Dropdown select in Capybara with no id? - capybara

So I have a few dropdowns im making some automated test cases for (just checking to make sure links work and go to the right location. Easy test cases to toss in there)
But I don't really have any id's or anything to work with:
Here is the outer HTML of the Dropdown text to click (which reveals more dropdowns).
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt"></i> Main Dropdown <b class="caret"></b>
The rest of the items are listed like this:
<li><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-list"></i> Option 1</li>
Would it make more sense to just try to use the clickable text to click on the "Main Dropdown" text and then the clickable text to click on "Option 1" (names were changed but the concept is still the same).
Since that's really all the HTML is in there?

Capybaras link finder finds link elements by id, text, title or contained images alt attribute. With the html provided your best best for those is the text - so
click_link('Main Dropdown') # open the dropdown
click_link('Option 1') # wait for the link to become visible and then click it


How Can I Click This Link Using Watir?

I want to navigate a site using watir. I can't find nor focus on an element to click on it. It's the Next link on top right of this url:
How can I test that the link exists and can focus on it to click it?
The link HTML is:
<a id="view:_id1:_id258:pager6__Next__lnk" href="#" title="Go to next page:">Next</a>
The identifiable attributes seem to be the id (being careful of the auto-generated portions) or the title. The link could be located by either:
browser.link(title: 'Go to next page:') # using title
browser.link(id: /Next__lnk/) # using partial id
You can check if the link is available by checking if it is present:
browser.link(title: 'Go to next page:').present?
You can click with:
browser.link(title: 'Go to next page:').click

adding tooltip to zendesk home_page.hbs

I want to add tooltips for some "Categories" box in Zendesk, so when the user hang over one box then I can show a tooltip with more information about the "Category".
Problem is that I'm trying to use IF statement like this:
{{#if href == '/hc/en-us/categories/360001117812-Cow-Traffic' }}
{{#each categories}}
{{#if ../has_multiple_categories}}
<li class="blocks-item">
<a href='{{url}}' class="blocks-item-link">
{{#if href == 'url_to_compare' }}
<a class="tooltiptext">tooltip_text</a>
<span class="blocks-item-title">{{name}}</span>
<span class="blocks-item-description">{{excerpt description}}</span>
As this IF is inside of a {{#if}} of the categories I want to select in this example only one link using the href to see if the mouse is over or not the box.
I already tried to add a helper in the script.js file but looks like it's not working, I remember that there was a way to use this IF and IS to be able to solve it.
I get a lot of help on this, at the end I found that the better way to solve this is using a {{#is}} statement, So it's possible to use {{#is name "Category Name"}} {{/is}}
And this option will do a comparation between the name of the Category and the name you are looking for, if the value it's equal then you can do something inside, if not then you can use an {{else}} between and do another thing over there.
{{#is name "Category Name"}}
<div class="tooltip1">{{name}}<span class="tooltiptext">{{excerpt description}}</span></div>
<span class="blocks-item-title">{{name}}</span>
I used the "Excerpt description" to add the value of the tooltip inside Zendesk, and no need to add it manually in the home_page.hbs code.
I added 3 different tooltips and working fine now. Thank you all!

Watir Gem Locate Legend role="button"

I can't seem to get Watir to locate a link on a page, which reveals another two fields. But, the link isn't a link, but a li that is a legend:
<legend role="button" tabindex="1" id="alpha-trigger" class="trigger legend shown " aria-label="alpha Search"" for="alpha">
Alpha Search
I've tried using .exists? and looking for that dom object, but I've always come up empty. I see that it isn't a timing issue, as I'm not using headless for chrome.
Can anybody recommend how I can see this link to .click it? Cheers
The problem is that the element is in a shadow DOM, which does not yet have support in Selenium/Watir. At this point, the fastest solution seems to be executing everything by JavaScript.
For example, clicking the Marriage link:
browser.execute_script('return document
Note that you need to explicitly navigate to the element containing the shadow DOM and call shadowRoot to go inside.

Capybara: click on text within <span>

I had a bot that would apply on indeed.com jobs. It would collect jobs then apply to them one by one. However, indeed recently made things a lot harder. Used to be able to just locate the button's id and use that but now the id is dynamic: changes from different job positions.
Does anyone know how it is possible to link to the "Apply Now" button (not really a botton) if the code below is:
<a class="indeed-apply-button" href="javascript:void(0);" id="indeed-ia-1532137767182-0">
<span class="indeed-apply-button-inner" id="indeed-ia-1532137767182-0inner">
<span class="indeed-apply-button-label" id="indeed-ia-1532137767182-0label">Apply Now</span>
<span class="indeed-apply-button-cm">
<img src="https://d3fw5vlhllyvee.cloudfront.net/indeedapply/s/14096d1/check.png" style="border: 0px;">
Many ways to click that element, the 3 simplest would probably be
click_link('Apply Now') # find link by partial text and click it
click_link(class: 'indeed-apply-button') # find and click link by class
find('span', text: 'Apply Now').click # find span by text and click in it
in my case I had to select an option shown using js-chosen library inside an iframe. So, its not a regular select tag. So had to do following to select:-
within_frame(find("#cci_form")) do
But, no luck using

box email addresses like hotmail

I don't know what this is called hence having a hard time finding any reference on the net for this. On hotmail when you enter an email it boxes the email into a rectange block one by one on the same line with options to edit and delete the email. What is this and are there any sample code/frameworks to implement something similar?
It's normally a UL, and inside it you have LI which are either elements styled to have a box around them (emails, in your case), or a borderless INPUT box which blends into the surrounding UL of the same background. JavaScript code handles deletion and insertion of box LIs according to keyboard input. I am not aware of framework support for it, but it may exist.
EDIT: It exists. http://plugins.jquery.com/plugin-tags/tags for jQuery options.
I was looking for the same thing, and upon looking at the source code for it. It seems that they are using a UL like Amadan said, but its set up like this:
<div id="container">
<ul id="email_list">
<li class="email_token valid" id="a#a.com" email="a#a.com">
<span class="delete_link">x</span>
<li class="email_token valid" id="b#b.com" email="b#b.com">
<span class="delete_link">x</span>
<li class="email_input_container">
<textarea class="email_input_field"></textarea>
EDIT: I ended up implementing it and it runs wonderfully!
Try to use Firefox+Firebug to inspect the elements in hotmail. It'll help you to find out yourself.
