Using certain parts of URL as params in a Grails Controller - grails

I've created a static URL in Grails:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
Now what I want is to retrieve bankId and spdId values of the URL on my SPDController:
class SPDController {
def myService
def show() {
String bankId = ? // code to get bankId from the URL
String spdId = ? // code to get spdId from the URL
view: "...",
model: myService.transact(bankId, spdId)
But how can I do that? It seems using params.bankId and params.spdId is not for this scenario.

Your action should accept the URL parameters as arguments.
def show(String bankId...)


Url.RouteUrl not gettting an API route in MVC5

I created a MVC 5 site using its template and added the following API controller:
namespace MvcSite.Controllers {
public class TestController : ApiController {
[Route("test/send"), HttpGet]
public String Send() {
return "SENT";
} // TestController
} // MvcSite.Controllers
When I access "/test/send" I get the string "SENT" back as expected ...
In a Razor view or in a Controller I need to get the URL of the send action so I tried:
var url = Url.RouteUrl(new { controller = "Test", action = "Send", HttpRoute = true });
But url is null ... I have no idea why ...
The API route is working fine so it is in the Route Table ...
What am I missing?
Thank You,
Configure a named route and use the HttpRouteUrl method to get the URL.
[Route("test/send", Name = "Send"), HttpGet]
public String Send() {
return "SENT";
Get the URL like this:
var url = Url.HttpRouteUrl("Send", new {});

Grails , How to accessing current ?lang in domain class

class Company {
String nameJp
String nameEn
static constraints = {
String toString(){
return nameEn ? nameEn:nameJp
return nameJp
How can i check current languages in domain class
You can try LocaleContextHolder or pass the current Locale as param:
String toString() {
return toString(LocaleContextHolder.getLocale())
//get the possibility of passing a Locale (better also for tests)
String toString(Locale locale) {
if(locale.language == 'en') {
return nameEn ? nameEn:nameJp
} else {
return nameJp
But this is more a presentation need than a Domain Class need, so you can create a TagLib and handle this there.
class CompanyTagLib {
static namespace = "comp"
def name = { attrs ->
Locale locale = attrs.locale ? attrs.remove('locale') : ResquestContextUtil.getLocale(request)
Company company = attrs.remove('company')
Not sure that you can access it in domain class, but in controller you can get it from session

How to get params in a model?

How to get params in a model (in Grails) ? params. does not exist in a model.
If by "Model" you mean a Domain Model class, they don't have params, they're just POJOs. Params only apply to Controllers, as far as I know.
IF your parameter names are propertly formated and match the domain attributes, you can do this:
params = [name:"some name", age: "194", civilState: "MARRIED"]
class Person{
String name
Integer age
CivilStatus civilState //some enum
You can leverage groovy's property binding constructor like this in a controller:
class Controller {
def saveAction = {
new Person(params)
As I understand you have a special method for filling domain from request. At this case you could pass all params (it's a Map) to such method, like:
def MyDomain {
static MyDomain buildFromParams(def params) {
return new MyDomain(
field1: params.field_1, //assuming that your params have different naming scheme so you can't use standard way suggested by Raphael
field2: params.field_2
class MyController {
def myAction() {
MyDomain foo = MyDomain.buildFromParams(params)

Grails 2.2.0 URLMappings: Any way to use same URL with Different Verb

I have the following:
"/api/users"(controller: "user") {
action = [GET:"list"]
Doing a call to http://localhost:8080/platform/users I get a list of users back. Then I added this:
"/api/users"(controller: "user") {
action = [POST:"save"]
And now I get a 404 and it is not hitting either method in UserController. I'd like to be able to use the same URL with the verb controlling which action. Am I doing this wrong or does Grails not support this?
From the Grails docs: URL Mappings
static mappings = {
"/product/$id"(controller:"product") {
action = [GET:"show", PUT:"update", DELETE:"delete", POST:"save"]
For your case:
"/api/users"(controller: "user") {
action = [GET:"list",POST:"save"]
Check your userController to see if there is allowedMethods defined accordingly like this:
class UserController {
static allowedMethods = [save: "POST", list: "GET"]
def list() {
def save() {

UrlMapping causing method not to render different view than default

class SearchController {
def list = {
List<Product> productsList = productRepository.findProductBySearchPhrase(params.searchPhrase)
render(view: "/product/list", model: [products: productsList])
class UrlMappings {
"/$controller/$action?/$id?" {
constraints {}
"/search" {
controller = "search"
view = "list"
constraints {}
1) This URL works properly, rendering GSP from /views/product/list directory.
2) This URL doesn't do the work, rendering /views/search/list.
Any ideas?
May be you want to replace 'view' with 'action' in the search URL Mapping.
