Fresh installation of RabbitMQ doesn't listen on port 5672 in Windows - erlang

After installing RabbitMQ (rabbitmq-server-3.6.0) and Erlang (esl-erlang_18.2-1-windows_i386) I am not able to see the port 5672 in list of listening ports in by netstat -an command but in task manager under services category I am able to see RabbitMQ with Running status.
After installing RabbitMQ I had created two environment variables. they are:
RABBITMQ_SERVICE to C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.0
RABBITMQ_BASE to C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server
Later I reinstalled Rabbitmq and Erlang but not from scratch as I was not able to delete files completely.
Is my server up? Or is my installation wrong? Or do I have to anything in excess.
I completely have no idea on it or what is going on.

yes, this was solved. I didn't have permission to install new software on my machine. Though it showed as installed successfully because of permission issues I was not able to use the tool. once permission issues got resolved everything was fine :).

I also faced the same issue. I have got right permissions to install software. Still while installing rabbit-mq it was giving an error Port 5672 is not listening
After more investigation, I found that there was already running process on this port. I ran below commands:
netstat -ano | findstr ":5672"
taskkill /F /PID 18644
This resolved my issue.


Closed ports on docker host (OSX) are staying/reporting open on the internal docker network

After upgrading Docker to 4.6.0 on OSX 12.3 I've had a bit of an odd issue when I stop the xdebug listening client in PHPStorm, it seems that subsequent requests always times out because docker is reporting that host.docker.internal has port 9003 open when it's actually closed so the app always waits for the xdebug client.
I installed nmap on my webapp php container and host to test. If I run "nmap -p 9003 localhost" with the debug client running on my host I can see it open, after turning it off in PHPstorm the same scan shows that it's closed however running "nmap -p 9003 host.docker.internal" inside the container reports that it's still open. If I open other services on my host too it seems that ports start showing as open on the docker internal network however never report as closed after shutting them down on the host.
I upgraded to Docker 4.6.1 but the problem still persists.
Any advice would be appreciated.
This has been fixed in Docker 4.8.1
UPDATE: Downgrading to Docker 4.5.0 resolved the issue.
This doesn't solve the problem, just helps to avoid restarting Docker while we are waiting for the fix.
Make changes in xdebug.ini:
This tells XDebug to connect to debugger only if "trigger" is present in the HTTP request.
Now, install Chrome extension Xdebug helper, it's old but still works. Open extensions settings (chrome-extension://eadndfjplgieldjbigjakmdgkmoaaaoc/options.html) and set IDE key to "Other" "VSCODE".
Now, when you want to debug, you enable debugging in VSCode and also enable debugging in Chrome using that extension:
When you are done debugging - choose "Disable" in the extension, and PHP won't try to connect to your debugger, even if the port is still open. How it works - extension just sends cookie XDEBUG_SESSION=VSCODE with each request, and XDebug connects to the debugger only when this cookie is present.
P.S. You can replace VSCODE with IDE key that your IDE uses, or just any string.

Docker broke my brew?

I worked on my computer (mac os High Sierra 10.13.4) for a Rails application. I had Postgres, Redis and ElasticSearch installed via Homebrew.
I recently started to dockerize the app on a new branch.
When I went back to my main branch, none of the brew services were working:
PG::ConnectionBad - could not connect to server: Connection refused
which I fixed thanks to
couldn't connect to redis
which I fixed by running redis-cli
Errno::ECONNREFUSED - Failed to open TCP connection to localhost:9200 (Connection refused - connect(2) for "::1" port 9200)
I tried stopping/starting, desinstalling/reinstalling elasticsearch and even desinstalling/reinstalling Homebrew. I'm considerating doing a clean reinstall of my computer.
I don't understand how working on docker could break services on my computer, I thought it was supposed to fix exactly that kind of problems.
Any help on getting elasticsearch to work would be really appreciated!
This answer is only a speculation. A little more information might help us figure out what’s really going on here.
Are the Docker containers still running?
If yes, do they use the same ports that these services do on your Mac?
If the answer to both the above questions was yes, then you’ve found your problem.
What I mean to say is that if the containers are running and one of them is mapped to the port 9200, which also happens to be the port on which the required services on your Mac listen to by default, then these services cannot run on that port as it is already being used by one of your containers.
Solution: If this is the case, stop the containers and try running your services again

How to deal with "Starting neo4j failed: Address localhost:7687 is already in use"?

I am using Neo4j Community Edition 3.1.1 on Mac OS X Sierra. Whenever I try to start Neo4j locally via
neo4j start
I get the following:
Starting Neo4j failed: Component 'org.neo4j.server.database.LifecycleManagingDatabase#a8ba98d' was successfully initialized, but failed to start.
Please see attached cause exception.
with the following exception at the tail of /usr/local/Cellar/neo4j/3.1.1/libexec/logs/neo4j.log
Caused by: org.neo4j.helpers.PortBindException: Address localhost:7687 is already in use, cannot bind to it.
I tried running
lsof -i -n -P | grep 7687
but it came back empty.
Please advise.
Note: I'd leave this as a comment, but don't have the required rep.
Are you sure that you have only one version of Neo4j installed?
Is your installation clean, without any traces of previous installations?
Is your JDK version >= 8?
Have you made other changes to your conf file?
Do you have the desktop app installed? des it work without issues?
Your lsof could be returning an empty value as some pids are only visible to root. Try:
sudo netstat -antlp
This should return all open ports, check if anything corresponds to 7687.
Also try running neo4j as a service. I believe it's launchctl on Mac (I use systemctl on Linux) and check if the error persists.
I had the same exact issue, notice how neo4js is trying to get to localhost:7687?
I checked my /etc/hosts file and sure enough, I had a bogus entry for localhost (from previous testing).
I changed /etc/hosts entry back to
Saved, then ran again.
Neo4j started up fine after that.

rabbitmq v 3.4.0 Silent install Erlang Cookie Issue

I have a problem when I install rabbitMQ Silently (not normal), It is installed successfully and I see the rabbitmq in services and started but when I try to run rabbitmqctl or rabbitmq-plugins I face the following error:
* Connection attempt from disallowed node 'rabbitmq-plugins1208079#WIN-IOBM5KICB89' **
I found a work around for this when I copy the .erlang.cookie from C:/{User} to C:/Windows, the problem is solved, any I dea why is this happening and if there is any other solutions for this?
The cookie is used by the underlying erlang environment to decide to allow/block the connections. More information is here

HiveMQ error when I run it: Could not bind to all interfaces and port 1883, because it is already in use

I'm developing an MQTT based application using HiveMQ, an enterprise broker. I installed it as per the instructions here-
When I run it using ./bin/, the server connection is immediately closed due to the error - Could not bind to all interfaces and port 1883, because it is already in use. Stopping HiveMQ
As far as I'm aware, nothing else is using this port. This happens even when I restart my computer and nothing else is running. I'm running in root mode.
Why am I getting this error?
To check if something is already running on the port, please type the following into the terminal if you happen to run a Linux / BSD / OSX:
netstat -an|grep 1883
If you're running a Windows System, type the following:
netstat -an|find "1883"
After running that command you should see which application is using port 1883.
Alternatively you could edit the file in you conf folder of the HiveMQ installation and set the global.port property to a port of your choice.
From those results, do you have d-bus daemon installed? I don't know much about d-bus, but have you tried disabling it or modifying the config and then see if you can restart hivemq on port 1883.
