Getting an Error "image source error at React Native" - ios

I'm fetching data from web API service from react native ios project, and I got this message
The RCTURLRequestHandlers RCTDataRequestHandler: 0x7a11c0e0 and RCTImageStoreManager: 0x7a6c46a0 both reported that they can handle the request NSURLRequest: 0x7a28bb10 { URL: %250D%250A%250D%250Ahttps://webApiURL/post1.png }, and have equal priority (0). This could result in non-deterministic behavior.
How can I resolve this issue?
I assigned the Image source this way
<Image source={{uri: post.ImagePath}} />
And when I tried to remove "uri"
<Image source={post.ImagePath} />
I got a warning message
"Warning: Failed propType: Invalid prop source supplied to Image. Check the render method of StaticRenderer."

It seems like the %250D%250A%250D%250Apart of the post.ImagePath should not be there.
Could you show the contents of your post object?


How to solve 504: GATEWAY_TIMEOUT error in vercel deployment

I have deployed my next js project in vercel it's showing 504: GATEWAY_TIMEOUT error on those pages where i have added getServerSideProps function. I am not calling any api request on this getServerSideProps.I am just using this function so that i can't get undefined query values when refreshing the page.
Error image is here:
enter image description here
My code in which page this error is showing,
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
return {
props: {},
Everything is working fine in localhost but when i deployed my project in vercel it's giving me this timeout error only on those pages where i have used this getServerSideProps. I had already checked after removing the getServerSideProps and after deploying it's wokring fine in vercel but i am getting undefined value of the queries. How can i solve this problem?
I am expecting not to get this error and also not gettiing undefined value of queries after refreshing.

Serverless - Change the content before deploy

I'm using Serverless for working with our aws lambda / appsync.
For Error Handling, we are keep erro code with message in a json file. The Codes will be unique. Something like this:
"1"": { code: 1, message: "Invalid User Input"},
"2"": { code: 2, message: "Invalid Input"},
//... so on
This wil lbe deploy as layer and all the lambda will use it. Issue is we cannot use it in the resolve template. There are some of the resolver will be only template file. These template files cannot access the json file nor can access the layer. How can I use the error-code.json here?
Solution 1:
Manually write the error code in templates and make sure there are alway unique. Something like this:
#set(#errorInfo = {
"erroCode": "1",
"errorMessage": "Invalid Input"
$util.error("Invalid Input", "errorType", $ctx.arguments,#errorInfo)
Rejected: Becasue we have to manually check everytime for the unique of error code. In case of lot of template file, we cannot rely on it.
Solution 2:
Create a table with error code (unique) and error message. Use this table to send error from template.
Rejected: Because we use multiple app sync instance and they all connect to dirferent database. So we have to make this table in all database, and thus unique across the app-sync is not maintained.
Solution 3:
Write the placeholder in vtl where we want to send the error. Before Deploy, replace the placeholder with the actual code using pre-hook script, but not in the actual vtl file but in the generated package that serverless deploy. Does Serverless even such thing?
if your errors are all static, there is one more option for consideration.
You create one more file that holds all errors defined in Velocity.
$util.qr( $ctx.stash.put("errors", {}) ) $util.qr(
$util.qr( $ctx.stash.errors.put("ONE", { "code": 1, "message": "Invalid User
Input"} )
$util.qr( $ctx.stash.errors.put("TWENTY", { "code": 20, "message": "20th error description"} )
For every velocity resolver that throws errors, you inject pre-defined errors at the beginning of its request mapping's file. Whenever you want to throw an error, it's done by retrieving a pre-defined error from $ctx.stash
$util.error ( $ctx.stash.errors.ONE.message, $ctx.stash.errors.ONE.code )
The error file is generated from error-code.json, or manually typed again for simplicity. $ctx.stash is used because stash is accessible from everywhere in a resolver, including pipeline ones.

Can't get transports in SignalR

When I run $.connection.hub.start() I get these errors from "resources" (I traced it).
These are the errors i'm getting
errorOnNegotiate -> "Error during negotiation request.".
errorParsingNegotiateResponse -> "Error parsing negotiate response.".
errorSourceError -> "Error raised by EventSource".
eventSourceFailedToConnect -> "EventSource failed to connect.".
longPollFailed -> "Long polling request failed.".
noConnectionTransport -> "Connection is in an invalid state, there is
no transport active.". nojQuery -> "jQuery was not found. Please
ensure jQuery is referenced before the SignalR client JavaScript
file.". noTransportOnInit -> "No transport could be initialized
successfully. Try specifying a different transport or none at all for
auto initialization.".
Part of the error is this : "jQuery was not found. Please ensure jQuery is referenced before the SignalR client JavaScript file.""
you need to add jQuery reference this can be done like so (Please note that in this sample the signalR version is 2.0.2 you need to add the correct reference to the version you are using):
<!--Reference the jQuery library. -->
<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.6.4.min.js"></script>
<!--Reference the SignalR library. -->
<script src="Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.0.2.min.js"></script>
It looks like you've pasted the contents of the resources object within signalR._.error(). That object contains a list of possible errors, not the error your're getting. For example, here it's being used to get the error message when the negotiation response couldn't be parsed:
try {
res = connection._parseResponse(result);
} catch (error) {
onFailed(signalR._.error(resources.errorParsingNegotiateResponse, error), connection);
To see which error you're actually getting, look at what the code is trying to utilize from this object.

I'm getting troubles while uploading to Youtube with google java client: "Invalid value for: listed is not a valid value"

I'm trying to upload videos using example
I've successfully registered on the youtube console and have obtained the client_secrets.json at
I have installed the secrets so my app can access them; everything is compiled well, but when the program is executed, I'me getting that strange errors:
GoogleJsonResponseException code: 400 : Invalid value for: listed is not a valid value 400 Bad Request
"code" : 400,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"message" : "Invalid value for: listed is not a valid value",
"reason" : "invalid"
} ],
"message" : "Invalid value for: listed is not a valid value"
I can't find out what is wrong; since the request itself is deeply encapsulated, I can't understand what is wrong with the request...
Thanks to
call inserted before the
Video returnedVideo = videoInsert.execute();
in the sample code, I got that the JSOn formed and sent to the google is
{snippet={description=Video uploaded via YouTube Data API V3 using the Java library on Sun Sep 29 20:29:30 MSK 2013, tags=[test], title=Test Upload via Java on Sun Sep 29 20:29:30 MSK 2013}, status={privacyStatus=listed}}
But actually there is still a question what is wong with this json and why it causes the error on the the server side.
UPD 2:
And no I no longer get the message above, but the upload is still impossible. I'm getting 401 Error while trying to upload the file in that lines of the example above:
Video returnedVideo = videoInsert.execute();
I supposed that I haven't authorized the request to my personal data, but I actually DID it (the request was loaded to the default browser where I have accepted it and specified the account I would like to work with). However, there is no way to check that authoriation; my google account data holds only Apps and Activity log for the google+ apps; I haven't fount my app in the list. So where I can check where I'm not logged in?
IOException: 401 Unauthorized 401 Unauthorized
at ScreenRecordingExample.UploadToYoutube(
Ok, I have found out that the problem appeared due to the incorrect privacyStatus value:
I had
in my code, while it seems that only public, unlisted and private are possible values
And the UPD-2 problem was resolved unfortunately in the way i don't know exactly how:
i have noticed, that in my code example there was a line
return new AuthorizationCodeInstalledApp(flow, localReceiver).authorize("user");
I have replaced 'user' with my google user name (but actually I'm not sure that it was a thing that was really needed). After that replacement the authorization attempt started again (default browser loaded the accept/decline page and there I should select one of two accounts). Since I have two accounts, the original youtube one and the common google one, and during the last attempt I have selected the google's one and got 401 error, I have selected the youtube's one this time.
so, after that the problem was resolved. I still don't know do it due to the correct username instead of 'user' or due to the correct account selection. If someoune kows the truth, please comment!

Fusion Tables using php Login required Error 401 when inserting

This is what i try to do. select command work but when try to insert it generate
error "Login required Error 401" any example where insertion, updation and deletion is done without this type of error
or any other suggestion which help me
query(SQLBuilder::insert(44444, array('grefid'=>3000, 'distname' => 'xxxx', 'tehsilname' => 'bob')));
I think you need to get the API key...visit the following link to get the same:
Get Google API Key
