opencv not able to run some advanced image processing code - opencv

i am using visual studio 15
some basic blurring and filters are running perfectly but on some codes such as blending and dct techniques are not running
Can anyone please help me

At this point its probably best to create your own compiled library tools for MicroSoft Visual Studio 15. Here's a how to guide. That guide covers all the steps and starts with the most current code on Github.
Also note there are many tutorials out there on OpenCV. Many parts of the OpenCV library have been update, or replaced. You have to be careful that the commands you are using are valid in OpenCV 3.x
Compile your own, run a few simple programs.
If you want specific help here, you MUST post your code, and the errors you are seeing.


Curious about how opencv_cudaoptflow.lib, where to find it or make?

I am about to try YOLO as dll in Win10, x64, opencv 3.4.0, CUDA 10, MSVS 2015 as suggested here.
All the steps are done but when I build I have an error
The curious part for me is I couldn't find that opencv_cudaoptflow340.lib anywhere, not in the CUDA folders, not in the opencv340 (where my opencv resides), not even in the whole PC. So, naturally I tried to find it on the web, no luck. Only possible solution seemed to be this with CMake building. Obviously I followed it, however, CMake didn't give an opencv_cudaoptflow340.lib option at all.
How should I approach to find/make/create this .lib file?
I would like to see your experiences on this.
I think this would help others too.

image watch in opencv debug

I use visual code editor for opencv app development, I wonder if there is some extension similar to Image Watch for OpenCV available. it can be handy for development.
If you are using gdb for debugging, take a look at OpenImageDebugger
I am using this on Linux and it works pretty good.
If you can use CLion instead of Visual Studio Code you can utilize the OpenCV Image Viewer plugin, which displays matrices while debugging just on click.
Disclaimer: I'm an author of this plugin

Can't find Neo4jImport.bat

I just installed Neo4j 2.2 Milestone 1 Release on a Windows 64-bit machine and I am unable to locate the file Neo3jImport.bat.
I want to play around with the feature described here. Until now, I have been playing around with the RNeo4J package. It has helped the learning curve quite a bit, but now that I am goint beyond toy datasets, importing data using the package is painful.
With that said, I can't seem to locate the file/utility that seemingly makes importing larger datasets a breeze. I was expecting to see the file at C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin.
I imagine this is a really basic question, but I am somewhat stumped.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry for the exclusion but the binary installation misses also Neo4jShell and other command line scripts as is is intended for a UI only user.
Please use the ZIP download from as Mark suggested.

First steps to reconstruct the architecture in a Delphi 7 project

I am working with an undocumented, 100.000 lines Delphi 7 project and one of my goals is to create a software architecture document from the source code.
Can you give me any ideas on how to approach this?
These tools work with Delphi 7 and are of great help:
the UML tool ModelMaker
the refacotoring tool ModelMaker Code Explorer
the documentation tool Documentation Insight (as of august 2012)
UML diagrams are a great way to get an overview of structure. How well that overview is, depends on how well the structure is.
For taking over projects like these, I start with some basic documentation (often in MarkDown format, as that text based format is version control friendly, and generates nice HTML).
To get that going, it helps if the original developers or/and some base documentation are still there.
Then just start to:
fix bugs / apply feature requests
use ModelMaker to get a feel for overall structure
use ModelMaker Code Explorer as a refactoring tool
use Documentation Insight to document inside the source code (you can generate help files and web pages with the pro version, see feature matrix)
update my Markdown documents with any information that does not fit in the source code documentation well
Note you can put some documentation in using Model Maker Code Explorer, but it can not be exported as help files, since it uses a different documentation format than Documentation Insight.
So I agree with the comment by Jan Doggen (thanks Jan!): just start. Make sure you have the right tools to help that going.
Try running the source code through a newer Delphi version that supports UML modeling, then let it show you how different sections of code related to each other.
Understand will do the job. Free download includes 15 days evaluation which will be more then enough for what you need to document.

Affine-SIFT(ASIFT) Feature Detector

I am working on a project where I have to detect the features of an object (in a Video Frame) and match it with other objects (inside some other frame) to recognize the same object for tracking. I have googled many Feature detector algorithms. I also did some comparisons between them (SIFT,SURF & ASIFT).
ASIFT is computationally a bit expensive but the results are more accurate when compared to SIFT & SURF.
I have googled a lot about ASIFT but did not get any success regarding my project.
Can someone please help me with using ASIFT in my project?
ASIFT reference:
Which files should I include in my project? I'm working on OPENCV 2.1 , IDE VS 2010.
Its my first post on this platform. Hope some one will help me.
The important functions are in the files compute_asift_keypoints.{c,h} and compute_asift_matches.{c,h}. They will inform you about which functions are mandatory. From there you have the choice:
Quick-and-dirty way:
you need to include and compile everything, except the executable part (file demo_*.cpp). You can either compile the files as a library (by modifying the CMakeLists.txt) or add them to your project in your IDE. Note that you will not use the functions from io_png for example, but you need to compile them if you don't want to be annoyed by compiler errors about missing functions.
Clean (but longer) way:
you have to ignore / remove all the files that also contain the I/O part, since OpenCV can take care of them. Then you can also look for functions that are already implemented in OpenCV, such as applying an affine transform, SVD... and progressively replace them by their OpenCV counterpart.
