What is name of this software can draw tables relationship? [closed] - entity-relationship

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I like to draw tables relationship as below, but I don't know what software, does anyone help me?

The diagram looks like those created by MySQL Workbench.

Try Valentina Studio. It has a free version, which includes table viewer like on your picture.


Image-Procssing Books [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm a newbie to Image-processing thing and I want to read a book that is good to start with.I've searched online for books but when I start to read them I can't really get the idea , so any suggestions?
Digital Image Processing
by Gonzalez and Woods is a standard reference.

Do we have any open source IDE to debugl source code of DXL [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I like to know is there any Open source IDE to debug the source code of DXL.
Opensource, no. Are there solutions out there? Yes. Sodius is the first one that pops into my mind.

Asp.Net Mvc 4 Source code? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is the source for MVC4 available? I've searched on codeplex and all the usual places but don't seem to be able to find? Do MS keep it under wraps until the very end? Why would they do that?
They have released the source code and it's available here.

Looking for lock-free container [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for lock-free container(List/Queue/Stack...) which can been used with delphi 2007. Thanks!
Did you try OmniThreadLibrary?
google search:
The first search result:
Links to OmniThreadLibrary

is there a way to make a DB diagram based on rails migrations? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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is there a way to make a DB diagram of tables..columns and their relationship based on a rails app?
if not...are there tools that would do that for a postgresql DB on ubuntu?
I've used RailRoad in the past which produces quite useful output.
