spree does not give any homepage when installed - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to set up the basic spree home page from this guide. https://guides.spreecommerce.com/developer/getting_started_tutorial.html. Here I did the following
$ rails new shop #I have ommited the version number 4.2.0<br>
$ cd shop <br>
$ spree install --auto-accept
$ bundle install
$ bundle update
This process works fine, some 103 gems are getting installed. But when started the server, and visited localhost:3000. I am getting the default welcome aboard page instead of the home page of spree as promised, more over when I visit localhost:3000/admin I am getting NO route matches admin error.
So thinking that all this has happened because of the missing version number as I have mentioned.
I did the following
$ rails _4.2.0_ new shop<br>
$ cd shop<br>
$ spree install --auto-accept<br>
$ bundle install
I got the jquery gem versioning error, when resolved that error by specifying explicitly the version number. I am getting sprockets gem version error, What I don't understand is is there something wrong I am doing? Or is there a fix for this. Any pointers are appreciated

after doing spree install --auto-accept I was getting a message to run bundle install . I thought this is a post installation message, so I was doing bundle install and bundle update. Then I proceeded to start a server, and that default rails was showing up. So after running bundle install and bundle update, go ahead and do the spree install --auto-accept. Now start the server. Everything will work just fine


Rails app is deployed and on, but bundle not seeing rails

I use Rails 4 in my app and am deploying it using Ansible&Capistrano.
As an Ansible template I use playbook pretty similar to this one - https://github.com/JohnnyR1co/fashcards/blob/master/config/provision/playbook.yml
It installs ruby as well as anything else and After cap production deploy I am able to see app on (I can load some non-db related pages).
But when I try to run something like RAILS_ENV=production rails c from the current folder I get
The program 'rails' can be found in the following packages:
* ruby-railties-3.2
* ruby-railties-4.0
Try: apt-get install <selected package>
Why is this so? App is up and running, so rails seem to be fine.
Also when I try to run bundle install I get an error that nokogiri is not installed, despite I installed it manually after deploy. What could be the reason here?
I believe problem could be in playbook.ymlfile. Ruby installation is done there and I am not sure how correct is it.
This will do
bundle exec rails c production

how do i fix the error message i received when running bundle install?

I am new to ruby and rails. I just installed Xcode, homebrew, rvm, a new version of ruby, and a new version of rails. I started a dummy project. I ran rails new MySite and bundle install. When I ran bundle install I got the following error:
Could not locate Gemfile or .bundle/ directory.
Did I do something wrong on the installation? How do I fix it? I have not tried anything to fix the problem because I do not know where to start.
Rails will run bundle install by default when you create using rails new MySite.
In any case the reason why it did not work is most likely because you weren't in the directory containing the Gemfile, just cd MySite and then run bundle install
First use the command:
bundle init
This will set up a new ./Gemfile in the current directory.
documentation: http://bundler.io/v1.12/bundle_init.html
code: https://github.com/bundler/bundler/blob/dfdeb0f89e7e88fcdfd001da089f09af3a77d2b4/lib/bundler/cli/init.rb
Also see this guide about using Bundler with Rails: http://bundler.io/rails3.html. The guide is for Rails 3, but it should work for Rails 4 too.

How test a Rails app in a browser

I used Fedora 21 in VirtualBox to create a rails app.
I have installed Ruby, Rails, rubygem, and bundle ($ bundle install) for my rails app.
However, when I go to http://localhost:3000/, there is an error...
When I run this command :
$ rails server
There is an error : Could not find a Javascript runtime
Thank you for your help.
run bundle exec rails server if it still there try this
yum -y install nodejs
or look at this

Rails command Error

Im about to start work on another web application, I change directories to
and enter
rails new blank
I then get this error
Error: Command not recognized
Usage: rails COMMAND [ARGS]
The common rails commands available for engines are:
generate Generate new code (short-cut alias: "g")
destroy Undo code generated with "generate" (short-cut alias: "d")
All commands can be run with -h for more information.
If you want to run any commands that need to be run in context
of the application, like `rails server` or `rails console`,
you should do it from application's directory (typically test/dummy).
I have reinstalled rails, and still same error, any ideas?
It actually give me the same error when I type just
rails -h
in cmd
For anyone with a similar error that may land here, this fixed it for me:
rake rails:update:bin
This will generate "new" versions of the binaries. Just say Yes when it inquires you to replace them.
I ran into a similar issue when trying to upgrade a Rails Engine from 3.2 to 4.1.
The culprit was the presence of script/rails which contained:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This command will automatically be run when you run "rails" with Rails 3 gems installed from the root of your application.
ENGINE_ROOT = File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__)
ENGINE_PATH = File.expand_path('../../lib/my_project/engine', __FILE__)
require 'rails/all'
require 'rails/engine/commands'
The problem line is there at the end: require 'rails/engine/commands. That was not allowing the full Rails CLI to load which omitted the new command. Removing that file solved my problem.
I'm pretty sure this wasn't the cause of your specific problem, but the symptoms were the same as mine and this was the first link in Google for the error message. Just passing along my findings to help anyone else that runs into this same situation.
It looks like the rails command believes it's inside of a rails engine, which is why a different set of commands are available to you. Notice the 'commands available for engines' text. New is not a command available for engines. I'm not sure why rails thinks the directory you're in is an engine, but likely your directory structure is mixed up somehow.
If anyone runs into this error and needs a last resort plan.
I ended up uninstalling rails, rvm, and installing a newer version of ruby and new gemset.
rvm implode
gem uninstall rails -v=4.0.2
gem uninstall railities
install rvm :
curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s
rvm get stable
for mac:
brew install libtool libxslt libksba openssl
brew install libyaml
install ruby:
rvm install 2.0.0 --with-openssl-dir=$HOME/.rvm/usr
if you have error
rvm install 2.0.0 --with-openssl-dir=$HOME/.rvm/opt/openssl
install new ruby gems from website. Unpackage it then go to folder and run
ruby setup.rb
gem update --system 2.1.9
install rails (you can choose your version)
gem install rails --version 4.0.2
gem install railties
I did this, and now system is working normal again.
Create another directory and run $ruby -v, check which version is available. Now run rails new app_name. Try once after closing the terminal and restarting.
This happen to me when a require error occurred in a gem (dependency) while loading.

spree install issue - using RVM

I am trying to install the spree gem using the following instructions
The install worked fine, but trying to create an application doesn't resolve
bash: spree: command not found
Should I add something from the below output to my PATH?
bash-3.2$ find $HOME -name spree
What Chris said: You can create a rails 3.0 app and add the spree gem to the app, as documented in http://spreecommerce.com/documentation/getting_started.html#creatinga-new-spree-project.
Create you project with e.g., rails new spreetest
Add gem 'spree' to the Gemfile
Perform bundle install to install missing gems
Initialize the spree site with rails g spree:site and rake spree:install
Optionally, install sample data rake spree_sample:install
Populate the database with rake db:bootstrap
Run the server with rails server
From what I read on Spree homepage, they recommend you to perform the Gem installation using sudo. However, RVM says you should not use sudo. Try installing the Gem again, this time without sudo.
