I have this folder structure:
Inside composites I have this docker-compose.yml:
image: test/mywildfly
container_name: wildfly
- "8080:8080"
- "9990:9990"
Inside mywildflyimage I have this docker image:
FROM jboss/wildfly
EXPOSE 8080 9990
ADD standalone.xml /opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/configuration/
RUN /opt/jboss/wildfly/bin/add-user.sh admin admin --silent
CMD ["/opt/jboss/wildfly/bin/standalone.sh", "-b", "", "-bmanagement", ""]
If i run
docker built -t test/mywildfly .
docker-compose up
Everything works great, and the management part is minded to (-bmanagement part of the CMD command).
If I change my docker-compose.yml:
build: mywildflyimage
container_name: wildfly
- "8080:8080"
- "9990:9990"
and run
docker-compose up
It still boots, but the admin part is not bound to anymore (this is the default behaviour for the image I inherited from).
Why does it stop working when I use the build command in the docker-compose.ml?
EDIT: It seems that it is ignoring all my docker file commands.
run docker-compose build after changing docker-comopse.yml and then docker-compose up
Before you type docker-compose up, you should build images with docker-compose build [options] [SERVICE...].
--force-rm Always remove intermediate containers.
--no-cache Do not use cache when building the image.
--pull Always attempt to pull a newer version of the image.
In your case, ex: docker-compose build --no-cache web
I've got a simple Node / React project. I'm trying to use Docker to create two containers, one for the server, and one for the client, each with their own Dockerfile in the appropriate directory.
version: '3.9'
image: node:14.15-buster
context: ./src
dockerfile: Dockerfile.client
- '3000:3000'
- '45799:45799'
- .:/app
tty: true
image: node:14.15-buster
context: ./server
dockerfile: Dockerfile.server
- '3001:3001'
- .:/app
- redis
- redis
tty: true
container_name: redis
image: redis
- '6379'
FROM node:14.15-buster
# also the directory you land in on ssh
CMD cd /app && \
yarn && \
yarn start:client
FROM node:14.15-buster
# also the directory you land in on ssh
CMD cd /app && \
yarn && \
yarn start:server
After building and starting the containers, both containers run the same command, seemingly at random. Either both run yarn start:server or yarn start:client. The logs clearly detail duplicate startup commands and ports being used. Requests to either port 3000 (client) or 3001 (server) confirm that the same one is being used in both containers. If I change the command in both Dockerfiles to echo the respective filename (Dockerfile.server! or Dockerfile.client!), startup reveals only one Dockerfile being used for both containers. I am also running the latest version of Docker on Mac.
What is causing docker-compose to use the same Dockerfile for both containers?
After a lengthy and painful bout of troubleshooting, I narrowed the issue down to duplicate image references. image: node:14.15-buster for each service in docker-compose.yml and FROM node:14.15-buster in each Dockerfile.
Why this would cause this behavior is unclear, but after removing the image references in docker-compose.yml and rebuilding / restarting, everything works as expected.
When you run docker-compose build with both image and build properties set on a service, it will build an image according to the build property and then tag the image according to the image property.
In your case, you have two services building different images and tagging them with the same tag node:14.15-buster. One will overwrite the other.
This probably has the additional unintended consequence of causing your next image to be built on top of the previously built image instead of the true node:14.15-buster.
Then when you start the service, both containers will use the image tagged node:14.15-buster.
From the docs:
If you specify image as well as build, then Compose names the built image with the webapp and optional tag specified in image
I have a very basic node/express app with a dockerfile and a docker-compose file. When I run the docker container using
docker run -p 3000:3000 service:0.0.1 npm run dev
I can go to localhost:3000 and see my service. However, when I do:
docker-compose run server npm run dev
I can't see anything on localhost:3000, below are my files:
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build
version: "3.7"
build: .
- "3000:3000"
image: service:0.0.1
- LOGLEVEL=debug
- db
container_name: "website_service__db"
image: postgres
- POSTGRES_DB=website_service
also, everything is working fine from the terminal/docker side - no errors and services are running fine, i just cant access the node endpoints
docker-compose run --service-ports server npm run dev
// the part that changed is the new '--service-ports' argument
the issue was a missing docker-compose run argument --service-ports:
from these docs:
The second difference is that the docker-compose run command does not create any of the ports specified in the service configuration. This prevents port collisions with already-open ports. If you do want the service’s ports to be created and mapped to the host, specify the --service-ports flag:
I'm unable to start Tomcat server from docker compose.
When I log into container using docker exec -it <container id> bash and see ps -eaf | grep "tomcat" it is showing empty. Tomcat server is not running.
docker-compose.yml file:
version: "3"
build: ./Core
container_name: 'meghcore'
- '8080'
- '8080:8080'
- meghcore:/opt/Tomcat1/webapps/
command: /bin/bash
tty: true
stdin_open: true
- meghnet
driver: bridge
Dockerfile file:
FROM tomcat:8.5.35
COPY . /app
RUN mv /app/*.war /opt/Tomcat1/webapps/
ENV PATH $PATH:/opt/Tomcat1/bin
WORKDIR /opt/Tomcat1/bin
CMD ["catalina.sh", "run"]
Since you specify an alternate command: in your docker-compose.yml file, that overrides the CMD in the Dockerfile. You don't need most of the options you specify there at all, and several of them (the alternate command:, the volumes: overwriting the actual application) interfere with the normal container operation.
A complete, functional docker-compose.yml would be
version: "3"
build: ./Core
- '8080:8080'
None of the other options you list out are necessary. If there were other containers listed in the file, they could still communicate using their Docker Compose service names, without any special setup (another container in this same file could successfully call http://meghcore:8080).
What is happening is command specify in docker-compose.yml is overwriting the CMD provided in dockerfile.
kindly update command with the command available in dockerfile or remove command from docker-compose.yml
Problem is resolved by adding below commands in dockerfile and removed command from docker compose file.
ENV PATH $PATH:/opt/Tomcat1/bin
WORKDIR /opt/Tomcat1/bin
CMD ["catalina.sh", "run"]
I am trying to make a Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml for a webapp that uses elasticsearch. I have connected elasticsearch to the webapp and exposed it to host. However, before the webapp runs I need to create elasticsearch indices and fill them. I have 2 scripts to do this, data_scripts/createElasticIndex.js and data_scripts/parseGenesToElastic.js. I tried adding these to the Dockerfile with
CMD [ "node", "data_scripts/createElasticIndex.js"]
CMD [ "node", "data_scripts/parseGenesToElastic.js"]
CMD ["npm", "start"]
but after I run docker-compose up there are no indexes made. How can I fill elasticsearch before running the webapp?
FROM node:11.9.0
# Set the working directory to /app
# Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app
COPY package*.json ./
# Install any needed packages specified in requirements.txt
RUN npm install
# If you are building your code for production
# RUN npm ci --only=production
RUN npm build
RUN npm i natives
# Bundle app source
COPY . .
# Make port 80 available to the world outside this container
# Run app.py when the container launches
CMD [ "node", "data_scripts/createElasticIndex.js"]
CMD [ "node", "data_scripts/parseGenesToElastic.js"]
CMD [ "node", "servers/PredictionServer.js"]
CMD [ "node", "--max-old-space-size=8192", "servers/PWAServerInMem.js"]
CMD ["npm", "start"]
version: "3"
# replace username/repo:tag with your name and image details
image: webapp
- "1337:1337"
- "4000:85"
- redis
- elasticsearch
- redis
- elasticsearch
- "/data:/data"
- "discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts=elasticsearch"
- ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://elasticsearch:9200"
- ELASTICSEARCH_HOST=elasticsearch
image: redis
- redis
- "6379:6379"
- "6379"
image: elasticsearch:2.4
- 9200:9200
- 9300:9300
- "9200"
- "9300"
- elasticsearch
driver: bridge
driver: bridge
A Docker container only ever runs one command. When your Dockerfile has multiple CMD lines, only the last one has any effect, and the rest are ignored. (ENTRYPOINT here is just a different way to provide the single command; if you specify both ENTRYPOINT and CMD then the entrypoint becomes the main process and the command is passed as arguments to it.)
Given the example you show, I'd run this in three steps:
Start only the database
docker-compose up -d elasticsearch
Run the "seed" jobs. For simplicity I'd probably run them locally
ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://localhost:9200 node data_scripts/createElasticIndex.js
(using your physical host's name from the point of view of a script running directly on the physical host, and the published port from the container) but if you prefer you can also run them via the Docker setup
docker-compose run web data_scripts/createElasticIndex.js
Once the database is set up, start your whole application
docker-compose up -d
This will leave the running Elasticsearch unaffected, and start the other containers.
An alternate pattern, if you're confident you want to run these "seed" or migration jobs on every single container start, is to write an entrypoint script. The basic pattern here is to start your server via CMD as you have it now, but to write a script that does first-time setup, ending in exec "$#" to run the command, and make that your container's ENTRYPOINT. This could look like
# I am entrypoint.sh
# Stop immediately if any of these scripts fail
set -e
# Run the migration/seed jobs
node data_scripts/createElasticIndex.js
node data_scripts/parseGenesToElastic.js
# Run the CMD / `docker run ...` command
exec "$#"
# I am Dockerfile
FROM node:11.9.0
COPY entrypoint.sh ./ # if not already copied
RUN chmod +x entrypoint.sh # if not already executable
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/entrypoint.sh"]
CMD ["npm", "start"]
Since the entrypoint script really is just a shell script, you can use arbitrary logic for this, for instance only running the seed job based on the command, if [ "$1" == npm ]; then ... fi but not for debugging shells (docker run --rm -it myimage bash).
Your Dockerfile also looks like you might be trying to start three different servers (PredictionServer.js, PWAServerInMem.js, and whatever npm start starts); you can run these in three separate containers from the same image and specify the command: in each docker-compose.yml block.
Your docker-compose.yml will be simpler if you remove the networks: (unless it's vital to you that your Elasticsearch and Redis can't talk to each other; it usually isn't) and the expose: declarations (which do nothing, especially in the presence of ports:).
I faced the same issue, and I started my journey using the same approach posted here.
I was redesigning some queries that required me frequently index settings and properties mapping changes, plus changes in the dataset that I was using as an example.
I searched for a docker image that I could easily add to my docker-compose file to allow me to change anything in either the index settings or in the dataset example. Then, I could simply run docker-compose up, and I'd see the changes in my local kibana.
I found nothing, and I ended up creating one on my own. So I'm sharing here because it could be an answer, plus I really hope to help someone else with the same issue.
You can use it as follow:
container_name: elasticsearch-seed
image: richardsilveira/elasticsearch-seed
- ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://elasticsearch:9200
- INDEX_NAME=my-index
- ./my-custom-index-settings.json:/seed/index-settings.json
- ./my-custom-index-bulk-payload.json:/seed/index-bulk-payload.json
You can simply point your index settings file - which should have both index settings + type mappings as usual and point your bulk payload file that should contain your example data.
More instruction at elasticsearch-seed github repository
We could even use it in our E2E and Integrations tests scenarios running in our CI pipelines.
When I try to build a container using docker-compose like so
build: ./nginx
- "5000:80"
the COPY instructions isnt working when my Dockerfile simply
looks like this
FROM nginx
#Expose port 80
COPY html /usr/share/nginx/test
#Start nginx server
RUN service nginx restart
What could be the problem?
It seems that when using the docker-compose command it saves an intermediate container that it doesnt show you and constantly reruns that never updating it correctly.
Sadly the documentation regarding something like this is poor. The way to fix this is to build it first with no cache and then up it like so
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up -d
I had the same issue and a one liner that does it for me is :
docker-compose up --build --remove-orphans --force-recreate
--build does the biggest part of the job and triggers the build.
--remove-orphans is useful if you have changed the name of one of your services. Otherwise, you might have a warning leftover telling you about the old, now wrongly named service dangling around.
--force-recreate is a little drastic but will force the recreation of the containers.
Reference: https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/up/
Warning I could do this on my project because I was toying around with really small container images. Recreating everything, everytime, could take significant time depending on your situation.
If you need to make docker-compose to copy files every time on up command I suggest declaring a volumes option to your service in the compose.yml file. It will persist your data and also will copy files from that folder into the container.
More info here volume-configuration-reference
image: server
container_name: server
context: .
dockerfile: server.Dockerfile
- .envs/.server
working_dir: /app
- ./server_data:/app # <= here it is
- "9999:9999"
command: ["command", "to", "run", "the", "server", "--some-options"]
Optionally, you can add the following section to the end of the compose.yml file. It will keep that folder persisted then. The data in that folder will not be removed after the docker-compose stop command or the docker-compose down command. To remove the folder you will need to run the down command with an additional flag -v:
docker-compose down -v
For example, including volumes:
image: server
container_name: server
context: .
dockerfile: server.Dockerfile
- .envs/.server
working_dir: /app
- ./server_data:/app # <= here it is
- "9999:9999"
command: ["command", "to", "run", "the", "server", "--some-options"]
volumes: # at the root level, the same as services