController viewWillAppear:YES];
[self.view addSubview:self.activeViewController.view];
[self.activeViewController viewDidAppear:YES];
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
[self.activeViewController viewWillAppear:animated];
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
[self.activeViewController viewDidAppear:animated];
- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];
[self.activeViewController viewWillDisappear:animated];
- (void)viewDidDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidDisappear:animated];
[self.activeViewController viewDidDisappear:animated];
Is it UIView you want to animate or UIViewControllers.
If UIView the animateWithDuration: animations: completion: works
if UIViewControllers presentViewController: animated: completion: is the way to go

Second ScrollView doesn't zoom or scroll

I have two Scroll View's in a xib, and they both contain a very large image that should start with it completely scaled down to fit. The first ScrollView works perfectly, objects are all moving around correctly when you zoom or scroll, but the second ScrollView starts completely zoomed in, unable to zoom out.
The ScrollView is now showing 25% of the image(completely zoomed in at 0,0) and also cannot be dragged to see the rest. If I pinch to zoom, the image moves diagonally up and left without zooming at all, I can now drag the image back to 0,0 and back down the the max point it scrolled diagonally.
.h file
UIScrollView *_scrollView;
UIScrollView *_miamiScrollView;
UIView *_mapImageView;
UIView *_mapMiamiView;
UIView *_mapContentView;
NSArray *_autoLayoutViews;
NSArray *_staticViews;
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIScrollView *scrollView;//(linked to working scrollview)
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIScrollView *miamiScrollView;//(Linked to 'broken' scrollview)
.m file
- (void)viewDidLoad
[self _customizeViews];
- (void) _customizeViews
UIImageView *mapImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"MainGameDisplay.jpg"]];
mapImageView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
UIImageView *mapMiamiView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"miami.jpg"]];
mapMiamiView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
_mapContentView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 50, 568, 270)];
_mapContentView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
_mapContentView.clipsToBounds = YES;
_mapContentView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
[_mapContentView addSubview:_scrollView];
[_mapContentView addSubview:_miamiScrollView];
[self.view addSubview:_mapContentView];
[self.view sendSubviewToBack:_mapContentView];
UIScrollView *scrollView = _scrollView;
CGRect scrollFrame = scrollView.frame;
scrollFrame.origin = CGPointZero;
scrollView.frame = scrollFrame;
scrollView.delegate = self;
scrollView.minimumZoomScale = 1;
scrollView.maximumZoomScale = 1.0;
[scrollView addSubview:mapImageView];
scrollView.contentSize = mapImageView.frame.size;
_scrollView = scrollView;
_mapImageView = mapImageView;
UIScrollView *miamiScrollView = _miamiScrollView;
CGRect miamiScrollFrame = CGRectMake(0 , 270, 568, 270);
scrollFrame.origin = CGPointZero;
miamiScrollView.frame = miamiScrollFrame;
miamiScrollView.delegate = self;
miamiScrollView.minimumZoomScale = 0.125;
miamiScrollView.maximumZoomScale = 1;
[miamiScrollView addSubview:mapMiamiView];
miamiScrollView.contentSize = mapMiamiView.frame.size;
_miamiScrollView = miamiScrollView;
_mapMiamiView = mapMiamiView;
[self _setupAutolayoutViews];
[self _setupStaticViews];
[self _zoomToFit: _scrollView];
[self _zoomToFit: _miamiScrollView];
[self _updatePositionForViews:_autoLayoutViews];
- (void) _zoomToFit: (UIScrollView*)view
CGFloat contentWidth = view.contentSize.width;
CGFloat contentHeigth = view.contentSize.height;
CGFloat viewWidth = view.frame.size.width;
CGFloat viewHeight = view.frame.size.height;
CGFloat width = viewWidth / contentWidth;
CGFloat heigth = viewHeight / contentHeigth;
CGFloat scale = MAX(width, heigth);
if ( scale < view.minimumZoomScale ) {
view.minimumZoomScale = scale;
} else if ( scale > view.maximumZoomScale ) {
view.maximumZoomScale = scale;
view.zoomScale = scale;
#pragma mark - Positions
- (void) _updatePositionForViews:(NSArray *)views
CGFloat scale = _scrollView.zoomScale;
CGPoint contentOffset = _scrollView.contentOffset;
contentOffset.x -= _scrollView.frame.origin.x;
contentOffset.y -= _scrollView.frame.origin.y;
for ( UIView *view in views ) {
CGPoint basePosition = [self _basePositionForView:view];
[self _updatePositionForView:view scale:scale basePosition:basePosition offset:contentOffset];
- (CGPoint) _basePositionForView:(UIView *)view
NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", view.tag];
NSString *stringValue = [_coordinates objectForKey:key];
NSArray *values = [stringValue componentsSeparatedByString:#":"];
if ( [values count] < 2 ) return CGPointZero;
CGPoint result = CGPointMake([[values objectAtIndex:0] floatValue], [[values objectAtIndex:1] floatValue]);
return result;
- (void) _updatePositionForView:(UIView *)view scale:(CGFloat)scale basePosition:(CGPoint)basePosition offset:(CGPoint)offset;
CGPoint position;
position.x = (basePosition.x * scale) - offset.x;
position.y = (basePosition.y * scale) - offset.y;
CGRect frame = view.frame;
frame.origin = position;
view.frame = frame;
#pragma mark - UIScrollViewDelegate
- (void)scrollViewWillBeginDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView;
[self _lockInteraction];
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView willDecelerate:(BOOL)decelerate;
[self _unlockInteraction];
- (void)scrollViewWillBeginZooming:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withView:(UIView *)view
[self _lockInteraction];
- (void)scrollViewDidEndZooming:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withView:(UIView *)view atScale:(float)scale;
[self _unlockInteraction];
- (void) _lockInteraction
[self _setControls:_staticViews interacted:NO];
[self _setControls:_autoLayoutViews interacted:NO];
- (void) _unlockInteraction
[self _setControls:_staticViews interacted:YES];
[self _setControls:_autoLayoutViews interacted:YES];
- (void) _setControls:(NSArray *)controls interacted:(BOOL)interacted
for ( UIControl *control in controls ) {
if ( [control isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]]) {
control.userInteractionEnabled = interacted;
- (void)scrollViewDidZoom:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
[self _updatePositionForViews:_autoLayoutViews];
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
[self _updatePositionForViews:_autoLayoutViews];
- (UIView *) viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView;
return _mapImageView;
- (void) _setupAutolayoutViews
UIButton *btn1 = [UIButton buttonWithType: UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure];
[btn1 addTarget:self action:#selector(quickTest:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
btn1.tag = kAddContactButton; = CGPointZero;
[_mapContentView addSubview:btn1];
_autoLayoutViews = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:btn1, nil];
- (void) _setupStaticViews
UIButton *openMiamiButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
[openMiamiButton setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"logo.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[openMiamiButton addTarget:self action:#selector(quickTest:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
openMiamiButton.frame = CGRectMake(0.0 ,0.0, 50.0, 50.0);
openMiamiButton.tag = OpenMiamiButton;
openMiamiButton.enabled = YES;
openMiamiButton.alpha = 0.5;
[_mapImageView addSubview:openMiamiButton];
_staticViews = #[openMiamiButton,];
for ( UIView *view in _staticViews ) {
CGPoint point = [self _basePositionForView:view];
CGRect frame = view.frame;
frame.origin = point;
view.frame = frame;
//And for the transition between views:
-(void) quickTest: (UIButton *)button
if (!openMiami)
openMiami = [[MiamiGameDisplay alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
openMiami.mainPage = self;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:openMiami animated:YES];
if (!testBool){
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5f
_scrollView.frame = CGRectMake(0 , -270, 568, 270);
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5f
_miamiScrollView.frame = CGRectMake(0 , 0, 568, 270);
else {
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5f
_miamiScrollView.frame = CGRectMake(0 , 270, 568, 270);
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5f
_scrollView.frame = CGRectMake(0 , 0, 568, 270);
I've run into a similar issue with scrollViews. Basically, as far as I can tell, only the last scrollView added to the window will respond as a scrollView.
You can produce the same effect with any other type of object being added to the window before the scrollView.
Example :
[[self window] addSubview:logo];
[[self window] addSubview:scrollView];
Will work, but:
[[self window] addSubview:scrollView];
[[self window] addSubview:logo];
will not. (Currently running against iOS 6.1.2 and xCode 4.6.1)
