Whenever I do save on Jenkins(Manage Jenkins-> Configure System), I am getting the above error.
Can you please suggest the possible reason.
I had the same issue.
In my case, the cause was wrong Jenkins URL setting.
Check Jenkins URL setting in http://{jenkins_server}/configure.
The issue above is the only solution I have ever found.
And the suggestion is following.
could you please run the following url :
Please go to your http://jenkins_server/configure and check the value
of Jenkins URL (located above Email Notification section). Normally
you should have your jenkins server url. If not, please fix it (unless
you need to keep the value ci/ and in that case, the plugin will not
In Jenkins it is possible to customise/parameterise the application with so called "System Properties". In the console you can manage to set properties like the following:
System.setProperty("hudson.plugins.active_directory.ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm.forceLdaps", "true")
With the code of println and System.getProperty it is possible to see the value, which in this case is true. You can also view this on the page itself when navigating to /systemInfo in the URL.
Is it possible to remove the System Property by code? I searched the documentation of Jenkins but no luck. Another topic I found with the same problem is dead since 2012-2013.
I tried the following, unfortunately without success:
System.setProperty("hudson.plugins.active_directory.ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm.forceLdaps", null)
System.setProperty("hudson.plugins.active_directory.ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm.forceLdaps", undefined)
Any help is appreciated.
I have found the problem by myself:
You can use System.clearProperty(String key) to remove the System Parameter, the option I didn't used before.
Hopefully this can be a good use for other people.
If you added the property via Script Console, restarting Jenkins would remove it.
sudo systemctl restart jenkins
Title says it all, I'm currently using a file in my '.gradle' directory called 'gradle.properties' to set systempProp.http.proxy* stuff. I've noticed that with Grails you don't need to set a http.proxy.proxyPassword just the http.proxHost, http.proxyPort, and http.proxyUser in the '.grails\ProxySettings.groovy' file.
Is there some systemProp/configuration I can use so I don't need to put my password in plaintext using Gradle?
Gradle cannot eliminate the need for a password, if your proxy requires it. If you however do not want to check your password into code (clearly, that is a stupid thing to do :) ), you should use environment variables to hide it.
You can either set the env variable: http.proxyPassword to your password, or run gradle with a -D parameter:
gradle -Dhttp.proxyHost=*** -Dhttp.proxyPort=*** -Dhttp.proxyUser=**** -Dhttp.proxyPassword=****
Keep in mind that if someone else is building your code without proper env variables set, their build might fail, so remember to include proper instructions.
Also note that there is a different set of properties for https. Oh and if your proxy interferes with SSL certificates, you might also have to import your proxy certificates into your truststore.
I am trying to clone a project from my bitbucket to my computer, using SourceTree.
I tried to do so from the web interface :
But it always failed.
Here is the details of the error.
Can you help me please ?
Update: As mentioned below an update (1.6.25) has been released which fixes this error.
Original: Authentication in Version 1.6.24 of SourceTree is currently not working well. Use version 1.6.23 instead. You can find it here: http://downloads.atlassian.com/software/sourcetree/windows/SourceTreeSetup_1.6.23.exe
Yes, the problem is with Askpass.exe
We recently changed the logging framework we used to slf4net/log4net and this, unexpectedly is being picked up by askpass.exe.
But unfortunately since askpass.exe has no configuration in place it logs some output to stdout by default, this is interfering with the expected stdout output from askpass.exe.
We will release a 1.6.25 tomorrow with a proper fix.
Work Around
As a temporary workaround copying the attached Askpass.exe.config file in to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Atlassian\SourceTree
will provide the necessary configuration and should fix the multiple authentication requests.
You may find that unfortunately SourceTree has deleted what it thought were 'failing' passwords. Apologies for this you will need to re-enter them.
You can see the issue on Atlassian's own Jira: SRCTREEWIN-3944
Edit: Said update appears to be available now.
Help > Check for Updates > Update
Worked for me
It is because of the update which is the Two-step verification. I suggest you read this first to read more about their update and then you proceed over here. I was able to change my default HTTPS protocol to SSH protocol by following the steps above.
I am trying to install SmartGit and trying to provide bitbucket as hosting provide. I provide correct credentials of my bitbucket account but I get following error:
java.security.cert.CerfiticateException: SHA fingerprint of the certificate does not match.
Expected: [some string]
Actual: [some other string]
This may either mean that the server certificate has changed or that you are spoofed.
I think this is related to SSL certificate but do not know how to fix it. Any help will be highly appreciated.
From [1]: to fix SmartGit (and older) add following line to smartgit.properties (in the SmartGit settings directory, see About dialog):
After restarting SmartGit, connection will work again.
[1] http://blog.syntevo.com/2014/03/09/1394361360000.html
Same problem here. Guess BitBucket changed their key since the latest version got released.
Solution (or rather, workaround)...:
Don't add BitBucket as a remote provider. Add your URL simply per each project.
Remote -> Add
You can find the URL for your projects on the web interface of BitBucket.
Right after you select a project of yours, a link is displayed on the right side of your screen. It starts with https ... That is what you need.
BitBucket just changed their certificates, as announced on their blog.
On March 7th at 22:00 UTC, we’ll be updating our SSL certificates to replace ones that will be expiring soon. It’s likely that you won’t notice any changes and won’t need to take any action.
You can work around it it using the per-project URLs as described in Shiki's answer.
Just add the following line to your ~/.smartgit/5/smartgit.properties
Then re-try adding Bitbucket and it should work.
I had this same issue, but for github and adding the fingerprint to smartgit.properties was not working.
What did work was updating to the latest build (last option in the Help menu).
i have service to send sms to the mobile through Application. I am getting the follwing error.
2011-06-06 19:37:35,729 [http-8080-2] ERROR sipgate.SipgateService - Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: https://samurai.sipgate.net/RPC2
This probably means you are using an invalid username or password
Have you set up the config as explained on the plugin page (at the top of the documentation)?
I also assume that this means your earlier problem was solved... Can you accept the answer if my answer helped, or explain what you did to fix it if it did not?
I agree with Tim. You can only log in, if your Sipgate-Registration was verified by Sipgate.
Points, which you can check to see if your account is not working:
Try to log in on the sipgate.de webpage
Use the Perl-Client given here: http://www.sipgate.de/basic/api
The client can be downloaded at this location:http://www.sipgate.de/beta/public/static/downloads/basic/api/sipgate_api_perl_examples.zip
Hopefully you should not be able to do at least one of these things. Then you know you have to talk to the support # sipgate
The documentation on the plugin-page says, you have to have a 'conf/Config.groovy'-file. This means that you should have the basic Config.groovy file in the folder 'grails-app/conf/', which ships with every Grails installation. So my guess is that you might have created a different Config.groovy-file. So better check on the Config.groovy-file. The SMS-plugin should have generated some placeholders for you, where you need to enter your sipgate-account-data.