How does coreos compare to triton? - docker

Recently some alternatives for running docker containers or even the app container have developed.
I know that there is rkt from coreos ( and triton from joyent (
How do these two approaches compare?
Maybe I should re-phrase my question after these good comments from # Lakatos Gyula
How does Triton compare to coreos or kubernetes for running docker-containers at scale?

So in a way, this is an apples to oranges to grapes comparison. CoreOS is an operating system, Kubernetes is open source container orchestration software, and Triton is a PaaS.
So CoreOS, it's a minimal operating system with a focus on security. I've been using this in production for several months now at work, haven't found a reason to not like it yet. It does not have a package manager, but it comes preinstalled with both rkt and Docker. You can run both docker and rkt just fine on there. It also comes with Etcd, which is a distributed key-value store, and it happens that kubernetes is backed by it. It also comes with Flannel which is a networking program for networking between containers and machines in your cluster. CoreOS also ships with Fleet, which you can think of like a distributed version of systemd, which systemd is CoreOS' init system. And as of recently, CoreOS ships with Kubernetes itself.
Kubernetes is a container orchestration software that is made up of a few main components. There are masters, which use the APIServer, controller and scheduler to manage the cluster. And there are nodes which use the "kubelet" and kube-proxy". Through these components, Kubernetes schedules and manages where to run your containers on your cluster. As of v1.1 Kubernetes also can auto-scale your containers. I also have been using this in production as long as I have been using CoreOS, and the two go together very well.
Triton is Joyent's Paas for Docker. Think of it like Joyent's traditional service, but instead of BSD jails (similar concept to Linux containers) and at one point Solaris Zones (could be wrong on that one, that was just something I heard from word of mouth), you're using Docker containers. This does abstract away a lot of the work you'd have to do with setting up CoreOS and Kubernetes, that said there are services that'll do the same and use kubernetes under the hood. Now I haven't used Triton like I have used Kubernetes and CoreOS, but it definitely seems to be quite well engineered.
Ultimately, I'd say it's about your needs. Do you need flexibility and visibility, then something like CoreOS makes sense, particularly with Kubernetes. If you want that abstracted away and have these things handled for you, I'd say Triton makes sense.


which is better way to install jenkins docker or kubernetes

I am new to devops. I want to install jenkins. So out of all options available to install jenkins provided in official documentation which one should I use. I am zeroed on docker or kubernetes. So parameters I am looking for decision are below.
portability - can be installed on any major os or cloud provider.
minimal changes to move to production.
Kubernetes is a container orchestrator that may use Docker as its container runtime. So, they are quite different things—essentially, different levels of abstraction.
You could theoretically run an application at both of these abstraction levels. Here's a comparison:
You can run an application as a Docker container on any machine that has Docker installed (i.e. any OS or cloud provider instance that supports Docker). However, you would need to implement any operations-related features that are relevant for production, such as health checks, replication, load balancing, etc. yourself.
Running an application on Kubernetes requires a Kubernetes cluster. You can run a Kubernetes cluster either on-premises, in the cloud, or use a managed Kubernetes service (such as Amazon EKS, Google GKE, or Azure AKS). The big advantage of Kubernetes is that it provides all the production-relevant features mentioned above (health checks, replication, load balancing, etc.) as part of the platform. So, you don't need to implement them yourself but just use the primitives that Kubernetes provides to you.
Regarding your two requirements, Kubernetes provides both of them, while using Docker alone does not provide easy production-readiness (requirement 2). So, if you're opting for production stability, setting up a Kubernetes cluster is certainly worth the effort.

Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm

I am evaluating Kubernetes (with Docker containers, not Kubernetes) and Docker Swarm and could use your input.
If I'm looking at 3 (8.76 hours) or 4 (52 min) 9's reliability in a server farm that is < 100 servers, would Kubernetes be overkill due to its complexity? Would Docker Swarm suffice?
Docker swarm will be able to meet your requirements. I recommend you start with Docker swarm as it is robust and very straightforward to use for anyone who has used Docker before.
For a Docker user, there are many new concepts that you need to learn to be able to use Kubernetes. Moreover, setting up Kubernetes on premise without using a preconfigured cloud platform is not straightforward
On the other hand, Kubernetes is more flexible and extensible. Kubernetes is older than Docker swarm and the community for kubernetes community is really big.
It really depends on your real needs, Kubernetes or Swarm orchestrators are not silver bullets. To take real advantage from the container technology, the applications have to be properly designed. A design guideline for these cloud native apps are the Twelve Factor app principles made by Heroku.
In case you want to scale and achieve global scaling, Kubernetes is a great framework to run distributed apps at scale. In case you have a lot of Java apps, maybe containerized traditional applications then Swarm is a best option.
The business requirements can drive you to make the right choice.
Hope this helps!

Anyone is using swarm docker as Production?

I'm just curious, how reliable swarm docker is ? Because I'm making decision to replace current production physical infrastructure to be a swarm docker but I'm not quite sure.
Please suggest me about swarm docker or any URL for instruction of swarm docker as a production environment.
There are two versions of Swarm.
The original Docker Swarm introduced in late 2014. It requires external components like Consul, Etcd, Registrator, load balancer, etc. It is being used in production. It is still supported but will probably be supplanted eventually by "swarm mode" (my guess).
The new "Swarm Mode" introduced in June 2016. This is a much easier version as it doesn't require external services. It is however very new and still maturing. It is starting to be used in production but you need to be keenly aware of its limitations.
Overall, both Swarm versions are currently being used in production but because they are relatively new, specially Swarm Mode, they are not as mature or extensive as alternatives like Kubernetes or Mesos. But then it's really a matter of what type of production system you need. Do you need a simple 3 node High Availability system or a fully scalable hundred node system? "Production system" is become too generic a term.

Docker, CoreOS and fleet based deployments

I am trying to wrap my head around CoreOS and I perused their official docs, some random articles, and even watched this excellent presentation by their CTO.
My understanding of CoreOS is that its a stripped down, bare bones Linux distribution that requires anything running on it to be an OCF-compliant container, not just a Docker container.
My understanding of fleet is that its systemd at the cluster level
My understanding of flannel is that its a network layer that is used by both etcd and fleet to route network requests to containers living in the cluster
So first off, if my above assertions are incorrect or misled in any way, please begin by correcting me! Assuming that I'm more or less on track, I have a few concerns here:
What concrete benefit(s) does CoreOS offer Docker-contained apps that is not present with other Linux distros, such as Ubuntu or Debian? In other words, what objective benefits do I gain by going Docker/CoreOS vs. Docker/Ubuntu?
Fleet just seems like a scheduling engine, like Mesos or Kubernetes. Is it a direct competitor to these projects, or do they handle scheduling at different "layers" (different types of responsibilities)? If so, what are these distinctions?
There are a lot of moving parts here. The answer already posted is very good. I think there are going to be opinions in any answer you get. I thought I'd go through your punch list in my attempt at 100 bounty points :-)
I've been using CoreOS/Flannel/Kubernetes/Fleet everyday now for about 6 months. When you posted the url to the introduction I decided to watch it. Wow, great presentation. I think Brandon Philips is a very good teacher. I like the way he built upon each technology as he introduced it. I would recommend that tutorial to anyone.
CoreOS is a linux based operating system. It is very stripped down, nothing extra running. For me, it does these things:
Auto updates. Does this well. Dual partitions, updates non-active, swaps active, falls back (I think, I have never experienced a fallback). The have tackled the 'how to update your operating system after you deploy' issue and made it relatively painless.
systemd init system. This one took me a bit longer to like (being a /etc/init.d guy) but, after a while it grows on you. There is a pretty steep learning curve. Once you get what is going on you will like how systemd keeps the machine running specific things, dependencies, restarts (if you want), listening on sockets (like super initd) and spawning processes, d-bus (although I don't know much about this part yet). systemd lets you specify 'units' and units can have dependencies, pre and post processes, etc.
basic services. I've copied the brief description line from each of the services that are running on my CoreOS system.
systemd - It provides a system and service manager that runs as PID 1 and starts the rest of the system
docker - Docker is an open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container
etcd - etcd is a distributed, consistent key-value store for shared configuration and service discovery
sshd - sshd (OpenSSH Daemon) is the daemon program for ssh(1). Together these programs replace rlogin and rsh, and provide secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network.
locksmithd - locksmith is a reboot manager for the CoreOS update engine which uses etcd to ensure that only a subset of a cluster of machines are rebooting at any given time. locksmithd runs as a daemon on CoreOS machines and is responsible for controlling the reboot behaviour after updates.
journald - systemd-journald is a system service that collects and stores logging data.
timesyncd - systemd-timesyncd is a system service that may be used to synchronize the local system clock with a remote Network Time Protocol server
udevd - systemd-udevd listens to kernel uevents. For every event, systemd-udevd executes matching instructions specified in udev rules. See udev(7).
logind - systemd-logind is a system service that manages user logins.
resolved - systemd-resolved is a system service that manages network name resolution. It implements a caching DNS stub resolver and an LLMNR resolver and responder.
hostnamed - This is a tiny daemon that can be used to control the host name and related machine meta data from user programs.
networkd - systemd-networkd is a system service that manages networks. It detects and configures network devices as they appear, as well as creating virtual network devices.
CoreOS doesn't necessarily require that everything that you want to run must be a container. It will run anything that a unix box will run. yum and apt-get are conspicuously missing, but wget is included. So, you can 'install' programs, libraries, even apt-get via wget and be on your way to polluting the CoreOS base. That wouldn't be good, though. You really do want to keep it pristine. To that end, they include a 'toolbox' which lets you run a container like sandbox to do your work that goes away when you log out of it.
My favorite part of CoreOS is the cloud-config. On first boot you can provide user_data called a cloud-config. It is a yaml file which tells the base CoreOS what to do when it boots the first time. This is where you install things like fleet, flannel, kubernetes, etc. It is a real easy way to get a repeatable install of a combination of your choosing on a VM. In a typical cloud-config I will write configuration files, copy files from other machines to install on the new machine, and create unit files that control the other processes we want CoreOS' systemd to manage (like flannel, fleet, etc). And it is completely repeatable.
Here is another interesting thing about CoreOS. You can modify the dependency and configuration of existing units. For example, CoreOS starts docker. But, I want to modify the startup sequence of docker, so I can add a drop-in configuration that augments the existing system docker configuration. I use this to drop-in the dependency for flannel before docker starts, so I can configure docker to use a flannel provided network. This isn't necessarily CoreOS, but, it does make it all fit together.
I think you can use cloud-config with Ubuntu as well as CoreOS, and you can do the same things. So, I think the benefit you get from CoreOS over Ubuntu would be that you get a new release often, the operating system is auto-updated, and you don't have anything 'extra' running (it's lean, and a reduced attack vector is fallout). CoreOS is tuned for docker (it is already running) and ubuntu doesn't have it already running. Although, you can create a cloud-config file that will make ubuntu run docker... In summary, I think you have CoreOS understood.
Another thing that you can get with CoreOS is support, directly from the company, either paid or unpaid. I have had many questions answered by the people at CoreOS via this forum and CoreOS Dev/CoreOS User Google groups.
Your fleet description is also pretty good. Fleet manages a cluster. A cluster is one or more CoreOS machines. So, if you are going to use fleet you must use CoreOS, I guess this would be another of those benefits of CoreOS over Ubuntu.
Much like how a Unit File for systemd controls running a process on a host, a Unit File for fleetd controls running a process on a cluster. There is a bit of syntactic sugar, but a Unit file for fleet is about the same as a unit file for systemd. They fit very well together. Fleet's unit files are saved in etcd's database, so once ingested the unit is persistent, even if the machine(s) that host the unit service go down, the unit description exists in etcd.
Fleet also has commands for listing my machines in my cluster, listing a unit file, showing the units that are running, etc. Basically you can submit units to run on the cluster (or all machines, or on a specific kind of machine (like with ssd drives), or on the same machine as something else is running (affinity), etc, etc).
Fleet keeps it running. If the machine goes away its units are going to be run on some other machine in the cluster.
In the tutorial you reference Brandon uses Fleet to launch Kubernetes. It is very simple to do. By making the Fleet unit files place Kubernetes on all machines in the fleet cluster, as machines are added and subtracted from the fleet cluster Kubernetes automatically uses that machine and schedules the Kubernetes to run on them. I have run my Kubernetes cluster like this as well. However, I don't do that much anymore. I am sure there is a benefit that I don't see, but, I feel like it is not necessary in my environment. Since I already boot my machines with a cloud-config file, it is trivial to put the Kubernetes node services directly in there. In fact, with cloud-config, if I wanted to use Fleet to boot the Kubernetes stuff, I would have to write the Fleet unit files, start Fleet, submit the unit files I wrote to Fleet, when I could just write a unit file to start the Kubernetes node. But I digress...
Fleet is a scheduling mechanism, just like Kubernetes. However, Fleet can start any executable just like systemd via a unit file, where Kubernetes is geared towards containers. Kubernetes allows definition of:
replication controllers
(other stuff as well).
So, the assertion that Fleet is just a different 'layer' of scheduling is a good one. You might add that Fleet schedules different things. In my work I don't use the Fleet layer, I just jump directly to the Kubernetes because I am working only with containers.
Finally, the assertion about flannel is incorrect. Flannel uses etcd for its database. Flannel creates a private network for each host that it routes between them. The flannel network is handed to docker, and docker is told to use that network to assign ip addresses from. So, docker processes that use flannel can communicate with each other over ip. All of the port mapping stuff can be skipped since each container gets its own ip address. These docker processes can communicate infra and intra machine on the flannel network. I could be wrong, but I don't think there is any connection between Fleet and flannel. Also, I don't think etcd or Fleet use flannel to route their data. Etcd and Fleet route whether or not flannel is being used. Docker containers route their traffic over flannel.
Yes, your understanding is pretty much correct.
Coreos is designed as a more secure operating system that autoupdates itself by default and runs the bare minimum in services to lessen any attack vector.
Everything needs to either run in a container, be statically compiled (golang binaries as an example), or be a shell script. There is no python or ruby installed.
Containers/systemd units started by Fleet can be rescheduled on another node should its server fail (assuming you container is ephemeral) and should keep the requested number of instances running over the cluster, whilst obeying deployment constraints.
Mesos is more of a framework for a scheduler, you still need something else (chronos/marathon) to provide jobs to execute, but it is very flexible in that regard and handles utilising server resources better.
I don't have much experience with Flannel, but the new networking plugins coming in a future version of Docker may give you more options for container networking.
what objective benefits do I gain by going Docker/CoreOS vs.
Technical benefits
The features that attract me to CoreOS are:
It's a cluster, not a single-machine, OS
It's built with failure in mind
It's self-updating
CoreOS is a cluster, while Ubuntu is a single machine. With CoreOS when the machine a container is on disappears, the cluster starts the container somewhere else. When that Ubuntu server fails, its containers go down with it. CoreOS allows the machine to be disposable, which is a good thing.
With that said, keep in mind CoreOS does not handle data persistence; data stored in a container does not exist! ;) In my case I dynamically attach EBS volumes where needed.
Design benefits
To me more importantly, the technical benefits above bring along design benefits. Going into a system designing knowing, "this process will randomly disappear," is great for building resiliency. From the beginning, services are stateless and because you literally have no idea what system a dependent service is on, they must also be discoverable. CoreOS's etcd, a distributed configuration store, can be used to discover where a service is located. Finally, because processes may not be on the same machine, network-accessible services -- a must for horizontally-scalable systems -- are the only way to go.
All in all, I find CoreOS a great for building Twelve-Factor Apps and you get Chaos Monkey for free.
Fleet just seems like a scheduling engine, like Mesos or Kubernetes.
Is it a direct competitor to these projects, or do they handle
scheduling at different "layers" (different types of
responsibilities)? If so, what are these distinctions?
Yes, Fleet schedules a container and determines where in a cluster it runs. If that machine disappears, Fleet also takes responsibility for re-launching it on a working machine.
I haven't taken a deep dive into Kubernetes, but there does appear to be overlap. The way I understand it thus far is that Fleet handles running a single container (a "unit"), while Kubernetes is complementary and orchestrates multiple units comprising a system. For example, Fleet ensures Postgres stays running; Kubernetes ensures your application, e.g. comprised of Postgres, Redis, and Django, are all humming away.

What is the difference between Docker Swarm and Kubernetes/Mesophere?

From what I understand, Kubernetes/Mesosphere is a cluster manager and Docker Swarm is an orchestration tool. I am trying to understand how they are different? Is Docker Swarm analogous to the POSIX API in the Docker world while Kubernetes/Mesosphere are different implementations? Or are they different layers?
Disclosure: I'm a lead engineer on Kubernetes
Kubernetes is a cluster orchestration system inspired by the container orchestration that runs at Google. Built by many of the same engineers who built that system. It was designed from the ground up to be an environment for building distributed applications from containers. It includes primitives for replication and service discovery as core primitives, where-as such things are added via frameworks in Mesos. The primary goal of Kubernetes is a system for building, running and managing distributed systems.
Swarm is an effort by Docker to extend the existing Docker API to make a cluster of machines look like a single Docker API. Fundamentally, our experience at Google and elsewhere indicates that the node API is insufficient for a cluster API. You can see a bunch of discussion on this here: and here:
Swarm is a very simple add-on to Docker. It currently does not provide all the features of Kubernetes. It is currently hard to predict how the ecosystem of these tools will play out, it's possible that Kubernetes will make use of Swarm.
