Custom tableView cell with parallax scroll - ios

I have to do next task: in my app I have 1 tableView with 4 custom cells. At drag down, first cell should stretch and his content need to be always at center. When i lift finger, cell returns at its standard size. The same thing with last one, when the bottom of the tableView is reached, last cell should stretch. I found many solutions, but all of them are explained how to do this with the bottom of table, but not with cell. I need to do this programmatically, any help will be great.
Examples that i found:


UITableView cell is visible through other cells during animation

I do have a “collapsible cells” in my UITableView. When user taps on a button within cell - it’s internal constraints are recalculated and cell changes it’s size - either to a smaller one or to a bigger one (collapse/expand). My problem is that when one of the last cells is expanded and then user collapsed it - this moving (and collapsing) cell is visible through other cells and between section’s headers - my reputation here is not high enough to show you a screenshot, unfortunately. Cell is built within .xib file, I tried to set “clip to bounds” parameter to TRUE to all views in the contentView of this cell - no effect. Does anybody have an idea - which direction should I look at?

UICollectionView specific cell bring front of oder cell

As you can see in below video, in collectionView there are 3 cells. I want it become bigger when I touch in centre. everything is OK except one thing.
As you can see in video when order cell is visible and centre cell is bigger in bring to back of visible cell and make it untouchable.
Is there any solution that centre cell always be in front of order cell?

Snap to cell in a UICollectionView

I am currently using a CollectionView within my UIViewController that scrolls horizontally through a variable number of cells (There are 3 cells visible on the display at a time). I want it so that when the user finishes scrolling that the view smoothly snaps/pulls to the cell closest to the center of the screen. Does anyone have suggestions on how this could be done?

How to scroll the UICollectionview from particular cell

I have a collection view. I need to scroll only cell4, cell5, cell 6 so on. First two cells are remain same. Is is possible using only UICollectionview. How to achieve this.
FYI: the height of the cell is more than the screen height.
One of options would be to subclass UICollectionViewLayout and update frames in attributes of first three cells every time when scroll offset changes. So the cells would look static.

UITableView with Horizontally wrapping cells

I am looking for how to, in Swift and Interface Builder, create a UITableView in Xcode where the table has a set width (example: padding to left and right edges of superview might be 8). In the table, I want cells to go across the first row. When a new cell can no longer fit in the first row I want it to go to the second row. When a new cell can no longer fit on the second row, I want it to go to the third row, etc. I only want the table to scroll vertically.
If anyone can point me to examples or documentation on this I would greatly appreciate it.
You are looking for UICollectionView.
