Dockerfile - Defining an ENV variable with a dynamic value - docker

I want to update the PATH environment variable with a dynamic value. This is what I've tried so far in my Dockerfile:
ENV PATH '$(dirname $(find /opt -name "ruby" | grep -i bin)):$PATH'
But export shows that the command was not interpreted:
root#97287b22c251:/# export
declare -x PATH="\$(dirname \$(find /opt -name \"ruby\" | grep -i bin)):\$PATH"
I don't want to hardcode the value. Is it possible to achieve it?

we can't do that, as that would be a huge security issue. Meaning you could run and environment variable like this
ENV PATH $(rm -rf /)
However, you can pass the information through a --build-arg (ARG) when building an image;
RUN echo $PATH
and build an image with:
> docker build --build-arg DYNAMIC_VALUE=$(dirname $(find /opt -name "ruby" | grep -i bin)):$PATH .
Or, if you want to copy information from an existing env-var on the host;
> export DYNAMIC_VALUE=foobar
> docker build --build-arg DYNAMIC_VALUE .

Not sure if something like this is what you are looking for... slightly modified what you have already. My main question would be, what are you attempting to accomplish with this portion?:
'$(dirname $(find /opt -name "ruby" | grep -i bin)):$PATH'
Part of the problem could be usage of single and double quotes resulting in expansions.
FROM alpine:3.4
RUN PATH_TO_ADD=$(dirname $(find /opt -name "ruby" | grep -i bin)) || echo Error locating files


Is there any way to using hadolint for multiple dockerfiles?

Hadolint is an awesome tool for linting Dockerfiles. I am trying
to integrated to my CI but I am dealing with for run over multiple Dockerfiles. Does someone know how the syntax look like? Here is how my dirs appears to:
in gitlab-ci
stage: hadolint
image: hadolint/hadolint:latest-debian
- mkdir -p reports
- |
hadolint dir1/Dockerfile > reports/dir1.json \
hadolint dir2/Dockerfile > reports/dir2.json \
hadolint dir3/foo/Dockerfile > reports/dir3.json
But the sample above is now working.
So as far as I found it, hadolint runs recursively. So in my case:
- hadolint */Dockerfile > reports/all_reports.json
But the problem with this approach is that all reports will be in one file which humper the maintenance and clarity
If you want to keep all reports separated (one per top-level directory), you may want to rely on some shell snippet?
I mean something like:
- |
find . -name Dockerfile -exec \
sh -c 'src=${1#./} && { set -x && hadolint "$1"; } | tee -a "reports/${src%%/*}.txt"' sh "{}" \;
find . -name Dockerfile loops over all Dockerfiles in the current directory;
-exec sh -c '…' runs a subshell for each Dockerfile, setting:
$0 = "sh" (dummy value)
$1 = "{}" (the full, relative path of the Dockerfile), "{}" and \; being directly related to the find … -exec pattern;
src=${1#./} trims the path, replacing ./dir1/Dockerfile with dir1/Dockerfile
${src%%/*} extracts the top-level directory name (dir1/Dockerfile → dir1)
and | tee -a … copies the output, appending hadolint's output to the top-level directory report file, for each parsed Dockerfile (while > … should be avoided here for obvious reasons, if you have several Dockerfiles in a single top-level directory).
I have replaced the .json extension with .txt as hadolint does not seem to output JSON data.

How set set bash variable to file name in Docker

I have a Dockerfile in which files in a directory are downloaded:
RUN wget -r -l1 --no-parent -A tgz \
--cut=99 -nH -nv --show-progress --progress=bar:force:noscroll
I know that there is exactly one file here of the form "bmad_dist_YYYY_MMDD.tgz" where "YYYY_MMDD" is a date. For example, the file might be named "bmad_dist_2020_0707.tgz". I want to set a bash variable to the file name without the ".tgz" extension. If this was outside of docker I could use:
FULLNAME=$(ls -1 bmad_dist_*.tgz)
So I tried in the dockerfile:
ENV FULLNAME $(ls -1 bmad_dist_*.tgz)
But this does not work. Is it possible to do what I want?
Shell expansion does not happen in Dockerfile ENV. Then workaround that you can try is to pass the name during Docker build.
Grab the filename during build name and discard the file or you can try --spider for wget to just get the filename.
Then pass the full name dynamically during build time.
For example
docker build --build-args FULLNAME=$(wget -nv 2>&1 |cut -d\" -f2) -t my_image .
The ENV ... ... syntax is mainly for plaintext content, docker build arguments, or other environment variables. It does not support a subshell like your example.
It is also not possible to use RUN export ... and have that variable defined in downstream image layers.
The best route may be to write the name to a file in the filesystem and read from that file instead of an environment variable. Or, if an environment variable is crucial, you could set an environment variable from the contents of that file in an ENTRYPOINT script.

Echo dynamic sed to file inside Dockerfile

I am working on a Dockerfile, inside of which I want to dynamically create a sed expression based on the input argument variable, and write this expression to a file.
Here's part of the Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu
RUN echo $VERSION > /usr/local/testfile
RUN echo '#!/bin/sh \n\
sed -i "s/\"version\"/\${VERSION}/g" file' > /usr/local/
the image builds fine.
When I start a container from that image, and inspect the files:
# cat /usr/local/testfile
# cat /usr/local/
sed -i "s/\"version\"/\${VERSION}/g" file
I notice that the $VERSION was not replaced correctly in the sed command. What am I missing here? I've tried a few different things (e.g. "$VERSION") but none of them worked.
I ended up breaking down the command. I created a variable for the sed command by using string concatenation and then I echoed that to the file separately:
FROM ubuntu
ENV command="sed -i s/\"version\"/""$VERSION""/g"
RUN echo '#!/bin/sh' > /usr/local/
RUN echo $command >> usr/local/
# cat /usr/local/
sed -i s/"version"/0.0.1/g

Permanently change PATH in Dockerfile with dynamic value

I am using security scan software in my Dockerfile and I need to add its bin folder to the path. Its path will contain the version part so I do not know the path until I download the software. My current progress is something like this:
1.Download the software:
RUN curl --output
RUN unzip -d SAClientUtil
2.The desired folder is located: SAClientUtil/SAClientUtil.X.Y.Z/bin/ (xyz mary vary from run to run). Get there using find and cd combination and try to add it to the PATH:
RUN cd "$(dirname "$(find SAClientUtil -type f -name | head -1)")"; \
export PATH="$PATH:$PWD"; # doesn't work
Looks like ENV command is not evaluating the parameter, so
ENV PATH $PATH:"echo $(dirname "$(find SAClientUtil -type f -name | head -1)")"
doesn't work also.
Any ideas on how to dynamically add a folder to the PATH during docker image build?
If you're pretty sure the zip file will contain only a single directory with that exact layout, you can rename it to something fixed.
RUN curl --output \
&& unzip -d tmp \
&& mv tmp/SAClientUtil.* SAClientUtil \
&& rm -rf tmp
ENV PATH=/SAClientUtil/bin:${PATH}
A simple solution would be to include a small wrapper script in your image, and then use that to run commands from the SAClientUtil directory. For example, if I have the following in
saclientpath=$(ls -d /SAClientUtil/SAClientUtil.*)
echo "got path: $saclientpath"
cd "$saclientpath"
exec "$saclientpath/bin/$cmd" "$#"
Then I can do this:
RUN curl --output
RUN unzip -d SAClientUtil
RUN sh /
And this will produce, when building the image:
STEP 6: RUN sh /
got path: /SAClientUtil/SAClientUtil.8.0.1374
appscan <command> [options]
appscan help <command>

Docker - make ADD command conditional on command line argument

Can ADD command be customised to work with command line argument.
Basically i have different versions of a file let's say file1 and file2, and based on some condition passed through command line.
The following command works correctly and transfers the file from host to docker, but i didn't find any references to do it conditionally.
ADD target/file.yml file.yml
No, ADD does not support the conditional way of copying files.
But there is a way to deal with such configuration while coping from Host.
Copy all configuration to some temp location in your case copy all file1 file2 to some /temp location, then base on ARG pass to docker build, move the file to target.
Or do the above using docker entrypoint based on ENV, instead of base on ARG
FROM alpine
ADD target/ /temp_target
RUN mkdir /target
#filename to be copied to the target
ARG file_name
# pass update_file true or false if true file wil be update to new that is passed to build-args
ARG update_file
ENV file_name=$file_name
ARG update_file=$update_file
#check if update_file is set and its value is true then copy the file from temp to target, else copy file1 to target
RUN if [ ! -z "$update_file" ] && [ "${update_file}" == true ];then \
echo "$update_file"; \
echo "echo file in temp_target"; \
ls /temp_target ;\
echo "updating file target" ;\
cp /temp_target/"${file_name}" /target/ ; \
echo "list of updated files in target"; \
ls /target ; \
else \
echo "copy with default file that is ${file_name}" ;\
cp /temp_target/file1 /target ;\
This will not updated file, will copy with default filename that is file1
docker build --no-cache --build-arg file_name=file1 --build-arg update_file=false -t abc .
This will update file in the target, so the new file will be in the target is file2.
docker build --no-cache --build-arg file_name=file2 --build-arg update_file=true -t abc .
