grails oauth2 provider plugin not working as expected - grails

I have been trying to configure the oauth2 provider plugin in my grails application, but I am facing certain issues, and other than the plugin documentation, I didn't find any other sources that could help.
I have followed all the stepd mentioned in the doc, and made changes in Config.groovy
Now hitting localhost:8080/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=my-client&scope=read should redirect me to login page which it does.
After login however, I want authorization window to appear where user accepts or rejects granting authorization. I am however just getting a JSON result:
Why am I not getting an authorization prompt instead? What am I missing here?

Okay. So I have made some changes:
grails.plugin.springsecurity.filterChain.filterNames = [
'securityContextPersistenceFilter', 'statelessSecurityContextPersistenceFilter','logoutFilter',
'authenticationProcessingFilter','exceptionTranslationFilter', 'oauth2ProviderFilter', 'clientCredentialsTokenEndpointFilter',
'oauth2BasicAuthenticationFilter', 'securityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter',
'rememberMeAuthenticationFilter','anonymousAuthenticationFilter', 'oauth2ExceptionTranslationFilter', 'filterInvocationInterceptor'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.filterChain.chainMap = [
'/oauth/token': 'JOINED_FILTERS, -cookieSessionFilter, -oauth2ProviderFilter,-securityContextPersistenceFilter,-logoutFilter,-authenticationProcessingFilter,-rememberMeAuthenticationFilter,-exceptionTranslationFilter' ,
'/securedOAuth2Resources/**': 'JOINED_FILTERS,-cookieSessionFilter, -securityContextPersistenceFilter,-logoutFilter,-authenticationProcessingFilter,-rememberMeAuthenticationFilter,-oauth2BasicAuthenticationFilter,-exceptionTranslationFilter',
'/**': 'JOINED_FILTERS,-statelessSecurityContextPersistenceFilter,-oauth2ProviderFilter,-clientCredentialsTokenEndpointFilter,-oauth2BasicAuthenticationFilter,-oauth2ExceptionTranslationFilter'
Just proper ordering of filters seems to be solving the problem.
With this configuration I am able to generate the access_token.


spring security sasl: Unable to configure SSO url

I am using following spring security saml repo from github:
Whenever I try to update the SSO url, for e.g. localhost:8100/saml/ddo, instead of /saml/sso, browser gets stuck in infinite loops.
(I have followed the steps mentioned in readme and updated the url on okta as well in application to test)
Sample code and config enclosed in:
Spring secuirty saml issue
I did what below answer suggested,but I am getting the Incoming SAML message is invalid..
On debugging, I found that attemptAuthentication in SAMLProcessingFilter, the location in endpoint that are added still contain the /api/saml/SSO instead of /api/saml/ddo
and that's why getEndpoint method in SamlUtil throws excpetion with following line:
throw new SAMLException("Endpoint with message binding " + messageBinding + " and URL " + requestURL + " wasn't found in local metadata");
because the requestUrl and endpoint location do not match.
I also checked my metadata.xml but it does not contain any info related to these urls.
In the MetaDataGenerator class method getSAMLWebSSOProcessingFilterPath, the samlWebSSOFilter is null and that's why the default filter url: /saml/SSO is returned. I am trying to figure out how to set this value at runtime?
I understand that there is a method with name: setSamlWebSSOFilter, and everything works correct if I provide the url /saml/ddo at the time of startup. But I am not able to make this work if config is changed at runtime.
Any idea how can I move forward?
Setting field filterProcessesUrl on bean samlWebSSOProcessingFilter to value /saml/ddo should solve the problem.

Configure multiple login sessions using google oauth

I am using Google OAuth for Google signin with Odoo.
Everything works fine and I can sign in using google with no problem. However, I cannot open multiple sessions using my same google credentials.
For example, if I open two sessions, one in chrome and another in firefox, then the older session gets logged out.
I don't understand what's the problem because no matter how many sessions I start if I log in using my username and password separately, without using google OAuth, none of the sessions get logged out - works fine.
I was wondering it has got something to do with the code, so I did a lot of tweaks but nothing works. I saw that at one point it cannot get the session information of older sessions. However my question is not about the code.
My question is, is there any configuration or setting to be set in google OAuth or Odoo 8 which lets users have multiple sessions at the same time or is there any setting while using google OAuth with Odoo that I need to know for this?
Any idea would be really helpful as I've been struggling for days with this. Thanks!
I have build a module for Odoo V9. Without this module, Odoo save only one token. But when you use odoo in multi computer, you use one token for each computer.
By default odoo don't support multi token. You need to modify the code of module auth_oauth.
With this module it save all token, like that you can have multi connection.
You can donwload and instal this module :
class ResUsers(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.users'
oauth_access_token_ids = fields.One2many('auth.oauth.multi.token', 'user_id', 'Tokens', copy=False)
oauth_access_max_token = fields.Integer('Number of simultaneous connections', default=5, required=True)
def _auth_oauth_signin(self, provider, validation, params):
res = super(ResUsers, self)._auth_oauth_signin(provider, validation, params)
oauth_uid = validation['user_id']
user_ids =[('oauth_uid', '=', oauth_uid), ('oauth_provider_id', '=', provider)]).ids
if not user_ids:
raise openerp.exceptions.AccessDenied()
assert len(user_ids) == 1
self.oauth_access_token_ids.create({'user_id': user_ids[0],
'oauth_access_token': params['access_token'],
'active_token': True,
return res
def clear_token(self):
for users in self:
for token in users.oauth_access_token_ids:
'oauth_access_token': "****************************",
'active_token': False})
def check_credentials(self, password):
return super(ResUsers, self).check_credentials(password)
except openerp.exceptions.AccessDenied:
res = self.env['auth.oauth.multi.token'].sudo().search([
('user_id', '=', self.env.uid),
('oauth_access_token', '=', password),
('active_token', '=', True),
if not res:
If you follow the steps above you will be able to successfully configure Google Apps (Gmail) with OpenERP via the OAuth module. The only thing i was missing is an extra step I found in a youtube video; you have to:
Go to Settings - Users
To the users you want to give OAuth access, send them a password reset by using the "Send reset password instructions by email" option.
Ask your users (or yourself) to use the link they receive in their email, but, when they open it, they will only see the log in screen with the "Log in with Google" option. (no typical change password option available)
Use the proper Google account and voila! - Now it connects smoothly.
The Youtube video that show how to log in with Google in OpenERP:
and if configuration of Oauth2 and odoo see this link for more detail

Apache Oltu Spring Security OAuth2 and Google Integration

The reference being purely taken from following sites:-
I've developed String Security OAuth2 Facebook integration example, Now I'm looking forward to developed the Security OAuth2 Google (and later Github) integration example where AppID and Secret will be provided to get "access_token" and "refresh_token" etc to be used to access the protected resources like UserDetails etc..
So, first step will be register App on So it gives me "Client ID" and "Client secret", also I've configured Redirect URI, Done !
Now I've started writing actual Apache OAuth client, but I'm not sure what parameters I need to provide (similarly I provide for Facebook Integration, those parameters were easily available on facebook,while doing google search, but not found for Google), Please provide me suggestions what values should be given for the following blank parameters -
I think I've provided enough information, so any guidance / help / links is appreciated.
OAuthClientRequest request = OAuthClientRequest
The following code is developed for callback
private void getAccessToken(String authorizationCode) throws OAuthSystemException, OAuthProblemException {
OAuthClientRequest request = OAuthClientRequest
Added the following code to get protected resources like user profile:
request= new OAuthBearerClientRequest("").
See here for a complete example:
I've developed Apache Oltu and Spring integration example and it's working fine at my end.
You need to enable the Google+ API as suggested by #prtk_shah. Thanks.
You need to go to the and click on your project, in my case it's "apache-oltu", in your open project find option "APIs and auth" --> APIs. search for Google+ API and enable it.
Here you should be able to see this screen.
So, I will modify your code below it should be like this:
(IMP) - Your client ID should be like this, For Ex: (, Please make sure it is correct. Fyi - use as it is provided by google developer console
OAuthClientRequest request = OAuthClientRequest
.setRedirectURI("Give your projects redirect URI")
.setScope("openId profile email")
The callback code should be:
private void getAccessToken(String authorizationCode) throws OAuthSystemException, OAuthProblemException {
OAuthClientRequest request = OAuthClientRequest
.setClientId("give your complete client id")
.setClientSecret("give your secret")
.setRedirectURI("This will be your callback or Redirect URL (Give it correctly)")
Here is what I'm getting in my example, just wanted to show you
Hope this will be helpful.

Grails 2 with spring security: defaultFailureUrl not working

I'm playing around with the grails 2 framework in addition with the spring-security-plugin.
I built a custom login form, which should be always visible on the main page.
Thus, the user should always be redirected to the main page. Regardless of whether an error occurs or not.
In the case of a successful login everything works very well, but in the case of an error the flash scope is lost during the redirect. So I can't display the reason for the failed authentication.
According to the documentation, only the parameter 'defaultFailureUrl' should be adjusted.
But this doesn't work as expected.
Are there any other parameters necessary to achieve this functionality?
My Config.groovy
// Added by the Spring Security Core plugin:
grails.plugin.springsecurity.failureHandler.defaultFailureUrl = '/'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.auth.loginFormUrl = '/'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.logout.postOnly = false // Logout through direct link
grails.plugin.springsecurity.userLookup.userDomainClassName = 'de.msg.login.User'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.userLookup.authorityJoinClassName = 'de.msg.login.UserRole'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.authority.className = 'de.msg.login.Role'
I hope someone can figure out a solution ;)
As I understood you want to show the message on same login page after submit the login page.
Use this property probably it will work :
set this in config.groovy
See this link

intercetpUrlMap causes Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS)

Following problem: I have a grails-application running on a server and I want to restrict access to all the content by using spring-security-plugin.
So I created following interceptUrlMap:
interceptUrlMap = [
But then a 'Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS)' occurs. If I just secure some controllers, it works fine without any errors.
How can I avoid this error? (I need to secure the whole content, this includes also some generated files from my grails-app)
The failure was, that you had to be authenticated fully for the login page, so it was an endless loop.
After having a look at this blogpost,
I changed my interceptUrlMap into following:
interceptUrlMap = [
Have a look at the blogpost (link above) if you have the same problem.
