IOS WebView get stuck after some time opened - ios

My webview is getting stuck after 1 hour opened without use it, I'm getting the following errors:
Someone know what's the problem?
Thank you!

From the Log you can see that is a memory issue "Terminated due to memory issue"
It could be a memory leak or a “zombie” object.
Run the app with instruments to get more info and check if you have forgotten to disable zombies from the scheme editor , Memory Management options


Message from debugger: Terminated due to memory issue in flutter ios

I am new to flutter. I have got error
"loading many images goes out of memory in flutter ios"
and I got message from debugger
"Terminated due to memory issue".
I have tryout all of image view - cache_image, progress_image, extended_image but still got same error so please if you have any idea about this and solution for this so help me. Thanks in advance!!
Screen shot of XCode console,
It is due to too much memory consumption, I got same error for my project as well but it was very difficult to find it, for me I was using a
physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
which load the whole data once and occupy memory, and for long list of data, I got same error. I hope this will help to find problem for this issue

Parse iOS framework causing memory crashes

I've used Xcode's zombie debugger and managed to find this flag upon launch:
This crashed the app, and re-recording from Instruments caused the same result. Relaunching the app from the device made the app launch without a crash and subsequent launches from Instruments resulted in normal operation without flags or crashes.
Can anyone make sense of this or advise? I'm getting a number of "heap corruption" crashes in production. The reports are limited to a handful of users, but I'm afraid that number is growing.
It looks like the Parse SDK's latest release notes (1.15.1) addresses this:
-Adds polygonal queries
-Fixes memory leaks related with PFCommandCache
But my crash reports are coming from builds with this SDK version.
The Parse team has responded saying that a fix for this is coming to a new SDK release soon. :)

How can I deal with my released app's crashes in main.m?

I used Bugly(a tool same as Crashlytics) to recored crashes in my app which had released.But sometimes there are some crashes in main.m as the report showed:
With these information I can't location problem in my code at all.I need to know which class and which method the problem occured so I can location this problem.
I wonder is there any way I can location problem more precise?And how do you deal with these crashes in your released app?
Wish you can share,thanks a lot.
Finally I find this is memory leak result.Use Xcode instrument check is a good way.

“JetsamEvent-2015-03-18-151504.ips” files are generated for crashes instead of .crash files

IN iOS 8.2 Device, my application got crashed,So to see the crash logs i connected my device to Mac (Xcode->devices->Device logs)
.There were no crash(.Crash) files generated instead “JetsamEvent-2015-03-18-151504.ips” files were generated which were of no use.And i am also using PLCrashReporter framework to collect crashes , but it is also not helpful in finding these crash files.Do anyone know why the crash file was not generated for my app crash?
Anyone have face this issue.
Thank you.
JetsamEvent log is so called Low Memory Report.
So, it is highly possible that your App was killed by system due to memory shortage.
- My app crashes and closes down and there is very little information as to why
- Understanding Low Memory Reports (*a little bit outdated)

iOS App crashes / Xcode shows no backtrace (Paused)

I'm trying to debug a crash (likely memory related) but whenever the app crashes while debugging on iPad device Xcode (4.2) shows Paused with no backtrace for any thread (GDB). Switching to LLDB provides even less -- the app crashes, console shows nothing and Xcode ends debugging.
The crash only occurs after intense use and is likely related to insufficient memory.
I can't find any info related to the crash though. Anyone else experienced this behavior?
Have you set the exception breakpoint?
got to breakpoint editor pane
click on the [+] in the bottom left corner of the pane
choose add exception breakpoint
Now you should see a stacktrace if an exception occurs.
"Appearing after intensive use" indicates to excessive memory usage and memory leaks, and not that not enough memory is available.
Run the application on your device with instruments running and turn on the leaks module to find where you are not freeing allocated memory.
