Version (calc1) using direct outer function take about 1s.
But version (calc2) with pass function as parameter of function take about 2s, that is 2x slower. Why?
open System.Diagnostics
open System.Numerics
let width = 1920
let height = 1200
let xMin = -2.0
let xMax = 1.0
let yMin = -1.0
let yMax = 1.0
let scaleX x = float x * (xMax - xMin) / float width + xMin
let scaleY y = float y * (yMax - yMin) / float height - yMax
let fn (z:Complex) (c:Complex) = z * z + c
let calc1 width height =
let iterFn z c =
let rec iterFn' (z:Complex) c n =
if z.Magnitude > 2.0 || n >= 255 then n
else iterFn' (fn z c) c (n + 1)
iterFn' z c 0
Array.Parallel.init (width * height) (fun i ->
let x, y = i % width, i / width
let z, c = Complex.Zero, Complex(scaleX x, scaleY y)
(x, y, iterFn z c)
let calc2 width height fn =
let iterFn z c =
let rec iterFn' (z:Complex) c n =
if z.Magnitude > 2.0 || n >= 255 then n
else iterFn' (fn z c) c (n + 1)
iterFn' z c 0
Array.Parallel.init (width * height) (fun i ->
let x, y = i % width, i / width
let z, c = Complex.Zero, Complex(scaleX x, scaleY y)
(x, y, iterFn z c)
Execute in F# interactive get the following results:
> calc1 width height |> ignore
Real: 00:00:00.943, CPU: 00:00:03.046, GC gen0: 10, gen1: 8, gen2: 2
val it : unit = ()
> calc2 width height fn |> ignore
Real: 00:00:02.033, CPU: 00:00:07.484, GC gen0: 9, gen1: 8, gen2: 1
val it : unit = ()
F# 4.0.1, .NET 4.6.1
I suspect that in the first case, the fn is inlined.
Passing it as a paramter prevents this optimisation from occuring, so it is slower
I'm learning F# by implementing a board game engine. In accordance with the principle that invalid states should not be representable, I want to create a type which represents (x, y) coordinates (with x and y integers) where x and y must satisfy 0 <= x <= n and 0 <= y <= m. Creating an instance that does not satisfy those inequalities shouldn't compile. Is this possible?
I don't think compile time assurances on values like this are possible.
I would handle this with a private constructor and the Result or Option type depending whether I wanted to propagate error information.
type Position =
private {
X: int
Y: int
static member TryNew(x, y) =
if x >= 0 && x <= 10 then
if y >= 0 && y <=10 then
Ok {
X = x
Y = y
Error $"Supplied y ({y}) must be between 0 and 10"
Error $"Supplied x ({x}) must be between 0 and 10"
module Position =
let moveX1 pos =
Position.TryNew(pos.X + 1, pos.Y)
This does create the issue where Results are now everywhere in your code but they don't have to be visible or cause you a lot of typing. This problem is precisely what computation expression libraries e.g. FsToolkit.ErrorHandling are designed to eliminate.
let example =
result {
let! start = Position.TryNew(0,0)
let! next = start |> moveX1
There's no way to do this that takes integers as input, but it can be done with a type that only provides integers as output:
type XCoord = X0 | X1 | X2 with
member this.Int =
match this with
| X0 -> 0
| X1 -> 1
| X2 -> 2
static member (-)(xa : XCoord, xb: XCoord) =
xa.Int - xb.Int
type YCoord = Y0 | Y1 | Y2 with
member this.Int =
match this with
| Y0 -> 0
| Y1 -> 1
| Y2 -> 2
static member (-)(ya : YCoord, yb: YCoord) =
ya.Int - yb.Int
type Point = MkPoint of (XCoord * YCoord) with
member this.Ints =
let (MkPoint (x, y)) = this
x.Int, y.Int
static member (-)((MkPoint (ax, ay)), (MkPoint (bx, by))) =
ax - bx, ay - by
let ptA = MkPoint (X0, Y1)
let ptB = MkPoint (X2, Y0)
printfn "%A" ptA.Ints
printfn "%A" ptB.Ints
printfn "%A" (ptA - ptB)
I think this would be pretty clunky to use in practice, but it might work, depending on exactly what you want to do with it. I guess it's a case of "careful what you ask for". 😀
I wrote this code with Visual Studio but when I compile it, it gives me back these warnings:
FS0058: Possible incorrect indentation, this token is offside of context started at position 9:80. Try indenting this token further or using standard formatting .
But if I try to compile it with an OCaml compiler it works.
let converti_tempo = (fun x -> if x < 0 then failwith "error" else if x < 1000 then (0, 0, x) else
let rec m = x % 1000
let s = (x / 1000) % 60
let mm = ((x / 1000) / 60) % 60
in (mm,s ,m ));;
At the end of the first line you have an else. This implies that the expression of the else is going to be defined on the next line and thus will have to be indented all the way to the else and then a bit more. Code below:
let converti_tempo = (fun x -> if x < 0 then failwith "error" else if x < 1000 then (0, 0, x) else
let rec m = x % 1000
let s = (x / 1000) % 60
let mm = ((x / 1000) / 60) % 60
in (mm,s ,m ));;
You could also write it like this:
let converti_tempo = (fun x -> if x < 0 then failwith "error"
else if x < 1000 then (0, 0, x)
let rec m = x % 1000
let s = (x / 1000) % 60
let mm = ((x / 1000) / 60) % 60
in (mm,s ,m ));;
I would say this is a more "idiomatic" way of writing this function
let converti_tempo x =
if x < 0 then
failwith "error"
elif x < 1000 then
(0, 0, x)
let m = x % 1000
let s = x / 1000 % 60
let mm = x / 1000 / 60 % 60
(mm, s, m)
For me this compiler warning was caused by one of my "let"s not being properly aligned. Make sure all of your function declarations start at the very start of each new line.
So I have verified that the starting version of what I'm trying to do works, but for some reason when putting it into the high order function it breaks down.
Here is the failing function:
let SumSquares (theta:Vector<float>) (y:Vector<float>) (trainingData:Matrix<float>) =
let m = trainingData.RowCount
let theta' = theta.ToRowMatrix()
|> Matrix.mapRows(fun a r -> (theta' * r) - y.[a] )
Here are some sample tests
Set up:
let tData = matrix [[1.0; 2.0]
[1.0; 3.0]
[1.0; 3.0]
[1.0; 4.0]]
let yVals = vector [5.0; 6.0; 7.0; 11.0]
let theta = vector [1.0; 0.2]
Test raw functionality of basic operation (theta transpose * vector - actual)
let theta' = theta.ToRowMatrix()
(theta.ToRowMatrix() * tData.[0, 0 .. 1]) - yVals.[0]
Testing in actual function:
tData |> SumSquares theta yVals
Here is a copy/paste of actual error. It reads as though its having issues of me mapping a larger vector to a smaller vector.
Parameter name: target
at MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Storage.VectorStorage1.CopyToRow(MatrixStorage1 target, Int32 rowIndex, ExistingData existingData)
at FSI_0061.SumSquares(Vector1 theta, Vector1 y, Matrix`1 trainingData) in C:\projects\deleteme\ASPNet5Test\ConsoleApplication1\ConsoleApplication1\MachineLearning.fsx:line 23
at .$FSI_0084.main#() in C:\projects\deleteme\ASPNet5Test\ConsoleApplication1\ConsoleApplication1\MachineLearning.fsx:line 39
Stopped due to error
I found an even better easier way to do this. I have to credit s952163 for starting me down a good path, but this approach is even more optimized:
let square (x:Vector<float>) = x * x
let subtract (x:Vector<float>) (y:Vector<float>) = y - x
let divideBy (x:float) (y:float) = y / x
let SumSquares (theta:Vector<float>) (y:Vector<float>) (trainingData:Matrix<float>) =
let m = trainingData.RowCount |> float
(trainingData * theta)
|> subtract y
|> square
|> divideBy m
Since you know the number of rows you can just map to that. Arguably this is not pretty:
let SumSquares (theta:Vector<float>) (y:Vector<float>) (trainingData:Matrix<float>) =
let m = trainingData.RowCount
let theta' = theta.ToRowMatrix()
[0..m-1] |> (fun i -> (((theta' * trainingData.[i,0..1]) |> Seq.exactlyOne) - yVals.[i] ))
My guess is that mapRows wants everything to be in the same shape, and your output vector is different. So if you want to stick to the Vector type, this will just enumerate the indexed rows:
tData.EnumerateRowsIndexed() |> (fun (i,r) -> (theta' * r) - yVals.[i])
and you can also use Matrix.toRowSeqi if you prefer to pipe it through, and get back a Matrix:
|> Matrix.toRowSeqi
|> (fun (i,x) -> (theta' * x) - yVals.[i])
|> DenseMatrix.ofRowSeq
I have a bunch of functions that I want to compute with the same inputs. Is there a better way to see the outputs than the way I chose below?
open MathNet.Numerics.Distributions
// The functions
let EuVanillaPut S0 K T r sigma =
let d1 = (log(S0/K) + (r + sigma ** 2.0 / 2.0) * T)/(sqrt(T)*sigma)
let d2 = d1 - sqrt(T)*sigma
K*exp(-r*T)*Normal.CDF(0.0,1.0,-d2) - S0*Normal.CDF(0.0,1.0,-d1)
let BSMdelta S0 K T r sigma =
let d1 = (log(S0/K) + (r + sigma ** 2.0 / 2.0) * T)/(sqrt(T)*sigma)
let BSMgamma S0 K T r sigma =
let d1 = (log(S0/K) + (r + sigma ** 2.0 / 2.0) * T)/(sqrt(T)*sigma)
Normal.PDF(0.0,1.0,d1) / (S0 * sigma * sqrt(T))
let BSMvega S0 K T r sigma =
let d1 = (log(S0/K) + (r + sigma ** 2.0 / 2.0) * T)/(sqrt(T)*sigma)
Normal.PDF(0.0,1.0,d1) * S0 * sqrt(T)
let BSMthetacall S0 K T r sigma =
let d1 = (log(S0/K) + (r + sigma ** 2.0 / 2.0) * T)/(sqrt(T)*sigma)
let d2 = d1 - sqrt(T)*sigma
-S0 * Normal.PDF(0.0,1.0,d1) * sigma / (2.0*sqrt(T)) - r*K*exp(-r*T)*Normal.CDF(0.0,1.0,d2)
let BSMthetaput S0 K T r sigma =
let d1 = (log(S0/K) + (r + sigma ** 2.0 / 2.0) * T)/(sqrt(T)*sigma)
let d2 = d1 - sqrt(T)*sigma
-S0 * Normal.PDF(0.0,1.0,d1) * sigma / (2.0*sqrt(T)) + r*K*exp(-r*T)*Normal.CDF(0.0,1.0,-d2)
// Calling them all at once on the same inputs
// So ugly! Is there a better way?
(30.0, 25.0, 5.0, 0.02, 0.05)
|> fun (S0, K, T, r, sigma) -> [EuVanillaPut S0 K T r sigma;
BSMdelta S0 K T r sigma;
BSMgamma S0 K T r sigma;
BSMvega S0 K T r sigma;
BSMthetacall S0 K T r sigma;
BSMthetaput S0 K T r sigma]
I'm pretty new to F#, should I make a type for this? Should I be using a different data structure as an input for the functions? Any and all pointers are much appreciated.
As suggested in the comments, one option is to create a list of functions and then use to iterate over all the functions and call them:
let results =
[ EuVanillaPut; BSMdelta; BSMgamma ]
|> (fun f -> f 30.0 25.0 5.0 0.02 0.05)
I suppose you'd then also want to extract the individual results - to do that, you can use pattern matching (but you will get a warning, because the compiler cannot know that the number of elements in the list is correct):
let [euVanillaPut; bsmdelta; bsmgamma] = results
To avoid the warning, you'd have to write:
match results with
| [euVanillaPut; bsmdelta; bsmgamma] -> // all good
| _ -> failwith "This should not happen..."
Alternatively, you could change the function definition to use tuple (or a record):
let EuVanillaPut (S0, K, T, r, sigma) =
let d1 = (log(S0/K) + (r + sigma ** 2.0 / 2.0) * T)/(sqrt(T)*sigma)
let d2 = d1 - sqrt(T)*sigma
K*exp(-r*T)*Normal.CDF(0.0,1.0,-d2) - S0*Normal.CDF(0.0,1.0,-d1)
Then you can define a single tuple to hold the parameters and use it as an argument to multiple functions:
let ps = (30.0, 25.0, 5.0, 0.02, 0.05)
let euVanillaPut = EuVanillaPut ps
let bsmdelta = BSMdelta ps
let bsmgamma = BSMgamma ps
The first approach is a clever trick, but if you are doing this often, then extracting the individual results from the list will be a bit ugly. The second approach is simpler and makes more sense if you have a lot of functions with the same group of parameters.
I'm trying to figure out how to get this function to work. I'm very inept with F#, so explanations are appreciated,
let deriv (f:(float->float), dx: float) =
fun f:(float -> float) * dx:float -> x:float -> float
let (f, dx, x) = ((f(x + dx) - f(x))/dx)
Am I using f:(float->float) wrong?
In stead of trying to fix your problems I will explain it from the ground up.
The symbolic derivative is a function that takes a function and returns a new function. However you are trying to calculate the numeric derivative that returns a value given a function, a value, and a delta.
First we will give the function a name: deriv
and it needs three parameters:
1. A function that takes in a float and returns a float: (f : float -> float)
2. A value of where the derivative is to be evaluated: (x0 : float)
3. A delta: (dx : float)
You had two of the three parameters in your example, but were missing x0.
It should also return a float.
So the signature is
deriv (f : (float -> float)) (x0 : float) (dx : float) : float
Now to calculate the numeric derivative.
I won't explain this, but just reference derivative
For this example we'll use a simple function that has derivative, x^2.
Here is the code in F#
// val deriv : f:(float -> float) -> x0:float -> dx:float -> float
let deriv (f : (float -> float)) (x0 : float) (dx : float) : float =
let (x1 : float) = x0 - dx
let (x2 : float) = x0 + dx
let (y1 : float) = f x1
let (y2 : float) = f x2
let (result : float) = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
// val f : x:float -> float
let f x = x**2.0
and a quick test show it works correctly.
// val it : float = 2.0
deriv f 1.0 0.000005
For a more thorough test of a range of values.
Using Visual Studio and NuGet install FSharp.Charting
In F# Interactive
#I "..\packages"
#load "FSharp.Charting.0.90.13\FSharp.Charting.fsx"
open FSharp.Charting
let xs1 = [ for x in (double)(-3.10) .. 0.05 .. 3.10 do yield x]
let ys1 = xs1 |> f
let values1 = xs1 ys1
.WithXAxis(Min=(-4.0), Max=4.0, MajorTickMark = ChartTypes.TickMark(Interval=2.0, IntervalOffset = 1.0, LineWidth = 2))
.WithYAxis(Min=(0.0), Max=10.0, MajorTickMark = ChartTypes.TickMark(Interval=2.0, IntervalOffset = 1.0, LineWidth = 2))
which can also be confirmed using Wolfram Alpha: x^2
A simpler example:
// val d : x:float -> float
let d x = deriv f x 0.00000005
let xs2 = [ for x in (double)(-3.10) .. 0.05 .. 3.10 do yield x]
let ys2 = xs2 |> d
let values2 = xs2 ys2
.WithXAxis(Min=(-4.0), Max=4.0, MajorTickMark = ChartTypes.TickMark(Interval=2.0, IntervalOffset = 1.0, LineWidth = 2))
.WithYAxis(Min=(-6.0), Max=6.0, MajorTickMark = ChartTypes.TickMark(Interval=2.0, IntervalOffset = 1.0, LineWidth = 2))
which can also be confirmed using Wolfram Alpha: d/dx x^2