iOS App Crashing Upon Relaunching App - ios

We are working with a developer that is having a hard time debugging an issue so I thought I would post here.
When we receive the build and install the app it will work fine, but after the app being in the background for a few days when we tap on the icon it will show the loading screen and then crash.
When tapping the button twice we will see the app in the background and when we bring it to the foreground it is frozen.
The same similar issue happens if we install over a previous build it crashes upon initial launch.
One of my developer friends said it might have to do with the auto login. We have Crashlytics setup but it's not catching these crashes. Does anyone have any ideas of what this could be?


App is crashing in iOS 10 after force Quit App from device

My app was working fine till iOS 9 and when iOS 10 launched, my app got crashed in iOS 10 devices.
App is working fine when we open the app on device first time. No issues there in that case.
When i force quit my app, from next launch onwards, app is crashing in my device. crash as soon as i open the app.
Error i got from crash log was, MenuCell.xib is missing in app bundle. Menu cell is one of my custom cell and i thought of removing that cell and adding new menu cell with Xcode 8.
Still the app got crashed. So i changed custom cell and load default cell for table view. At that time, another cell called AlbumCell is missing from bundle issue arised and app crashed. (Also app is crashed for custom AdView as well).
So, Issue is, when i force quit my app, entire app bundle got crashed and its not working after that.
If anyone faced similar kind of issue, please Reply to my query...
for past 4 days, i was banging my head to find this solution.
Thanks in Advance.
Finally got the fix for my issue . Need to handle memory management in my app. Lots of background tasks, Core data saving were done when the app is launched from quit mode. This cause out of memory issue and app got crashed with all mentioned issues.
Managed core data saving and reduced some background service calling. Finally my app is working as before.
Thanks for all who take interest to fix my issue.

iOS App shuts down when notification center and recently used app list are opened

My iOS app simply shuts down when I open notification center while the app is visible and in focus. Same thing happens if I double click the home button to show the recently used apps list.
This would seem to be an application lifecycle issue, but no errors are reported in Xcode.
How should I go about debugging this problem?

Strange flicker when the app launches

We are experiencing a strange flicker when the app launches. It is
intermittent and we are not able to reproduce the issue consistently.
Upon launch, the app shows the home screen for a few moments before
showing the app UI, creating in a weird flicker. We understand that
this info is light on details but we have no clue where we should
start looking.

ios "Slide to View" never launches app after push notification

Im working on an IOS app in 7.1 using APNS. I get the push
notification successfully, however it never seems to launch my app
after I "Slide to View". APNS works successfully when app is in "Active"
state, and even when the device is still lit but at the home screen (no
apps running except in background), it will launch and go to the screen i want.
From everything Ive read, this should enter at 'didFinishLaunchingWithOptions'
Ive tried running the app in XCode, then hitting the home button and waiting for
the screen to timeout and go blank, then pushing a notification to see if I could
breakpoint it but that didnt work either.
Suggestions? or better way to debug this?
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you!
Turns out this is not a problem. Text messages behaves this way already.
I had thought that it launches the app but it does not, it only opens to
the home screen. Not an issue now.

App fails to launch and results in a black screen on device with home button unresponsive

Im having problems with Xcode timing out to installing the app on my device. The problems persists even if using different devices. Usually 4/5 tries will result in a black screen.
Xcode says successful and the app opens up on the device, but the screen is completely black and the device stops responding.. only a hard reset works.. the home button isn't responsive.
You can however hear that someone is calling you, but you cannot answer the call.
I have no idea of whats wrong, because it builds completely fine.. Any idea on what might be wrong here?
The error Im receiving is:
error: failed to launch '-- timed out waiting for app to launch
Someome mentioned to me that it might be a faulty cable, but I get the same black screen when downloading the uploaded app from hockey app.
Often this is the result of building the app in debug with an ad-hoc or release configuration. There was also a bug early in Xcode 5 where it would hang as well, I think this is fixed in the most recent update.
