Cordova camera support in iOS app conflicting with the ios location service - ios

We have implemented a hybrid application. Our application is having the function like Quick Receipts, it does when user click on the quick receipts icon, camera get opens, user can take the img and use it.
its working fine with android devices, but when same thing suppose to do with iOS devices, it's not working. The problem is in iOS is, camera get opens and when take the img, the control automatically moves to the dashboard without any actions. This happens when location services is ON.
(iOS devices setting/privacy/location service enable).
if location service is disabled, then there is no issue with quick receipts function, it works fine. Please suggest how we can fix this issue without concern location services enable or disable.


iOS asking for bluetooth permission even before the package is used

I'm using react-native-beacons-manager ( to scan beacons nearby using my react native app. It works perfectly but the issue is in iOS, it asks for bluetooth permission right when the app launches. But i only use this package in a screen where it's not loaded on app launch. In Android however it works as expected. It asks for permission only when i visit that screen.
What could be the reason for this and how can i fix this issue?

Web App accessing iOS camera for QR scanning

For 'check-in' purposes, my staffs have a mobile device (ios and android) that opens my web app through a browser. They then open a page and it allows them to scan a customer's qr code to check them in. I would like it to have as little user interaction as possible. All they staff needs to do is to keep the webapp open, and scan the qr code. The web app will then call an api on my server which check this customer in. So accessing the camera's view is best, i can then run a qr code scanner.
I've been able to do it for android (using getUserMedia) but it doesnt work for ios. (duhhh)
I'm currently using Vue.js(V1), and would like to keep it as it is.
Hybrid Apps: I've looked at OnsenUI(which seems to only work with vue2), Ionic(which doesnt allow me to build/run ios platform as i am using windows).
webapp is coded with vue.js(v1), running on a tomcat7 server, HTML, JS.
Are there any suggestions?
I've found a way to use Phonegap to allow this.
Edit: Phonegap allows you to create a hybrid app that seems like a native app(ios or android). All i did was install phonegap and used one of their plugins (barcodescanner). This is the refrence i used.
But, from my understanding, You'll need to publish the app on the app store, which is a lot of hassle (and cost money).

Is there a way to prompt a user to turn on/off WiFi in iOS from an Alert?

I have this problem where when I go out my iPhone 6s on iOS 9.3.4 tries to connect to every hotspot I pass. Then when it is trying to connect I can't get emails/texts/alerts etc. My solution has been to turn off WiFi. But then I get home again and forget to turn it back on and I wonder why my internet is so slow until I remember to turn WiFi back on. I got the idea for an app to build a geofence around my house and turn off WiFi when I leave that area. I know I can't do this automatically because of the iOS sandboxing restriction, but can I pop an alert when I cross the geofence boarder that asks if I want to turn WiFi on/off?
I haven't found anything current that allows me to do this. I have searched extensively and only found "Stumbler" but it appears to be from 2007. I only know C# and do all my app development in Xamarin so C# code would be best or if you know of any libraries/components/plugins.
Also, I just want this app for myself so no need to submit to app store.

Enabling MQTT Service in Background in Hybrid Applications for iOS environment

I'm using MobileFirst Platform 7.1 with Paho MQTT (Internet of Things), I'm trying to implement a Hybrid Application with mqtt for Android and iOS.
I have tested the app in Android and it is working as expected, when it is in the foreground and background,
While in iOS, it does not work as expected. It works correctly in the foreground, but not in the background. I was testing using the iPhone Simulator of XCode and iPhone 6.
I found a project which implemented with MobileFirst and MQTT. from
i am just adding host and port number and adding android,ios environment.but same problem facing android working iOS not.
at this moment what can i do ?
in iOS, it works correctly foreground.but when i send background the "MQTT client" connection lost form broker.
this method fire :
this.client.onConnectionLost = function() {
alert("Connection lost!");
on the other hand , android , windows it work perfectly for foreground and background
For example :
I have a room there have a PIR sensor. it work like publisher . my application user is a subscriber .
when user out the room that that time she open application,subscribe and
send application background.
anytime someone entire the room that time , she will be get a notification.
Details on how to run in the background on iOS can be found here. This link also lists the actions that Apple allows to run in the background, if your app does not meet those criteria then it is likely to get bumped from the app store.
The list also shows which UIBackgroundModes to place in your Info.plist to flag that your app needs background access.
I can not found at least one way to mange it for hybrid application ,tried with several way ,failed and mange it easily for native application MQTT iOS background.
Plan support for new platforms (iOS, Windows Phone)
Add background service support in Android version
more check this link

Device Notification or value change, find it in other device

I'm developing some application which should notify my current device values into other devices within certain area. Let say i'm having app, the same app installed in other 3 devices. When i change something in my device, that should be notified in other device. Like, i'm selecting one button, that button selection should be on other 3 devices too.
Is it possible to do without web service and is there any specific frameworks there in iOS to do this task. Its kind of bluetooth searching devices within the area. It should be within the room, without any internet or wifi something.
Can anyone help me to find the solution.
