This works:
$ docker-compose run web psql -U dbuser -h db something_development
My docker-compose.yml file has environment variables all over the place. If I run docker-compose run web env I see all kinds of tasty things I'd like to reuse in these one off commands (scripts and one-time shells).
docker-compose run env
... many more
This won't work because my current shell evals it.
docker-compose run web psql -U ${DATABASE_USER} -h ${DATABASE_HOST} ${DATABASE_NAME}
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
These environment variables are coming from an env file like .app.env as referenced by docker-compose.yml but docker-compose itself can set environment variables. Seems a shame to even type dbuser when they are right there. I've tried my normal escaping tricks.
docker-compose run web psql -U \$\{DATABASE_USER\} -h \$\{DATABASE_HOST\} \$\{DATABASE_NAME\}
... many other attempts
I totally rubber ducked on SO so I'm going to answer my own question.
The answer (and there may be many ways to do it) is to run bash with -c and use single quotes so that your local shell doesn't interpolate the string.
docker-compose run web bash -c 'psql -U ${DATABASE_USER} \
Fantastic. DRY shell commands in docker-compose.
prob not the answer you want but the way we set env vars ...
(this is one of many containers)
container_name: "api"
- "database"
- "ldap"
- 8843:8843
- certs:rw
running compose ...
MYVAR=/etc/ssl/certs/keystoke.jks docker-compose (etcetera)
typically the above line will be in a script - cheers
firstly I wanna start by saying that I am not familier with servers and Docker. So take it easy on me.
I am making some changes to a server I connected through google console cloud. The changes are in the .env file. I made some configuration changes. Then I know that I have to do something like close the server and restart it for the changes to apply. I executed docker-compose up -d but what I wanted did not happen. So maybe I should have said docker-compose down or the reason it did not happen was because of my code in the server?
This thing is for a self-hosted jitsi (video conferencing) server. I am trying to activate the jwt token authentication option. Here's my changes in the .env file:
#Enable authentication
# Enable guest access
# Select authentication type: internal, jwt or ldap
# JWT authentication
# Application identifier
JWT_APP_ID= myıd
Here's a minimum reproducible example showing that you do not need to run a docker-compose down to see the changes from the .env file:
$ cat docker-compose.yml
version: '3.7'
image: busybox
container_name: test-env
command: tail -f /dev/null
message: ${message}
$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "64553060_default" with the default driver
Creating test-env ... done
$ cat .env
message=hello world
$ docker exec test-env env | grep message
message=hello world
$ vi .env
$ docker-compose up -d
Recreating test-env ... done
$ cat .env
message=hello stackoverflow
$ docker exec test-env env | grep message
message=hello stackoverflow
I was trying to setup Rails console in my dockerized container. The entire application has multiple components and I have set up the orchestration using docker-compose. Here is the relevant service from my docker-compose.yml file.
image: <image_name>
# mount the current directory (on the host) to /usr/src/app on the container, any changes in either would be reflected in both the host and the container
tty: true
- .:/usr/src/app
# expose application on localhost:36081
- "36081:36081"
# application restarts if stops for any reason - required for the container to restart when the application fails to start due to the database containers not being ready
restart: always
- other-db
# the environment variables are used in docker/config/env_config.rb to connect to different database containers
container_name: application
My Dockerfile has the following command ENTRYPOINT /usr/src/app/
And in the
echo "waiting for all db connections to be healthy... Sleeping..."
sleep 1m
mkdir -p /usr/src/app/tmp/pids/
mkdir -p /usr/src/app/tmp/sockets/
if [ "$CONSOLE" = "Y" ];
echo "Starting Padrino console"
bundle exec padrino console
When I run
export CONSOLE=Y
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d && docker attach application
The console starts up and I see >> but I cannot type in it. Where am I going wrong?
Try starting your container with -i mode.
-i, --interactive Attach container's STDIN
something like
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -i && docker attach application
you can also mix -d and -i as per need.
With help from this post, I figured that I was missing stdin_open: true in the docker-compose.yml. Adding it worked like a breeze.
I'm running a ruby on rails application in docker container. I want to create and then restore the database dump in postgres container.
But I'm
Below is what I've done so far:
1) Added bash script in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d folder. Script is just to create database:
psql -U docker -d postgres -c 'create database dbname;'
RESULT: Database created but rails server exited with code 0. Error: web_1 exited with code 0
2) Added script to be executed before docker-compose up.
# Run docker db container
echo "Running db container"
docker-compose run -d db
# Sleep for 10 sec so that container have time to run
echo "Sleep for 10 sec"
sleep 10
echo 'Copying db_dump.gz to db container'
docker cp db_dump/db_dump.gz $(docker-compose ps -q db):/
# Create database `dbname`
echo 'Creating database `dbname`'
docker exec -i $(docker-compose ps -q db) psql -U docker -d postgres -c 'create database dbname;'
echo 'importing database `dbname`'
docker exec -i $(docker-compose ps -q db) bash -c "gunzip -c /db_dump.gz | psql -U postgres dbname"
RESULT: Database created and restored data. But another container runs while running web application server using docker-compose up.
version: '2'
image: postgres
build: .
command: bundle exec rails s -p 3000 -b '' -d
image: uname/application
- db
- "3000:3000"
- db
tty: true
Can some one please help to create and import database?
I've tried one more approach by adding POSTGRES_DB=db_name environment variable in docker-compose.yml file so that database will be created and after running the application (docker-compose up), I'll import the database. But getting an error: web_1 exited with code 0.
I'm confused why I'm getting this error (in first and third approach), seems to be something is messed up in docker-compose file.
Set up a database dump mount
You'll need to mount the dump into the container so you can access it. Something like this in docker-compose.yml:
- './db_dump:/db_dump'
Make a local directory named db_dump and place your db_dump.gz file there.
Start the database container
Use POSTGRES_DB in the environment (as you mentioned in your question) to automatically create the database. Start db by itself, without the rails server.
docker-compose up -d db
Import data
Wait a few seconds for the database to be available. Then, import your data.
docker-compose exec db gunzip /db_dump/db_dump.gz
docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres -d dbname -f /db_dump/db_dump.gz
docker-compose exec db rm -f /db_dump/db_dump.gz
You can also just make a script to do this import, stick that in your image, and then use a single docker-compose command to call that. Or you can have your entrypoint script check whether a dump file is present, and if so, unzip it and import it... whatever you need to do.
Start the rails server
docker-compose up -d web
Automating this
If you are doing this by hand for prep of a new setup, then you're done. If you need to automate this into a toolchain, you can do some of this stuff in a script. Just start the containers separately, doing the db import in between, and use sleep to cover any startup delays.
web_1 exited with code 0
Did you tried check the log of web_1 container? docker-compose logs web
I strongly recommend you don't initialize your db container manually, make it automatically within the process of start container.
Look into the entrypoint of postgres, we could just put the db_dump.gz into /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ directory of the container, and it will be automatic execute, so docker-compose.yml could be:
- './initdb.d:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d'
And put your db_dump.gz into ./initdb.d on your local machine.
When you use command
docker-compose run -d db
you run a separate container it means you are running 3 containers where 1 is application 2 are dbs. The container you run using above command will not be a part of service. compose is using separate db.
So instead of running docker-compose up -d db run docker-compose up -d and continue with your script
I got it working by adding a container_name for db container. My db container have different name (app_name_db_1) and I was connecting to a container named db.
After giving the hard-coded container_name (db), it gets working.
I have a docker-compose.yml with postgres and a web app (ghost). I would like to run a container between postgres and ghost to initialize postgres, add a database and user permissions, and exit.
My database initialization code looks something like:
file: ./compose/ghost.yml
service: ghostdb
- postgres
- ./ghost-db/volumes/sql:/sql
Which in turn runs
echo Importing SQL
until pg_isready -h postgres; do
sleep 1
for f in /sql/*.sql; do
echo Importing $f
psql -h postgres -f $f
I know I can extend postgres to add this functionality, but I would rather separate these two concerns. So I have two questions:
Is there a preferable pattern for initializing a database? Is it possible to run a container that exits between postgres and ghost?
Full repository can be viewed here:
What I'm trying to do
I want to run a yesod web application in one docker container, linked to a postgres database in another docker container.
What I've tried
I have the following file hierarchy:
The docker-compose.yml looks like this:
build: database
build: api
command: .cabal/bin/yesod devel # dev setting
- PGHOST=database
- PGPORT=5432
- PGUSER=postgres
- PGDATABASE=postgres
- database
- api:/home/haskell/
- "3000:3000"
Running sudo docker-compose up fails either to start the api container at all or, just as often, with the following error:
api_1 | Yesod devel server. Press ENTER to quit
api_1 | yesod: <stdin>: hGetLine: end of file
personal_api_1 exited with code 1
If, however, I run sudo docker-compose database up & then start up the api container without using compose but instead using
sudo docker run -p 3000:3000 -itv /home/me/projects/personal/api/:/home/haskell --link personal_database_1:database personal_api /bin/bash
I can export the environment variables being set up in the docker-compose.yml file then manually run yesod devel and visit my site successfully on localhost.
Finally, I obtain a third different behaviour if I run sudo docker-compose run api on its own. This seems to start successfully but I can't access the page in my browser. By running sudo docker-compose run api /bin/bash I've been able to explore this container and I can confirm the environment variables being set in docker-compose.yml are all set correctly.
Desired behaviour
I would like to get the result I achieve from running the database in the background then manually setting the environment in the api container's shell simply by running sudo docker-compose up.
Clearly the three different approaches I'm trying do slightly different things. But from my understanding of docker and docker-compose I would expect them to be essentially equivalent. Please could someone explain how and why they differ and, if possible, how I might achieve my desired result?
The error-message suggests the API container is expecting input from the command-line, which expects a TTY to be present in your container.
In your "manual" start, you tell docker to create a TTY in the container via the -t flag (-itv is shorthand for -i -t -v), so the API container runs successfully.
To achieve the same in docker-compose, you'll have to add a tty key to the API service in your docker-compose.yml and set it to true;
build: database
build: api
tty: true # <--- enable TTY for this service
command: .cabal/bin/yesod devel # dev setting