What does New and Dispose do internally? - delphi

I was wondering about what happens internally when New and Disposed is called. Delphi help gives a reasonable explanation but what would have to be done if a person would write one's own New and Dispose? Which methods are called internally to the two or is it all assembly?
I am not looking to write my own New and Dispose. I am just extremely curious about both methods' internal working.

New does the following:
Allocate memory for the new object with a call to GetMem.
Initialize any managed fields such as strings, interfaces, dynamic arrays etc.
Dispose reverses this:
Finalize the managed fields.
Deallocate the memory with a call to FreeMem.
Note that both New and Dispose are intrinsic functions. This means that the compiler has extra knowledge of them and is able to vary how they are implemented depending on the type in question.
For instance, if the type has no managed fields then New is optimized into a simple call to GetMem. If the type has managed fields then New is implemented with a call to System._New, which performs the steps described above.
The implementation of Dispose is much the same. A simple call to FreeMem for non-managed types, and a call to System._Dispose otherwise.
Now, System._New is implemented like this:
function _New(Size: NativeInt; TypeInfo: Pointer): Pointer;
GetMem(Result, Size);
if Result <> nil then
_Initialize(Result, TypeInfo);
Note that I have just shown the PUREPASCAL variant for simplicity. The call to GetMem is simple enough. The call to System._Initialize is a lot more involved. That uses the TypeInfo argument to find all the managed types contained in the object and initialize them. This is a recursive process because, for example, a record may contain members that are themselves structure types. You can see all the gory details in the RTL source.
As for System._Dispose, it calls System._Finalize and then FreeMem. And System._Finalize is very similar to System._Initialize except that it finalizes managed types rather than initializing them.
It's long been something of a bug bear of performance sensitive Delphi users that System._Initialize and System._Finalize are implemented this way, on top of runtime type information. The types are known at compile time and the compiler could be written to inline the initialization and finalization which would result in better performance.

It is how to write your own New() and Dispose() functions, with your own record initialization/finalization:
procedure RecordInitialize(Dest, TypeInfo: pointer);
{$ifdef CPUX64}
jmp System.#InitializeRecord
procedure RecordClear(Dest, TypeInfo: pointer);
{$ifdef CPUX64}
jmp System.#FinalizeRecord
function NewRec1(TypeInfo: pointer): pointer;
GetMem(result, GetTypeData(TypeInfo)^.RecSize);
RecordInitialize(result, TypeInfo);
function NewRec2(TypeInfo: pointer): pointer;
len: integer;
len := GetTypeData(TypeInfo)^.RecSize;
GetMem(result, len);
FillChar(result^, len, 0);
procedure NewDispose(Rec: pointer; TypeInfo: Pointer);
RecordClear(Rec, TypeInfo);
First, there is a low-level asm trick to call the hidden intrinsic functions we need.
I then propose two ways of initializing the record, one using System.#InitializeRecord, the other using FillChar. Also note that if you allocate your records within a dynamic array, the initialization/finalization of the items would be done automatically. And initialization won't call Initialize() but FillChar to fill the memory with zeros.
It is a pity that we could not define global functions/procedures with generic parameters, otherwise we may have get rid of the TypeInfo() parameter.
Some years ago, I re-wrote the RTL part of record initialization/finalization, for faster execution. Note that TObject would call FinalizeRecord, so it is a part of the RTL which gain of being optimized. The compiler should emit the code instead of using the RTTI - but at least the RTL should be optimized a bit more.
If you use our Open Source SynCommons.pas unit, and define the DOPATCHTRTL conditional for your project, you will have in-process patch of the RTL FillChar Move RecordCopy FinalizeRecord InitializeRecord TObject.CleanupInstance low-level functions, which would use optimized asssembly, and SSE2 opcodes if available.


Why does this one PAnsiChar get chopped when converted to AnsiString?

Please consider the following program:
program SO41175184;
function Int9999: PAnsiChar;
Result := PAnsiChar(AnsiString(IntToStr(9999)));
function Int99999: PAnsiChar;
Result := PAnsiChar(AnsiString(IntToStr(99999)));
function Int999999: PAnsiChar;
Result := PAnsiChar(AnsiString(IntToStr(999999)));
function Str9999: PAnsiChar;
Result := PAnsiChar(AnsiString('9999'));
function Str99999: PAnsiChar;
Result := PAnsiChar(AnsiString('99999'));
function Str999999: PAnsiChar;
Result := PAnsiChar(AnsiString('999999'));
WriteLn(Int9999); // '9999'
WriteLn(Int99999); // '99999'
WriteLn(Int999999); // '999999'
WriteLn(string(AnsiString(Str9999))); // '9999'
WriteLn(string(AnsiString(Str99999))); // '99999'
WriteLn(string(AnsiString(Str999999))); // '999999'
WriteLn(string(AnsiString(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(IntToStr(9999)))))); // '9999'
WriteLn(string(AnsiString(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(IntToStr(99999)))))); // '99999'
WriteLn(string(AnsiString(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(IntToStr(999999)))))); // '999999'
WriteLn(string(AnsiString(Int9999))); // '9999'
WriteLn(string(AnsiString(Int99999))); // '9999' <----- ?!
WriteLn(string(AnsiString(Int999999))); // '999999'
Only in one of these cases does the string lose a single character, in Delphi 2010 and Delphi XE3 both. With FPC the same program works correctly. Switching to PChar also makes the problem disappear.
I suppose it has something to do with memory management, but I don't have enough of a clue where to look to do a meaningful investigation. Could anyone clarify?
Dynamically created strings are reference counted and deallocated when no references remain.
Result := PAnsiChar(AnsiString(IntToStr(99999)));
causes a temporary AnsiString to be created, its address taken via the cast to PAnsiChar, and then the temporary string deallocated†. The resulting pointer points to now-unclaimed memory that may be overwritten for pretty much any reason, including during the allocations of more strings.
Neither Delphi nor FPC clears memory by default during deallocations, so if the memory hasn't been re-used yet, you may get lucky when reading what used to be there. Or, as you saw, you may not.
When returning PAnsiChar like this, you need an agreement between caller and callee on memory management. You need to make sure you do not free the memory early, and you need to make sure your callers know how to free the memory afterwards.
† Remy Lebeau points out that this deallocation happens when the procedure or function returns. If there is another statement after the assignment to Result, the string will still be available. This is normally correct, but there are also cases where it the temporary string gets deallocated before the return, for example when you create temporary strings in a loop. I would not recommend using temporary objects after the statement that creates them concludes, even in cases where it is valid, because it makes it too hard to verify whether the code is correct. For those cases, just use an explicit variable.

Can I use interfaces without invoking hidden try-finally's

I want to refactor DelphiAST to use interfaces to deal with different types, rather than the clunky
TDirectionary it uses now.
Some research shows that 70%+ of the running time is spend in the dictionary.
So I'll make interfaces like:
TSyntaxNode = class
IIdentifier = interface
function GetIdentifier: string;
property Identifier: string read GetIdentifier;
IMethod = interface(Identifier)
TMethodNode = class(TSyntaxNode, IMethod, IIdentifier,...)
The problem according to Roman is:
Reference counting may cause performance issues. DelphiAST creates thousands of classes to produce the syntax tree (more than 100,000 of TSyntaxNode instances, when input file is big enough). How many times the reference counter would be called?
Every time that happens a hidden try finally is invoked and that will slow things way down.
Strict use of const in method params prevents the refcount code calling the method, but afaik it still happens every time you do something like, say, MyRef = List[0] - it will increment the refcount assigning to MyRef, even though the item is still present in the list.
How can I work with interfaces whilst not having to worry about refcounting and try-finally blocks?
I'm perfectly happy to manage destruction of classes manually.
Further info
I'm guessing I need to use TAggregatedObject as a base ancestor.
And I read somewhere that not assigning a GUID inhibits reference counting, but have to source to back that up.
However losing the GUID's would lead to problems in obtaining sub-interfaces so I'd have to devise a solution to that....
Can I use interfaces without invoking hidden try-finally's?
No. The compiler emits reference counting code with interfaces no matter what. You cannot avoid it.
You can implement you own version of interfaces using a record of function pointers. It will be more clunky but will avoid heap allocation and reference counting.
"Thousands of objects" always gives me a shiver. There is a significant overhead to an object in memory. You forget about it, but it pops up again when you're trying to manage thousands, or notice you loose performance on it, or start to try writing or reading from file...
Using interfaces won't change much as far as I can tell, since you still use objects (class instances) underneath.
Endeavours of this magnitude require specific use of good-old straight-to-memory data-structures. For example I've been playing with an AST stored in an array of records: https://github.com/stijnsanders/strato
Yes No you cancannot use interfaces without invoking try-finally's and refcounting.
You can however greatly reduce the number of hidden exception handlers.
You just have to be really careful to do two things.
Always use const parameters when passing interfaces.
Never store the interface in an interface type variable, but use a homebrew record to encapsulate the interface so that its refcount will not be touched.
Here's a sample of the encapsulating record:
TInterface<Intf: IInterface> = record
P: Pointer;
function I: Intf; inline;
class operator Implicit(const A: Intf): TInterface<Intf>; inline;
function TInterface<Intf>.I: Intf;
pointer(IInterface(Result)):= P;
class operator TInterface<Intf>.Implicit(const A: Intf): TInterface<Intf>;
Result.P:= pointer(IInterface(A));
Here's a sample program to demonstrate the concept.
program Project32;
{$R *.res}
TInterface<Intf: IInterface> = record
P: Pointer;
function I: Intf; inline;
class operator Implicit(const A: Intf): TInterface<Intf>; inline;
ITest1 = interface
function Test1: integer;
ITest2 = interface
function Test2: integer;
TTest = class(TAggregatedObject, ITest1, ITest2)
function Test1: integer;
function Test2: integer;
{ TTest }
function TTest.Test1: integer;
Result:= 1;
function TTest.Test2: integer;
Result:= 2;
{ TInterface<Intf> }
function TInterface<Intf>.I: Intf;
pointer(IInterface(Result)):= P;
class operator TInterface<Intf>.Implicit(const A: Intf): TInterface<Intf>;
Result.P:= pointer(IInterface(A));
I1: TInterface<ITest1>;
I2: TInterface<ITest2>;
Test: TTest;
Test:= TTest.Create(nil); //Force AV on _AddRef, _Release
If (Test.Test1 = 1) then WriteLn(S);
I1:= Test;
If (I1.I.Test1 =1) then WriteLn(S);
I2:= Test;
If (I2.I.Test2 = 2) then WriteLn(S);
The TAggregatedObject does not have a interface to handle the _AddRef/_Release calls.
During the lifetime of the program, no problems will occur, however Delphi does wrap the creation of TTest in a try-finally which will generate an exception when exiting the function.
In real-world use you'd have to use a TInterfacedObject. If you pass the interface references around a lot it might help though.

Accessing Sub functions /procedures from DPR or other function / procedure in Delphi

As much I know - Subroutines are with Private access mode to its parent unction / procedure, right?
Is there any way to access them from "outer-world" - dpr or other function / procedure in unit?
Also - which way takes more calcualtion and space to compiled file?
for example:
function blablabla(parameter : tparameter) : abcde;
procedure xyz(par_ : tpar_);
// ...
// ...
procedure albalbalb(param : tparam) : www;
xyz(par_ : tpar_); // is there any way to make this function public / published to access it therefore enabling to call it this way?
// all text is random.
// also, is there way to call it from DPR in this manner?
// in C++ this can be done by specifing access mode and/or using "Friend" class .. but in DELPHI?
Nested procedures/functions - those declared inside another procedure or function, are a special type, because they can access the stack (and thereby parameters/local variables) of the procedure they are nested in. Because of this, and Delphi scope rules, there is no way to access them outside the "parent" procedure. You use them only if you need to take advantage of their special features. AFAIK Delphi/Pascal is one of the few languages to have this feature. From a compiler point of view the call has some extra code to allow accessing the parent stack frame, IIRC.
AFAIK "friend" class/functions in C++ are different - they are class access methods, while in your example you are using plain procedures/functions.
In Delphi all procedure/classes declared in the same unit are automatically "friend", unless strict private declarations are used in latest Delphi releases. For example this code snippets will work, as long everything is in the same unit:
TExample = class
procedure HelloWorld;
function DoSomething(AExample: TExample);
// Calling a private method here works
Note: Embedded Routines <> Private/Protected Methods.
Embedded routines i.e. routines inside routines can not be accessed by external routines.
You have posted an example of an Embedded routine, I also heard them called Internal Routines.
Here is another example:
procedure DoThis;
function DoThat : Boolean;
// This Routine is embedded or internal routine.
// DoThat() can only be accessed from here no other place.
Regardless of visibility, methods on classes, can be called using Delphi 2010 via RTTI. I have detailed how to do this in this article.
If you are in the same Unit methods on a class can be accessed by any other code regardless of visibility, unless they are marked with Strict Private. This Question has more details and good example code in the accepted answer.
If you are in two different units you can use the Protected Method Hack to access the protected methods. Which is detailed in detailed in this article.
Yes, you can access a subroutine, which is nested in other (parent) subroutine, from the outer world. Though it's somewhat tricky. I've found this howto in the web.
How to pass nested routine as a procedural parameter (32 bit)
Delphi normally does not support passing nested routines as procedural parameters:
// This code does not compile:
procedure testpass(p: tprocedure);
procedure calltestpass;
procedure inner;
The obvious workaround is to pass procedure address and typecast it within testpass:
// This code compiles and runs OK
procedure testpass(p: pointer);
procedure calltestpass;
procedure inner;
There is, however, a pitfall in the above example - if the "inner" routine references any variable that was pushed onto the stack before the "inner" procedure was called from testpass (calltestpass parameters - if there were any, or local variables in calltestpass - if there were any), your system most probably crashes:
// This code compiles OK but generates runtime exception (could even be
// EMachineHangs :-) )
procedure testpass(p: pointer);
procedure calltestpass;
var msg: string;
procedure inner;
msg := 'hello';
The reason is, in simple words, that the stack frame arrangement
was "broken" by the call to testpass routine and "inner" procedure
incorrectly calculates parameters and local variables location
(do not blame Delphi, please).
The workaround is to set up the correct stack context before
"inner" is called from within "testpass".
// This code compiles and runs OK
procedure testpass(p: pointer);
var callersBP: longint;
asm // get caller's base pointer value at the very beginning
push dword ptr [ebp]
pop callersBP
// here we can have some other OP code
asm // pushes caller's base pointer value onto stack and calls tProcedure(p)
push CallersBP
Call p
Pop CallersBP
// here we can have some other OP code
procedure calltestpass;
var msg: string;
procedure inner;
msg := 'hello';
Please note the optimization is switched OFF for testpass routine - optimization generally does not handle mixed OP/assembler code very well.
No, there is no way to do what you're asking. The xyz function is callable only by the enclosing blablabla function. Outside that function, xyz is not in scope and there is no way to name it. If C++ allowed nested function, there wouldn't be any way to refer to it, either, just like there's no way to refer to functions with static linkage from outside the current translation unit.
If you need to call xyz from outside the blablabla function, then move xyz outside. If you need to call it from outside the current unit, then you need to declare that function in the unit's interface section. Then, add that unit to the external code's uses clause and you can call xyz from wherever you want, even the DPR file.
If xyz refers to variables or parameters of the blablabla function, then you'll need to pass them in as parameters since xyz will no longer have access to them otherwise.
The concept of access specifiers isn't really relevant here since we're not talking about classes. Units have interface and implementation sections, which aren't really the same as public and private sections of a class.

Add a property on TWinControl Class

I want to add a published property into TWinControl.
Is there someway to do this without the necessity of recompiling the base source code ?
If not, some way to recompile the base source code without too much troubles ?
Tks in advice...
Alright, What I'm thinking to do I'm trying to override the _GetMem from System.pas for classes
inherited from TWinControl.
Why ? 'Cause I'll alloc some extra space to the objects enough to an integer.
Why an integer ? 'Cause this way I can add any pointer to object.
So on the helper class to TWinControl I can make a Get an Set function to access this space of memory.
Good isn't it ? How to do this ?
Overrideing the GetMem procedure I can use the same strategy used on FastCode, create a jumper to the new procedure.
What I need now is understand how this memory alloc works InstanceSize to override this.
At all I'm studding how do Delphi do this... And to add this on DFM I will do the same way, I'll create a jumper to the filer.
Someone have some idea to add the new space in objects ? What method I need to override ? The jumper I know how to do.
Tks Again.
EDIT = Evolution
I think that I did the injection of memory.
I need to do more tests.
I've just did it, I'm not caring about optimizations at the moment, if some one would like to test it, here goes the code.
Just add the unit as the first unit of your project.
unit uMemInjection;
THelperWinControl = class Helper for TWinControl
function RfInstanceSize: Longint;
function GetInteger: Integer;
procedure SetInteger(const Value: Integer);
property RfInteger: Integer read GetInteger write SetInteger;
procedure SInstanceSize;
call TWinControl.InstanceSize
function THelperWinControl.GetInteger: Integer;
Result := Integer(PInteger(Integer(Self) + (Self.InstanceSize - SizeOf(Integer)))^);
function THelperWinControl.RfInstanceSize: Longint;
Result := PInteger(Integer(Self) + vmtInstanceSize)^;
Result := Result + SizeOf(Integer);
/////////////////////////////////////////////// FastCode ///////////////////////////////////////////////
PJump = ^TJump;
TJump = packed record
OpCode: Byte;
Distance: Pointer;
function FastcodeGetAddress(AStub: Pointer): Pointer;
if PBYTE(AStub)^ = $E8 then
Result := Pointer(Integer(AStub) + SizeOf(Pointer) + PInteger(AStub)^);
Result := nil;
procedure FastcodeAddressPatch(const ASource, ADestination: Pointer);
Size = SizeOf(TJump);
NewJump: PJump;
OldProtect: Cardinal;
if VirtualProtect(ASource, Size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, OldProtect) then
NewJump := PJump(ASource);
NewJump.OpCode := $E9;
NewJump.Distance := Pointer(Integer(ADestination) - Integer(ASource) - 5);
FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess, ASource, SizeOf(TJump));
VirtualProtect(ASource, Size, OldProtect, #OldProtect);
/////////////////////////////////////////////// FastCode ///////////////////////////////////////////////
{ THelperWinControl }
procedure THelperWinControl.SetInteger(const Value: Integer);
PInteger(Integer(Self) + (Self.InstanceSize - SizeOf(Integer)))^ := Value;
FastcodeAddressPatch(FastcodeGetAddress(#SInstanceSize), #TWinControl.RfInstanceSize);
Thanks to Smasher, I remembered how the Delphi team used class helpers and a designer trick to add properties to Delphi 2007 without breaking binary compatibility with Delphi 2006.
See this great article by Hallvard Vassbotn on how to do this.
I think it solves most, if not all, of your problems.
look for these things in the article:
TCustomFormHelper = class helper for TCustomForm
The FPixelsPerInch storage hack
Injecting design-time properties
Defining the streaming properties
You'll have to work your own way to do the streaming, though, as you hook from the outside world into TWinControl, but that might be possible too.
Delphi2007 and higher have "class helpers".
You can introduce new functions and properties, but no fields/variables. So you have to store the value of you new property in a extra object (via factory or whatever) or (very ugly) in the .Tag property...
Don't know if class helper also work in packages/design time?
If you are using this property only on the application level, you may use the following approaches:
composition: bundle a reference to TWinControl object with other properties into new class, and pass/operate objects this class in your calls
dictionary-like functions: GetMyPropertyFor( AWinControl: TWinControl): and SetMyPropertyFor( AWinControl: TWinControl: AValue: ), which internally maintain additional property for each called TWinControl object
ADDITION: Based on your additional comment, existing Tag property should play well for your needs. You can even define 'levels' by using different values there.
No, there is no way to modify TWinControl without recompiling the VCL. Also I don't recommend changing the VCL (since having a "custom" VCL can impact the portability of your project - at the very least between Delphi installations). I would aim at making another class that inherit from TWinControl and then add your published property to this new class.
If you still want to change the VCL see the following post:
Note that "you will no longer be able to compile using runtime
(I know the answer is a bit dense, comment on it what details you need more info about)
What you could do is what for instance TGridPanel does: it adds the Column, Row, ColumnSpan and RowSpan 'properties' to the object inspector for all components that are on the GridPanel.
That will solve your design-time support.
I thought I had a reference on how the TGridPanel does this (and TFlowPanel does similar things), but I can't find it right now. Probably Ray Konopka explained this during a conference, but that info might not be on-line.
For run-time support, you could go with class helpers.
When using class helpers, note that only the nearest visible one for a class will apply.
Another route you might follow is to use the Tag property (which is an Integer, but you can cast it to a Pointer or a TObject), but you might be bitten by others using that too.
You'd have to create your own design-time support for those tag properties though.

Bypassing (disabling) Delphi's reference counting for interfaces

For one particular issue in the architecture of an application I'm working on, interfaces seem to be a nice solution. Specifically, some "business objects" depend on a bunch of settings that are pulled from the database in the actual app. Letting those business objects ask for an interface (through Inversion of Control), and letting a central TDatabaseSettings object implement those interfaces, allows for better isolation, and thus for much easier unit testing.
However, in Delphi, interfaces seem to come with an, in this case, unpleasant bonus: reference counting. This means that if I do something like this:
IMySettings = interface
function getMySetting: String;
TDatabaseSettings = class(..., IMySettings)
TMyBusinessObject = class(TInterfacedObject, IMySettings)
property Settings: IMySettings read FSettings write FSettings;
DatabaseSettings: TDatabaseSettings;
// global object (normally placed in a controller somewhere)
//Now, in some function...
O := TMyBusinessObject.Create;
O.Settings := DatabaseSettings;
// ... do something with O
On the last line (O.Free), my global DatabaseSettings object is now also freed, since the last interface reference to it (which was contained in O) is lost!
One solution would be to store the 'global' DatabaseSettings object with an interface; another solution would be to override the reference counting mechanism for the TDatabaseSettings class, so I can continue to manage the DatabaseSettings as a normal object (which is much more consistent with the rest of the app).
So, in summary, my question is: how do I disable the interface reference counting mechanism for a particular class?
I've been able to find some info that suggests overriding the IInterface methods _AddRef and _Release for the class (TDatabaseSettings in the example); has anyone ever done that?
Or would you say I shouldn't do this (confusing? just a bad idea?), and find a different solution to the architectural problem?
Thanks a lot!
Ok, you can bypass it, but the question is if you really want that.
If you want to use interfaces, you better use them completely. So as you have experienced it, you get problems if you mix class and interface variables.
// DatabaseSettings: TDatabaseSettings;
DatabaseSettings : IMySettings;
//Now, in some function...
O := TMyBusinessObject.Create;
O.Settings := DatabaseSettings;
// ... do something with O
You now have a second reference to the interface and losing the first will not free the object.
It as also possible to keep both the class and the object:
DatabaseSettings: TDatabaseSettings;
DatabaseSettingsInt : IMySettings;
Be sure to set the interface right after the object has been created.
If you really want to disable reference counting, you just have to create a new descendant of TObject that implements IInterface. I have tested the example below in D2009 and it works:
// Query Interface can stay the same because it does not depend on reference counting.
function TMyInterfacedObject.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
if GetInterface(IID, Obj) then
Result := 0
constructor TMyInterfacedObject.Create;
FRefCount := 1;
procedure TMyInterfacedObject.FreeRef;
if Self = nil then
if InterlockedDecrement(FRefCount) = 0 then
function TMyInterfacedObject._AddRef: Integer;
Result := InterlockedIncrement(FRefCount);
function TMyInterfacedObject._Release: Integer;
Result := InterlockedDecrement(FRefCount);
if Result = 0 then
FreeRef just lowers the refcount just like _Release. You can use it where you normally use Free.
Don't descend from TInterfacedObject, instead descend from TSingletonImplementation from standard System.Generics.Defaults unit.
TSingletonImplementation is a base for simple classes that need a basic IInterface implementation, with reference counting disabled.
TSingletonImplementation is a thread-safe base class for Delphi classes that support interfaces. Unlike TInterfacedObject, TSingletonImplementation does not implement reference counting.
_AddRef, _Release and _QueryInterface are, in fact, what you want to override. You should be very clear about what you're doing, however, as this can cause memory leaks or strange, hard-to-find bugs.
Don't descend from TInterfacedObject, instead descend from TObject, and implement your own versions of the first two of those methods that return 1.
To disable reference counting, AddRef and Release should do nothing but return -1
function TMyInterfacedObject._AddRef: Integer;
Result := -1;
function TMyInterfacedObject._Release: Integer;
Result := -1;
There is quite a lot of utility in interfaces without reference counting. If you use reference counting, then you cannot mix object and interface references as bad things will happen. By disabling ref counts, you can happily mix interface and object references without worrying about your objects suddenly getting auto destroyed.
Disabling reference counting for this kind of problem smells bad.
A much nicer and architectural solution would be to use some kind of "singleton" pattern.
The easiest way to implement this would look like:
TDatabaseSettings = class(..., IMySettings)
function DatabaseSettings: IMySettings;
GDatabaseSettings: IMySettings;
function DatabaseSettings: IMySettings;
if GDatabaseSettings = nil then GDatabaseSettings := TDatabaseSettings.Create;
Result := GDatabaseSettings;
O := TMyBusinessObject.Create;
O.Settings := DatabaseSettings;
By the way: when you use interfaces: always use interface variables! Do not mix both class en interface vars (use "var Settings: IMySettings" instead of "var Settings: TDatabaseSettings"). Otherwise reference counting will get in your way (auto destroy, invalid pointer operations, etc).
In the above solution, GDatabaseSettings is also of type "IMySettings", so it gets a proper reference count, and will last till your program terminates.
Or just use the code below:
I: IMyInterface;
I := ...;
Do whatever you want in a scope;
Initialize(I); //- this will clear the interface variable without calling the _release.
