Websocket : Starscream "masked and rsv data is not currently supported" - ios

I am developing an iOS app which required to connect with web socket server.
I can successfully connect to server but when I send request on it, it drop off the connection.
I am using Starscream library for web socket.
As per server support team:
it does not support protocol compression, but in the headers below they're requesting "permessage-deflate" from us. We'll accept uncompressed messages just fine (it's just a flag on the packet) but due to the extension they asked for, messages we send out will be compressed with that flag set.
I send request as following using Swift
let dict = ["Parameter1":"value1","Parameter2":"value2"]
do {
let data = try NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(dict, options: NSJSONWritingOptions(rawValue: 0))
var jsonString: String = String(data: data, encoding: UInt())!
} catch {
It disconnect with server and print following message.
"websocket is disconnected: Optional("masked and rsv data is not currently supported")"

What the server support team meant is that the request from your WebSocket client application contained an HTTP header like below.
Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate
So, if your application has a line like below, remove it.
socket.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = "permessage-deflate"

This error might also be thrown if the server doesn't accept the incoming connection (regardless of the reasons), or if the server crashed.
Basically, when this message shows up, the best action would be to check what is going on the server as you might be wasting time trying improve client code (it happened to me :)

For those facing this issue when trying to connect to the backend WebSocket, make sure the front end and the backend version of the socket.io are compatible. Running the following command fixed the issue for me.
pod update
Updated the both to the latest and solved the issue.

this will fix your issue I believe. just add "wamp" in the header like this.
var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: URL)!)
request.setValue(["wamp"].joined(separator: ","), forHTTPHeaderField: "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")
socket = WebSocket(request: request)
socket.delegate = self


Alamofire request fails with nil response

I am getting numerous failed requests with Alamofire 5.3, where the response object itself is nil, or the error is "cannot parse response". I can see from the server logs that all of those requests are returning valid.
Here is my setup:
API manager class:
let config = Alamofire.Session.default.session.configuration
self.session = Alamofire.Session(configuration: config, interceptor: AccessTokenInterceptor())
class AccessTokenInterceptor: RequestInterceptor {
func adapt(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, for session: Alamofire.Session, completion: #escaping (AdapterResult<URLRequest>) -> Void) {
var adaptedRequest = urlRequest
adaptedRequest.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")
adaptedRequest.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
if let token = SettingsManager.shared.userToken {
adaptedRequest.setValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
This interceptor inserts my auth token from SettingsManager
I am also using the standard router for URLRequestConvertible where encoding is done by JSON serialization (dictionary) or Codable protocol (objects)
case .login(let body):
request.httpBody = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: body, options: [])
case .register(let object):
request.httpBody = try JSONEncoder().encode(object)
What is strange is that I don't think I'm doing anything different from the many other times I've used Alamofire and now the first request I make fails but the following one succeeds. If I remove the interceptor, there is no change.
If I inspect the outgoing headers or body content, it all seems normal, but the response from Alamofire is nil.
UPDATE: By using OS_ACTIVITY_MODE and iOS 13 I was able to see that it was complaining about the request headers and protocol. The server is on Elastic Beanstalk so I've been trying to mess with the SSL policy but still the first request fails every time.
This turned into quite the rabbit hole, so in the interest of community improvement, here is what I found.
After searching through the activity log errors, I noticed that iOS was complaining about an invalid header type -- upgrade. Searching for that value I found this question about removing the header. I learned that Apache acts as a proxy on Elastic Beanstalk but there is a mix up for HTTP/2 headers in the request, and iOS does not like that.
To get away from the header value, I ended up switching to Nginx proxy. Since my application uses Laravel, I then needed to deal with correcting the pretty URLs. To do that I found this answer. Now my web and mobile application both seem to be getting along nicely.

Swift Network.framework (websocket): read response headers set by the server

I’m trying to figure it out how a ws client can read additional headers set by the WebSocket server during the handshake.
Websocket Server (built using the NWProtocolWebSocket)
let wsOptions = NWProtocolWebSocket.Options()
wsOptions.setClientRequestHandler(serverQueue) { (_, headers) -> NWProtocolWebSocket.Response in
let additionalHeaders = [("custom-header", "hi there")]
return .init(status: .accept, subprotocol: nil, additionalHeaders: additionalHeaders)
Websocket Client (built using the NWProtocolWebSocket)
I'm aware that NWProtocolWebSocket.Metadata has an additionalServerHeaders but I don't know how to access it.
Any help? Thanks

GET and POST requests fail when going to my custom server

I have a linux based node.js server running on BlueHost that I have configured to respond to basic GET and POST requests. I have tested these requests extensively in Postman and they all seem to work great. I figured the transition to doing these requests from an app would not be too difficult but I am currently unable to get either of them to work.
I am using boilerplate code based on this repository. As an example here is the code I am using for the get request
guard let url = URL(string: "publicIP/test") else { print("Invalid url"); return }
let session = URLSession.shared
session.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, error) in
if let res = response {
if let d = data {
do {
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: d, options: [])
} catch {
This code works great for the https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users endpoint however whenever I try substituting it with my public ip (just like in Postman) and I keep getting the following error.
2018-02-18 01:14:35.633518-0800 Application[1248:321560] Task <2E64810D-C10E-4D45-82F5-9C9E37A5FE54>.<1> finished with error - code: -1002
Keep in mind this information is not passed throughout the error parameter as "ERRORED" is not printed.
Can you add this to your info.plist
That error should not be related to using HTTP instead of HTTPS. App Transport Security failures return error code -1022.
The error code -1002 indicates an invalid URL. Perhaps your HTTP file contains a structurally invalid URL (e.g. missing scheme, a scheme other than http/https, etc.)?
For additional debugging, set this environment variable
in your Xcode project and re-run the app. Once you know what URL is failing, the problem will likely become more obvious.
If it isn't, file a bug.
You can check the list of error code on below link
Apple Documentation NSURLErrorDomain Error Codes List
The issue was not any of the example code but merely a misunderstanding of what a url string should look like. I figured that I would need to match the url of the webpage as shown in the address bar of my web-browser but that is not exactly true because http does not show even if it is a part of the address in chrome.
The solution was simply to prepend http:// to the front of my url.

Alamofire JSON POST result in Error: The network connection was lost

Several people get this error for different reasons. None of the answers I've found have solved my problem.
I use Timberjack to log my Alamofire requests.
All my GET requests work fine and I receive data in JSON.
My POSTs on the other hand works around 1 out 10 times every time if the POST includes a JSON body.
The server does not specify any Keep-Alive header.
Deployment target is iOS 9.0
This is my shared Manager with Timberjack:
class HTTPManager: Alamofire.Manager{
static let sharedManager: HTTPManager = {
let configuration = Timberjack.defaultSessionConfiguration()
let manager = HTTPManager(configuration: configuration)
return manager
Defining the request:
let parameters: [String: AnyObject] = ["status":status]
request = HTTPManager.sharedManager.request(.POST, "\(baseURL)\(uri)", parameters: parameters, encoding: .JSON).validate()
Sending the request:
request!.responseJSON(queue: queue, options: .AllowFragments, completionHandler: { (response) in
//Handling the response
Most of the time the server receives an empty JSON body. But sometimes it does work and the body is received and the server responds with an OK. When it doesn't work I receive the error:
Error: The network connection was lost.
FAILURE: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1005 "The network connection was lost."
UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x12fa47cb0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1005 "The network connection was lost."
If someone can explain what's happening here I would be forever grateful :)
We let the server respond every call with "Connection": "close" which did nothing to help the problem. The app always sends "Connection": "keep-alive" by default and it cannot be changed. Could this be the problem? That the app thinks the connection is open even though it's closed by the server? But even though you wait a few minutes it seems as though the POST call only works at random.
Even when I wait 30 seconds between GET(s) and/or POST(s). GET always works. POST works at random (rarely). I get the -1005 error on most POSTs. Even though I get the network connection was lost error the server still receive my request but the JSON body is missing.
EDIT 3 - Ugly solution
In my response I check for the error code -1005, when I receive this error I just recreate the request and try again. This results in sending around 2-4 POST requests to the server where one POST works and the rest have empty JSON bodies.
Restart simulator or kill your app by throwing out from tasks.
Or check more solutions to this error code:
NSURLErrorDomain Code -1005 The network connection was lost

Alamofire http request to local webserver

I'm developing an iPhone app and the plan is to send a JSON packet every so often from the app to a local webserver. To do this, I had planned to use Alamofire. My POST method looks like this:
Alamofire.request(Alamofire.Method.POST, "http://XXX.XX.X.XX:3000/update", parameters: dictPoints, encoding: .JSON)
.responseJSON {(request, response, JSON, error) in
The IP address is marked out, but I've made sure that this corresponds to the IPv4 wireless address of my local server. The server is set to listen to port 3000. The server configuration looks like this:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var db = mongoose.connection;
db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:'));
db.once('open', function (callback) {
console.log("MongoDB connection is open.");
// Mongoose Schema definition
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var LocationSchema = new Schema({
//some schema here
// Mongoose Model definition
var LocationsCollection = mongoose.model('locations', LocationSchema);
// URL management
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html');
app.get('/update', function (req, res) {
console.log("Got something from the phone!");
// Start the server
var server = app.listen(3000, function () {
var host = server.address().address
var port = server.address().port
console.log('App listening at %s:%s',host, port)
So, this server seems to work ok. I can test it in my browser and type the URL: and it will feed me the index.html file. If I type in then I get the "Got something from the phone!" message. However, when I run my app (making sure my phone is on the same wireless network as the server) and the Alamofire method gets called... the response I get is nil. I also don't see the "Got something from the phone!" message. Can anyone let me know why that would be happening... or better yet, how to fix it?
A few thoughts:
You are creating a POST request in Alamofire, but you've told Express to handle GET requests for /update. Use app.post(...) if you want to handle it as a POST.
Your Alamofire code is looking for JSON response, but you don't appear to be creating a JSON response. In the short term, you could use responseString rather than responseJSON, but I presume you really want to change your web service to respond with JSON (to make it easier for the app to parse the responses).
Your Alamofire code sending a JSON request (but clearly when you send a request via the web browser, it's not JSON). Are you sure you wanted to send JSON request? (This is not to be confused with the JSON response issue.) Did you want to use the .URL encoding type parameter, rather than .JSON?
Whenever you have a request that works correctly from a web browser, but not from the app, it's useful to watch both using a tool like Charles and you can then compare how they differ and diagnose the source of the different behavior.
If you are running Express server and iOS Simulator on the same machine, try to use<port>/<url> instead of the actual IP, it helped in my case.
It sounds like the node server is not bound to the address you expect it to be. You should verify that when you type in the actual IP address in your "http://XXX.XX.X.XX:3000/update" in your web browser that it responds. Your question details suggest you've just been using the loopback address.
