Regenerating a Provisioning Profile - ios

I hope you can help me with this...
Situation: Regenerating a provisioning profile but still using the same developer certificates and app id:
What would happen to the app using the previous provisioning profile installed to users' device when the provisioning profile is regenerated in Apple Developer Center? Would the app still behave normally or no longer run?
If the app with the regenerated provisioning profile is being installed to a device where the app with the previous provisioning profile is already installed, would it be considered as an update or new install?
Thank you in advance!

As of questions #1, the app will work normally as long as:
The old provision profile has not yet expired.
The device UDID is included in the provision profile (relevant only
for developer certificate)
As of question #2:
As long as both apps has the same bundle ID it will be considered as
an update.
If both apps does not have the same Bundle ID, it will be considered
as a new install.
If the old app was deleted before installing the new one, it will be
considered as a new install.

If provisioning file is regenerated for same certificates i.e.., same bundle Id then it will be considered as an newly signed identity rather than an update. But if you revoke the certificates then the previous apps built with existing certificate will stop irrespective of provisioning files regenerated.The above situation applies only for Enterprise builds and not for Ad-Hoc builds.


How can I use the renewed provisioning profile for existing apps?

I have developed a couple of applications in iOS. Few days before my provisioning profile got expired. I renewed and downloaded it from apple developer portal. Now my question is how this new profile will get reflected in existing applications? Since there are many applications I won't be able to build it again with a new provisioning profile. So please let me know how to add this new profile with existing applications without a rebuild.
Thanks in advance.
The answer depends on what kind of builds you're concerned about:
App Store: expired provisioning profiles don't affect builds that have been downloaded from the App Store. You don't need to make a new build with the provisioning profile. You will, however, need to use the new provisioning profile if you update the app on the App Store.
Ad Hoc: builds will stop running if the provisioning profile used to create them has expired. You will need to make new builds and distribute them again.
Enterprise: you can update the profiles using the MDM protocol. See the "Provisioning Profiles Can Be Installed Using MDM
" section in the MDM Protocol Reference.

Revoking the Provisioning profile created by Xcode 8 GM

I had created a provisioning profile for the app using Xcode(I have not joined developer program but I have an apple account).Now I want to revoke the provisioning profile (not just deleting it). But I'm not finding any provision to revoke the account in Xcode as well as Member center.
In Xcode 8, you can now set Xcode to automatically manage provisioning profiles, by checking the box in General Tab, this should fix any provisioning profile issues you may be having.
If you have created the provisioning profile using user account i.e. you don't have an apple developer account, then you have to run the app using new bundle ID so that your old Id gets revoked. Try chaing your bundle ID 3-4 times so that your old ID gets revoked. If you have used developer account you can visit developer site and manually revoke it.

One Certificate for Multiple Provisioning Profile?

I have successfully build an ipa with one app(for development), but somehow after creating different project and build another new ipa I can't install the app directly into my device, it's installing then after it finishes it just gone suddenly. So I am wondering if this is caused by one certificate only for multiple provisioning profile?
Its due to same Bundle Id and Provisioning Profile profile. Create different/unique Bundle Id for different project and Provisioning Profile also.
For more information please visit Apple's Document

Will adding new devices make old provisioning profiles invalid?

I'm looking to add a new device to a provisioning profile for an app I'm developing. My concern is that there are already a few devices outside our office running a test build that was installed using an existing version of the provisioning profile.
If I update the the provisioning profile to include the new devices, will the provisioning profile on the existing devices become invalid and stop that existing version of the app from running properly?
No, the old provisioning profile(s) will remain valid. The only way for an app to expire is if the development certificate used to sign the code/profile is revoked or expires.

Can't code sign with distribution provision profile after renewing distribution certificate

I recently renewed my distribution certificate and added it to my laptop. I re-created a distribution provision profile that uses the new certificate and added it to Xcode. The only issue is that now it can't find the correct distribution profile. Per example, the App ID is 18FH128DBH.ApplicationName and the bundle ID set here is 18FH128DBH.ApplicationName. However, if I try to find the provision profile, it just reads:
ApplicationName - for Bundle Identifiers ('ApplicationName')
profile doesn't match bundle identifier '18FH128DBH.ApplicationName
So, I removed the bundle seed ID and it found the correct profile to sign with. I can build successfully from there. However, when I try to submit to the App Store, I get an error saying that the 'Bundle identifier 'ApplicationName' differs from prior bundle identifier '18FH128DBH.ApplicationName'. Not sure how I can rectify the issue; I've been working on this for several hours with no avail.
Any clue on why this is?
These instructions might be a little bit outdated, but I've had a similar problem happen to me in the past and wrote this down for myself. I think the issue is that the keychain gets "out of whack". I can't promise this will work, because I honestly am not sure what causes the problem but this has worked for me in the past. Good luck!
Launch XCode
Open Window Organizer
Delete all provisioning profiles from your device
Delete all provisioning profiles under 'Development'
Log into the developer website
Click on 'Certificates' and Revoke your certificate
Launch 'Keychain Access' on your local desktop.
With the 'login' keychain selected
Delete all developer certificates
Delete all of your public/private keys
Close and restart 'Keychain Access'
Go back to the developer portal and request a new certificate (follow instructions)
Once the CSR has been uploaded and approved
Make sure that the new certificate is associated with the appropriate provisioning profiles.
Download and install the new certificate
Open XCode -> Organizer and add your device to the team provisioning portal
Go back to the developer portal and download and install the provisioning profile.
You should be good to go now to build and install to your device.
