Valid file path for archiverootobject and unarchiverootobject - ios

I am making an iPhone app and in a previous question I was told that I needed a valid file path for archiverootobject and unarchiverootobject but I don't know how to make one. So what is a valid file path to save arrays of custom classes?
Follow up question: On the linked question I have set up my methods to use invalid saves but it still works would anyone know why?

You can save it to a subdirectory folder named with your bundleID inside the application support folder or you can also save it to the preferences folder located inside the library directory:
let preferencesDirectoryURL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .libraryDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!.appendingPathComponent("Preferences", isDirectory: true)
let fileURL = preferencesDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent("fileName.plist")
print(fileURL.path) // "/var/folders/.../Library/Preferences/fileName.plist


Text file can't be created inside a folder

I'm trying to create a log.txt file inside a folder of a device, but I get this error:
NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=512 "The file “log.txt” couldn’t be saved in
the folder “Logs”.
The folder Logs already exists on the device, but I still get this error. Please find my code below:
let path = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
let logPath = path.appendingPathComponent("Logs").appendingPathComponent("log.txt")
try! "Hello world".write(to: logPath, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)
However, if I replace the logPath with path.appendingPathComponent("log.txt"), it will work, BUT it creates the file outside of the folder Logs instead of inside.
How can I solve this?
I have fixed this problem by using the new function called appending(component:_) of the FileManager API.
The old one that I used in my question was not deprecated, but it did not work, and I still have no idea.
However, using the new one above makes everything works just fine.

Importing Documents from iMessage into App - Deleting temp files placed in "Inbox"

I have defined a UTI for a custom document format. I can export files from my app and append them to text messages, email, etc. I can import the files into my app by tapping on the document icon in iMessage. By tapping on the document icon, I have the option to copy to my app. That triggers a call in my AppDelegate to handle the incoming file.
What's bugging me is that the url for the incoming file is:
Whereas, when saving documents to the .documents directory, I use this URL:
The difference being the /private/ and /Inbox/ path components.
Question: how can I purge the /private/.../Inbox/ path of the files that were copied to my app from iMessage? I noticed this when testing my app and when I tapped on the same document icon in iMessage it started generating file copies with the same name but adding -1, then -2, then -3 to the file name of the document from iMessage. It appears that copies are building up in that /private/.../Inbox/ path.
Is that something that gets flushed on its own or can I access that directory to remove those files? It's also annoying because based upon the filename, it appears to be a different file thus allowing multiple copies of the same file to be imported with a slightly different file name.
Ok, this took a fair amount of digging, but I'll post my solution that seems to work thus far in case anyone runs across the same problem.
let fileManager = FileManager.default
// get the URL for the "Inbox"
let tmpDirURL = fileManager.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0].appendingPathComponent("Inbox")
// get all the files in the "Inbox" directory
let anythingThere = try? fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(at: tmpDirURL, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil)
if anythingThere?.count ?? 0 > 0 {
for eachURL in anythingThere! {
// for each url pointing to a file in that directory, get its path extension
let pathExtension = eachURL.pathExtension
// test to see if it's a UTI that you're interested in deleting
// in my case, the three "OCC" strings are the relevant UTI extensions
if pathExtension == "OCCrcf" || pathExtension == "OCCrdi" || pathExtension == "OCCsrf" {
// attempt to delete the temporary file that was copied to the
// "Inbox" directory from importing via email, iMessage, etc.
try fileManager.removeItem(at: eachURL)
If anyone has a more elegant solution, please respond as well. Thanks.

Get Reference to SceneKit Catalog Swift

I must be missing something simple - I'm trying to iterate through the
files in an .scnassets folder but can't seem to get a reference to the
Here's the organizer:
Models.scnassets contains one file. I tried this:
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let urls = fileManager.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)
let docsURL = urls.first
let assetFolderPath = docsURL?.appendingPathComponent("Models.scnassets").path
And I tried this and several other variants:
let modelPathString = "ARAds/Models.scnassets"
Then I attempted to count the files with both of the above paths:
do {
let modelPathDirectoryFiles = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: assetFolderPath!)
//or modelPathString
} catch {
print("error getting list of files")
I get the error message in all cases.
I assume there must be some special way to get a reference to a SceneKit
Catalog but I have not been able to find that in the Apple docs nor SO.
Any guidance would be appreciated. iOS 11.4 Xcode 10.0
Looking at your code, the first thing I see, is that you are referencing the Documents Directory which isn't actually where your folder is.
The Documents Directory is a folder on your actual device where you might save user data or other files which can be accessed at a latter date (for example via iTunes Sharing).
If you move your Models.scnassets folder under the yellow ArAds folder you should be able to access your content like so:
let myModelToLocate = SCNScene(named: "Models.scnassets/Phone_01.scn")
Hope it helps...
You've pointed me in a better direction, but I can already get the scn and make a node if I know the name. What I really want to do is populate a tableview with the options that are available - so I need to find the current list of scene files.
I think this will work:
let subdir = Bundle.main.resourceURL!.appendingPathComponent("Models.scnassets").path
do {
let modelPathDirectoryFiles = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: subdir)
print(modelPathDirectoryFiles.count) //this works
//then do my thing with the array
} catch {
print("error getting list of files")
This seems to work, whether I move the folder or not.

Loading document in shared documents folder into WKWebView

I am having problems trying to load a document into a WKWebView when the document has been added to the app using iTunes file sharing.
If I include the file inside the app I can load it fine.
I am using this code to get the load the file:
let documentsURL = try! FileManager().url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: true)
let fooURL = documentsURL.appendingPathComponent(docFileName)
let docURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: fooURL.path)
let req = URLRequest(url:docURL)
docURL looks like this:
I have tried to check the file exists using this code:
FileManager().fileExists(atPath: fooURL.path)
This returns true. I have also tried to copy the file from the documents folder into the app folder but this returns an error of file not found (again this is even after checking the file exists)
Should WKWebView be able to load from this location? Or have I missed something here?
Perhaps you are looking for loadFileURL(_:allowingReadAccessTo:)
Though I didn't see it explicitly stated in the docs, it wouldn't surprise me if the security policies of WKWebView are getting in your way, and the presence of this method alone seems to confirm that ;-)
Happy coding!

How to find Apple App Group shared directory

We are currently developing an iOS10 app, including "Messages Extension".
To share CoreDatas persistant store.sqlite inbetween App and Extension, we are using a shared "Apple App Group" directory, which is working fine.
Now we have to get our hands on the store for debug reasons and are unable to find the directory. The Apps container directories are completely empty, which makes sense. But how to download our database? Do we have to somehow copy it programmatically to a reachable place?
To sum it up:
We already use CoreData which stores model.sqlite in our shared directory.
Everything is up and running.
What we want to archive is to download the database to our computer.
Without a shared directory we can simply download the App container from the device, using Xcode->Devices. But as we do use a shared directory, the .sqlite database is not within the container.
How can we download the .sqlite database from the device to our computer?
EDIT on 2018-10-12: Updated code for Swift 4.x (Xcode 10). (Older version retained for reference.)
In Swift 4.x:
let sharedContainerURL :URL? = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "group.etc.etc")
// replace "group.etc.etc" above with your App Group's identifier
NSLog("sharedContainerURL = \(String(describing: sharedContainerURL))")
if let sourceURL :URL = sharedContainerURL?.appendingPathComponent("store.sqlite") {
if let destinationURL :URL = FileManager().urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first?.appendingPathComponent("copyOfStore.sqlite") {
try! FileManager().copyItem(at: sourceURL, to: destinationURL)
In older version of Swift (probably Swift 2.x):
let sharedContainerURL :NSURL? = NSFileManager.defaultManager().containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier("group.etc.etc") // replace "group.etc.etc" with your App Group's identifier
NSLog("sharedContainerURL = \(sharedContainerURL)")
if let sourceURL :NSURL = sharedContainerURL?.URLByAppendingPathComponent("store.sqlite")
if let destinationURL :NSURL = NSFileManager().URLsForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask)[0].URLByAppendingPathComponent("copyOfStore.sqlite")
try! NSFileManager().copyItemAtURL(sourceURL, toURL: destinationURL)
Something like the above will get a file from the app group's shared container to the app's Documents directory. From there, you could use Xcode > Window > Devices to get it to your computer.
You could also use iTunes file sharing to retrieve the file from the app's Documents directory after setting UIFileSharingEnabled to YES in the Info.plist file, but bear in mind that this will expose the directory's contents to the user as well. Should be okay for development/debugging purposes, though.
