Grails 3: Custom taglib not recognized - taglib

Using Grails 3.0.9
I tried setting up a custom tag, but I can't get it to work. I created the following groovy file in grails-app/taglib: BeanFormGenerator.groovy
class BeanFormGenerator {
def renderList = { attrs, body ->
// reads the 'values' attribute from the attributes list
def list = attrs.values
// iterates and renders list values
list.each {
// uses the implicit 'out' variable to append content to the response
out << "<span class=\"element\"> ${it} </span>"
And I have this call in a gsp file:
<g:renderList values="[1, 2, 3]">check check</g:renderList>
I get the error:
Tag [renderList] does not exist. No tag library found for namespace: g
I tried creating a custom namespace inside of BeanFormGenerator:
static namespace = "beanform"
But this just caused to be treated as markup. What am I doing wrong? The documentation makes it seem like this should be all there is to it. I'm running this inside of IntelliJ community edition if that makes a difference.

Quite simply, to create a tag library create a Groovy class that ends
with the convention TagLib and place it within the grails-app/taglib


Create custom Grails Tag Lib the generates code

Is there any documentation regarding how to create a custom grails tag that generated groovy code similar to "<g:if>" and "<g:else>"?
Using the normal grails taglib, I'm able to generate html or raw output, but I'm looking to output code that can be interpreted similar to how the if and else tags work.
Here's a sample of the Grails source code for the "if" tag:
protected void outputStartTag(String envExpression, String testExpression) {
out.print(" && ");
out.println(") {");
How can I do something similar in my own taglib prefix.
<mine:doSomethingCool key="foo">This text is conditionally shown</mine:doSomethingCool>
In addition to hiding complex logic, I would like this ability so I can use the <g:else> tag after my custom tag.
In general, I would like another tool in my toolbox in addition to the current taglib format.
If for example you only want to render the conditional text when key == 'foo', you could do that like this:
class SomethingTagLib {
static namespace = "ns"
def doSomethingCool = { attrs, body ->
if (attrs.key == 'foo') {
out << body()
You could then use this tag like so:
<ns:doSomethingCool key="foo">This text is conditionally shown<ns:doSomethingCool>

grails reflection - Calling a dynamic tag

I know this is odd, but I'm trying to provide a pass through interface in a taglib that allows the caller to pass in any other tag to be displayed in a container with additional processing.
To this effect, I'm trying to dynamically call an arbitrary tag in an arbitrary namespace. This may be clearer by example.
<myLib:myTag someProp="blah" anotherProp="blah2" size="80" namespace="g" tag="textField">
In my taglib, I'm trying to display the tag they pass.
def myTag = {
String id = //some processing, not specified by caller
attrs.put("id", id)
def namespace = attrs.remove("namespace")
def tag = attrs.remove("tag")
out << ?????
The problem comes after the out... I'm having trouble calling the tag. I've tried the following with the following errors
namespace.tag(attrs) //No signature of method: java.lang.String.tag()
namespace."${tag}"(attrs) //No signature of method: java.lang.String.textField()
"${namespace}"."${tag}"(attrs) //No signature of method: java.lang.String.textField()
This seems to work, but the method needs to support tags in other namespaces
So the question is How can I use reflection to use a dynamically defined taglib?
I don't have them pass the fully formed tag in the body() because I need to interact with it in the taglib.
I believe the following works, I'm not completely certain this is the best answer, so will leave the question open for suggestions from others.
String namespace = attrs.remove("namespace")
String tag = attrs.remove("tag")
GrailsTagLibClass tagLibClass = grailsApplication.getTagLibClasses().find { it.namespace == namespace && it.hasTag(tag)}
def tagLibBean = grailsApplication.mainContext.getBean(tagLibClass.getFullName())
out << tagLibBean."${tag}"(attrs)

How to do safe inserts using GORM for Mongo's low-level API?

I am trying to do a safe insert using GORM for Mongo's low-level API.
I have reproduced the problem in a clean Grails project like follows:
Create a new Grails project
Uninstall the Hibernate plugin
Install the GORM for Mongo plugin
Create a controller with the following action
import com.mongodb.*
class TestController {
def mongo
def index = {
def database = mongo.getDB("ExampleDatabase")
def collection = database.getCollection("ExampleCollection")
def document = new BasicDBObject();
document.put("key", "value")
collection.insert(document, WriteConcern.SAFE)
render ""
When firing the action, the following exception is thrown:
2011-07-27 12:53:03,161 [http-8080-1] ERROR errors.GrailsExceptionResolver - Exception occurred when processing request: [GET] /WriteConcern.SAFE-test/test/index
Stacktrace follows:
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: value for class: com.mongodb.WriteConcern
at com.gmongo.internal.Patcher$__converAllCharSeqToString_closure2.doCall(Patcher.groovy:81)
at com.gmongo.internal.Patcher._converAllCharSeqToString(Patcher.groovy:80)
at com.gmongo.internal.Patcher$_converAllCharSeqToString.callStatic(Unknown Source)
at com.gmongo.internal.Patcher$_converAllCharSeqToString.callStatic(Unknown Source)
at com.gmongo.internal.Patcher._convert(Patcher.groovy:69)
at com.gmongo.internal.Patcher$_convert.callStatic(Unknown Source)
at com.gmongo.internal.Patcher$__patchInternal_closure1.doCall(Patcher.groovy:31)
If I change the action to use the Mongo Java API as follows:
def index = {
def database = new Mongo().getDB("ExampleDatabase")
def collection = database.getCollection("ExampleCollection")
def document = new BasicDBObject();
document.put("key", "value")
collection.insert(document, WriteConcern.SAFE)
render ""
Now it works and the document is persisted to the Mongo database as expected.
My question is this: Is this a bug with the GMongo wrapper, or then how should safe writes be done using the low level API?
This appears due to the GMongo library and how it patches the DBCollection object to handle passing of Map objects to the insert method and converts them. It assumes that all of the arguments of the insert method are Map objects and will then try to get the value property from the Map.Entry.
Looking at the source of Patcher.groovy from GMongo library you'll see the function _convert() that attempts to do this. It looks like a fork of the Github project with type check on the argument (either to see if it's a WriteConcern or to check if it's actually a Map before passing to the _converAllCharSeqToString) is necessary.
I created a pull request on Github for the appropriate code change, but as with all things Groovy, patching the class can also help. You can "patch" the WriteConcern class in your BootStrap.groovy to have a getValue method and that will allow you to pass the parameter in:
def init = { servletContext ->
com.mongodb.WriteConcern.metaClass.getValue = { null }

override grails g:link tag

I am trying to override the g:link tag so that I can prefix an extra string. Here is my code:
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib.*
class ApplicationTagLib {
static namespace = "g"
def link = { attrs, body ->
if("es".equalsIgnoreCase(request.stLocale.language)) {
attrs['controller'] = "es/" + attrs['controller']
def applicationTagLib = grailsApplication.mainContext.getBean('org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib.ApplicationTagLib'), body)
This works fine except for when I add "es/" the resulting path gets translated into es%2F instead of es/ which causes the link to not work.
Is there a way to prevent this from automatically encoding the new slash or a better way to prefix this string to the controller path?
You should be aware that in Grails the controller package (thus it's location in the project's structure path) does not correlate with the default URL mapping - the structure is flattened.
The slash you add to the controller name is thus encoded as it would otherwise form a part of the URL (and thus not map to a controller).
Perhaps the logic for handling different locale be better placed in a controller anyway.
You can add this '/es' prefix in all links generated by grails tags by configuring your UrlMappings.groovy. If you're using the default one, generated by grails create-app command, you can add '/es' in your URL's like this:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"/es/$controller/$action?/$id?" { // <---------- added '/es' prefix
constraints {
// apply constraints here
"/"(view: "/index")
"500"(view: '/error')
To learn more about URL Mappings, see the Grails guide.

Beginner Groovy

I'm following the code examples in 'The Definitive Guide to Grails' by Graeme Keith Rocher, and have come across a rather unusual stumbling block.
Essentially, 2 domain classes exist - Bookmark & Tag.
class Bookmark {
static hasMany = [tags:Tag]
URL url
String title
String notes
Date dateCreated = new Date()
class Tag{
static belongsTo= Bookmark
Bookmark bookmark
String name
I'm instructed to launch the Grails Console (is this the same as the groovy console)and create a new object as follows.
def b = new Bookmark(url: new URL(''), title:'Grails', notes:'Groovy')
This results in:
Result: Bookmark : null
According to the book, GORM automatically provides an implementation of an addTag method. So I code...
b.addTag( new Tag(name: 'grails'))
Only to get whammed with the error message:
Exception thrown: No such property: b for class: ConsoleScript1
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: b for class: ConsoleScript1 at
The author hasn't accounted for this in the book. I was wondering if anyone could help me out?
Are you reading the 1st edition of the book? If so it's quite outdated. The add* methods have been deprecated since 0.5. It was replaced by addTo* so do this instead:
b.addToTags( new Tag(name: 'grails'))
Assuming your code example shouldn't have Bookmarks defined twice (copy and paste error?) and Tag might look like this:
class Tag {
String name
The groovy console is not the same as the grails console. To access the grails console, type grails console in your application directory - you should get a Java GUI app. It's possible that the example will work then because grails add some stuff to the standard Groovy.
Also, your problem isn't the addTag method, but the item b that you defined which cannot be found. Try entering the whole script into the console at once and executing it, instead of executing it line by line.
