Jenkins to run 10 jobs sequestially and few parallely and only run jobs what I choose - jenkins

Jenkins to run 10 jobs sequentially and few parallely and let say 1-2 jobs are successful and job3 failed. I fixed the job3.Now I want to again trigger the job but only want to trigger it from job3.All 10 jobs have string parameter.
I can pick an choose what jobs to trigger. how can I achieve it.Please help.

The whole point of CI is to have multiple runs frequently, so that in next run you can see them all stable. Not sure why you wanted to do this. However, You can take 2 approaches.
You can use conditional Step plugin along with multiphase plugin,
wrap you build step with condition and pass whether you want to run
it or not. only if the condition is passed then the individual jobs
will be triggered.
You can use jenkins-cli and trigger the jobs
which ever you wish.


Jenkins - Job Y is configure to run after Job x, but is not triggered

I have a Jenkins server on K8s (using Rancher).
Job Y is configured to run after job X (image is attached).
Job X runs successfully, but at its end, job Y is not triggered.
Both jobs are on the same Jenkins master.
This problem has never happened to me before, on our Jenkins on prem servers.
I have checked everything I could think of, including creating test jobs that basically do nothing, just in order to test if the triggering is working for other jobs on this master, it does not.
Checking the logs - job x is in the log (image is also attached), job Y is missing from the log completely.
I will mention that on another master on the same cluster, triggering is working. Any ideas?
check the trigger condition for job Y.
Below is the one way you can trigger jobs in Jenkins
Chain jobs together
Chain Jenkins job together using the “Build other projects” option in the “Post Build Actions” of a job. The downside to this is that it introduces a dependency between jobs. For example, I want to be able to run the database backup job without doing a deployment every time.
Parameterized Trigger Plugin
When you have the Parameterized Trigger Plugin installed:
Create a wrapper job for your sequential jobs
For each sequential job
Select Build->Add build step->Trigger/call builds on other projects
Enter the sequential job name
Check the ‘Block until the triggered projects finish their builds’ checkbox (this only appears when you have the Parameterized Trigger Plugin installed)
Now when you run the wrapper job, all the triggered jobs will be run in order and sequentially. You of course also have the option of using the parameters functionality of the plugin too.
Throttle Concurrent Builds Plugin
The docs for the Throttle Concurrent Builds Plugin seem to be a little lacking, but it works well. With it installed, a “Throttle Concurrent Builds” section shows up in the Jenkins config section (Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System). There, you create a “Multi-Project Throttle Category”
Next, for each job that needs to be run sequentially, you
Check the ‘Throttle Concurrent Builds’ check box
Select the ‘Throttle this project as part of one or more categories’ radio button
Check the checkbox of the “Multi-Project Throttle Category” you created above
Finally, you create a wrapper job that triggers all your to-be-run-sequentially jobs and when you run it, you should see your jobs running sequentially and in order.
Although a fairly complex option, this approach also allows you to run some jobs sequentially and others in parallel. For example, your wrapper job can run jobs A and B sequentially and jobs C and D sequentially, but trigger A and C in parallel. You can also combine this plugin with the Parameterized Trigger Plugin for maximum flexibility.
Join Plugin
Although I haven’t used the Join Plugin myself, it seems worth mentioning. Its docs state that
This plugin allows a job to be run after all the immediate downstream jobs have completed. In this way, the execution can branch out and perform many steps in parallel, and then run a final aggregation step just once after all the parallel work is finished.
That’s it. Several options for running Jenkins jobs in parallel. Choose the one that best suits your needs…

Jenkins periodic build

Is there a possible to prevent the full jenkins job from running, that is periodically scheduled; if there is no SCM changes since the last build.
For example,
There is a daily night build, to create a build. The completion of this job triggers(upstream project) the automation testing job for that build.
I would like to be able to have two things
Stop the 1st build job, if there is no SCM change since the last job
2nd upstream automation test job runs only if it has not run for 1 week. (after it has been triggered by the 1st Job)
Thanks in advance
The first part is simple, instead of "Build periodically" set to "Poll SCM" with the same schedule. It's exactly what it does: periodically checking for changes and only running the job if there were some.
The second part (triggering another job with a time constraint) is more complicated. One option is "Throttle builds" (to 1 per week) in addition to your usual build triggering scheme. Another one is "Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts)" option and checking whether required conditions are met in some sort of script or service.
For the first
Did you try the poll the SCM every night? If no changes, the Jenkins job wont start.
0 23 * * *
Will run every night at 11 p.m
for the second
use the following plugin :

Jenkins executing one job that runs multiple jobs

i am new to Jenkins , i need to execute one job that run's another multiple jobs in parallel were it should not stop even if one job fails.
i am not sure how to achieve it. After googling i can achieve by 3 ways Multi-Job plugin , Pipeline multiple Jenkins jobs , Build after other projects , Build Flow Plugin.
can any body please provide me the correct way.
Update : i am trying to achieve this using the pipeline plugin , can any body suggest me were it was correct choice ?..Please suggest!..
We use the Parameterized Trigger Plugin to do this.
In your build configuration add a Trigger/call builds on other projects build step. Add the names of the builds you want to trigger as a comma separated list and make sure that the Block until triggered projects finish their builds box is unchecked. Your build will trigger each of the listed builds, however note that your parent build won't wait for them to finish it will just trigger them and then perform the rest of it's buildsteps so if you have buildsteps.
If you do want to wait then check the block until triggered builds finish box, but set the options for when to fail the build, build step or mark the build as unstable appropriately.
If you need to pass parameters to the jobs you can add parameters using this plugin. If your downstream jobs need different parameters for different jobs you can click the add trigger button which adds another project to build where you can specify different options.
If these other jobs are follow up jobs to the current job and you don't need to wait for them to finish you can also achieve what you want to do by using the post build action build other projects, but again this occurs after the current job and you won't be able to use the results.
can any body please provide me the correct way.
I wouldn't approach using Jenkins with a "one correct way" mentality. Often times the requirements of your build will dictate which method or plugin you use in your build configurations.
The job can start other jobs via the jenkins api.
updated Answer : i used pipeline plugin to achieve my task and tuffwer was right to if u have paramaterized trigger plugin!..

How to make a cycled sequence of jobs in Jenkins?

I'm new to Jenkins. I have a stack of 5 different jobs. I want them to execute endlessly, meaning the first one will start after successfull finish of 5th. Is there a way to do this? Is Jenkins pipeline plugin the right tool to make this?
If you already have 5 non-pipeline jobs, the easiest way is to
set a downstream job on each job as it makes a loop.
In the configuration page of each job, Add post-build action > choose Build other projects > Enter a name of a downstream job.
in pipeline there is a build step (, but I haven't tried if this can take trigger itself (most probably).

Jenkins: how to block a job based on results of another job?

Job1 runs whenever code is delivered.
Job2 runs three times per day.
These are independent, non-hierarchical jobs.
My requirement is to run Job2 only if Job1 results in SUCCESS or UNSTABLE.
I checked out BuildResultsTrigger. It's not working.
Also, I'm aware of pipeline plugin but that'll be a long term goal.
For now, I need a quick way to allow Job2 to run, only if the last execution of Job1 was SUCCESS or UNSTABLE. Job2 can start, as long as it does not complete its build steps. If I can insert a build step to the beginning of Job2 to check Job1 result and somehow make the Job2 fail, that would work for me.
Use build triggers to achieve this have many choice 1. triggers, 2.Multijob plugin, 3. Build flow plugin
#user2984213 the easiest and fastest way would be to:
At the end of the job 1 create a file somewhere and call it like green_light.txt if job is successful. Otherwise - force remove the file.
Then at the start of the job 2 check the file existence.
