I am working iOS app which is using Salesforce oAuth for login.
I would like to load one VF page url in web-container which requires the login to access. As I am already having valid oAuth token, How can I access VF page (salesforce) by passing access token on header request.
If you are using framework of SalesForce iOS SDK and you have a valid OauthToken :
SFOauthCordinator class has a method called [coordinator authenticateWithCredentials:[[SFAccountManager sharedInstanceForAccount:#"user"]credentials]]. This source line gives you a login session by using the existing oAuthToken.
I am trying to configure a third party web application to use Azure AD as the OIDC provider. The authentication works fine, however I am looking for some claims and not able to find an ID or Access Token. Here is the flow as I am seeing it
Call to the login page of the web application. This gets a 302 redirect to the Microsoft OAuth endpoint as below
The URL is https://login.microsoftonline.com/-tenantid-/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id=-clientid-&redirect_uri=-encodedCallbackURI-&response_type=code&scope=openid+email+profile&state=123 This does a 302 to below URL
Next call is to https://login.microsoftonline.com/-tenantid-/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id=-clientid-&redirect_uri=-encodedCallbackURI-&response_type=code&scope=openid+email+profile&state=123&**sso_nonce=O.eyJ0eXAiOiJK......**&client-request-id=-guid-&mscrid=-guid- This returns a 200
Next is the redirect back to the hosted web application indicated in teh callback - https://webApplicationURL/callback?code=0.AQ4Ayjxg80......&state=123&session_state=5b7c2e43-9eab-4bb1-9f24-d020f144d30d
At this point, the user has successfully been authenticated. However, I would like to find the ID or Access Token received.
The sso_nonce(in #3) is in a JWT format but has no claims.
The code(in #4) doesn't have any of the claims either and doesnt really seem to be a JWT token format.
So where is the ID Token or Access Token that I can use to decode and see what claims are getting passed (or not)?
Thanks in advance,
To get tokens while calling login page of the web application, you can execute the below request in browser by including response_type as id_token+token:
client_id=da5daf42-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx04a52 //your AppID
&response_type=id_token+token //Required
&redirect_uri=https://jwt.ms //your Redirect URL
Make sure to enable tokens for your web application before executing the above request like below:
Go to Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations -> Your App -> Authentication -> Enable tokens -> Save
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the below results:
When I executed the above-mentioned request in the browser, it asked me to sign in like below:
After successful sign-in, it took me to the redirect URL with tokens in the address bar like below:
When you copy-paste the above in Notepad or any, you can find both access_token and id_token like this:
I got the claims successfully when I decoded the token like below:
OpenID Connect (OIDC) | Microsoft Docs
I have trouble creating a Google API OAuth2.0 token though following all the steps here: [OAuth2 Authentication](
When trying to create the token through the OAuth2.0 playground:
OAUTH 2.0 playground
I end up with this error:
Discussion on similar threads tried to give some guidance but without any luck in my case.
Add google.com in the authorized domain list of your app's OAuth consent screen.
Click on the application for which you want to configure for the next step:
Make sure to also add 'https://developers.google.com' in the Authorized JavaScript origins and 'https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground' in the Authorized redirect URIs[click 'save' below once added]:
You are applying your own client id and client secret to Oauth2 playground you are also using browser credentials.
For browser credentials to work it must be able to return the token to an endpoint that can handle it and that endpoint (Redirect uri) must be registered in the Google Developer console for that project.
if you check your first picture under the check box you clicked
You will need to list the URL https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground as a valid redirect URI in your Google APIs Console's project. Then enter the client ID and secret assigned to a web application on your project below:
Try adding that URL as it says.
I am doing integrate uber sdk using oAuth2Client in ios.I got access token using
" https://login.uber.com/oauth/v2/token" but when I was trying to remove token using "https://login.uber.com/oauth/revoke" I got response code "200" but access token not be nill so I am not able to redirect on login screen.and
I directly redirect into
If anyone do uber integration in ios application.Please help me!!
Thanks in advance!!
Calling POST /oauth/revoke invalidates the access_token, refresh_token pair that you have for that user.
However, that user is probably still logged into Uber.com and has an active & valid session with a cookie in the browser.
You probably do not want to log the user out of the browser session, but if you did want to you could direct them to https://riders.uber.com/logout
I'm using this site https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn645542.aspx to do Authorization Code Grant Flow with the goal of reading my office 365 calendars using this type of flow. The problem is that when I request for an oauth token the response is not updating the "scope" variable. I'm requesting the oauth token using this POST call "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/token" and passing in the body my grant_type, redirect_uri, client_id, client_secret, code, resource. The response is 200OK but for scope it only reads -> "'scope': 'Contacts.Read'" when it should also have Calendars.Read as well. In manage.windowsazure.com for the app that has the same client_id I'm passing in has the read calendars checked as well as the read contacts checked. When I first got my authorization code by typing this into the browser "login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/authorize" I only had "Contacts Read" checked. But now every time I type that into my browser it skips the page where I accept my app to look at my calendars and contacts page. When I login with someone else's computer and get the auth code and request the token it updates their scope to both contacts and calendar and works fine. For me I'm getting a new Auth code in the url but it skips the page where I could accept my app to look at my contacts AND calendars. I'm getting a new authorization each time. I tried clearing my browsing data but It still wouldn't work.
You need the user to logon again so they can consent to the new scope. Try adding prompt=consent to your logon URL.
This works much nicer in the v2 app model, which does dynamic scopes.
I have an iOS application that connects via Facebook (FBSDK). The authentication is successful on the app and I can check FBSDKAccessToken.currentAccessToken().
My iOS app is communicating with a Node API, and I would like to send the FB tokens and check they are valid in every request.
My currentAccessToken on the iOS client looks like: 0x12de32171
I've been trying to check it from https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=0x12de32171 but I have the "Invalid OAuth access token." error everytime
FBSDKAccessToken.currentAccessToken() is an object. To get the token string, it's FBSDKAccessToken.currentAccessToken().tokenString
Then https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=YOUR_TOKEN_HERE works totally fine