I have a question regarding image processing in imagej. Is there a way how to select a background except for multiple ROIs that I have created in the picture?
Thanks in advance
It sounds like you made several ROIs and you want to select everything in the image that is outside them.
If so, you can do it as follows. Most of this is using the ROI Manager as recommended by Jan.
Make your ROIs, adding each one to the ROI Manager by pressing T.
In the ROI Manager, select all the ROIs, then click More >> and choose OR. This combines all the ROIs into one.
Add this combined ROI to the ROI Manager (press T) and select it in the Manager.
In the main ImageJ menu, go to Edit > Selection > Make Inverse. Now you have a ROI that is everything except your original ROIs.
I have a picture of a truck from the side.Also, using the background removal, I have a binary image of the truck.
I've also been able to locate wheels in the truck.Then remove the top of the wheels in the image.Like what you see in the picture below.
I want to do two things now.
1- Find the "Place of Load" in the truck.
2. Find the truck.
Like what you see in the picture below.
please help.Does anyone have an idea for this?
If after cropping the top part of truck, you are getting two independent contours, then try to use findContours function from OpenCV and based on the contours' area and pixel locations with respect to each other, you can label them. If you are not getting independent two contours, try to use morphological operations like Erosion to separate them.
I want to measure the area of a group of clumped cells with blurred margins. I cannot set a threshold and measure the ROIs as the edges are not clear. I have to manually select the ROIs. I would then like to color in the ROIs of same area with one color so that it is easy for visualization. I want to show that that in my tissue sample there are cells of different sizes.
Please suggest how I can fill the ROIs with the same area with a color. Is there a better way to do this?
There's a macro called ROI Color Coder that colors measured ROIs according to size. That might be close to what you want.
The easiest way to add it to ImageJ is to use the Fiji distribution of ImageJ and activate the "BAR" update site. That way you get any updates automatically.
Check out the ImageJ forum too -- it's a good place to get answers about using ImageJ.
Hope this helps.
Given a picture, I would like to modify it to create the effect of rain on glass. What steps should I take to achieve this goal?
Suppose we want to add the effect of a single drop of water on a given point in an image, some pixels around that point should be modified in some way: how these pixels should be modified?
Simple way is to just make transparent image that is actually image overlay. That looks like common approach of water drop effects in gimp.
I think that in order to make optically correct image one need to have full 3D info of environment, because most optics equations that one needs to simulate correct image includes each object distance.
I have a 2D numpy array that I need to plot as an image with a certain scale. Within that image I need to be able to select a ROI or at least be able to display the mouse coordinates (of a specific target contained in the image). I tried using pyqtgraph but I can't seem to plot an image as a data source rather than just an image (i.e. can't seem to set axes, etc)... what would be the best way to do this, then? The image browser is compiled as a widget with a slider that scrolls through frames of the file; this widget is then embedded in a main window with a few table widgets.
I think imshow in matplotlib might work for you. It is easy to zoom, pan, and scale, and works easily with numpy.
(If this answer doesn't work for you, could you please refine your question. I'm unsure whether you're looking for any tool that will do the job, or something that works within the context of a gui that you've already implemented. If the later, I think you'll probably need to do the ROI yourself, by, say, selecting areas of the numpy array to plot, e.g. a[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax].)
In ImageJ i need to save all the ROI Measure (in the ROI manager) associated with the image.
And have the possibility to open lately still editable (move the Line , move the point , save measure in result)
So also have ImageJ a File where can save a work we are doing and open lately for re-editing?
You can save the ROI Manager's set of ROIs by clicking the More button and choosing "Save" from the menu. To restore them later, click "More" and choose "Open" from the menu.