I have Hough-Transform implemented using Opencvsharp (opencv), and get the lines detected on my image in console application/windows-from-application:
lines = edgeImg.HoughLines2(storage, HoughLinesMethod.Probabilistic, 1, Math.PI / 180, 60, 100, 100);
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Total; i++)
CvLineSegmentPoint segP= lines.GetSeqElem<CvLineSegmentPoint>(i).Value;
double angle = Math.Atan2((segP.P2.Y) - (segP.P1.Y), (segP.P2.X) - (segP.P1.X)) * 180 / Math.PI;
if (Math.Abs(angle) <= 60)
if (segP.P1.Y > segP.P2.Y + 20 || segP.P1.Y < segP.P2.Y - 20)
src.Line(segP.P1, segP.P2, CvColor.blue, 2, LineType.AntiAlias, 0);
I have tried different methods for visualizing the rho-theta space. since "HoughLinesMethod" does all the transformation internally, I have tried to get these values from x,y in the reverse way:
double angle = Math.Atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / Math.PI;
double theta = 90 - angle;
var thetaRad = theta*Math.PI/180;
double rho = (x1 * Math.Cos(thetaRad) + y1 * Math.Sin(thetaRad));
my first question is if I need to get two values for rho/theta, both for x1,y1 and also x2,y2 ; or calculating only one "rho/theta" would be the right intersect?
second, how can I visualize them in the right format? (what I currently see on my outout image is some random white dots at the top left corner of my output)
third, is it rational to get rho,theta values back in this way or you would suggest to perform the hough transform by myself and reduce the complexity? (I used opencvsharp function for better and efficient performance!)
Firstly, I am not using 3Js in my Orbits app because I encountered a number of limitations including, but not limited to, issues with texture resolution and my requirement for complex lighting equations but I would like to implement something like 3Js' raycaster to allow me to detect the object clicked by the user.
I'm new to WebGL, but an "old hand" in software development so I'm looking for some hints about where to start.
The approach is as follows:
You generate your scene twice, once normally which is displayed and the second, with the objects uniquely coloured but not displayed. Then you use gl.readPixels from the second scene using the position on the first and decode the colour to identify the object.
Now I have to implement it myself.
Picking spheres
When picking spheres, or objects that are separated (not one inside another) you can use a simple distance from ray to very quickly get the closest object.
The function returns a function that does the calculation. As it is only the closest you are interested in the distances can remain as squares. The distance from the camera is held as a unit distance along the ray.
function distanceFromRay() {
var dSqr, ox, oy, oz, vx, vy, vz;
function distanceSqr(px, py, pz) {
const ax = px - ox, ay = py - oy, az = pz - oz;
const u = (ax * vx + ay * vy + az * vz) / dSqr;
distanceSqr.unit = u;
if (u > 0) { // is past origin
const bx = ox + vx * u - px, by = oy + vy * u - py, bz = oz + vz * u - pz;
return bx * bx + by * by + bz * bz; // dist sqr to closest point on ray
return Infinity;
distanceSqr.unit = 0;
distanceSqr.setRay(x, y, z, xx, yy, zz) { // ray from origin x, y,z,
// infinite length along xx,yy,zz
(ox = x, oy = y, oz = z);
(vx = xx, vy = yy, vz = zz);
dSqr = vx * vx + vy * vy + vz * vz;
return distanceSqr;
There is a one time setup call;
// setup
const distToRay = distanceFromRay();
At the start of a frame that requires a pick, calculate the pick ray and set it. Also set the min distance from ray and eye.
// at start of frame set pick ray
distToRay.setRay(eye.x, eye.y, eye.z, pointer.ray.x, pointer.ray.y, pointer.ray.y);
var minDist = maxObjRadius * maxObjRadius;
var nearestObj = undefined;
var eyeDist = Infinity;
Then for each pickable object get the distance by passing the objects center and comparing it to any previous (in frame) found distance, objects radius, and distance from eye.
// per object
const dis = distToRay(obj.pos.x, obj.pos.y, obj.pos.z);
if (dis < obj.radius && dis < minDist && distToRay.unit > 0 && distToRay.unit < eyeDist ) {
minDist = dis;
eyeDist = distToRay.unit;
nearestObj = obj;
At the end of the frame if nearestObj is not undefined it will hold a reference to the picked object.
// end of frame
if (nearestObj) {
// you have the closest object
Question is, how to clusterize pairs of some units by their angle? Problem is that, kmeans operates on the notion of Euclidean space distance and does not know about periodic nature of angles. So to make it work, one needs to translate the angle to Euclidean space but hold the following true:
close angles are close values in Euclidean space;
far angles are far in Euclidean space.
Which means, that, 90 and -90 are distant values, 180 and -180 is the same, 170 and -170 are close (angles come from left up and to right: 0 - +180 and from left down to the right: 0 - -180)
I tried to use various sin() functions but they all have issues mentioned in points 1 and 2. Most perspective one is sin(x * 0.5f) but also having the problem that 180 and -180 are distant values in Euclidean space.
The solution I found is to translate angles to points on circle and feed them into kmeans. This way we make it to compare distances between points and this works perfectly.
Important thing to mention. Kmeans #eps in termination criterion is expressed in terms of units of samples that you feed to kmeans. In our example maximal distant points have dist 200 units (2 * radius). This means that having 1.0f is totally fine. If you use cv::normalize(samples, samples, 0.0f, 1.0f) for your samples before calling kmeans(), adjust your #eps appropriately. Something like eps=0.01f plays better here.
Enjoy! Hope this helps someone.
static cv::Point2f angleToPointOnCircle(float angle, float radius, cv::Point2f origin /* center */)
float x = radius * cosf(angle * M_PI / 180.0f) + origin.x;
float y = radius * sinf(angle * M_PI / 180.0f) + origin.y;
return cv::Point2f(x, y);
static std::vector<std::pair<size_t, int> > biggestKmeansGroup(const std::vector<int> &labels, int count)
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, int> > indices;
std::map<int, size_t> l2cm;
for (int i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i)
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, int> > c2lm;
for (std::map<int, size_t>::iterator it = l2cm.begin(); it != l2cm.end(); it++)
c2lm.push_back(std::make_pair(it->second, it->first)); // count, group
std::sort(c2lm.begin(), c2lm.end(), cmp_pair_first_reverse);
for (int i = 0; i < c2lm.size() && count-- > 0; i++)
return indices;
static void sortByAngle(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Pair> > &group,
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Pair> > &result)
std::vector<int> labels;
cv::Mat samples;
/* Radius is not so important here. */
for (int i = 0; i < group.size(); i++)
samples.push_back(angleToPointOnCircle(group[i]->angle, 100, cv::Point2f(0, 0)));
/* 90 degrees per group. May be less if you need it. */
static int PAIR_MAX_FINE_GROUPS = 4;
int groupNr = std::max(std::min((int)group.size(), PAIR_MAX_FINE_GROUPS), 1);
assert(group.size() >= groupNr);
cv::kmeans(samples.reshape(1, (int)group.size()), groupNr, labels,
cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS/* | CV_TERMCRIT_ITER*/, 30, 1.0f),
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, int> > biggest = biggestKmeansGroup(labels, groupNr);
for (int g = 0; g < biggest.size(); g++) {
for (int i = 0; i < group.size(); i++) {
if (labels[i] == biggest[g].second)
I'm trying to find the orientation of a binary image (where orientation is defined to be the axis of least moment of inertia, i.e. least second moment of area). I'm using Dr. Horn's book (MIT) on Robot Vision which can be found here as reference.
Using OpenCV, here is my function, where a, b, and c are the second moments of area as found on page 15 of the pdf above (page 60 of the text):
Point3d findCenterAndOrientation(const Mat& src)
Moments m = cv::moments(src, true);
double cen_x = m.m10/m.m00; //Centers are right
double cen_y = m.m01/m.m00;
double a = m.m20-m.m00*cen_x*cen_x;
double b = 2*m.m11-m.m00*(cen_x*cen_x+cen_y*cen_y);
double c = m.m02-m.m00*cen_y*cen_y;
double theta = a==c?0:atan2(b, a-c)/2.0;
return Point3d(cen_x, cen_y, theta);
OpenCV calculates the second moments around the origin (0,0) so I have to use the Parallel Axis Theorem to move the axis to the center of the shape, mr^2.
The center looks right when I call
Point3d p = findCenterAndOrientation(src);
rectangle(src, Point(p.x-1,p.y-1), Point(p.x+1, p.y+1), Scalar(0.25), 1);
But when I try to draw the axis with lowest moment of inertia, using this function, it looks completely wrong:
line(src, (Point(p.x,p.y)-Point(100*cos(p.z), 100*sin(p.z))), (Point(p.x, p.y)+Point(100*cos(p.z), 100*sin(p.z))), Scalar(0.5), 1);
Here are some examples of input and output:
(I'd expect it to be vertical)
(I'd expect it to be horizontal)
I worked with the orientation sometimes back and coded the following. It returns me the exact orientation of the object. largest_contour is the shape that is detected.
CvMoments moments1,cenmoments1;
double M00, M01, M10;
M00 = cvGetSpatialMoment(&moments1,0,0);
M10 = cvGetSpatialMoment(&moments1,1,0);
M01 = cvGetSpatialMoment(&moments1,0,1);
posX_Yellow = (int)(M10/M00);
posY_Yellow = (int)(M01/M00);
double theta = 0.5 * atan(
(2 * cvGetCentralMoment(&moments1, 1, 1)) /
(cvGetCentralMoment(&moments1, 2, 0) - cvGetCentralMoment(&moments1, 0, 2)));
theta = (theta / PI) * 180;
// fit an ellipse (and draw it)
if (largest_contour->total >= 6) // can only do an ellipse fit
// if we have > 6 points
CvBox2D box = cvFitEllipse2(largest_contour);
if ((box.size.width < imgYellowThresh->width) && (box.size.height < imgYellowThresh->height))
cvEllipseBox(imgYellowThresh, box, CV_RGB(255, 255 ,255), 3, 8, 0 );
I am attempting to simply make objects orbit around a center point, e.g.
The green and blue objects represent objects which should keep their distance to the center point, while rotating, based on an angle which I pass into method.
I have attempted to create a function, in objective-c, but it doesn't work right without a static number. e.g. (It rotates around the center, but not from the true starting point or distance from the object.)
-(void) rotateGear: (UIImageView*) view heading:(int)heading
// int distanceX = 160 - view.frame.origin.x;
// int distanceY = 240 - view.frame.origin.y;
float x = 160 - view.image.size.width / 2 + (50 * cos(heading * (M_PI / 180)));
float y = 240 - view.image.size.height / 2 + (50 * sin(heading * (M_PI / 180)));
view.frame = CGRectMake(x, y, view.image.size.width, view.image.size.height);
My magic numbers 160, and 240 are the center of the canvas in which I'm drawing the images onto. 50 is a static number (and the problem), which allows the function to work partially correctly -- without maintaining the starting poisition of the object or correct distance. I don't know what to put here unfortunately.
heading is a parameter that passes in a degree, from 0 to 359. It is calculated by a timer and increments outside of this class.
Essentially what I would like to be able to drop any image onto my canvas, and based on the starting point of the image, it would rotate around the center of my circle. This means, if I were to drop an image at Point (10,10), the distance to the center of the circle would persist, using (10,10) as a starting point. The object would rotate 360 degrees around the center, and reach it's original starting point.
The expected result would be to pass for instance (10,10) into the method, based off of zero degrees, and get back out, (15,25) (not real) at 5 degrees.
I know this is very simple (and this problem description is entirely overkill), but I'm going cross eyed trying to figure out where I'm hosing things up. I don't care about what language examples you use, if any. I'll be able to decipher your meanings.
Failure Update
I've gotten farther, but I still cannot get the right calculation. My new code looks like the following:
heading is set to 1 degree.
-(void) rotateGear: (UIImageView*) view heading:(int)heading
float y1 = view.frame.origin.y + (view.frame.size.height/2); // 152
float x1 = view.frame.origin.x + (view.frame.size.width/2); // 140.5
float radius = sqrtf(powf(160 - x1 ,2.0f) + powf(240 - y1, 2.0f)); // 90.13
// I know that I need to calculate 90.13 pixels from my center, at 1 degree.
float x = 160 + radius * (cos(heading * (M_PI / 180.0f))); // 250.12
float y = 240 + radius * (sin(heading * (M_PI / 180.0f))); // 241.57
// The numbers are very skewed.
view.frame = CGRectMake(x, y, view.image.size.width, view.image.size.height);
I'm getting results that are no where close to where the point should be. The problem is with the assignment of x and y. Where am I going wrong?
You can find the distance of the point from the centre pretty easily:
radius = sqrt((160 - x)^2 + (240 - y)^2)
where (x, y) is the initial position of the centre of your object. Then just replace 50 by the radius.
You can then figure out the initial angle using trigonometry (tan = opposite / adjacent, so draw a right-angled triangle using the centre mass and the centre of your orbiting object to visualize this):
angle = arctan((y - 240) / (x - 160))
if x > 160, or:
angle = arctan((y - 240) / (x - 160)) + 180
if x < 160
Edit: bear in mind I don't actually know any Objective-C but this is basically what I think you should do (you should be able to translate this to correct Obj-C pretty easily, this is just for demonstration):
// Your object gets created here somewhere
float x1 = view.frame.origin.x + (view.frame.size.width/2); // 140.5
float y1 = view.frame.origin.y + (view.frame.size.height/2); // 152
float radius = sqrtf(powf(160 - x1 ,2.0f) + powf(240 - y1, 2.0f)); // 90.13
// Calculate the initial angle here, as per the first part of my answer
float initialAngle = atan((y1 - 240) / (x1 - 160)) * 180.0f / M_PI;
if(x1 < 160)
initialAngle += 180;
// Calculate the adjustment we need to add to heading
int adjustment = (int)(initialAngle - heading);
So we only execute the code above once (when the object gets created). We need to remember radius and adjustment for later. Then we alter rotateGear to take an angle and a radius as inputs instead of heading (this is much more flexible anyway):
-(void) rotateGear: (UIImageView*) view radius:(float)radius angle:(int)angle
float x = 160 + radius * (cos(angle * (M_PI / 180.0f)));
float y = 240 + radius * (sin(angle * (M_PI / 180.0f)));
// The numbers are very skewed.
view.frame = CGRectMake(x, y, view.image.size.width, view.image.size.height);
And each time we want to update the position we make a call like this:
[objectName rotateGear radius:radius angle:(adjustment + heading)];
Btw, once you manage to get this working, I'd strongly recommend converting all your angles so you're using radians all the way through, it makes it much neater/easier to follow!
The formula for x and y coordinates of a point on a circle, based on radians, radius, and center point:
x = cos(angle) * radius + center_x
y = sin(angle) * radius + center_y
You can find the radius with HappyPixel's formula.
Once you figure out the radius and the center point, you can simply vary the angle to get all the points on the circle that you'd want.
If I understand correctly, you want to do InitObject(x,y). followed by UpdateObject(angle) where angle sweeps from 0 to 360. (But use radians instead of degrees for the math)
So you need to track the angle and radius for each object.:
relative_x = x-center.x
relative_y = y-center.y
object.radius = sqrt((relative_x)^2, (relative_y)^2)
object.initial_angle = atan(relative_y,relative_x);
newangle = (object.initial_angle + angle) % (2*PI )
object.x = cos(newangle) * object.radius + center.x
object.y = sin(newangle) * object.radius + center.y
dx=dropx-centerx; //target-source
dy=-(dropy-centery); //minus = invert screen coords to cartesian coords
radius=sqrt(dy*dy+dx*dx); //faster if your compiler optimizer is bad
if dx=0 then dx=0.000001; //hackpatchfudgenudge*
angle=atan(dy/dx); //set this as start angle for the angle-incrementer
Then go with the code you have and you'll be fine. You seem to be calculating radius from current position each time though? This, like the angle, should only be done once, when the object is dropped, or else the radius might not be constant.
*instead of handling 3 special cases for dx=0, if you need < 1/100 degree precision for the start angle go with those instead, google Polar Arctan.
I want to calculate the angle between two lines formed by three points(one of the points is the point of intersection of the two lines) using inverse cosine function as follows:
CGFloat a = initialPosition.x - origin.x;
CGFloat b = initialPosition.y - origin.y;
CGFloat c = currentPosition.x - origin.x;
CGFloat d = currentPosition.y - origin.y;
CGFloat angle = (180/M_PI) * acosf(((a*c) + (b*d)) / ((sqrt(a*a + b*b)) * (sqrt(c*c + d*d))));
Unfortunately, acosf returns a value between 0 and pi only. How do I find a value between 0 and 2*pi (going, say, in the anti-clockwise manner)?
i don't know what language you are using, but typically there is an atan2 function that gives you a value from the full 360 degrees. in this case you need to use it twice and then add a little additional logic.
some pseudocode will help clear things up:
initialAngle = atan2(initialPosition.y - origin.y, initialPosition.x - origin.x)
currentAngle = atan2(currentPosition.y - origin.y, currentPosition.x - origin.x)
# angle is measured from x axis anti-clock, so lets find the value starting from
# initial and rotating anti-clock to current, as a positive number
# so we want current to be larger than initial
if (currentAngle < initialAngle) {currentAngle += 2 pi}
# and then we can subtract
return currentAngle - initialAngle
i know this isn't using acos, but that is multi-valued so to do so ends up using lots of logic about signs of differences that is bug-prone. atan2 is what you want.
found a simple solution...This comes from high school maths! First make an equation of a line made from the origin and the initialPosition of the form y = mx+c. A point lying on either side of this line will satisfy y < mx+c or y > mx+c, depending on where it is. If finding angles in the clockwise or anti-clockwise sense, make the following check:
currentPosition.y < (currentPosition.x *(initialPosition.y - origin.y) + (initialPosition .x * origin.y - initialPosition.y * origin.x)) / (initialPosition.x - origin.x)
If the above condition is true, then the line formed from origin and currentPosition makes an angle less than 180 deg (in the clockwise sense) with the line formed from origin and initialPosition. Otherwise it makes an angle more than 180 deg in the clockwise sense and less than 180 deg in the anti-clockwise sense...and so on. Depending on the requirement, the final angle is either the (angle returned by acos) or (360 - (angle returned by acos)).