Is it possible to do a search for videos updated after date? [YouTube-Data-Api] - youtube-api

I am wondering if it is possible to get a list of videos that have been updated after a specified date? I am writing an application that helps users manage their videos titles, thumbnails, tags, descriptions, etc. This app really targets content creators that put out episodic content on a set schedule but also includes data of past videos. I am currently able to retrieve videos but I don't want to have to retrieve every video at the start of the application. It's both costly as far as the quota is concerned and time consuming. What I would like to do, is retrieve every video when the application starts up for the first time and store the data (done) and then any time after that, retrieve only new videos and/or videos that have been updated since the last date checked. If this is possible please let me know how I would go about this.
If not and a Google engineer happens to see this, this functionality would make for a very useful feature.

Maybe you want to use publishedAfter and publishedBefore from ressource search.list.
The publishedAfter parameter indicates that the API response should
only contain resources created after the specified time. The value is
an RFC 3339 formatted date-time value (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z). (string)
The publishedBefore parameter indicates that the API response should
only contain resources created before the specified time. The value is
an RFC 3339 formatted date-time value (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z). (string)


Using YouTube API, is it possible to filter search by upload date?

I'm working on a personal project to retrieve YouTube videos on a particular subject very quickly after they are posted. Using the "Sort By" filter works well, however, I've noticed that some videos that fit the search query do not appear in the HTML. So, I was wondering if it is possible to also sort by Upload date, similar to the YouTube feature which allows for filtering videos based on if they were posted in the last hour, today, this week, etc. I believe that if I could include a filter for videos posted in the last hour, that would improve the accuracy of my project.
Any help is very much appreciated.
Check out the "order" parameter in this API (can set it to "date").

Playlist video API missed certain posts when ran on particular day

I use Youtube APIs to keep track of the brand assets of a certain channel.
Playlist API:
There is a weekly refresh on the platform. In one of the refresh, playlist API missed a certain post in the corresponding week. Post published date was well within the range.
Any justifiable reason for this issue? Just want to get the root cause and probability for this issue to occur, so that I can build some safeguard on my platforms if required.
To my knowledge the result set obtained from PlaylistItems endpoint should be exact -- no fuzziness implied like in the case of Search endpoint. Therefore I am inclined to believe -- you did not provided actual data along with your question -- that there is something else that caused your issue.
Often users of the API overlook the fact that any video could first be uploaded as private and only later made public.
publishedAt (datetime)
The date and time that the video was published. Note that this time might be different than the time that the video was uploaded. For example, if a video is uploaded as a private video and then made public at a later time, this property will specify the time that the video was made public.

YouTube API v3 Order Parameter Possible Bug

Looking at the YouTube API v3 Search documentation, it states that the order parameter is used to control ordering of API response resource results. However, when attempting to order by date, I'm not receiving the results in reverse chronological order as specified. In fact, they are not in any order whatsoever.
API Request with order date using API Explorer UI:
Is there some other way I should be requesting for results to be ordered by the time they were published on YouTube? Is there a bug in the handling of the order API parameter?
There's no bug; the 'order' parameter will sort results based on when the resources were created, This value may be slightly different than when a video is published, as a resource is created when an upload begins but a video is published when the upload finishes and is processed.
In this case, it looks like the 10 or so most recent videos were all uploaded at the exact same time ( has a batch uploader), so you're getting the order they were created in, even though the published dates reflect minor differences (maybe a couple took a bit longer to upload or something). IF you scan the full list of results, though, you'll see they play out just fine in terms of their reverse chronological order. And generally you probably won't have so many videos that were batch uploaded like this.

Twitter API 1.1 search/tweets - search by date

Since the "since" param is no longer in use, how can I search tweets older than specific date ? I understand how to use since_id, but in my case I don't have any historic tweet to take the tweet_id from. How is search by date done these days ?
It's an old question, but since it has no answer i share what i have found regarding this question by reading the docs and using the API.
Since and until params are only for maximum 9 past days.
Instead we can use since_id and max_id. You have to set them to unique ids of tweets. You can find one tweet in the specified time (from any user you want). Detect the id by using the API or simply by Developer tools of your browser.
You can use the until param:
Returns tweets generated before the given date. Date should be
formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Keep in mind that the search index may not go
back as far as the date you specify here.

Obtain analytical data for a specific video within a date range

So after scouring the youtube API, and thinking that this may not be possible, I'll give a last try here.
In a nutshell, I am trying to obtain analytical data from youtube's analytics's API for specific videos for a date range (by day if possible). I've found ways to get the channel data that the video reside in, but I have been unable to find how to ontain the specific video data itself. Assuming it exists in v3 that is.
Anyone had any luck with this kind of task at all? Has this feature been developed for v3 as of yet?
Channel Reports is the API to retrieve video metrics. It can filter by video, by country, by lead (for some fields) and accepts timespan and data aggregation granularity. In brief, Available Reports lists all the valid query parameter combinations.
Individual comments can be retrieved with v2 Data API - together with their dates.
