Making Jbuilder work with Rails 5 API Mode - ruby-on-rails

I want to use Jbuilder with Rails 5.0.0.beta1.1 in API mode. Out of the box, it doesn't work, even when creating the app/views directory.
For example, I have:
# app/controllers/tests_controller.rb
class TestsController < ApplicationController
# The requests gets inside the action
def test
# app/views/tests/test.json.jbuilder
json.test "It works!"
The error I'm getting is
No template found for TestsController#test, rendering head :no_content
I guess I have to change some things in the config files. What do I have to do?

Doing an explicit render from the controller like this works:
render 'controller_name/action.json.jbuilder'

With API mode.
You need include module like bellow
class ApplicationController < ActionController::API
include ActionController::ImplicitRender # if you need render .jbuilder
include ActionView::Layouts # if you need layout for .jbuilder

I got the same error, but in my case I had simply forgotten to add the jbuilder gem in the Gemfile:
gem 'jbuilder', '~> 2.5'


Render a view in Rails 5 API

I generated an API-only rails app with Rails 5 via rails new <application-name> --api. I've decided I want to include a view for testing some things and am having issues getting a view to load.
I created a users/index.html.erb file with some text and my controller is now simply def index; end but there is nothing appearing when I hit the /users URL. I also tried commenting out the # config.api_only = true in config/application.rb but that didn't affect anything. Any suggestions on how to proceed?
You don't need to uncomment config.api_only = true for this purpose, just inherit your controller from ActionController::Base, or do it in your ApplicationController (default for common rails generation).
For this controller only YourController < ActionController::Base
For all apllication ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
this is from the ActionController::Metal docs
it says:
ActionController::Metal by default provides no utilities for rendering >views, partials, or other responses aside from explicitly calling of >response_body=, content_type=, and status=. To add the render helpers >you’re used to having in a normal controller, you can do the following:
class HelloController < ActionController::Metal
include AbstractController::Rendering
include ActionView::Layouts
append_view_path "#{Rails.root}/app/views"
def index
render "hello/index"
So I've tried it myself and adding just by adding the two modules actually work just fine when using it for ActionController::API

Using rails_admin with rails_api

I originally posted this as an issue on rails_api GitHub, but am now posting it here due to inactivity.
I'm trying to use rails_admin with a Rails 5 API application. I included extra ActionController modules up to the point that I can either have a functioning rails_admin panel or working API requests. The issue seems to be that rails_admin depends on ActionView::Layouts, which after included causes issues for API requests.
gem 'rails', '>= 5.0.0.beta3', '< 5.1'
gem 'rack-pjax', github: 'afcapel/rack-pjax'
gem 'remotipart', github: 'mshibuya/remotipart'
gem 'kaminari', github: 'amatsuda/kaminari', branch: '0-17-stable'
gem 'rails_admin', github: 'sferik/rails_admin'
I configured my application to use ActionDispatch::Flash:
module MyApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.middleware.use ActionDispatch::Flash
I configured extra modules for Rails API, ApplicationController:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::API
include Knock::Authenticatable
include Pundit
# RailsAdmin support
include AbstractController::Helpers
include ActionController::Flash
include ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection
include ActionController::MimeResponds
include ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic::ControllerMethods
include ActionView::Layouts
With these changes the Rails Admin dashboard seems to run fine. However, when I'm trying to access the JSON resources in my application, the following error is thrown:
ActionView::MissingTemplate: Missing template bookings/index, application/index with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:json], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:raw, :erb, :html, :builder, :ruby, :haml]}. Searched in:
* "/Users/richard/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/bundler/gems/rails_admin-355dc80f8a20/app/views"
The test code (also tried adding format: :json):
class BookingsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
test 'should get index' do
get :index
assert_response :success
This is the controller code:
class BookingsController < ApplicationController
def index
#bookings = find_bookings
render json: #bookings, include: ['customer', 'client'], meta: meta
This only happens after I include the ActionView::Layouts module in the top level ActionController::API class to support Rails Admin.
If I were you, I try isolate API and RailsAdmin controllers. I think this must work:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::API
include Knock::Authenticatable
include Pundit
class RailsAdminCustomController < ApplicationController
# RailsAdmin support
include AbstractController::Helpers
include ActionController::Flash
include ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection
include ActionController::MimeResponds
include ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic::ControllerMethods
include ActionView::Layouts
In config/initializers/rails_admin.rb
RailsAdmin.config do |config|
# other config stuff ...
config.parent_controller = '::RailsAdminCustomController'
Just check the RailsAdmin::ApplicationController here, and the config settings here.
As of v1.0.0 (released September 2016), Rails Admin now supports Rails 5 API-mode straight out-of-the-box. The gem itself injects the missing middleware to render its views and there is no extra configuration required.
Using Rails Admin with Rails 5 API application
You should have a json view file in this location bookings/index.json.jbuilder
And inside this file something like
This is another template missing
but really don't know you app completely. So maybe that's the application layout you implemented using ActionView::Layouts. In that case is asking you to implement a layout page file in the location application/index.
NOTE: Those two file inside the views folder.

Authority gem gives 'undefined method'

I'm getting undefined method 'authorize_actions_for' in the controller when using rails-api with the Authority gem. Any ideas what I need to include? Here's my code:
gem 'authority', '~> 2.9.0'
gem 'rails-api', '~> 0.1.0'
class SessionAuthorizer < ApplicationAuthorizer
def deletable_by?(user)
class V1::SessionsController < ApplicationController
authorize_actions_for Session
Include Authority::Controller
As we discussed on Github, authorize_actions_for is defined in Authority::Controller.
In a normal Rails app, that module gets included into ActionController::Base by Authority's railtie.rb. Apparently the railtie isn't being required when using rails-api (maybe the Rails constant isn't defined?).
You can include the appropriate module yourself, though:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Authority::Controller

Auto_link with rails_autolink gem - undefined method

I'm trying to use the rails_autolink gem.
As usual, I added the gem declaration to my gemfile:
gem 'rails_autolink'
Then ran "bundle install", restarted my rails local server and
Then I added to my posts_controller the require before the class declaration
require 'rails_autolink'
class PostsController < ApplicationController
and used the auto_link method inside my create action
def create
#new_post =[:post])
if #new_post.content == ""
redirect_to posts_url
#new_post.content = auto_link(#new_post.content)
... #respond_to and save methods
end #end of my post controller
The thing is that when I try to create a post I have a undefined method on the auto_link method, any idea why ? Is it specific to the gem or is it because something else ?
This is a view helper which you're trying to use in a controller
#new_post.content = view_context.auto_link(#new_post.content)
In any other places you can use: ActionController::Base.helpers.auto_link(text)
I don't believe you need the namespacing. Try it again simply using:

Loading .coffee files via a view in Rails

My controller is as follows:
class CommentLoaderController < ApplicationController
respond_to :js
def show
puts 'here'
#client_id = params[:id]
respond_with #client_id
It loads a .js file which has some .erb markup in it. I'd like to load a CoffeeScript file, compiled to JS on the fly. Is this possible with Rails 3?
I think this blog post that one of my colleagues wrote today might help
It turns out that Rails won’t compile CoffeeScript templates by
default, but you can install the Coffeebean gem and it magically
