Ionic & ios how to make fixed top bar button and scrollable list - ios

In ionic with ios platform, i want the following view:
The header
A fixed bar button
A scrollable list
So i have tried to make:
<ion-view view-title="Account">
<div class="button-bar" style="margin-top:66px;">
<a class="button">Item 1</a>
<a class="button">Item 2</a>
<a class="button">Item 2</a>
When i make ionic emulate ios, in the iphone simulator i don't see the bar button (i think because it's behind the header bar)
So i have added a margin-top:
<div class="button-bar" style="margin-top:44px;">
Now i see but a portion of the header bar is always on top of the bar button. It's because of the status bar? Which is the height of the status bar + header bar on the ios device?
To make a scrollable list (only the scrollable list) i must add a after the button-bar div?

<div class="button-bar" style="margin-top:66px;">
<a class="button">Item 1</a>
<a class="button">Item 2</a>
<a class="button">Item 3</a>
see this Fiddle and try to scroll your Items. :)
To make everything clear and visual do float:left; and display:block; of your every element


Angular 6 - Material sidenav horizontal scroll

In Angular 6, I am using material side-nav & also using material-tree:
<mat-sidenav-container class="sidenav-container" autosize>
(closed)="sideNavOpen = false"
[ngClass]=" !sideNavOpen ? 'showToggle' : '' ">
<app-side-nav (toggledSidebarCollapse)="toggleSideBar()"></app-side-nav>
[ngClass]=" !sideNavOpen ? 'body-conainer_collapse-view' : 'body-conainer_open-view' "
<mat-toolbar >
<ng-container *ngIf="iframeDisplay">
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" [src]="iframeUrl | safeUrl" scrolling="yes"></iframe>
<div class="header" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="start center">
<div class="mat-tree_container">
<mat-tree [dataSource]="nestedDataSource" [treeControl]="nestedTreeControl" class="tree">
<mat-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef="let node" matTreeNodeToggle>
<a class="mat-tree-node link-item">
<button class="side-bar-button" mat-icon-button>
<mat-icon class="mat-icon-rtl-mirror">
<mat-nested-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef="let node; when: hasNestedChild">
<div class="mat-tree-node">
<button class="side-bar-button" mat-icon-button matTreeNodeToggle
[attr.aria-label]="'toggle ' + node.reportName">
<mat-icon class="mat-icon-rtl-mirror">
{{nestedTreeControl.isExpanded(node) ? 'folder_open' : 'folder'}}
<ul [class.tree-invisible]="!nestedTreeControl.isExpanded(node)">
<ng-container matTreeNodeOutlet></ng-container>
The data I get back, however, is dynamic. It might be nested x amount deep. With the material-tree, that could extend past the width I have set (240px).
Material's mat-side-nav doesn't appear to support horizontal scrolling. If the folder structure passes the width, the sidenav just uses word-breaking and does not allow horizontal scrolling.
Just trying to enable horizontal scrolling inside of mat-side-nav...
Attempted using "white-space: nowrap" to the styling. Only affected anything if added to the top layer (mat-sidenav). Scrolling was then enabled -- but produced the following:
No amount of css appeared to expand the width to meet the overflow.
Most likely, this is the node component itself, not sidenav. Try adding white-space:no-wrap; to the mat-tree-node class. Depending on the content inside the sidenav drawer, you may need to add the no-wrap elsewhere or otherwise control the layout so that the horizontal scrollbar can be shown by the parent component.
Current working (but possibly not best) solution -- thanks to #gtranter 's response.
mat-sidenav {
white-space: nowrap;
display: flex;
// for the width of the header -- if not increased - does not fill the space
especially after the sidebar width increases when opening folders
.header {
width: calc(100% + 55px);
This allows horizontal scrolling AND adjusts to new sizes as you continue to open up new folders - no foreseeable limit. Fits the size of the sidenav regularly with closed folders without scroll - scroll enables when required.

jQuery Mobile text and notext button vertical alignment

When I place text buttons next to notext buttons in the header, the notext button show up slightly lower than. I've tried setting margin-top and padding-top for ui-btn-icon-notext, but that does not seem to have an effect.
<div data-role="header" class="ui-bar">
<div class="ui-btn-right">
Sign In
Not really sure why it is happening but a quick (and dirty) fix could be like this:
a.custom-class-name-for-no-text-buttons {
top: -2px !important;

JQuery Mobile Collapsible Text Orientation (Position)

I am developing something in a Right-To-Left (RTL) language and I need the text in the collapsible to be positioned on the right as opposed to the default left.
Here is the code:
<div id="content_c1" data-role="collapsible" data-iconpos="right" align="right">
<h3>Right to Left Text</h3>
<p>Right to Left Content</p>
<div id="content_c2" data-role="collapsible">
The first collapsible is Right to Left. The data-iconpos="right" nicely movees the icon to the right and the align="right" moves the content in the <p> to the right. But the text shown in <h3> stays on the left.
Thanks for the help in advance.
This is working for me:
.ui-collapsible h3 .ui-btn-inner
I'm sure there is a better way but you could try this.
Having the same problem...
This one solved it :
.ui-collapsible-heading .ui-btn {
text-align: right;

Getting button on Footer in Jquery mobile

I need to add the button on the right hand side of the footer. I am adding it like this
<div data-role="footer" id="ftrMain" name="ftrMain" data-position="fixed">
<h4>Copyright 2011</h4>
<a class="ui-btn-right" data-theme="a" data-ajax="false" href="/login.php?mode=logout">Logout</a>
I am getting the button but it is coming at the start of the next line. If I change the role to header, the button positions perfectly. Even if I add class="ui-header" in footer div, it comes ok but then it simply doesn't get its position fixed. ('coz it has now both the style ui-footer and ui-header)
How can I put the button on footer on extreme right without sacrificing the data-position? (I need the data-position fixed also)
the footer has a right margin set to 90px by default. You need to override it and make the two controls float, like so:
<div data-role="footer" id="ftrMain" style="text-align:center" name="ftrMain"
<h4 style="display: inline-block; margin-left: 65px; margin-right: 0">
Copyright 2011</h4>
<a class="ui-btn-right" style="margin: 0.4em; float: right" data-theme="a"
data-ajax="false" href="/login.php?mode=logout">
P.S. From usability point of view, I would have placed the "Logout" button in the top-right corner of the page rather than in a footer.
I found Tsar's answer helpful, though it doesn't seem like most of that markup is necessary. I get the same effect with
<div data-theme="a" data-role="footer" data-position="fixed" data-id="footer">
<a class="ui-btn-right" href="/login.php?mode=logout">Logout</a>
<h3>Copyright 2011</h3>
(I have only tested this in my desktop browser so far.) Looks like the magic is in the ui-btn-right class. There is also a ui-btn-left.

Sharing an element between jQuery UI tabs?

I'm using jQuery UI's tabs to divide content on my page. I have a 'link bar' I would like to have hang at the bottom of each tab. (The tab text will change but generally they will navigate the user left or right through tabs.)
Hosting the #linkBar div inside the first tab makes it 'look' right, inside Themeroller's border. Putting it just outside the 'parent tab' div places the links below the theme's border. I've tried creating a spacer div but it just pushes #linkBar down further.
Of course when the user switches to another tab, the link bar goes away. How is ownership of elements organized between tabs? Should I dynamically destroy the #linkBar div on the tab being navigated away from and rebuild it in the tab being navigated to? Or is there a better way to move it between them, or just manage visibility?
I would like to have the link bar follow the content on each tab as a footer, 'floating' one or two lines below the last content of each tab (rather than having it in a fixed position relative to the tab bar).
Ok ... It was simply adding the jQuery UI classes to the linkBar. Check out my working jsFiddle demo:
I moved the linkBar div out of the tabOne div and put it at the bottom of the tabs div:
<div id="container">
<div id="title">
<h1>title bar</h1>
<div id="tabs">
<div id="tabone">
content goes here
<br><br><br><br>more stuff<br><br><br>more stuff<br><br>
<div id="tabtwo">
content goes here...
<div id="tabthree">
content goes here...
<div id="linkBar">
<span id="leftLink"><< left link</span>
<span id="rightLink">right link >></span>
I slightly altered the linkBar style by giving it a top and bottom margin as well as hiding it by default:
#linkBar {
display: none;
margin: 10px auto;
Then I simply added the jQuery UI classes to the $linkBar. I slightly altered the jQuery to be more readable:
$("#accordion").accordion({ header: "h3" });
var $tabs = $("#tabs"),
$linkBar = $("#linkBar");
$linkBar.addClass("ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom");
$('#title').click(function() {
$tabs.tabs('select', 0);
return false;
Note: You could just add class="ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom" to the linkBar div and be done with it. But, I think I like it better managed in the JS.
