writing jira query to find tickets where a set custom due date field has been set - jira

I’m trying to set up a filter than returns all the tickets where a custom Due Date field has been set AND then changed to some future date. So I don't want to get tickets back that have gone from unset to set, just where the date has been changed again after being set to an initial date.
Seems I can't use the CHANGED parameter on date fields.


Tableau custom date filter when opening workbooks

How can I set the date is -2 by default when opening the workbook(due to data base delay , set to -2 days can have the full data),
also I still need the regular date filter working so users can then change to anyother dates
I have tried create a calculated field with the formula TODAY()-2 and then apply to a parameter, (set as when worksbooks opening), but still not working.

xforms - orbeon Date field input correction

I'm trying to get rid of fixing date input by user on Date field in Orbeon forms.
I had formatted my Date field to DD/MM/YYYY and when I type:
It automatically changes to 13/08/2022 (moves extra days to next month)
I just want to validate wrong input without "fixing" it and ask user to correct it by himself. Is it possible to disable this feature by prop or make any workarounds? I checked documentation and didn't find any clues.

Is there anyway of getting Realm objects modified according to date without having to explicitly add a date as a property?

I would like to be able to retrieve the set of objects not modified since before a specified date.
Of course I can easily add the date as a property of my custom object and use that.
However the database could contain hundreds of thousands of records and the addition of a date field to each of them will increase the size.
So I was wondering if there is some internal date or modified flag or some trick to be able to do this without having to add an explicit date field.
No, Realm does not internally track the modified time for objects.

JIRA - the date/time format of versions on a project

In a project we can create versions, but the release date format is just d/MMM/yy
Is it possible to have this display the time as well ?
Our datepicker properties are:
jira.date.picker.java.format d/MMM/yy
jira.date.picker.javascript.format %e/%b/%y
jira.date.time.picker.java.format dd/MMM/yy h:mm a
jira.date.time.picker.javascript.format %e/%b/%y %I:%M %p
we are running JIRA version 6.1.2, build 6157
realspirituals is right. With standard date field you won't be able to display a time.
Although opposing to the 'Configuring JIRA Options', I found 'Changing the Due Date Input Format', which states the possibility of adding a time component to the due date field. But I couldn't find something similar for Release Dates.
A similar feature request was raisied in May '13 to atlassian.
The only thing I can think of is to add metadata to your version and use a custom field to display it. See here: new field in version tab panel. This way you can further handle with it. If you just want to display the time and not "work" with it, just use the description field for that.
As per documentation
Date fields, which have no time component, such as due dates, release
dates (associated with versions) and custom date fields, solely record
date information (and no time zone-related information) so are not
affected by time zone settings.
My answer is Not possible and even if you print them, you should get 0's

Creating List Webpart: Ordering by Date field and Type

I am trying to create a web-part to show items that relate to a certain field and are before an expiration date using a web-part in SharePoint 2007.
The list has a Title field, a URL field a Related field and an ExpireDate field.
So the list looks like this:
Title URL Related ExpireDate
Resolution http://blah Service 5/14/2013
Solution http://blah2 Records 9/14/2012
So if I need the items that are related to service today's date is before the expiration date I want it to display.
Do I need a calculated Column?
Ended up using a view where ExpireDate is greater than or equal to [Today] And RelatedField contains Service.
