Bit error rate uncoded vs Bit error rate digital communication - encoder

Above is the graph showing the BER (bit error rate) at different Eb/No values using BPSK over AWGN channel. The pink curve shows the BER of the uncoded system (without channel encoder and decoder) while the black curve represent the BER of the digital communication with the used of hamming (7,4) code for channel encoding. However, I can't explain why both curves started to intersect and cross over at 6dB.

I started writing this in a comment and it started getting long. I figure this is either correct or not. It makes sense to me though so maybe you will have to do more research beyond this.
Note: I am aware BER is normally over seconds but for our purpose we will look at something smaller.
My first assumption though (based on your graph) is that the BER is on the actual data and not the signal. If we have a BER on these 2 different encoding schemes of 1 error every 7 bits we have a BER on the hamming encoded signal of 0 errors every 7 bits compared to 1 in 7.
Unencoded: 1 error every 7 bits received
Hamming(7,4): 0 errors every 4 bits (if corrected)
Now lets increase the noise thereby increasing the error rate of the entire signal.
Highly increased BER:
Unencoded: 3.5 errors in 7 bits (50%) (multiple sequences to get an average)
Hamming(7,4): 2 errors in 4 bits (50%)
Somewhere during the increase in BER these must crossover as you are seeing on your graph. Beyond the crossover I would expect to see it worse on the Hamming side because of less data per error (lower actual data density). I am sure you could calculate this mathematically... unfortunately, it would take me more time to look into that than I care to though as it just intuitively makes sense to me.


16 bit Checksum fuzzy analsysis - Leveraging "collisions", biases a thing?

If playing around with CRC RevEng fails, what next? That is the gist of my question. I am trying to learn more how to think for myself, not just looking for an answer 1 time to 1 problem.
Assuming the following:
1.) You have full control of white box algorithm and can create as many chosen sample messages as you want with valid 16 bit / 2 byte checksums
2.) You can verify as many messages as you want to see if they are valid or not
3.) Static or dynamic analysis of the white box code is off limits (say the MCU is of a lithography that would require electron microscope to analyze for example, not impossible but off limits for our purposes).
Can you use any of these methods or lines of thinking:
1.) Inspect "collisions", i.e. different messages with same checksum. Perhaps XOR these messages together and reveal something?
2.) Leverage strong biases towards certain checksums?
3.) Leverage "Rolling over" of the checksum "keyspace", i.e. every 65535 sequentially incremented messages you will see some type of sequential patterns?
4.) AI ?
Perhaps there are other strategies I am missing?
CRC RevEng tool was not able to find the answer using numerous settings configurations
Key properties and attacks:
If you have two messages + CRCs of the same length and exclusive-or them together, the result is one message and one pure CRC on that message, where "pure" means a CRC definition with a zero initial value and zero final exclusive-or. This helps take those two parameters out of the equation, which can be solved for later. You do not need to know where the CRC is, how long it is, or which bits of the message are participating in the CRC calculation. This linear property holds.
Working with purified examples from #1, if you take any two equal-length messages + pure CRCs and exclusive-or them together, you will get another valid message + pure CRC. Using this fact, you can use Gauss-Jordan elimination (over GF(2)) to see how each bit in the message affects other generated bits in the message. With this you can find out a) which bits in the message are particiapting, b) which bits are likely to be the CRC (though it is possible that other bits could be a different function of the input, which can be resolved by the next point), and c) verify that the check bits are each indeed a linear function of the input bits over GF(2). This can also tell you that you don't have a CRC to begin with, if there don't appear to be any bits that are linear functions of the input bits. If it is a CRC, this can give you a good indication of the length, assuming you have a contiguous set of linearly dependent bits.
Assuming that you are dealing with a CRC, you can now take the input bits and the output bits for several examples and try to solve for the polynomial given different assumptions for the ordering of the input bits (reflected or not, perhaps by bytes or other units) and the direction of the CRC shifting (reflected or not). Since you're talking about an allegedly 16-bit CRC, this can be done most easily by brute force, trying all 32,768 possible polynomials for each set of bit ordering assumptions. You can even use brute force on a 32-bit CRC. For larger CRCs, e.g. 64 bits, you would need to use Berlekamp's algorithm for factoring polynomials over finite fields in order to solve the problem before the heat death of the universe. Then you would factor each message + pure CRC as a polynomial, and look for common factors over multiple examples.
Now that you have the message bits, CRC bits, bit orderings, and the polynomial, you can go back to your original non-pure messages + CRCs, and solve for the initial value and final exclusive-or. All you need are two examples with different lengths. Then it's a simple two-equations-in-two-unknowns over GF(2).

Which one is the better CRC scheme?

Say I have to error-check a message of some 120-bits long.I have two alternative for checksum schemes:
Split message to 5 24-bit strings and append each with a CRC8 field
Append the whole message with a CRC32 field
Which scheme has a higher error detection probability, and why? Let's assume no prior knowledge about the error patterns distribution.
What if the system has a natural mode of failure which is a received cleared bit instead of a set bit (i.e., "1" was Tx-ed but "0" was Rx-ed), and the opposite does not happen?
In this case, the probability of long bursts of error bits is much smaller, assuming that the valid data has a uniform distribution of "0"s and "1"s, so the longest burst will be bound by the longest string of "1"s in the message.
You have to make some assumption about the error patterns. If you have a uniform distribution over all possible errors, then five 8-bit CRCs will detect more of the errors than one 32-bit CRC, simply because the former has 40 bits of redundancy.
However, I can construct many 24-bit error patterns that fool an 8-bit CRC, and use any combination of five of those to get no errors over all of the 8-bit CRCs. Yet almost all of those will be caught by the 32-bit CRC.
A good paper by Philip Koopman goes through evaluation of several CRCs, mostly focusing on their Hamming Distance. Like Mark Adler pointed out, the error distribution plays an important role in CRC selection (e.g. burst errors detection is one of the variable properties of CRC), as is the length of the CRC'ed data.
The Hamming Distance of a CRC indicates the maximum number of errors in the data which are 100% detectable.
Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) Polynomial Selection For Embedded Networks:
8-bit vs 32-bit CRC
For exemple, the 0x97 8-bit CRC polynomial has HD=4 up to 119 bits data words (which is more than your required 24-bit word), which means it detects 100% of 4 bits (or less) errors for data of length 119 bits or less.
On the 32-bit side, the 32-bit CRC 0x9d7f97d6 offer HD=9 up to 223 bits (greater than 5*24=120bits) data words. This means that it will detect 100% of the 9 bits (or less) errors for data composed of 223 bits or less.
Theoretically, 5x 8-bit CRCs would be able to 100% detect 4*4=16 evenly distributed bit flips across your 5 chunks (4 errors per 24-bit chunk). On the other end, the 32-bit CRC would only be able to 100% detect 9 bit flips per 120-bit chunk.
Error Distribution
Knowing all that, the only missing piece is the error distribution pattern. With it in hand, you'll be able to make an informed decision on the best CRC method to use. You seem to say that long burst of errors are not possible, but do not mention the exact maximum length. If that length does go up to 9 bits, you might be better off with the CRC32. If you expect occasional, <4-bit errors, both would do, though the 5x8-bit will consume more bandwidth (40 bits instead of 32 bits). If this is the case, a 32-bit CRC might even be overkill, a smaller CRC16 or even CRC9 could provide enough detection capabilities.
Beyond the hamming window, the CRC will not be able to catch every possible errors. The bigger the data length, the worse the CRC performances.
The CRC32 of course. It will detect ordering errors as between the five segments, as well as giving you 224 as much error detection.

CAN busoff with CAN_High and CAN_Low shorted

It is known fact that short circuiting CAN_High and CAN_Low on a CAN bus leads to a bus off condition.
With respect to the physical layer, how does this condition lead to bus off condition?
CAN is a differential protocol. That means 0 or 1 (to be specific, dominant and recessive) is decided on the basis of the difference between voltages on the CANH and CANL lines.
When you short these two lines, there will not be any voltage difference and that falls under the voltage range of recessive bits. In other words, shorting two lines will be considered as a continuous transmission of recessive bits.
When you transmit 6 or more consecutive recessive bits, it is considered as an error!
And when this error count goes more than 255, the CAN controller goes into the BUS_OFF state.
As lines are shorted, there will be way more recessive bits and the error count will reach 255 in no time which will lead to BUS_OFF.
The CAN protocol does have a "bus recovery mechanism" in which it will wait for 11 consecutive recessive bits for 128 times (which it will as the bus is shorted), but again, the same error frame thing will happen, and it will be back in BUS_OFF.
This cycle will continue!

Can FFT length affect filtering accuracy?

I am designing a fractional delay filter, and my lagrange coefficient of order 5 h(n) have 6 taps in time domain. I have tested to convolute the h(n) with x(n) which is 5000 sampled signal using matlab, and the result seems ok. When I tried to use FFT and IFFT method, the output is totally wrong. Actually my FFT is computed with 8192 data in frequency domain, which is the nearest power of 2 for 5000 signal sample. For the IFFT portion, I convert back the 8192 frequency domain data back to 5000 length data in time domain. So, the problem is, why this thing works in convolution, but not in FFT multiplication. Does converting my 6 taps h(n) to 8192 taps in frequency domain causes this problem?
Actually I have tried using overlap-save method, which perform the FFT and multiplication with smaller chunks of x(n) and doing it 5 times separately. The result seems slight better than the previous, and at least I can see the waveform pattern, but still slightly distorted. So, any idea where goes wrong, and what is the solution. Thank you.
The reason I am implementing the circular convolution in frequency domain instead of time domain is, I am try to merge the Lagrange filter with other low pass filter in frequency domain, so that the implementation can be more efficient. Of course I do believe implement filtering in frequency domain will be much faster than convolution in time domain. The LP filter has 120 taps in time domain. Due to the memory constraints, the raw data including the padding will be limited to 1024 in length, and so with the fft bins.
Because my Lagrange coefficient has only 6 taps, which is huge different with 1024 taps. I doubt that the fft of the 6 taps to 1024 bins in frequency domain will cause error. Here is my matlab code on Lagrange filter only. This is just a test code only, not implementation code. It's a bit messy, sorry about that. Really appreciate if you can give me more advice on this problem. Thank you.
n = 0:N;
h = ones(1,N+1);
for k = 0:N
index = find(n ~= k);
h(index) = h(index) * (delay-k)./ (n(index)-k);
H=fft([h zeros(1,1024-length(h))]);
for i=0:1:ceil(length(x)/(1024-length(h)+1))-1
if (i ~= ceil(length(x)/(1024-length(h)+1))-1)
a=[temp zeros(1,1024-length(h)+1-length(temp))];
xx=[pad a];
out=[out y(1,length(h):length(y))];
Some comments:
The nearest power of two is actually 4096. Do you expect the remaining 904 samples to contribute much? I would guess that they are significant only if you are looking for relatively low-frequency features.
How did you pad your signal out to 8192 samples? Padding your sample out to 8192 implies that approximately 40% of your data is "fictional". If you used zeros to lengthen your dataset, you likely injected a step change at the pad point - which implies a lot of high-frequency content.
A short code snippet demonstrating your methods couldn't hurt.

Software Phase Locked Loop example code needed

Does anyone know of anywhere I can find actual code examples of Software Phase Locked Loops (SPLLs) ?
I need an SPLL that can track a PSK modulated signal that is somewhere between 1.1 KHz and 1.3 KHz. A Google search brings up plenty of academic papers and patents but nothing usable. Even a trip to the University library that contains a shelf full of books on hardware PLL's there was only a single chapter in one book on SPLLs and that was more theoretical than practical.
Thanks for your time.
I suppose this is probably too late to help you (what did you end up doing?) but it may help the next guy.
Here's a golfed example of a software phase-locked loop I just wrote in one line of C, which will sing along with you:
I present this tiny golfed version first in order to convince you that software phase-locked loops are actually fairly simple, as software goes, although they can be tricky.
If you feed it 8-bit linear samples on stdin, it will produce 8-bit samples of a sawtooth wave attempting to track one octave higher on stdout. At 8000 samples per second, it tracks frequencies in the neighborhood of 250Hz, just above B below middle C. On Linux you can do this by typing arecord | ./pll | aplay. The low 9 bits of b are the oscillator (what might be a VCO in a hardware implementation), which generates a square wave (the 1 or -1) which gets multiplied by the input waveform (getchar()) to produce the output of the phase detector. That output is then low-pass filtered into a to produce the smoothed phase error signal which is used to adjust the oscillation frequency of b to push a toward 0. The natural frequency of the square wave, when a == 0, is for b to increment by 16 every sample, which increments it by 512 (a full cycle) every 32 samples. 32 samples at 8000 samples per second are 1/250 of a second, which is why the natural frequency is 250Hz.
Then putchar() takes the low 8 bits of b, which make up a sawtooth wave at 500Hz or so, and spews them out as the output audio stream.
There are several things missing from this simple example:
It has no good way to detect lock. If you have silence, noise, or a strong pure 250Hz input tone, a will be roughly zero and b will be oscillating at its default frequency. Depending on your application, you might want to know whether you've found a signal or not! Camenzind's suggestion in chapter 12 of Designing Analog Chips is to feed a second "phase detector" 90° out of phase from the real phase detector; its smoothed output gives you the amplitude of the signal you've theoretically locked onto.
The natural frequency of the oscillator is fixed and does not sweep. The capture range of a PLL, the interval of frequencies within which it will notice an oscillation if it's not currently locked onto one, is pretty narrow; its lock range, over which it will will range in order to follow the signal once it's locked on, is much larger. Because of this, it's common to sweep the PLL's frequency all over the range where you expect to find a signal until you get a lock, and then stop sweeping.
The golfed version above is reduced from a much more readable example of a software phase-locked loop in C that I wrote today, which does do lock detection but does not sweep. It needs about 100 CPU cycles per input sample per PLL on the Atom CPU in my netbook.
I think that if I were in your situation, I would do the following (aside from obvious things like looking for someone who knows more about signal processing than I do, and generating test data). I probably wouldn't filter and downconvert the signal in a front end, since it's at such a low frequency already. Downconverting to a 200Hz-400Hz band hardly seems necessary. I suspect that PSK will bring up some new problems, since if the signal suddenly shifts phase by 90° or more, you lose the phase lock; but I suspect those problems will be easy to resolve, and it's hardly untrodden territory.
This is an interactive design package
for designing digital (i.e. software)
phase locked loops (PLLs). Fill in the
form and press the ``Submit'' button,
and a PLL will be designed for you.
Interactive Digital Phase Locked Loop Design
This will get you started, but you really need to understand the fundamentals of PLL design well enough to build it yourself in order to troubleshoot it later - This is the realm of digital signal processing, and while not black magic it will certainly give you a run for your money during debugging.
Have Matlab with Simulink? There are PLL demo files available at Matlab Central here. Matlab's code generation capabilities might get you from there to a PLL written in C.
