Setting cachePolicy of a parse query crashes application - ios

I'm developing in Swift using the latest version of Parse from the website. I am attempting to set my cache policy to the NetworkElseCache value, which is displayed below:
let userRelation = User.currentUser()?.relationForKey("friends")
let userQuery = userRelation!.query()
userQuery.cachePolicy = .NetworkElseCache
userQuery.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock {
(users, error) -> Void in
The error occurs on the line:
userQuery.cachePolicy = .NetworkElseCache
and if the line is removed, the application runs fine, the error produced is:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException',
reason: 'Method not allowed when Pinning is enabled.'
I really don't have any idea what to do from here, I only started iOS development about a week ago using Parse and Swift, so I'm a bit on the lost side. I don't understand the callstack either, or how it will help me find my problem.

Disable the LocalDataStore in your AppDelegate.m
So comment following line
Parse.enableLocalDatastore() // Comment this line and try

Here's the full explanation from the engineers at Parse. But yes, long story short, if you're using local datastore, you will not be able to also use different cache policies.


AKMicrophone causes SIGABRT error - A bug?

I found a post that has the same error in the same situation here:!topic/audiokit/SmyuzPJQ6wU
Same as this poster - I'm using the source. However, at the end of the post the user does not say what he did to fix the issue.
I'm currently using an unaltered "ExtendingAudioKitUsingSource" example as I need to add some functionality to audiokit. (unaltered outside of using my provisioning profile and adding "let m = AKMicrophone()" in ViewController.swift.
I receive these errors:
2018-08-31 15:16:50.684 ExtendingAudioKit[6800:8850964] 15:16:50.683
ERROR: [0x39058000]
___ZN13AVAudioIOUnit9EnableBusEm_block_invoke: error -10849
2018-08-31 15:16:50.688 ExtendingAudioKit[6800:8850964] ***
Terminating app due to uncaught exception
'', reason: 'error -10849'
which traces back to line 46 in AKMicrophone.swift to init(): AudioKit.engine.connect(AudioKit.engine.inputNode, to: self.avAudioNode, format: nil)
I've had no issues using AKMicrphone() outside of this project.
I have fixed an AKMicrophone bug in AudioKit v4.5.1 that may have fixed this for you. If not, I'll withdraw this answer, but please check it out and let me know.

Firebase storage imageReference.delete{ (error) in } method crashing my app with "signal SIGABRT"

I'm using:
iOS - Swift 4
Cocoapods 1.4.0
Firebase (5.4.0)
FirebaseCore (5.0.5)
FirebaseStorage (3.0.0)
When I'm running the attached code, my app crashing with signal SIGABRT error at the AppDelegate class and prints libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException in the console.
I'v tried to run some debugging and what I found is that the problem occurred in the imageReference.delete{ (error) in } method.
*Note that it didn't enter to the block at all, it failed in the method itself and because of that the image is not deleting from Firebase console when I'm calling to the delete method.
My code:
func deleteImage(for url:String){
print(url) //
let imageReference = url)
imageReference.delete { (error) in // Fails here with: libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
print("completion") // Not getting to this point
if let error = error{
After very deep digging I'v understand that my problem is that I'm calling this method via closure at some point of the "events' tree" (I'm calling some function that calling to another function that calling to the delete method from closure) and thats what cause the problem.
Now the question is how can I call it via this closure without make this error? (I can't call it outside of it)
I'd start by asking if you have a strong reference to that image somewhere else ?
Or is the image being used in a UIImage Control?
At the end the problem was with the UITableView itself and not with Firebase.
I didn't update the UITableView's data array correctly and that produced this crashing. I wasn't aware of it because the errors in xCode's console were disabled from some reason (Those answeres helped me to enable it back: #1, #2).
Hope anyone else that will face with wired error like that (without enabled error logs, of course) will be able to use my unpleasant experience and find the solution faster and easier.

iOS: trying to access Firestore triggers EXC_BAD_ACCESS

Swift 4 project in Xcode 9.2
I'm trying to use Firestore in a project. I've added the libraries and cut and pasted the sample code from the FireStore intro guide. But I'm getting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS and have not been able to figure out why. Here's the code I'm trying to run:
let db = Firestore.firestore()
var ref: DocumentReference? = nil
ref = db.collection("users").addDocument(data: [
"first": "Ada",
"last": "Lovelace",
"born": 1815
]) { err in
if let err = err {
print("Error adding document: \(err)")
} else {
print("Document added with ID: \(ref!.documentID)")
And here's a screen dump of the error:
ANyone have an idea as to what's going wrong?
Same problem over here. Everything used to work fine untill the last iOS SDK update. If I write data to firestore they are not shown in console, sometimes after a few minutes or a hour.
App crashes on this message every few minutes:
2018-01-09 10:10:17.284630+0100 spontRestaurantAppIos[18971:19308343] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'FIRESTORE INTERNAL ASSERTION FAILED: closeWithFinalState should only be called for a started stream that has an active delegate.'
I've contacted firestore support and this is what I got back:
Upon checking, this a known bug with our iOS SDK. This is now on our radar and our engineers are currently on it.
For any updates, please watch out on our release notes.
So I guess we'll just have to wait... anybody have other suggestions?
Also see this issue in github:
In my case, I don't get a error for 4 minutes. Then it crashes with
2018-01-09 21:11:23.584982+1100 Crux[2671:334948] *** Assertion failure in -[FSTWriteStream closeWithFinalState:error:], third_party/firebase/ios/Source/Firestore/Source/Remote/FSTStream.m:348
Still no idea why.
I just figured out that the error was due to the database rules not allowing access. I opened up the rules to allow public read write and it's now working.

NSUncaughtExceptionHandler when using Realm with Crashlytics

I've got Fabric installed in my app, with Crashlytics enabled via a simple Fabric.with([Crashlytics.self]) call in AppDelegate. Everything was working great, until I pulled in Realm. I have a dead-simple function;
class func listObjects() {
let realm = try? Realm()
if let realm = realm {
let objSet = realm.objects(TestObject.self)
print("Retrieved \(objSet.count) objects")
Calling the function actually works just fine, but I get an odd warning;
[Crashlytics:Crash] Warning: NSUncaughtExceptionHandler is '_ZZ34RLMInstallUncaughtExceptionHandlervEN3$_08__invokeEP11NSException' in '<...>/Frameworks/Realm.framework/Realm'
Has anyone come across this before?
I guess this is happening because Crashlytics checks whether the uncaught exception handler is overridden, because it is relying on that itself, but it is commonly misused for purposes where there would be less dangerous solutions. 🐉
Realm is using this for good reasons: we need to tear down open write transactions. While we are doing that, we still ensure to call the previously configured exception handler as you can see here. So Crashlytics won't loose it's ability to report any exceptions in your app.

Firebase crashes with 'listen() called twice for the same query' error

I was trying to follow the advice and remove the listener when needed and register the listener when needed. So in my UIViewController.viewDidAppear I have the following:
let chatRef = messagesRef.childByAppendingPath(chat.objectId!)
var query = chatRef.queryOrderedByChild("createdAt")
if let since = since {
query = query.queryStartingAtValue(since.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)
let handle = query.observeEventType(FEventType.ChildAdded, withBlock: completion, withCancelBlock: { (error: NSError!) -> Void in
println("error listening for new Chat messages: \(error)")
In my UIViewController.viewWillDisappear() I have
let chatRef = messagesRef.childByAppendingPath(chat.objectId!)
if chatRef != nil {
But the program crashes every time the ViewController is entered the second time (going to the view controller, navigate away, then come back) with the following error:
*** Assertion failure in -[FPersistentConnection listen:tagId:hashFn:onComplete:], /Users/mtse/Dev/firebase/firebase-client-objc/Firebase/Firebase/Core/FPersistentConnection.m:127
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'listen() called twice for the same query'
The program runs fine if I don't remove the observers and call observeEventType only once in viewDidLoad instead of viewDidAppear.
The program also runs fine even if I remove the observer then add it back if I don't do queryOrderedByChild and queryStartingAtValue.
So what am I doing wrong here?
Disclaimer: I work for Firebase
Listeners in Firebase are specific to the path or query that you register them on. Calling removeAllObservers() removes all observers, but only from that path.
So in your viewWillDisappear() you will need to remove the listeners from the query, instead of the ref.
We just made this more explicit in our documentation and are looking at ways to make the API more intuitive.
Update (20150724)
It turns out that calling removeAllObservers() on a FFirebase should remove all observers on queries on that same location too. It will not remove observers at child() locations, but should have worked in your case.
We are investigating what is going wrong, but it seems you have hit a bug in our iOS SDK. Once we find it, we'll release a fixed version. In the meantime the above serves (and will continue to serve) as a valid workaround.
