IOS: Can not install our app from Appstore - ios

Our new IOS app was updated to Appstore successful yesterday.
Some users can update normally but the others not.
Include myself, we can see Appstore is downloading our app,so do the icon on desktop.
But when downloaded the icon of our app disappear.
It seems that the app was not installed.
Some 6 and 6s users have this question.
Our app is passed by Appstore, and some user can download and install it.
The package seems worked.
Why the app can not be installed in some users' IPHONE?

Finally catch the problem.
Because of the pool network, we retried a few times updating the package.
At the last time, we choose the wrong package with lower version code in Info.plist.
The package had a lower code, but may apple keep a higher version code for verification.
We get a lot of 1stars caused by this which made us upset.
I don't understand why Apple put it to AppStore in such a case.
Anyway, please be careful at package updating.

No issues with you code as well as your package info. Yesterday Apple had issue with their server.
Refer this link for more info.

If app is installed without any issue & in some device its not than there might be few possible reasons like below:
First possible reason is Minimum IOS version set in the App is higher than the device OS version. Let say for ex: In your App you have set the Minimum iOS version to 9.0. And users who are not able to install will running of less than 9.0.
Second possible reason is Architecture support. May be your app not supporting arm 64 support & due to that it will not allowing to install on arm64 based devices.
Now in your case i strongly believe there will be minimum iOS version issue. Why less chances of second issue is as you know now arm64 support is compulsory in iOS Apps. Otherwise Apple will reject your app.
I hope this will help you.

Related - parameter +is_first_session always false

I am using branch iOS SDK for sending universal links. One of my test devices now always returns the parameter +is_first_session as false.
I delete the app on the device to be tested and install the app on another device. I send the install link via message or email to the device without the app, open that link (App Store is opened) and finally install the debug version with xCode. The code works on some devices (iOS 10.1.1 and iOS 9.3) but not on an iOS 10.2. It has always worked before on the same device, so I am thinking it has something to do with the new iOS version.
Any ideas that might help? Can anybody explain how +is_first_session is determined? Thanks...
UPDATE: Apple introduced an unannounced change in iOS 10.2 (at Branch, we believe this may actually be a bug from Apple) that broke the logic Branch uses to differentiate between installs and re-installs. This caused some new installs on iOS 10.2 to incorrectly report +is_first_session: false. We have implemented a backend change to resolve the issue.
Alex from here: +is_first_session is the variable Branch uses to determine if an app as ever been installed on that unique device before. This means if you have installed any version at any point in the past, you will get false here, which is by design as it allows you to construct customized experiences for first-time installers (vs. people who have re-installed).
If you want to bypass this for testing purposes, you'll want to use the debug mode. Once this is on, you'll get is_first_session: true any time the app is installed (meaning, you delete the app and reinstall it, or install a fresh build from Xcode)
In my testing on iOS 13, if, in the iOS Settings app, the Privacy > Advertising > Limit Ad Tracking option is enabled (meaning the IDFA is not exposed to Branch, then the +is_first_session key value will always be false, even if the app is installed for the first time.
My takeaway from this is that the value +is_first_session cannot be relied on to provide useful information in all cases.

App File Size is 2.5x larger when installing with Fabric

I am trying to figure out why my apps file size is so large when I install a beta build with Fabric Beta (created by Twitter).
When archiving the build and checking the app size I see that it is about 194MB, however, when I build and install the app for debugging on device, the storage space that is taken up is ~85MB.
When I install the app via Fabric Beta, the app is ~194MB on device.
Would anyone be able to explain what is going on here. Is there an issue with Fabric that is not optimizing the build?
Old question, but worth clarifying I think real quick:
1 comment said:
Most likely the ipa for uploading has arm6 and arm7 binaries in it. As long as you have bitcode turned on then App thinning will only push down the parts that an individual device needs.
And this is true, and then this follow up comment from original question author
I see. And is there any way to confirm this for a client? Because Fabric has been the only platform we have been using. Will I see the correct file size with iTunes Test Flight?
The answer to that is yes. Test flight, since basically the closest you can get to the App Store without actually getting reviewed (although TestFlight requires Beta App Review, but this is usually pretty quick.
TestFlight should handle the proper app thinning and send you only the app binary sized for your device.

App in App Store and Apple Watch app installation fails for some users — can I make installation more reliable somehow?

I have an app in the App Store with an Apple Watch app. For most users, installation works fine.
Some users have had a problem where the Apple Watch app installation fails at what appears to be 75% (based on the pie graph status indicator over the app icon on the Apple Watch). Out of these users, many of them have eventually been able to get it to install after rebooting both the Apple Watch and paired iPhone a few times or updating the software on both.
At least one person has not been able to resolve the installation issue. He has gone to great lengths troubleshooting, including erasing and restoring his iPhone Apple Watch multiple times. All the other Apple Watch apps that are part of iPhone apps on his phone get automatically installed, except for mine, which fails.
Is there anything I might be able to do as a developer to troubleshoot the failing installation further, and possibly change about my app to make the installation process more reliable?
I've talked to a number of other developers about this, and they all seem to think it must be a bug in iOS or watchOS that I don't have any control over as a developer, but I really want to help this guy out who is having trouble installing my app so I thought I'd post here to try to get more feedback on what's happening.
I always try to post at least some code or log output in my questions, but unfortunately in this case don't really have any relevant code or logs related to this issue since it's all during the installation process.
After PetahChristian's comment on my question, I asked the person with the installation issue to download XCode and check the device's console log. Here is the relevant line from the console output:
Jun 16 10:44:40 WeeFee appconduitd[1843] <Error>: 0x16e12f000 -[ACXServerInstallOperation receivedDictionaryOrData:]: 524: Got error 17 in install done from remote side (MI error DeviceOSVersionTooLow ; Extended 0x0 ; Desc The system version is lower than the minimum OS version specified for bundle at /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/ and See Have 2.1; need 2.2)
Even though I had asked this person if he had iOS and watchOS up to date, and he told me he did, it turns out he didn't. And, Apple seems to just let the installation fail without showing the user an error message about software updates being required to run the app. Once he actually did update watchOS, everything worked fine with the installation.

Remove support for iPhone with new updated version of app

We released few versions of our app with universal support ( i.e. app is supported both on iPhone and iPad). Now with new version of our app (1.14) we want that this version should be available to iPad only. This means 1.14 should be available only on iPad and iPhone user may not able to install it. But when we change setting in Xcode from Universal to iPad only it gives error while uploading ipa to app store that if previous version of app supported iPhone then in updated version of app we cannot remove iPhone support. Now we are looking for solution to this problem. Please guide us what are way to over come this issue. Due to this issue we have to delay our app release so kindly give us possible suggestions as soon as possible.
There is no good way of doing what you want. Apple deliberately don't want you removing functionality for existing users.
Maybe the only way forward is to remove your current app from sale and submit a new, iPad-only version. You'll lose your reviews, sales rank, etc.

iOS apps without developer license / app store

I'm new to iPhone development and was wondering if there is a good/easy guide I could follow to install an iOS app on a jailbroken phone without joining the developer program.
Basically, I don't know if I'm going to have the time to learn everything I need to learn, but would like to make a start and see where it leads. Once I have something decent put together I can make plans to go through official channels.
I followed a guide that I found in SO, but when launching the app it immediately dies/crashes back to the springboard. So I can only assume I did something wrong, or the guide is outdated.
I'm using iOS 4.3.3 and xCode 4.
here is the link to the guide I followed: iPhone App Minus App Store?
Just to get the warning away.
I just found a guide that worked for me: How can I deploy an iPhone application from Xcode to a real iPhone device?. all I had to do was change the 4.2 in one of the commands to 4.3
With Xcode 7 it's now free to run your apps on your iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch (beta):
Now everyone can get their app on their Apple device. Xcode 7 and
Swift now make it easier for everyone to build apps and run them
directly on their Apple devices. Simply sign in with your Apple ID,
and turn your idea into an app that you can touch on your iPad,
iPhone, or Apple Watch. Download Xcode 7 beta and try it yourself
today. Program membership is not required.
This isn't my own method, but I thought I'd help you out since I've just read this elsewhere:
Answer by WrightsCS
There's a way you can do this.
You will need ROOT access to edit the following file.
Navigation to /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS4.2.sdk and open the file SDKSettings.plist.
In that file, expand DefaultProperties and change CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED to NO, while you are there, you can also change ENTITLEMENTS_REQUIRED to NO also.
You will have to restart Xcode for the changes to take effect. Also, you must do this for every .sdk you want to be able to run on device.
Now, in your project settings, you can change Code Signing Identity to Don't Code Sign.
Your app should now build and install on your device successfully."
